Wielders of Magic, Book 1: A Spell Binding Tale

Chapter The Floating Lands

His feet were quick as he ran over the Floating Lands, being pursued by four warlocks who had come for revenge. They had a right to it, he would admit that, but he would give them quite a fight. He wasn't someone to lie down and die when things were getting a little heated.

Adeen never was.

Pink hair, go for the wings. Top hat, go for the stomach, lady in black, go for the face. Smear all that beauty right onto the ground. He chuckled. And lastly, Mr. Silver Hair . . . what to do about him? His head tilted to the side and he stared at him, watching as they bounded over the land with incredible speed. They had no doubt cast haste spells on themselves, and they were jumping impossibly high over the cracks in the ground.

Ah, magic, my old enemy.

He grinned at the four and drew his two short swords, one setting itself on fire and the other crawling with frost. Extreme heat and extreme cold were most effective on the enemy, gave them something to be startled by with every slice.

"Why is he just standing there!?" Arthur asked, drawing his own sword as Asha readied her bow.

"He's waiting for us!" Jack replied.

"He's mine!" Drusilla screamed and flew into the air, her haste spell making her move fast enough to be a streak through the sky.

"Drusilla no!" Arthur and Jack shouted at the same time.

"Stop it; she is going to do what she is going to do. It’s not like you can stop her anyway!" Asha put her bow up as Muffin galloped over the earth, running as fast and as smooth as she could. She had a clear shot, and she could kill him right then. Her fingers slipped from the string, and her blue shafted arrow streaked through the sky.

Drusilla flew right in its way, and it dug deep into her right wing base, sending her crumbling to the ground.

"Well, lets’ finish the job now shall we?" Adeen laughed crazily, sending a shiver up the Red Witch's spine. He brought his two swords down quickly, making Jackson and Arthur shriek in fear.

They were caught by a long sword, one with a silver and emerald studded handle.

"YES!" Arthur screamed, running even faster. "Use what I taught you! You can do this! KILL HIM!"

Drusilla stood up and reached over her right shoulder, taking hold of the arrow and breaking it. She shouted in pain before blocking another attack from the witch hunter. "Good thing I fight with my left hand huh Adeen?" She laughed, tears of pain streaking down her face.

"Do not worry my friend; I am here to help you!" Asha shouted, setting her bow again and loosing yet another arrow. It flew through the sky straight at the head of the hunter; only his frosty sword caught it and whacked it out of the air.

"Killing me with arrows is pretty yellow, is it not?" He shouted, throwing a metal object at her before she could react. It embedded its self into left shoulder, taking down her bow and arrow as she pulled the throwing star from her flesh, screaming all the while. She dropped from her cat and threw the star to the ground, her vision blurring from the pain.

Or was it just pain?

"You will like that-" He started, grunted as he blocked one of Drusilla's powerful attacks. He shoved her off and kicked her in the left thigh, grounding her. "-Little surprise I put on the blade bow girl, it's made of Night Shade berries!" He looked down at the Red Witch and tilted his head. His two swords flicked up on either side of her, her face constricting in a mix of shock and pain-

As her two white wings fell from her back.

A savage scream sounded in the air and a black streak plowed straight into the hunter, knocking him off his feet. Arthur had lost his grip on his sword and decided that it was better to just punch him in the face rather than to retrieve it and loose the offence of being on top of him.

Adeen cried out and flipped over on top of the warlock, strangling him with his two muscled hands. There was a roar behind him and two seconds later, a black panther jumped on top of him, rolling with the man in her claws a few feet away from the company. She sunk her teeth into his left shoulder, and her back feet raked across his feet. Her two giant paws were clamped in a death like embrace into his back, looking like a savage, deathly hug.

"Drusilla, stay with me!" Jackson cried, running to her and rolling her over on her stomach. Blood poured out of her wounds and onto the back of her white clothing, making horror dance along his face. A healing spell crawled its way into the front of his mind and he closed his eyes, reciting the words quickly but precisely. "Lookinanas, farinaloo, saranchiona laquif." His hands touched her back and the stubs were her wings used to be started to turn inwards, collapsing into her body and disappearing, her skin healing over them, white and new.

She would live, but unfortunately without her wings.

"Muffin, get off him. I want to look at what's left of his face." Arthur said, petting the cats back soothingly. It looked up at him with its innocent, round, green eyes and slowly climbed off, sitting beside her fine work. "Well, aren't you pretty?" He grinned, staring at the mutilated, dead body of Adeen.

Little did he know that Asha was calling for him, her voice weak and barely above a whisper. She was losing her voice, losing her life and no one knew.

She would die, and no one would know until later.

"Onward! Do not back away! They will fight and kill, but we will return victorious!" The general of the Canyon Army shouted, leading his troops into the darkness called Shadow City. They would finally be extinguished, be crushed out of the world, and darkness would finally be destroyed.

Little did he know that by destroying the city, we would let the Floating Lands above his troops fall, and everything would end in destruction. Maybe that's what he wanted, maybe that was something he was hoping for, one could never know with the enraged.

No one could ever know the pain and heart ache a father felt when his daughter went off to marry a Shadowian. He could never have that, EVER, and he had finally decided that it would be best to destroy them.

There was a figure that appeared in the madness of war, one with light skin and auburn hair, one that did not fit into the shadows of the city. "Father, please!" Edowain cried, running to him out of the chaos. "You must not do this!"

"You are dead to me daughter, and I will not have you convince me not to do something that I have contemplated for a while, just because your mind is clouded by the dark ones. You cannot be with him, can't you see?" He grabbed her face, looking at her in the eye. "You can never be together, never, not while I love!"

She started to cry, her face constricting in pain as he threw her to the side, ridding into the battle.

"No, father, please!" She screamed, reaching out but to no avail. She saw her husband now, walking out from his dark palace.

Rentham was a tall man with pointed ears and deep gray skin. His hair was darker than the night sky, and it flowed down past his chest, straight and red tipped. He had violet eyes that seemed to shine out into the night, and in his hands was two, slightly curved swords, already dripping with Canyon Mens’ blood. He looked straight at the general, eyes locking and faces promising death.

One could not live with the other alive. One was going to die, and Edowain couldn't stand it. She had to stop it!

But how?

An idea flashed in her mind. Her eyes slowly turned up above and stared at the bottoms of the Floating Lands, the very things that gave the city its name.

She had to drop them; that would stop this madness. They would all die beneath it, her and her husband, that way neither of them had to live without the other. Even if they did survive, there would be nothing to fight over. The city would be gone, and maybe, just maybe, the people of Shadow City could return to the Canyon Haven.

They would all be together once again.

Getting up, she ran through the battle, dodging swords and arrows that flew at her blindly. She had to get to the Hovering Core, where the magic that provided the Floating Lands with their float. She had to destroy it, then everything would end.

And she would be at peace, finally.

"My wings!" Drusilla screamed, her hands bending back to touch the place where her wonderful white wings used to be secured. Now they lay at her feet, lifeless, and dead. "My wings! He cut off my wings!"

Arthur turned around and looked out over the land, his eyes settling on something lying beside one of the many rivers. "Is that . . . ASHA!" He cried and ran to her, leaving his sword behind once again.

"Arthur . . . Night Shade berries . . .," She whispered as he collapsed beside her. "No cure . . . not even . . . magic."

"No!" He screamed, wrapping her in his arms as her form began to go limp. "Stay with me! Don't leave me sister, please!"

"Asha!" Jackson cried and leaped from the devastated form of the Red Witch, running to the Midnight Twins.

"She's slipping away!" Arthur sobbed, his tears landing on his sisters’ dark, raven black hair.

"At least . . . curse . . . lifted." She forced a painful smile, her eyes looking over at Muffin before rolling back into her head. She lurched and blood flew from her mouth, running down the side of her already red lips.

"No." Jackson gasped, not believing what he had just seen. "No, just . . . NO!" He got up and walked away, tears streaming down his shocked face.

Arthur turned his head to the sky and roared so loudly, it echoed throughout the lands, making every living creature turn their eyes upon the group. "I swear! I swear to all hunters that I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" He clutched the lifeless form of his sister and rocked gently back and fourth, saying her name over and over again in a burbled, sobbing voice.

Drusilla looked over at the twins and dread washed over her. By the way her love was acting, she could tell that . . . that someone had died.

Oh no, Asha.

She got up and stumbled towards them, her balance thrown off without two, heavy wings attached to her back. She managed it though and fell down beside Arthur, wrapping her arms around him and crying with him. Her hand slipped into one of his, prying it off the poisoned arm of his sister and squeezing it hard, trying to make him focus on that pain instead of the one in his heart. She knew what losing a sibling was like, especially to this man, and she would not rest until he recovered.

She had to be strong again. Asha was dear to her also, like a sister sort of over the past few days, even with her feeling-less personality. "Arthur, I am so sorry. I could not protect her, I couldn't . . ." Her voice fell into a painful sob that made her bury her head in his leather coat. "I am so sorry!"

He looked up a little and his shaking hand stroked her blemish-less face, a heart wrenching grin appearing on his lips before he broke down again.

Jackson walked to the edge of the floating rock they were standing on, looking out over the gap between them and the next one and wondering what kind of city lay below. His eyes looked off the edge, pushing the fact that Asha had died just a moment ago into the back of his mind, planning on dealing with that later. He had amazing control over his emotions, could wait till later to feel something if it wasn't needed at the moment. All his feelings had to be felt at one time or another, but it was the fact that he could choosewhen to feel them that was strange to some.

The city below was blustering with activity, people running about everywhere, swords against swords, steal against steal, a shouting voice of command - they were in a savage battle between some other persons dressed in golden armor.

What if that's Canyon City, against Shadow City?He thought, his voice letting out a fascinated sigh.

"Jackson Spellbinder!" A voice growled. He looked up and saw the two hunters they had run into a while ago, the two that had killed Grevich.

Anger surged through his veins. How much had they suffered at the hands of hunters, how much had they been robbed of for just having the gift of magic?

"We are here to settle a score!" The woman shouted, drawing her flail.

"You killed my brother, and you will die the very same way he did!" The man shouted, pointing at him as his left hand drew his sword.

Oh, he's left handed, like Drusilla. Jackson thought.

Suddenly a tremor shook the Floating Lands, everything pausing in air for a few seconds. The beings standing on top of the rocks, enemies and magic wielders alike, all looked around, wondering what that meant as fear started to stir deep in their chests. A horrible realization came over them, all staring at each other in dread.

The Floating Lands were starting to fall, with them on it.

"The lands are falling!" Jackson screamed, running to his comrades. "We are falling! We have to leave now!"

"Asha-" Arthur started but was cut off by the warlock.

"She's dead! Leave her body behind!" He pulled him to his feet and slapped him across the face. "We have to go!"

"Who is that?" Drusilla asked, pointing to the place where the dead body of Adeen lay. Beside him was a sort of small, dark haired girl with fair skin. She was unfamiliar, and she lay curled in a ball, her arms over her head.

"The curse." Arthur gasped, looking down at Asha for a split second. "Go! Get off this place! I'll join you in a moment!"

"Arthur, no please!" Drusilla broke away from Spellbinder and grabbed his hand, tears still in her eyes. "I can't lose you as well-"

"Jackson, get her out of here!" He growled and threw her off, running towards the girl.

"Arthur!" She screamed. She did a sort of jump but then fell flat on her face. "Oh . . . ghost wing . . .," She gasped, getting back up.

"Let’s go!" Jackson grabbed her by the wrist and ran, the sky around them beginning to zoom away, the land tilting slightly with every step.

"Alright Muffin, let’s get you out of here. You have been through a lot lately." He picked the girl up and slung her over his shoulder.

"Rey, I don't know if you’re still in contact, but we need you now." Jackson said under his breath. He had never used this before, but knowing his brother, he would do anything to keep him safe. They were always connected, always, and now was one of those times that needed some dark magic.

"Well, you have never been one to settle down some place quiet, brother mine, but this is a step on the wild side!" A familiar voice laughed.

Jackson saw a black mist swirling in front of them for a moment before materializing into his brother, the Dark Warlock. He stuck his hand out and touched them, transporting them through time and space. They landed about a mile away from the falling lands, watching as they tumbled on top of Shadow City.

"Rey, I need you to fetch some other people also, they were left-"

"What am I? A simple transportation devise?"

"No, you are my brother, and we need your help! Please!" Jack grabbed his shoulders, staring him in the eye. "PLEASE!"

"Who do I grab?" He turned around; staring at the lands as one by one, they fell on top of Shadow City. He chuckled a little, and then turned back around.

"A man with a black, wide brimmed hat, with . . . maybe a girl with dark hair. There are some people up there that are witch hunters, wearing armor! Beware brother mine!"

"Meh, that's what I say to hunters. My power has greatly exceeded their swords, they cannot kill, nor hurt me . . . it’s nice to see you are concerned about me brother." He smiled and "poofed" away.

"I was actually . . . I was just concerned about Arthur." Jackson said under his breath, a little ashamed.

I heard that. Rey replied in the wind.

"Muffin, wake up please!" Arthur shouted, wrapping the girl in his arms. "We have to get out of here! Muffin!"

"Do not fear, brother warlock, I am here to save you." A tall, dark haired man walked towards him. He was wearing a long, black velvet coat with a red vest and a blue rose in the pocket. He crouched down beside them and his hand laid on both Arthur's, and the girls shoulder, flinging them through time and space.

It was a good thing too, for the rock they were sitting on had hit the tallest city tower one second before they transported, leaving them with severe injuries.

But they wouldn't know till they came out of the time stream.

"Do you think he got them before that happened?" Jackson asked the now, wingless witch.

She didn't answer, didn't even look at him. It was true; he was nothing to her, not after his outbreak.

Damn it.

There was a crack and the air before them seemed to open up. Three figures fell out of it, all lying at their feet, motionless.

It was Arthur and the girl, with their rescuer.

"What’s wrong with them?" Drusilla asked, running over to the twin-less twin and grasping his hand. "Arthur?" She whimpered.

"Rey!?" Jackson shouted, grabbing his brothers’ face and trying to stare into the rolling eyes of the Dark Warlock. He couldn't focus; his crystal blue eyes were continually swimming in his head. "Focus! Tell me what happened?"

"Compact . . . before . . . leaving . . . oooooooooooouch." His voice trailed off into a pain filled groan.

"Hey, alright. We can fix that."

"What did he say?" Drusilla asked, her wide, concerned eyes falling upon his darkly dressed brother. The rose in his pocket had a peculiar pigment of purple along its petal tips, which made her head tilt. She remembered it all to well the last time she had seen him. It had been a bright, strange blue, nothing more, nothing less.

So what changed it?

"He said that the rock they were on had hit something before they left, so they absorbed the impact. Quick, we need to get them back to our previous camp." He slid a hand under his brothers back and picked him up, putting one of his arms under his shoulders to keep him on his feet.


They flipped around, wide eyed and fearful at what had shouted behind them.

What they saw, they would never, soon forget.

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