Wife my

Chapter Wife my 181 -190

Chapter 181

Theodore leaned against the wall with one hand, every muscle taut. Rosalie was close, and she felt every ounce of his strength.

He didn’t seem weak at all; yet strangely enough, she believed his


Theodore stared at her flushed cheeks. A thin mist covered her fair face, making her look even lovelier than usual, she was irresistibly


Rosalie appeared delicate and vulnerable, but he knew she needed care too. Her heart was soft; despite his many faults, she forgave him

time and time.

At only twenty–one, she was in the prime of her youth–and yet, she always seemed saddened by him.

Sometimes, he really did feel like a jerk.

After Theodore finished bathing, Rosalie’s face was almost as red as a tomato. She dried him off, blew dry his hair, dressed him in pajamas, and helped him into bed.

The whole process felt like she was taking care of a child.

As Theodore lay in bed, silently watching her bustling around for him, she placed a glass of water on his bedside table. “You should rest


“What about you?”

He held her hand, reluctant to let her go, like a sick child unwilling to part with his mother.

Rosalie smiled tenderly. “I’ll take a shower and come back soon. You


sleep first.”

Theodore nodded obediently, and closed his eyes..

Suddenly, Rosalie felt a sense of maternal satisfaction. She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

Once she was inside, Theodore immediately opened his eyes. He pulled down the covers, as he felt unbearably hot.

After Rosalie finished showering, she came out wearing pajamas. She found him on the bed, seemingly asleep. She sat by the bed, staring at him for a while before lying down beside him, covering them both with the blanket.

Just as she reached out to turn off the light, Theodore turned over. He pulled her into his arms tightly, then said in a husky voice, “You smell so good.”

Rosalie blushed. “You’re not asleep yet?”

She thought he was already asleep.

“Yeah,” Theodore murmured. “I waited for you. I couldn’t sleep. You smell amazing.”

“Don’t we both smell the same?”

They both used the same shower gel, which carried a jasmine fragrance.

Theodore hugged her tighter, burying his head in her neck and inhaling her scent deeply. “You smell better than me.”

Rosalie couldn’t help but smile. He always made everything a competition, and wanted to let her win.

“Alright, I smell good. Now hurry up and sleep. The doctor said you need rest,” she urged.


“Rose, don’t be angry at me, okay?”

He sounded almost pitiful, like a child, as he spoke softly by her


“Why would I be angry at you when everything’s fine?”

In an instant, she felt sorry for him; seeing him so vulnerable broke her heart. Just the thought of him getting hurt today for her sake melted her heart into a puddle.

How could she stay angry at him?

“I messed up. I’m not a good husband. I always make you angry and sad. I’m terrible,” he confessed.

Rosalie gently stroked his hair. “Theo, there’s no such thing as a perfect person in this world. Yes, you have your flaws, but you’re willing to protect me. You’re willing to apologize when you’re wrong, and that’s what matters. It’s about learning from your mistakes.”

Theodore furrowed his brow. Rosalie really did treat him like a child.

Well, it didn’t matter as long as she wasn’t mad at him. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind–if they ever had children together, their kid would surely look good.

Chapter 182

“So, you’re not angry at me?” Theodore asked, seeking reassurance.

“For now,” Rosalie replied.

Who knew what might happen later? She couldn’t promise the future, but at least for now, she wasn’t angry with him.

Compared to smooth talkers who would run away at the first sign of danger, she preferred to forgive a man like Theodore. He might annoy her at times, but when it mattered, he stepped up and was willing to risk his life to protect her.

Theodore smiled contentedly, and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for not being angry at me.”

“It’s nothing. Now go to sleep.”

Theodore nodded faintly; just then, his phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID.

Rosalie saw the bright display showing the name “Cindy“.

Her heart immediately sank. Just as she told him she wasn’t angry, a surge of fury rose in her chest. The feeling grew stronger when she saw Theodore answering the call.

Rosalie immediately turned away from him, wrapping herself tightly in the blanket. She closed her eyes, wishing she could block her ears.

Every time Cynthia called, he would leave. Today would be no different. Men’s words couldn’t be trusted at all. It was late when Cynthia called him, and he immediately picked up.

Would he go over again? It was what he always did, after all.

Rosalie was furious at Theodore–she hated him. It was her own fault

for being too soft hearted and always forgiving him.

“No, I need to sleep”

Suddenly, she heard Theodore’s voice, and realized she hadn’t


Theodore said coldly, “You should sleep early. If you’re not feeling well, take some medicine. You’re not alone. There’s someone taking care of you, so it’s pointless for me to go. I’m hanging up now. I want to sleep with Rose.”

Without waiting for Cynthia’s response, he ended the call and tossed the phone aside. Then, he embraced Rosalie from behind.

“It was Cindy. She said she was feeling unwell and wanted me to come over, but I’m not going.

Afraid Rosalie might misunderstand him, he cautiously uttered the last three words. He was acting like a child, eager to justify himself and prove his innocence.

Rosalie curled up on her side, fingers clutching the fabric of her shirt tightly, her heart pounding. She didn’t know why she felt nervous and strangely pleased at the same time.

What was this man trying to explain to her?

According to their usual routine, he should have answered the call and rushed over to Cynthia’s, leaving his wife alone to wipe her tears.

Had the prodigal son truly returned?

“Are you angry again?” he asked, sounding somewhat worried. His tone was cautious, as if he feared saying even a single wrong word and upset her.

There was a long silence from Rosalie. In the silence, only their breaths could be heard.

Theodore didn’t wait for her response, or press her for an answer Instead, he held her tightly from behind.

After a while, Rosalie said, “She called you. Why didn’t you go?”

She wanted to know what exactly Theodore was thinking right now. She knew how he always defended Cynthia, and how much she meant to him. Even so, she still wanted to know the extent of his

loyalty to Cynthia.

She even wanted to ask a cliché question: if she and Cynthia were both drowning, who would he save first?

Theodore hesitated. He lifted his head as if to look at her, but the room was pitch black and he couldn’t discern her expression.

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 183

Theodore wanted to turn on the light to see if she was crying, but in the end, he refrained.

Instead, he gently held her hand and rubbed it lightly as he whispered softly in her ear, “I’ve said it before. I’ll keep my distance from her.”

“Does that mean you won’t go there anymore?” Rosalie asked.

But how could Theodore completely give up on Cynthia? That would be like signing his own death warrant, wouldn’t it?

“Rose, are you jealous?” He noticed a hint of sourness in her voice.

Feeling her jealousy, his vanity as a man seemed to be satisfied.

“Jealous of what? I’m definitely not,” Rosalie denied.

Theodore chuckled softly, and kissed her cheek. “Then why do I smell something sour?”

Blushing, Rosalie smiled shyly. “I don’t know. I’m tired. I want to sleep.

She didn’t want to answer any more of his questions. Saying too much would only make her seem too concerned about him. If he caught on, he’d tease her again.

Theodore didn’t press her further. He smiled knowingly, and wrapped his arms around her as he gradually drifted off to sleep.

This seemed to be the first time he hadn’t gone to Cynthia when she

called him.

Theodore stayed at home for a few days. The doctor said he needed


to rest at home, and not overexert himself.

Theodore obediently followed the doctor’s instructions. These past few days, he had been at home with Rosalie–a rare opportunity for the couple to spend so much time together.

Rosalie found it somewhat strange. She rarely saw Theodore on weekdays, as he was always busy. Plus, after their recent falling out, they had seen even less of each other.

Before this, they didn’t even sleep in the same room. But now, their relationship had eased a lot, and they were sleeping together again.

Theodore didn’t make any more unreasonable demands, and just held her.

In fact, these past few days, Rosalie had been observing Theodore to see if he had truly changed. If he really wanted to live well with her, she wanted to tell him about the pregnancy.

However, Rosalie was afraid it was all just a temporary illusion.

Rebecca called occasionally, asking if they had finalized the divorce.

It was always Theodore she spoke to. Theodore didn’t outright refuse. the fact that they were going to divorce. He simply told his

grandmother that he was busy lately, which earned him a scolding from Rebecca several times.

Despite that, both he and Rosalie could feel that Rebecca was secretly pleased that they were delaying their divorce.

A few times, Rosalie saw Cynthia calling Theodore again. At first, he answered; each time, he told Cynthia to rest well and that he wouldn’t

come over.

Later on, when Cynthia called again, he didn’t pick up.

Rosalie had a nagging feeling. Had Theodore really cut ties with



At night, after Rosalie finished her shower and lay in bed, she gently stroked her tummy. It seemed to tremble ever so slightly, barely noticeable unless one looked closely.

One’s mood could truly affect the body. With a good mood, the body felt better; even her morning sickness improved significantly.


Her phone rang. Rosalie picked it up, and saw a message from Stephanie.

[Have you told your husband yet?]

[Told him what?]

[Don’t play dumb! About the pregnancy!]

[Not yet.]

Stephanie sent a rolling eyes emoji

[Why you haven’t told him yet? How long are you going to wait?]

[I’m too nervous. There were a few times I wanted to tell him, but my heart was pounding so hard.]

hapter 184

[Why are you nervous? The child you’re carrying is his. Is he going to beat you? If he does, tell me! I’ll teach him a lesson for you.]

[He won’t beat me. He’s not that kind of person.]

[Tsk! Look at you, rushing to defend him. But you can’t even tell him. about carrying his child.]

[I’m just nervous, you know? I don’t know how he’ll react.]

[No matter how he reacts, you have to tell him. If things don’t go well, pack your things and come stay with me. What can he do? Anyway, you planned on raising the child alone from the start.]

[I’ll tell him when I find the time.]

[When will that be? You’ve wasted enough time already! Tell him tonight. I’ll prepare the bed. If he doesn’t want the child or says

something unpleasant, come stay with me.]

Rosalie felt warm inside, knowing she had a support system behind her. Even though she didn’t have parents and her aunt had left, having a loving grandmother and a friend like Stephanie made her feel


[Okay, I got it. I’ll tell him tonight.]

[Go for it, don’t chicken out.]

They didn’t chat for long before Theodore finally emerged. Rosalie was startled to see him without clothes, and quickly turned her head.

“Why aren’t you wearing clothes? Honestly,” she scolded.

He was usually so meticulous. Why was he so brazen tonight?

+ 25 BONUS.

Theodore went straight to bed and laid down, pulling the covers over himself lazily. “Don’t feel like it. Sleeping like this is comfortable.”

Rosalie’s cheeks flushed. “Put on your pajamas! Why would you walk around like this?”

She held onto her nightgown tightly, afraid he might strip her clothes off too.

“Rose.” Theodore pulled her into his arms, and her cheek pressed against his solid chest. His heartbeat thumped against her cheek. How long has it been since we…”

As he said this, he stopped. There was no need to continue, as his passionate tone said it all.

Rosalie suddenly felt dry–mouthed and tongue–tied. She gently.

pressed her palm against his chest. “Theo, I…”

She wanted to tell him she was pregnant; but as the words approached her lips, she grew nervous again and instinctively wanted to avoid the topic.

Why was it so hard to say now, when she didn’t say it earlier?

“What’s wrong?”

Theodore gently flipped her over, letting her lie on her back in bed. He leaned over her, but didn’t fully press his weight on her and kept some distance.

“Is there something you want to tell me?”

Staring up at him, Rosalie felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat. They were husband and wife, and he didn’t shy away, but she was very embarrassed.

“Theo, you…you stop that. Let me go first.”

She Tell embarrassed despite still having a thin layer of nightgown on

her With just one move of his hand that layer of fabric would turn

into steeds

“Are you feeling shy? He pinched her flushed cheeks gently. It’s not like we haven’t done this before

Staring at her crimson cheeks and captivating eyes, his Adam’s apple tubbed up and down and his breath gradually quickening A tilaping Tre filed his eyes as if eager to igre a pile of any tinder

Chapter 185

“Rose,” he called her name, his voice hoarse, his eyes almost spitting fire.

The temperature around the two rose several degrees.

Rosalie could feel her palms sweating. She saw Theodore getting closer and closer, until he finally kissed her lips.

She closed her eyes, feeling his warmth.

At first, she thought they wouldn’t kiss again. Little did she know, his kiss wasn’t just a simple one. It escalated gradually, plundering more of her. His large hand gently lifted her nightgown.

At that moment, Rosalie suddenly came to her senses. She abruptly opened her eyes, and grabbed his hand to stop his increasingly. inappropriate actions.


Theodore instantly froze, and he stared at the tense Rosalie beneath him. He withdrew his hand, cupping her face gently. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

She was always so shy–it seemed he needed to teach her.

“It’s not about that,” Rosalie stuttered. “I… I have something to tell you. Could you…could you sit up first?”

This position really wasn’t suitable for conversation. If he got upset, she wouldn’t be able to escape.

Theodore sighed gently, helplessness flickering in his eyes. He sat up

edge of the bed.


“What’s the matter? Go ahead.”


Was she going to ask for a divorce again?

Rosalie prepared herself mentally; she realized that no matter how many times she rehearsed in her mind, actually saying it out loud was a thousand times harder than she imagined.

“Theo, I…”

Suddenly, the ringing phone interrupted her words. Everything she wanted to say died on her lips.

“Your phone’s ringing,” she pointed out.

“Don’t mind it, just go on,” he said, dismissing it.

However, the incessant ringing of his phone was making Rosalie’s head spin.

Theodore grabbed the phone, and glanced at the caller ID: Cindy. Rosalie saw it as well; her expression darkened instantly, and she turned her head away.

It was Cynthia again–that woman was always coming between her and Theodore.

Theodore stared at the caller ID. He was silent for a few seconds, then hung up the phone.


“You’re not going to answer her call?”

Rosalie was puzzled. He actually hung up on Cynthia’s call, which was unbelievable.

“It shouldn’t be anything urgent. Go ahead and speak.”

Rosalie felt somewhat relieved. “I…”

However, Theodore’s pho


Now, Theodore seemed a bit impatient.

“Rose, just hold on a moment.” He answered the phone and put it to his ear, sounding a bit annoyed. “Didn’t I say if it’s not urgent, don’t call me. You…”

Suddenly, his expression turned serious. His eyebrows furrowed, the urgency evident in his eyes.

“What did you say? I got it.”

Seeing his anxious face, Rosalie knew she had once again lost completely.

After he hung up the phone and placed it aside, his eyes turned hesitant. “Rose… Something’s happened with Cindy. I need to go to her.”

Rosalie clenched the hem of her clothes, a hint of redness creeping into her eyes. “Can’t you not go…?”

Theodore fell silent, and stared at her blankly. After a while, he

grabbed the phone from the bedside, lifted the covers, and got out of bed.

“Theo!” Rosalie cried, stopping him. “Please don’t go!”

“Cindy’s having heart problems. I have to go! She needs me!”

Chapter 186

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“What responsibility do you owe Cynthia?! Even if you love her, I’m your wife! You’ve been lying to me for so long, don’t you feel. ashamed? If you’ve always loved Cynthia, why marry me? And if you’ve married me, why keep getting involved with Cynthia? You’re juggling with two women! You’re a bastard!” Rosalie cried.

“Consider me a bastard, then.”

Theodore walked coldly into the wardrobe. After a while, he came out dressed. He wore a casual gray outfit, and his hair was slightly disheveled. He didn’t bother tidying up, and hastily walked out the door..

Rosalie just stared at him wide–eyed.

Theodore was just stepping out the door; but in a moment of hesitation, he thought of something and turned back.

“Rose, if you have something to tell me, you can tell me now.”

He could listen before leaving. He had always felt she was hiding something from him, and that there was something she wanted to tell him all along.

Rosalie’s gaze was hollow, now, she was quiet and calm. She bit her pale lips, and replied hoarsely, “Aren’t you in a hurry to go see your darling? Why ask me anything?”

“I can listen to you first before going. It won’t take long. Please tell me.”

Maybe all Rosalie had to say was just one sentence.

Rosalie smiled bitterly. Yes, it wouldn’t take long–in fact, a few seconds would be enough.

She was pregnant. It was just one simple sentence.

He was willing to stay a few more seconds, maybe a few minutes-


but the fact of the matter was, he wasn’t willing to stay.

“Theodore. If you want me to tell you, then you can’t go to Cynthia.”

Just this once, Rosalie wanted to be selfish; to be a wicked woman for the sake of her child.

Theodore furrowed his brow. “Are you threatening me?”

“It’s not a threat. It’s a trade. If you go to Cynthia’s, you can’t know about this.”

If he didn’t go, there was still hope between them.

However, the last thing Rosalie should have had was hope.

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 187

When Theodore heard her words, his face immediately turned cold.

“If you’re not willing to say it, forget it. Maybe next time.”

Theodore turned away coldly.

Just as he reached the doorway, Rosalie suddenly shouted loudly, There won’t be a next time, Theodore Spencer! If you walk out that door today, there will never be a next time!”

At the doorway, his tall figure paused for a moment. Yet, in just two seconds, it left mercilessly.

Rosalie suddenly laughed. She fell to the ground heavily, laughing bitterly through her tears as she clutched the carpet tightly.

Theodore didn’t care about her at all. He only cared about Cynthia!

“Rosalie, you idiot!” Rosalie cried as she slapped herself.

She should have stopped hoping. He would always choose Cynthia. It would never change!

Every time Theodore offered her hope, Rosalie would always foolishly. accept it. Then, she couldn’t help but comfort herself, finding reasons. to forgive him, thinking that he still cared; that he was still a good man in a way.

In reality, none of that ever mattered. What mattered was from Theodore’s perspective, he loved Cynthia. Rosalie was just a clown–a mistress who occupied the position of his wife!

From now on, Rosalie didn’t want any more hope. She wouldn’t be a fool ever again!

Rosalie wiped the tears from her face. She got up from the ground,



grabbed a coat from the wardrobe, and left the room.

After Theodore drove to the hospital, he didn’t notice Rosalie following him.

Under the dark sky, rain began to fall. When Theodore arrived at the hospital, he parked the car and rushed into the hospital in the rain. Rosalie followed behind in secret.

When Theodore arrived at the door of the ward, Cynthia was being wheeled out by medical staff from the bed, ready to be taken to the operating room.

“Cindy!” Theodore rushed to the bedside, soaked, and grabbed her hand.

“Mr. Spencer, we need to take Ms. Zeller to surgery!”

Cynthia lay on the bed, barely able to catch her breath. When she saw Theodore, her emotions became particularly intense.

To not delay her treatment, Theodore let go of her hand. “Cindy, you’ll be okay. I’ll wait for you outside.”

As the medical staff were about to continue pushing the bed forward, Cynthia suddenly grabbed the door frame.

“Wait!” She reached out to Theodore. “Theo.”

Theodore once again held her hand in his. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you still angry at me? Do you think I’ve unfairly accused your grandmother? Tell me, please?” Cynthia pleaded.

“Enough, Cindy. You need to go to the operating room now. Don’t think about anything else. You’ll be fine. If you have anything to say, we can talk after the surgery,” Theodore reassured her.

“No! I’m afraid I won’t come out once I go in. Can you forgive

didn’t mean to accuse your grandmoth


whatever I did to Rosalie. I was just too angry, so I spoke without thinking. Please forgive me!” Cynthia cried.

“Okay, I forgive you,” Theodore comforted her. “Everyone has

moments when they speak without thinking. I do, too. Don’t hold it against yourself, Cindy.”

“Theo, will you still marry me?”

Theodore froze, silent for a moment.

“Mr. Spencer, we’re running out of time. We need to perform heart surgery on Ms. Zeller quickly!” the doctor urged.

Chapter 188

“Theo, tell me, please! Otherwise, I’d rather die on the operating table than endure this agony! I love you so much. You’re my life. I can’t go on without you! I really don’t want to wait anymore. Let me die, and don’t give me surgery!”

Theodore couldn’t bear to see Cynthia in so much pain. “Cindy, please don’t say that. You’ll definitely get better.”

“I won’t get better, Theo. If this is how I have to live, I’d rather die. I don’t want to live like this anymore. Let me leave this world! If I can’t be your wife in this life, what’s the point of living?”

Cynthia struggled desperately on the bed, her breathing growing increasingly unstable. She was almost unable to catch her breath.

“I’ll marry you! As long as you come out safely from the operating room, you’ll be Mrs. Spencer!” Theodore declared firmly.

“Really?” Cynthia looked at him incredulously, hope shining in her eyes. “Will you really marry me? Do I not have to wait anymore?”

“I won’t make you wait anymore, Cindy. You mustn’t give up. As my wife, how could you give up so easily? Right?”

Theodore’s eyes were filled with endless tenderness, as if only

Cynthia mattered in his world.

Overwhelmed with joy, Cynthia cried, “Theo, I won’t give up! As long as you marry me, I’ll have hope. You promised me, okay? You can’t go back on your word! If you do, I really can’t go on.”

“I won’t go back on my word. Can the doctors take you to the operating room now? I’ll wait for you at the door. I won’t move an inch. You’ll see me when you wake up.


His gaze was more determined than ever.

Cynthia nodded. Their tightly held hands gradually loosened as the medical staff pushed her towards the operating room.

Theodore escorted her all the way. As he watched the door of the operating room close, he stepped back. He leaned against the wall, sighing deeply, his face filled with despair.

Rosalie stood nearby. Seeing this scene, she could feel that her soul had been lost. Her mind was empty, and she felt physically weak.

Theodore’s words echoed in her ears.

“As long as you come out safely from the operating room, you’ll be Mrs. Spencer!”

“As my wife, how could you give up so easily?”

Rosalie’s face was blank, but inside, she was laughing bitterly.

Cynthia was Theodore’s wife… Then, what about Rosalie?

She was the wife he legally married!

It seemed Theodore never truly regarded her as his wife. In his heart, only Cynthia ever mattered!

Rosalie wasn’t his wife–she was a joke. She was a tool, used to placate the Spencers between him and Cynthia.

All along, Theodore kept loving Cynthia in his heart. And Rosalie? She was

just a tool he used and discarded when he was done.

Rosalie understood now–loud and clear.

Cynthia was Theodore’s world. She was his everything. She could make him give up everything, even his own wife and child.

Rosalie turned away, leaving in abject dejection.


Standing at the hospital entrance, the rain poured harder and harder. There were many cars parked outside, but Rosalie suddenly couldn’t distinguish which one was hers.

She stood there in the cold rain, not knowing how long she had been standing. Her pale face was devoid of color.

Suddenly, everything went blurry.

She fell to the ground, and passed out.

Chapter 189

Over an hour later, Rosalie opened her eyes to find a man standing beside her hospital bed.

Seeing Sebastian, she thought she was dreaming. She opened her mouth, her voice hoarse.

“Sebastian…? Why are you here?”

Sebastian sat by her bed. “Rose, how are you feeling?”

“I…” Suddenly, Rosalie remembered something and quickly reached for her stomach. “How’s my baby?”

“The baby’s fine, don’t worry. You were so silly, standing out in the rain like that. Luckily, you were found at the hospital entrance. What if you were somewhere else?”

Rosalie pulled a wry face, feeling bitter and upset.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Sebastian asked, concerned.

She realized he hadn’t answered her question. “Sebastian, why are you here?”

“I called you, and the doctor picked up. He told me about your condition, so I rushed over.”

“Oh, I see.”

Whenever she needed someone by her side, it was always Sebastian who accompanied her. Meanwhile, Theodore was with Cynthia.

It was absurd.

Theodore was probably still with Cynthia. That woman was always his priority..

Thinking that, Rosalie’s nose tingled again.

“What’s wrong?” Sebastian bent closer to her, looking worried.

“Sebastian, I want to leave this place. Can you take me away from here?”

She didn’t want to stay in this hospital and breathed the same air as Theodore. She felt suffocated. Just the thought of herself lying in the hospital bed while her husband was in the same hospital with

another woman felt so ironic.

Sebastian had many questions in his mind. Seeing Rosalie in this state and feeling her urgency, however, he immediately nodded.

“Alright. Let’s go.”

Before they left, Sebastian helped her with the formalities. He signed documents, and even asked the doctor about her condition.

The doctor, thinking Sebastian was Rosalie’s husband, sounded a bit reproachful. “You’re a big man, but you weren’t taking good care of your wife. She was standing outside in the rain, and her emotions are all over the place.”

Sebastian glanced at the woman in the hospital room, knowing she hadn’t heard anything. He nodded to the doctor. “I’ll be more careful

next time.”

“See that you do. Pregnant women’s emotions can be volatile. You need to take good care of her. After all, carrying a baby for nine months isn’t easy. As her husband, you should give her plenty of care. Otherwise, her negative emotions will harm her and also affect the


Sebastian smiled modestly. “I understand. I’ll take good care of my

wife and child.”


After the doctor left, Sebastian entered the room

Rosalie asked. “What did the doctor say just now?”

“Nothing much, just to make sure you rest well and stay warm”

“Okay “Rosalie didn’t suspect anything, unaware that Sebastian had suddenly become her husband

Sebastian helped Rosalie out of the hospital In the corridor, he

suddenly saw Theodore hurrying past.

‘Rose, isn’t that Theodore? Why is he also in the hospital?” he asked

He was certain Rosalie knew something about this, especially after her fainting spell it seemed to be related to Theodore What misdeed had that man committed now?

“Let’s avoid him,” Rosalie muttered don’t want to see him. Let’s go

Sebastian was aware of the situation between Rosalie and Theodore Tonight, he felt their relationship seemed even more strained than before

hapter 190

Sebastian helped Rosalie into the car. She was despondent and down in the dumps.

“Rose, where do you want to go? I can drive you there,” Sebastian offered.

“I don’t even know where I want to go.

All she knew was she didn’t want to go home.

After a few seconds, she said again, “Can you take me to a nearby hotel? I want to stay there for a few days.”

Sebastian nodded. “Sure.”

As they were halfway there, Rosalie suddenly sneezed several times in a row. She had caught a cold, probably from getting soaked in the


At the hotel entrance, Rosalie unbuckled her seatbelt. “Thank you. You’ve really been a big help today.”

“It’s no problem. We’re friends,” Sebastian said with a gentle smile. Rosalie sneezed again.

Just as she was about to get out of the car, Sebastian called out to her, “Wait, you’re sick. Is it okay for you to stay alone in a hotel?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a cold.”

“How about I take you to my place?”

“What?” Rosalie looked surprised.

Afraid she might misunderstand, Sebastian hurried to explain, “It’s not what you’re thinking. You’re pregnant and got caught

@ 25 BONUS

and now, you’re sick. I’m worried about you staying alone in a hotel. You can stay at my place, and I can take care of you.”

“That’s not really necessary. I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“You won’t be an inconvenience. It’s just me at home, anyway. You shouldn’t be alone right now. Please accept my care as a friend. Whe knows? Maybe one day, I’ll need you to care for me.”

Sebastian couldn’t bear to leave her alone in a hotel. What if she

fainted again? It would be too late to take her to the hospital. That would be terrible!

Rosalie could have managed alone, but hearing Sebastian’s concern for her, a warmth washed over her heart. Sometimes, people were lonely not because they enjoy solitude, but because they had no choice.

“Sebastian, thank you so much,” Rosalie said gratefully.

Hearing Rosalie’s answer, Sebastian knew she was on board with his suggestion. “Let’s go, then.”

Sebastian personally helped her fasten her seatbelt before driving off. As they passed by a mall, Sebastian stopped the car.

“What’s the matter?” Rosalie asked.

“I’m taking you to get some clothes and essentials. I don’t have any women’s clothes at my place, and you probably need some,” he explained.

Rosalie hadn’t even considered this, but Sebastian’s thoughtfulness surprised her. She nodded, and got out of the car.

Rosalie picked out a few clothes and undergarments. Just as she was about to pay, Sebastian handed his card to the cashier.

“Use this,” he insisted.


“No need,” Rosalie hurriedly declined. “I’ll pay for it myself.”

“It’s okay. Consider it a gift from me,” Sebastian said, insistent on buying them for her.

“Really, you don’t have to,” Rosalie protested. It felt a bit odd for a man to buy underwear for a woman.

Sensing her discomfort, Sebastian relented. “Alright.”

Relieved, Rosalie paid for her items herself. Afterward, Sebastian carried the shopping bags for her as they left the mall.

They arrived back at Sebastian’s house. It was clean and quiet, as it was usually only occupied by him. Even the servants didn’t disturb him when they weren’t needed.

Upon their return, Sebastian noticed a woman sitting on the sofa. Said woman, upon hearing their footsteps, rose from the sofa.

“You’re finally back.”

Young and beautiful, the woman was clearly from an affluent background. She expected only Sebastian to return, and seeing Rosalie with him caught her off guard.

“Who’s this?” she asked.

The scene became awkward, and Rosalie felt a bit lost.

Was this woman Sebastian’s girlfriend? If so, things would get really awkward!

Today’s Bonus Offer

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