Wife my

Chapter Wife my 211-220

Chapter 211

“Vonnie, let me ask you something.”

“What’s up?”

“Is it that obvious that I…like her?”

Yvonne, the cheeky girl, figured it out in a heartbeat. Was she just too sharp, or was he too eager?

“Are you kidding? You think you’re being subtle?” Yvonne shot back.

“I’m asking you, okay? No need to flip out on me.” Sebastian furrowed his brow. “Just answer my question.”

Yvonne replied, “Yep, you’re as clear as day. One glance, and I could tell there was something off between you two,”

Something off between us?” Sebastian propped his chin on the table edge. Then, he turned around, his expression somewhat awkward. ” So, do you think it’s just me who’s off, or…”

He paused, looking a bit embarrassed, but there was an urgency to know the answer.

Yvonne had never seen her brother so flustered in all her years. It turned out that even the mighty CEO of Skycrest Enterprise could be at a loss when he liked a woman.

“It’s just you,” Yvonne replied bluntly, knowing exactly what Sebastian was asking. “Clearly, you’re pining away.”

Yvonne was loving this. Finally, she had a chance to throw the

ultimate shade at her dear brother.

Sebastian’s face immediately soured, looking like he was blaming Yvonne for being so direct. However, he was also contradictory–he

didn’t want Yvonne to lie, either.

The truth always stung, yet had to be faced.

“What’s up? Are you feeling down? Yvonne sat beside him. Her chin was resting on her hand as she stared playfully at him.

“No wisecracks,” Sebastian squashed her little scheme. “Our conversation today stays between us, or else.”

“Okay, I got it. I definitely can’t tell your Rose, right?” Yvonne teased.

“What do you mean, ‘my Rose‘?” Sebastian’s heart skipped a beat. She’s not mine.”

“Oh, really? I thought you wished she was. Guess I misjudged. You’re not that into her after all.”

Yvonne found it amusing to poke fun at the lofty man like this.

“Yvonne, you’re just itching for trouble, aren’t you?” Sebastian was both annoyed and exasperated by his sister’s words.

Seems like he’s been caught.

He stood up, pushing the chair aside. “Go get some sleep.”

With that, he picked up his tablet and started to leave..

Yvonne stepped in his way. “Seb, since when did you become such a coward? If you like her, just confess.”

“What do you know?” Sebastian’s expression turned serious. “If I confess to her in her current state, don’t you think she’ll just run away from me?”

Yvonne suddenly realized it. “Oh, looks like you understand that Rose doesn’t like you, Seb. She just sees you as a friend.”

Sebastian felt a sudden pang in his heart. Yvonne’s words were akin to a needle poking into his chest.


It hurt.

Though Yvonne was mischievous, she was also astute. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have seen through Sebastian’s feelings in an instant. Now she also saw that her brother was feeling uncomfortable

because of her words.

Finally, someone could get a handle on the aloof Sebastian–it was great!

“But then again, not liking now doesn’t mean she won’t like later. After all, she’s getting a divorce. Seb, you’ve got plenty of chances,” Yvonne teased. Her words left Sebastian feeling both flustered and relieved.

Sebastian’s stormy expression gradually cleared.

He covered his lips with his clenched fist, and cleared his throat. Then, he asked in a low voice, “Do you really think so?”


Otherwise, she might easily notice your feelings. You better hide them. a bit, or you’ll scare her off.”

Sebastian felt a bit uneasy. “Is it really that obvious?”

“Seb, how about this? Next time you face Rose, I’ll secretly tak a picture. Then, you can see for yourself the look in your eyes.”

Just talking about it made Yvonne feel goosebumps.

Sebastian frowned, and said in a somewhat resigned manner, I’ll be more careful next time.”

“At times like this, you need your little sister’s help.” Yvonne tugged lightly at his sleeve. “Even the best general needs soldiers to help him. charge into battle. This little sister of yours will take on this important. task.”

Sebastian scoffed lightly. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Don’t you trust me?”

“Trust you? Yeah, right! Go and sleep. Stay out of my business with Rose,” Sebastian snapped.

Even if Yvonne accidentally messed things up, she was still his sister. He couldn’t bring himself to retaliate against her.

Sebastian pulled away from Yvonne’s arm, and left the dining room. After showering in his room, he still couldn’t sleep.

He leaned against the headboard, continuing to browse through his tablet for suitable recipes. He followed recipes step by step when cooking. He had a strong ability to learn, so even if he hadn’t cooked something before, it wouldn’t turn out too bad as long as he followed the steps and the measurements.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He grabbed it without checking the caller ID, and answered, “Hello.”

“Bring Rose out. I’m taking her back came the voice on the other en

Sebastian’s heart skipped a beat. He immediately threw off the covers, and went to the window. Outside, he saw a car parked by th gate, its lights flashing incessantly.

A sense of foreboding washed over him.

“Theodore, what are you up to at this hour?” Sebastian said, his voic cold

“I want to take my wife home. Are you going to bring her out yourself or do I have to break down this gate” Theodore’s voice was ominous

Sebastian scoffed, “The esteemed CEO of SK Enterprise wants to trespass like a bandit. This is truly an eye–opener.”

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 212

“Of course,” Yvonne said, trying to please him as she hooked her arm around his. “My dear brother, you’re no handsome and charming. You know how many women like you, right? You’re not oblivious to that.”

“If it’s not the one I want, what’s the use even if there are ten thousand?” Sebastian sighed desolately. “What I want, I can’t have, So, it’s all meaningless.”

Seeing Sebastian sighing like that, Yvonne comforted him. “You’re feeling down right at the beginning, which isn’t like you at all. Don’t worry. Your little sister will cheer you up!”

Sebastian turned his head away. “Are you saying you really support


“Of course, you’re my brother. Why wouldn’t I support you?”

“Even if she’s been married before and is carrying another man’s child, you don’t think there’s anything wrong with that?”

Sebastian himself certainly didn’t think there was anything wrong. He didn’t have outdated, closed–off thinking, but he didn’t expect his

family to be as open–minded.

“So what? You like her, and you’re happy. That’s all that matters. Besides, who doesn’t have a past?”

Yvonne was very open–minded and cheerful.

Sebastian felt relieved. He raised his hand, and gently rubbed her head. “Let’s not talk about this to anyone, Rose is grieving right now, and I won’t take advantage of her vulnerability. Don’t say any

nonsense to her either, okay?”

“Got it. It’s lucky she’s grieving now and focused on another man.

She might easily notice your feelings. You better hide

a bit, or you’ll scare her off.”

Sebastian felt a bit uneasy. “Is it really that obvious?”

“Seb, how about this? Next time you face Rose, I’ll secretly take a picture. Then, you can see for yourself the look in your eyes.”

Just talking about it made Yvonne feel goosebumps.

Sebastian frowned, and said in a somewhat resigned manner, “I more careful next time.”

“At times like this, you need your little sister’s help.” Yvonne tug lightly at his sleeve. “Even the best general needs soldiers to help charge into battle. This little sister of yours will take on this import task.”

Sebastian scoffed lightly. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah! Don’t you trust me?”

“Trust you? Yeah, right! Go and sleep. Stay out of my business wi Rose,” Sebastian snapped.

Even if Yvonne accidentally messed things up, she was still his siste He couldn’t bring himself to retaliate against her.

Sebastian pulled away from Yvonne’s arm, and left the dining room After showering in his room, he still couldn’t sleep.

He leaned against the headboard, continuing to browse through his tablet for suitable recipes. He followed recipes step by step when cooking. He had a strong ability to learn, so even if he hadn’t cooked something before, it wouldn’t turn out too bad as long as he followed the steps and the measurements.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He grabbed it without checking the caller ID, and answered, “Hello.”

+25 BONU

“Bring Rose out. I’m taking her back,” came the voice on the other end.

Sebastian’s heart skipped a beat. He immediately threw off the covers, and went to the window. Outside, he saw a car parked by the gate, its lights flashing incessantly.

A sense of foreboding washed over him.

“Theodore, what are you up to at this hour?” Sebastian said, his voice cold.

“I want to take my wife home. Are you going to bring her out yourself, or do I have to break down this gate?” Theodore’s voice was ominous.

Sebastian scoffed, “The esteemed CEO of SK Enterprise wants to trespass like a bandit. This is truly an eye–opener.”

Chapter 213

“An eye–opener, huh? There’s still plenty for you to learn in this world,” Theodore muttered angrily. “Tell Rose I’m waiting downstairs for her. My patience is wearing thin, and I don’t mind making a scene.”

Without waiting for a response, Theodore hung up the phone.

Sebastian gritted his teeth in frustration, his eyes flashing with icy fury. Theodore was behaving in such an unreasonable manner. There must be something wrong with his brain!

Theodore was already here, and Sebastian couldn’t keep it from

Rosalie. She had the right to know.

What Rosalie hated the most was being lied to. Theodore had already deceived her enough, and Sebastian couldn’t deceive her like

Theodore did.

Meanwhile, Rosalie was in a daze and half–asleep. When she heard Sebastian mention Theodore’s arrival, all her drowsiness vanished and she sat up abruptly in bed.

She opened the door to find Sebastian standing outside.

“Rose, stay in your room. I’ll go down and send him away,” Sebastian said, clarifying that he didn’t intend for Rosalie to leave with Theodore. Rosalie clutched her clothes tightly. She didn’t want to see Theodore now. Just hearing his name made her instinctively recoil and feel unbearable pain in her heart.

She hadn’t expected Theodore to show up here late at night.

Was he out of his mind? They were getting divorced tomorrow, so


what was the point?

Knowing Rosalie didn’t want to see Theodore, Sebastian headed downstairs to send him away. If Theodore insisted on causing

trouble, Sebastian didn’t care. He was itching for a fight.

If Rosalie gave the word, he’d happily take on Theodore- consequences be damned!

Before Sebastian reached the door, Rosalie hurriedly caught up with him.

“Sebastian,” ahe called out to him.

Sebastian turned back. “Rose, why did you come down? Go back to your room. I’ll handle this.”

“No, I have to handle this. It’s between me and Theodore. I don’t want to bother you.”

“Rose, it’s not a bother. You don’t have to worry. I’ll…”

“Sebastian,” Rosalie interrupted him. “If you consider me a friend, then listen to me. You go inside first, and I’ll handle this with Theodore.”

If Sebastian and Theodore met, they would surely argue; maybe even come to blows. After thinking it over, Rosalie decided it was best for her to go alone. As long as they weren’t divorced yet, she couldn’t avoid Theodore.

Rosalie’s eyes showed urgency. Though she wasn’t crying, they glistened like tears, evoking a painful heartache in Sebastian’s chest.

Sebastian sighed and nodded. “Alright. If anything seems wrong, call me right away.”

Rosalie nodded back, and gently nudged Sebastian. “Go in, okay?” Sebastian stepped back. He stood at the door, but did

didn’t go in


Rosalie walked towards the front gate.

A black sports car was parked outside. Theodore stepped out, his tall figure exuding an aura of coldness in the dark night.

He strode towards Rosalie, his voice chilly as he said, “Open the gate.”

“What do you want?” Rosalie tried to remain calm.

“I’m taking you home,” Theodore replied with a stormy look.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to go back. It’s late, and it’s inappropriate for you to be here. Please go back on your own,” Rosalie said, trying to maintain a polite tone.

Chapter 214

Theodore narrowed his eyes and snapped coldly, “And how is it appropriate for you to be here?! Don’t forget, you’re still a married woman!”

“Don’t forget, we’re getting divorced tomorrow,” Rosalie retorted.

“It’s today, not tomorrow,” Theodore snapped back.

He grabbed the iron gate, causing it to rattle. Rosalie instinctively took a few steps back, her face filled with fear.

Seeing the fear in her eyes, Theodore realized he had frightened her. He softened his tone, and released the gate.

“As long as we’re not divorced yet, you’re still Mrs. Spencer. What would people say about you staying overnight at another man’s place?

“Seriously?” Rosalie scoffed. “And what about you?! You’re a married man, but when another woman calls you, you rush to accompany her and stay out all night. What does that make you?”

“That’s different. Cindy was sick, I had to go to the hospital! What about you and Sebastian? I bet you two have been fooling around for ages!”

Rosalie’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened in shock. “What nonsense are you spouting? When did I ever get involved with him? We’re just friends! Don’t make baseless accusations!”

Theodore was being absurd. He was fooling around with Cynthia, yet here he was, accusing her!

“Baseless accusations? Hah.” Theodore clenched his fists. “Didn’t you tell me that you first met Sebastian in college? I asked you again


later, and you gave the same answer. You’re lying to me! You knew him before that.”

Rosalie’s heart sank, and she shot him an incredulous look. “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean? Can’t you understand?” Theodore’s face turned grim as he continued sarcastically, “On your birthday, you were all dressed up and having dinner with him. That’s not a wonder, though, since you’ve been together for a while, right? It was your birthday, so of course you wanted him there!”

Rosalie’s head was spinning. She felt as though someone had struck her on her head. Caleb was probably the one who told Theodore about that day.

Theodore turned red with anger, his teeth clenched. “Why aren’t you saying anything? Feeling guilty?”

“Why should I feel guilty?” Rosalie’s eyes were fearless. “Yes, I did have dinner with Sebastian on my birthday. That was the first time I met him. The restaurant was fully booked, so we shared a table. Caleb probably misunderstood when he saw us. Later, I told you we first met in college to avoid any misunderstandings.”

“Misunderstandings? Are you sure?” Theodore smirked cynically, not believing a word.

“Whether you believe it or not, that is the truth. I have nothing to gain from lying to you now. We’re getting divorced anyway, and it’s not like I want to salvage anything in this relationship. What’s the point of lying to you?” she shot back.

Theodore clenched his fist and slammed it against the iron gate and a loud bang resounded. The resounding noise from

him the impression of a tran


Rosalie took a deep breath, trying hard to restrain her panic.

“Leave, please. We’ll meet at the clerk’s office at nine tomorrow.”


This was the last night she would get angry because of him. She was tired of being accused by him over and over again for no reason.

“Come back with me!” Theodore demanded sternly. “I won’t allow you to stay here tonight!”

Rosalie must have come here last night. Had he known about this yesterday, he would never have let Rosalie come here.

His wife actually spent the night at another man’s place!

Even though he was divorcing her, Theodore couldn’t accept it. Whether it was due to male possessiveness or an inferiority complex,

he just couldn’t allow it!

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 215

Rosalie was almost fuming from Theodore’s domineering attitude.

He could spend time with Cynthia, but she couldn’t stay overnight at a friend’s place? What a joke!

“Theodore, I’m not going back. If you want to go back, go yourself. We’re getting divorced tomorrow, so don’t think you can control me.”

She was fed up with this man controlling her emotions.

“Open the door.”

Theodore was like a volcano about to erupt, its molten lava underneath gathering immense force and reaching its critical point.

Naturally, Rosalie didn’t dare to open the door. She was afraid. Theodore would burst in. Instead, she looked at him anxiously.

“Theodore, please don’t force me, okay? Look at us now. What’s the point of doing this? Even if I go back tonight, we’ll still get divorced tomorrow!”

Theodore raised his foot and kicked the iron gate hard. “Open the door!”

From afar, Sebastian noticed something was wrong. He immediately walked over.

“Theodore, don’t pick on Rose! Haven’t you tormented her enough? How far do you want to push her? You’re way out of line!”

“Sebastian, you don’t get to lecture me! Who do you think you are?” Theodore roared.

He usually appeared as an elegant gentleman in public, but who would have thought he could be so volatile in private?


Even the most perfect person, once ignited with primal emotions, could behave like children pulling each other’s hair for candy.

“Yeah, I’m no one,” Sebastian sneered sarcastically. “But you’re even less than that. Rose was unlucky to marry you, but thankfully, she’ll be free tomorrow!”

“Shut up!” Theodore roared. “Rose, I’m telling you one last time! Come home with me!”

Sebastian pulled Rosalie behind him protectively.

“She won’t go with you. It’s really absurd. Clearly, you’re the one who messed up. But now, you’re acting like you’re the victim and pushing all the blame onto her. It’s ridiculous!”

“Okay, enough.” Rosalie gently tugged at Sebastian’s sleeve. She was worried that if he said too much, it would only serve to heighten Theodore’s anger and cause things to spiral out of control.

Theodore saw Rosalie’s subtle action towards Sebastian, and it only fueled his fury. “Sebastian, if you’re still a man, open the damn door! Stop hiding behind it!”

“Fine, I’ll open it!”

Sebastian was about to open the door when Rosalie hurriedly stopped him. “Don’t.”

She pushed Sebastian back forcefully, taking a few steps herself. If Sebastian opened the door, these two men might end up fighting.

“Rosalie, is this your choice? No wonder you said you’re unhappy and fed up with me. Apparently, you can only be happy with Sebastian!” Theodore’s tone was mocking, his sarcastic smile piercing. “How long have you been together? A year? Two years? Three years?”

Sebastian clenched his fist, his knuckles cracking. He was about to


speak, when Rosalie interrupted him with a shout.

“Yes, you’re right!” She grabbed Sebastian’s arm, her tone triumphant as she said, “We’ve been together for a long time. On my birthday, I dressed up nicely for a date with him, but Caleb ruined it. Your divorce is perfect timing because I can’t wait to be with Sebastian.”

Sebastian paused slightly, surprised by Rosalie’s words.

Chapter 216

Sebastian knew that Rosalie was only saying these things because she was desperate, not out of malice. He could sense that the person most hurt by her words was herself.

Theodore’s eyes were almost bloodshot with barely contained rage, but suddenly, he started laughing.

“Hahaha! Rosalie, you’ve made yourself out to be the victim here. It’s like you’re accusing me of cheating, but you’ve been with this man all along. You have no right to stand here crying and acting all innocent in front of me!”

Rosalie could feel his heartless words stabbing her right in the chest. She was in so much pain that she could barely breathe.

Sebastian was furious. Theodore was a complete bastard!

He wanted to punch him or at least yell at Theodore, but he knew that arguing now would solve nothing. Everyone was too angry, and it would only make things worse for Rosalie.

So, Sebastian held back. Instead, he grasped Rosalie’s hand to comfort her.

Rosalie wiped the tears from her eyes, and smiled calmly. “If you don’t want to see me looking all pitiful and teary–eyed, then don’t come here at night. What are you doing here? Don’t you see how ridiculous you are? Your words and actions don’t match at all!”

Rosalie thought she was the most ridiculous woman in the world. But now, she realized Theodore was just as ridiculous.

How did two such ridiculous people end up together? It was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole–it just wouldn’t work.


Maybe Cupid had gotten drunk and tied the wrong red strings.

together, forcing two mismatched shapes to be bound. Now that he had sobered up, he was tearing those strings apart.

A terrible silence suddenly fell between the three of them. Every second seemed to stretch on endlessly.

When Theodore spoke again, his voice was calm. He was no longer as agitated as before. He took a few steps back and leaned lazily

against the car, crossing his arms with a small smile.

“Rose, we’ve talked about getting a divorce so many times, but something always comes up and we never go through with it. What if something happens again tomorrow, and we can’t finalize the divorce? What, then?”

Rosalie’s face went pale, her eyes wide in shock. She rushed forward and grabbed the iron gate. “Theodore, what are you saying?”

A cunning look flashed in Theodore’s eyes.

He replied unhurriedly, “Exactly what I said. Tomorrow, we might not be able to get divorced. Maybe I’ll have a drink or be busy with something, like spending time with Cindy. There’s always some chaotic thing popping up. With so much going on, who has time to get a divorce?”

He acted like he was troubled, but also seemed to be considering what might come up the next day. His expression told Rosalie that he would always find something to keep them from divorcing.

Rosalie’s breathing quickened, and she gripped the iron gate tighter. She shouted, “Theodore Spencer, we agreed to get divorced tomorrow! Why are you doing this?”

“Why?” Theodore narrowed his eyes coldly. “I never said we wouldn’t get divorced. I’m just saying something might come up tomorrow to


delay it. The future is unpredictable.”

An unpredictable future, indeed–one that Theodore could manipulate at will!

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 217

Rosalie sneered, “Do you think this is fair to Cynthia? She’s waiting in the hospital, hoping you’ll divorce me. You promise her every time, but you keep breaking your word. Have you ever thought about how she feels? How can you be with her if you don’t divorce me?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything with Cindy,Theodore said nonchalantly, adjusting his sleeve. “Even if I don’t divorce you, I can still have a wedding with Cindy. As for you and me, our marriage is just in name only. You can stay alone, while Cindy and I go on with our lives.”

“Theodore, you’re despicable,Sebastian seethed, his anger boiling over. “You’re hurting both Rose and Cynthia. You’re a real bastard!”

“Yes, I’m a bastard!” Theodore’s eyes were cold, and he let out a mocking laugh. “Things are already this way, so what’s the worst that can happen now?”

He straightened up, his voice turning icy. “Rosalie, since you don’t want to come back with me, stay here. Don’t bother going to the clerk’s office tomorrow. We’ll just drag this out. It won’t stop me from enjoying myself.”

Theodore pulled open the car door, and he got in without starting the engine, as if he were waiting.

Rosalie’s legs went weak, and she sank to the ground in agony. She felt like she was on the edge of a volcano. Theodore’s despicable behavior continuously shattered her perception of him. She never imagined he could go this far.

It was laughable–she had once believed he had some good in him. Now, it was clear that whatever good she saw was completely overshadowed by his current actions.


“Rose,” Sebastian said, stepping forward to support her as she struggled to stand, his concern evident. “Let me help you back to rest. Don’t worry about what Theodore says. He’s just trying to threaten you.”

Rosalie still clung to the iron gate, knowing full well that Theodore was using the threat of not divorcing her to force her to go back with him. She truly had enough of this marriage.

She couldn’t bear the thought of continuing like this, and she was especially worried about the baby she was carrying. The doctor had repeatedly stressed the importance of her taking good care of herself –but with everything happening recently, her health was at risk. If they didn’t divorce soon and more stress affected her, it might harm the baby.

No, she had to get divorced tomorrow, no matter what it took!

She had enough of Theodore using his status as her husband to hurt her without remorse!

Theodore seemed to lose patience. He started the engine and drove off. Rosalie panicked and quickly pressed a button next to the iron gate. As the gate opened, she ran out.

Sebastian chased after her. “Rose!”

“Theodore, wait! Stop right there!” Rosalie shouted.

The car hadn’t gone far, and came to a halt at her call.

Rosalie stopped, clutching her stomach, and turned to Sebastian. “I’ll go with him tomorrow to get the divorce. I’m leaving now.”

“Rose, are you sure you want to go with him? I’m worried about you.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It will all be over tomorrow. Thank you for everything. We’ll stay in touch.”

wouldn’t happen tomorrow

Chapter 218

Rosalie walked slowly towards Theodore’s car and got into the

passenger seat. Theodore glanced at her coldly, his expression hard and unyielding.

“Put your seatbelt on,” he commanded icily.

Usually, he might have buckled it for her. But this time, he only reminded her. Their relationship had long since spiraled into a deep


Rosalie numbly fastened her seatbelt and slumped against the seat, staring at the rearview mirror. In it, she saw the solitary figure of Sebastian standing in the darkness, filled with worry.

Closing her eyes in pain, Rosalie turned her head away.

Sebastian stood still until the sports car disappeared from view. He

didn’t move an inch.

Footsteps approached from behind. Yvonne, half–asleep, walked over. She rubbed her messy hair, and looked at Sebastian in confusion.

“Why are you outside? What happened?”

She had been sleeping soundly when she heard some commotion. Coming downstairs, she found the large gate open. She saw

Sebastian standing outside, staring into the dark, with only the gate’s light illuminating his long shadow.

He sighed heavily, and turned back inside.

Yvonne followed him, and asked, “What happened? Seb, say something.”

As the gate closed, Sebastian said, “Rose went home. Her husband


came to pick her up.”

“What? Her husband found her here?”

Seeing the lonely look in Sebastian’s eyes, Yvonne wondered if a dramatic scene had occurred. But wasn’t Rosalie supposed to be divorcing her husband? What was going on?

She wished she had come down earlier to see the whole situation. She wanted to see what kind of man Rosalie’s husband was, and if he could possibly compare to her brother.

Sebastian was handsome, wealthy, gentle, and elegant. Few men could match up to him!

Sebastian didn’t say anything more, and walked dejectedly into the house.

Rosalie and Theodore didn’t speak during the drive. When they got home, Theodore walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

Rosalie was exhausted. Still in her pajamas, she stumbled out of the car, her legs weak and unsteady.

With a stern expression, Theodore stepped forward and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her into the hall.

Rosalie didn’t bother to struggle. She spoke softly, but firmly,”

Tomorrow at nine, we have to get divorced. Even if the sky falls, we’re ending this marriage first!”

She had truly had enough!

She was utterly exhausted, and was beyond physical fatigue. Physical tiredness could be relieved with a few days of rest. But how long would it take to recover when the heart, mind, and soul were tired?


“I know,” Theodore said coldly as he carried her upstairs. “The sooner we get divorced, the sooner you can be with Sebastian!”

He was convinced that Rosalie and Sebastian had a special relationship. She had even spent the night at Sebastian’s place, leaving no room for doubt.

Rosalie didn’t want to argue anymore. She had no desire to explain herself. They were getting divorced tomorrow, so it didn’t matter what he thought. He could believe whatever he wanted.

Her silence seemed to confirm his suspicions, darkening Theodore’s expression even more. Whether she spoke or stayed silent, he was infuriated either way.

As they reached the top of the stairs, he suddenly stopped and looked down at the flight of steps below.

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 219

Rosalie saw Theodore’s dark expression, and feared he might throw her down the stairs.

In the past, she would have been sure Theodore wouldn’t do

something like that. But now, everything was different. This man

might do anything, including throwing her down the stairs.

Why else would he stop here?

She couldn’t shake the thought.

Theodore stared at her in silence, his black eyes so deep and

inscrutable they looked like a dark, cold sea.

Rosalie swallowed hard, her heart pounding in fear. She glanced at the staircase, dreading the thought of being thrown down. If he did, she’d be severely injured, and the baby wouldn’t survive.

Compared to Theodore, she was physically weak and couldn’t

possibly fight back. If he wanted to throw her, he could do it as easily as tossing a small bird.

Driven by maternal instinct to protect her unborn child, she clutched Theodore’s collar. Her eyes were wide with fear. “Let’s not fight anymore tonight, okay?”

She resolved to endure whatever it took, no matter how angry or hurt she felt, until the divorce was finalized tomorrow. Then, she would move out immediately and stay far away from Theodore forever.

But she didn’t dare voice these thoughts, afraid of provoking him further. He was much too unpredictable.

She couldn’t help but think of news stories about husbands killing their wives. The punishments the men get



Theodore noticed her panicked expression and glanced at the stairs, seemingly understanding her fear.

“You think I’m going to throw you down here?”

Sometimes, he couldn’t fathom what Rosalie was thinking, and it

frustrated him. Other times, he felt like he could read her mind

perfectly, which also frustrated him.

Rosalie swallowed again, saying nothing. However, Theodore could already see the answer in her eyes.

Theodore’s chest heaved heavily. His heart was pounding, and a spark of fire lit in his eyes. Suddenly, he loosened his grip, as if he was about to throw her down the stairs.

“Ahhh!” Rosalie cried out in terror, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging tightly to him. “Don’t!”

She was trembling in his arms like a frightened little rabbit. Her face went pale with fear, and her grip tightened around him.

Theodore had only loosened his hold slightly, without any real intention of letting her go. He could never actually do such a thing- but seeing her so scared filled him with deep frustration. A heavy stone seemed to have dropped on his chest, and wouldn’t budge.

She obviously didn’t trust him.

Despite their years of knowing each other and being the closest people in the world, she didn’t trust him at all. She actually believed he might throw her down the stairs.

Did she really think he was that kind of man?

Feeling the intense anger in his eyes, Rosalie’s heart

avoided his gaze, too afraid +


guilt without knowing exactly why.

Perhaps the guilt came from the realization that she had indeed thought of him as someone who could throw her down the stairs.

Theodore held her there for several minutes, not the least bit out of breath. The entire time, his expression was unreadable.

Chapter 220

Theodore had always been strong. Even though Rosalie felt tired in his arms, she couldn’t see any signs of fatigue on his face.

After a while, his gaze shifted away from her face, and he carried her away. He carried her all the way back to their room, laying her roughly on the bed. Though his actions were a bit harsh, the bed was soft, and she didn’t feel uncomfortable.

However, from his demeanor, she knew he was angry.

Theodore was still in his suit; a few buttons of his shirt undone, revealing his strong chest. He stood with his hands on his hips, glaring coldly at Rosalie on the bed.

He wanted to say something to her, but seeing her panicked face and clutching the blanket, he gritted his teeth and dropped his hands. Then, he impatiently threw his jacket aside.

Rosalie wrapped herself tightly in the blanket, adopting a defensive posture.

They were getting divorced tomorrow, but Theodore had brought her back to their shared bedroom. Was he planning to spend the night here?

She didn’t want to engage in any sentimental last–night embraces with him. They had gone through too many of those.

Theodore turned and left, slamming the door behind him. Rosalie’s heart raced as the door slammed shut. She hugged the blanket to her chest, trembling weakly.

She had been sleeping peacefully at Sebastian’s place, but Theodore had suddenly dragged her back here. Now, she couldn’t fall asleep.

She tossed and turned in bed, restless.

She reached for her phone to check the time, only to realize it was still at Sebastian’s place.

As the night wore on, she finally felt a wave of sleepiness wash over her.

Rosalie drifted off to sleep. Not long after, the door burst open, startling her awake.

She sat up abruptly in bed. If she had to endure a few more of these, she’d end up with a heart attack. The room’s light flicked on, and Theodore walked in. He was still wearing the same clothes as he approached her bedside.

As he got closer, Rosalie caught a whiff of the strong scent of alcohol. She furrowed her brow.

“Have you been drinking again?”

It was almost an instinctive reaction.

He had stomach problems, but he insisted on drinking. Wasn’t he just tormenting himself?

“What, now the woman who thought I was going to throw her down the stairs cares if I’m drinking or not?” His icy tone carried a hint of mockery.

Rosalie’s hand, hidden beneath the covers, clenched suddenly. She replied coldly, “Who cares about you? I was just asking a question. Drink if you want. It’s your body, not mine!”

After their divorce, he would be Cynthia’s problem. There would be other women to care about him. Why should Rosalie care?

Rosalie lay back down, pulling the covers over herself, signaling that she didn’t want to engage further. But Theodore suddenly stepped

forward, yanking the covers off her.

“What are you doing?” Rosalie sat up again, her expression now tinged with impatience. “It’s late, and I want to sleep. We have a divorce to finalize tomorrow. You also go back and sleep too so you’re not hungover in the morning.”

“Oh, is that so?” Theodore smirked suddenly, his expression dripping with sarcasm. “Worried I’ll be too drunk to go through with the divorce tomorrow?”

Rosalie retorted, “If you remember we’re getting divorced tomorrow, then you’re not too drunk to function. So go back to sleep.”

“Go back? Where do you want me to go? This is my room, isn’t it?” Theodore sat down on the edge of the bed, the mockery in his voice still thick.

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