Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 6

Chapter 6
On the surface, tonight’s dinner was an intimate business mixer, a gathering of the local commercial elite.
The buzz of conversations at the venue gradually died down as word of Natalie and Shawn’s exchange made its rounds.
“Go on, dance.” Shawn nudged Natalie with a whisper, seeing her stand motionless. “If your can’t dance, you might as well roll
A faint, unwavering smile played on Natalie’s lips as she regarded her adversary, silent.
Joseph, beside her, knew the request was unreasonable, but he had managed to set up this meeting with Shawn after great
effort. And with the Wright family’s recent scandal, it would spell trouble if Natalie caused a scene.
“Miss...” he prodded, his voice barely above a whisper.
Natalie toyed with her empty wine glass, her smile intact, as she locked eyes with Shawn for a few seconds before suddenly
reaching out and plucking the half–smoked cigarette from his fingers.
“I can dance,” she said coolly, “for fifty million. Will you pay?”
“How dare you!” Shawn hadn’t expected such a retort. “You think you’re worthy of fifty million?”
The look in Natalie’s eyes turned sharp in an instant. Pinching the cigarette’s end, her hand. pressed it against his thigh.
Shawn grunted in pain, reflexively swinging his hand towards Natalie’s face. But as his hand moved, he felt a sudden, searing
pain. Natalie had seized his finger, twisted it, and then flipped his hand back at him, her gaze fierce as she subtly arched an

eyebrow at him.
Feeling humiliated, Shawn scanned the room and, in a fit of anger, pointed at Natalie and hissed. “You bitch! I swear I’ll make the
Wright family unable to show their faces in Streamville. Believe it or not!”
His words were harsh, but Natalie couldn’t help but let a small smile slip through.
She hadn’t intended to resort to violence, hoping to endure the evening in deference to her grandfather’s reputation. Samuel
might have wanted to use her, but whether to play along was her choice. But Shawn’s barking was too loud, too jarring.
Just then, respectful greetings echoed from the entrance.
Shawn caught the mention of “Mr. Howard” and looked towards the door.
With her back to the entrance, Natalie tensed at the name.
Brian strolled in and seated himself on a nearby couch, crossing his long legs, listening to the obsequious greetings around him,
his gaze fixating on the familiar silhouette in the distance.
Chapter 6
He hadn’t been mistaken at the mall last night. It was Natalie. She had returned. She seemed taller and slimmer.
Many in the room knew of the history between Brian and Natalie. His sudden appearance charged the atmosphere with tension.

Even though Natalie was the woman Brian had cast aside, there had once been connections between them.
Shawn paused, sidestepped Natalie, and approached Brian, who hadn’t been invited to this gathering.
“Mr. Howard, what brings you here today?” Shawn’s demeanor shifted as he offered a buttery smile.
Brian withdrew his gaze from Natalie and looked at Shawn, replying coldly, “Is my presence a problem?”
Brian’s words were brief, but they sent a chill down Shawn’s spine, who hastily replied. “Of course not! Mr. Howard, your
presence is an honor for us all!”
The man before him commanded respect. Pissing him off could mean the downfall of the Foster family with just the flick of his
The last person who had crossed Brian had vanished without a trace, their fate unknown.
Brian frowned slightly, apparently disliking Shawn’s obsequiousness. His eyes passed over Shawn’s shoulder, settling once more
on Natalie’s slender figure, still turned away from him.
After a moment, he parted his thin lips and spoke, “What’s up, Ms. Wright? You don’t recognize me anymore?”
Chapter 7

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