Wielders of Magic, Book 1: A Spell Binding Tale

Chapter Muffin

"And . . . we were sent where?" Arthur asked, his face a little paler than normal. He had awakened two days ago, with Drusilla by his side of course, which was a welcome sight to see. He had quickly regained most of his strength, and became active once again, only he could not fight with the same focus as before.

"We were sent to a near by town that's what. King Rentham said we needed some more blankets and fur as possible."

"And how are we going to pay for that-"

"With this." She smiled and held up a back full of gold, one the size of her head.

"O-Oh." He gasped, his voice caught in his throat. He had never seen that much money in his life."

"So tell me; who is that girl that you saved?" She stopped suddenly and stared at him, her eyes focused.

"Well, she is an old friend really, someone Asha knew." His eyes were glassy and a little dull, like something in a stuffed animal. He cleared his throat, not meeting her gaze. "They were put against each other in a wizards battle, Muffin being the very talented, young girl who relied more off her magic skill than hard work. Everything came natural to her, everything, and my twin was sort of jealous. But that soon died away when they met and became friends, and Asha learned that she was actually a very hard worker, though her talent made it a little easier for her to do things.

"They were inseparable, and everyone knew it, including their masters. They agreed to put them against each other, both betting on their pupil. Asha won, with a transformation spell, which turned Muffin in to a large panther. That way she could not use her magic, she was defeated, and Asha wouldn't have to kill her.

"The only thing was . . . it was irreversible. Asha never forgave herself, and we had to flee from the magic head masters. That is why we are bounty hunters now, because we have no other place to go, and were expelled from the Tower of Magic. This was way before the hunters started coming after magic users though, and I wish . . . I wish I was still there, rubbing elbows with my fellow students." He shrugged. "But all good things have to come to an end, do they not?"

Drusilla laid a hand on his arm. "No, not all good things come to an end. That is untrue as the guilt that was in your sisters heart. I love you Arthur, and I will continue to love you no matter what. You know that right?"

"I took a guess." His signature grin spread across his face, reminding her that he was still the same person before the Floating Land accident. "And I love you the same."

"And that will never come to an end, will it?"


She smiled softly, staring into his eyes for a good three seconds before turning around. "Come, we must do like Rentham said."

This is a Werewolf hut." The king said, pocking one of the white sticks with his long, slightly curved swords, his violet eyes searching every inch of it. "That, is the tunnel that leads to their under grown facility."

"I am guessing that's bad." Jackson said, scratching the back of his head.

He turned, their eyes locking. "Very."

"Are we going to search out the tunnel?" Edowain asked, craning her neck in trying to look down into the darkness.

"Name of the Abyss no!" Rentham started to gather some weeds from the side of the burned down hut. Winter was giving them an unexpected warm faze that they were all enjoying, but he suspected that it was not over yet, and it would be harsh and even colder than before. That is why he sent a few parties out to collect more supplies at nearby towns. "We will just-" He took out his flint and steel and flicked a spark onto the ball of weeds, setting it a-blase. He picked it up and threw it into the tunnel, which started to burn with all the dry roots of the forest that hung from the sealing.

"We will let them deal with that. Come, let us return to camp, my wife." He took the hand of Edowain and they started to head back to camp.

"We will have to keep our eyes pealed for them in the future." Jackson stated, kicking a bone that was laying on the ground.

"Yes, we do not want that happening again." Rentham shouted behind him. "We will send out some people to scan the area before it is safe to sleep, and keep five watchmen around the area."

"Good idea." Edowain put in, and than they were out of ear shot.

"Drusilla-" Jackson started, but his voice ended abruptly. "Oh yeah . . ." He sighed, heart ache wracking his body. He missed her, terribly.

He would always miss his love, the wingless witch.

Muffin sat up in her bed, her cat-like eyes glowing in the darkness. Someone was walking around behind her tent, and her feline instincts had kicked in, awaking her from her slumber. She crawled out of bed, her soft, white gown flowing around her thighs as she sneaked across the earth. She had forgotten her true form, her human form. For all she knew, she was still a cat, a very large cat.

"And than I said to her, I said, she needed to take her self and go give it to the man across camp, because she was doing that anyway. I would have no part in it." The intruder said to his wing man, both past the back of her tent now and walking around the camp. She followed after them, her hands softly treading over things. She noticed that her back legs were now taller than her front ones, but she didn't really take any note of it.

Her right palm slowly overlooked a dry twig and landed hard onto it, snapping it. The two men stopped, both putting a hand on their crossbows. "I heard something, didn't you?"


They raised their weapons and slowly tuned, seeing the girl on all fours, wondering what in the name of the Abyss she was doing.

"Are . . . you alright?" One asked.

She hissed at him.

"Get Rentham, I'll hold her down." One ran towards her, his hands out stretched to carefully keep her in place. She lashed out and scratched and bit, her teeth and nails now full of human flesh and blood. He cried out as she went for his throat, roaring with terrible fury. She needed to find her master, she needed to find Asha! She would listen to Asha, and only Asha, there was no other!

"Lord Rentham!" The other screamed in fear. He didn't want to shoot the girl, but he would have to if she went for him.

She crawled over her handy work, slinking like a cat, he noted. Her voice was a deep, low growl that was deep in her throat, and her eyes were diamond pupils, large and circular like emeralds. Her face would of been pure white, if not for the red blood splattered across it.

"Stay back!" He shouted, his voice cracking. She did not listen, only crept closer, each step adding more agitation to the man. She tried to jump but his finger triggered the bow, sending a bolt into her right thigh. She screeched, like the girl she was this time, and crumbled to the ground, crying out like a human.

"I said stay back!" He said again.

The girl looked up and her hands extending, a large wave of magic hitting him square in the chest, with no warning whatsoever. She stood up than, looking down at her hands and wondering what in the world was going on. What was she? Who was she? Everything was so confusing!

Find Asha. Asha will help!

She stumbled into the camp, her breath labored and heavy, her legs weak and unused to standing on their own. She fell, her magic rippling through the ground and making every tent fall to the earth. She didn't know what was happening! Nothing made sense! WHO WAS SHE?

Her voice crawled up her throat until it was the voice of her form, a girl of a hundred and eighty years. She was young in a way, almost eighteen by human standers. She was a magic user though, which meant her life was extended far beyond the norm. "Asha!" She cried, tears streaming down her face. "Asha help Muffin! Asha! Muffin need help!"

"What is going on!?" A tall man shouted, leaving his tent. He had gray skin, and dark black hair, and soon a blonde woman followed him. Many people were exiting their homes, and all she could do was sit in the middle and wonder what was going on!

"Gentle Muffin." A soothing voice sounded behind her. She turned and saw a familiar face, Arthur, the brother of her master. "Settle down, we will help you."

"I am not . . . Muffin!" She cried, trying to wipe her tears away with her curled hands, as if she was trying to mimic her once, ebony black paws.

"No, you are not. You are not the Muffin you had been for all those years. You are you now, a human, a witch, and you have magic, powerful magic." he lifted one of his hands, magic dancing on his fingers and soon surrounding her. "Sleep my friend, sleep so we can help Muffin."

Drowsiness entrapped her, and she fell to the ground, her face taking on a soothing gesture that made them all relax.

Her last thought before she went to sleep was, Where is . . . master Asha?

"There you go, good pony." Rey said, stroking the chin of a deep blue Phentice. He had almost gotten half the herd done, and was just waiting for Rentham to come traipsing down the trail. He would send all of his precious, trained steeds upon him, tear his flesh apart!

He didn't like being under the thumb of anyone.

He knew what that felt like, and didn't ever want to feel it again. It was terrible, and frightening, to be under the rule of a king. He would never let that happen, he was doomed to be a rouge all his life.

He was the Dark Warlock, Rey Spellbinder.

"This man ahead will be your new master, at least until you get back on your feet." A distant voice said calmly.

"Why will you not be my master?" A soft, high pitched voice asked in return. It sounded like a girl, maybe a small girl.

"Because, I am no body's master. I make sure of that." The two came into view than. It was Arthur and the dark headed girl that he had rescued. The girl stared at him with round, crystal blue eyes, much like his own, and the warlock beside her smiled a little. "Rey, this is Muffin. Jackson suggested that she be put with you. She hurt a few people last night, and owning dangerous power yourself, more than us anyway, we thought you would be able to handle her."

"I . . . might." Rey replied slowly, staring at her wearily. Drusilla, he knew, had devastating power as well, so if this girl out weighed her's, what kind of magic did she posses? "Hello . . . Muffin. My name is Rey Spellbinder."

"She would prefer to call you master." Arthur bowed slightly before saying, "I'll leave you both to it." And walked quickly back down the trail. It wasn't far from the camp, the Phentice Meadow, and one could easily get to and fro from it.

"Master Rey?" She asked, her voice still high pitched. She talked like a young girl, yet her form told him otherwise. She had to be at least a hundred and fifty.

"Er, yes Muffin. How old are you?" His face constricted in an uncomfortable smirk, his eyes continually looking her up and down. She was wearing a blue shirt with a collar and long sleeves, decorated with small white dots. Her pants flowed down around her feet loosely, except for on her thighs which was where they fit snugly. Her feet were wearing soft, black dear leather boots, which she crossed as she sat down in the lightly, snow covered ground. Her hair was ebony black, and put up in a "cat ear" style, reminding him of the felines. She reminded him a lot of himself, what with her fair skin and dark hair, with eyes as blue as the sky.

"I am two hundred and eighty master." She answered, her large, round eyes seeming to stare into his soul. He didn't like the feeling, and turned away, petting the blue Phentice and trying to forget her face, which was buried deep into his mind now. Most would turn away from his condescending, overbearing face, but she seemed used to it, or at least numb.

"Why don't you . . . call me Rey, like everyone else?" He asked irritatingly, hating that the word "master" came out of her mouth every time she finished a sentence.

"What is Rey?"

"My name."


"What are you stupid!?" He turned around, his eyes blazing. "MY NAME IDIOT! IT'S MY TITLE! ITS WHAT PEOPLE CALL ME!"

She hissed and dashed from the place she was sitting, disappearing into the woods. Rey groaned, knowing the girl was his responsibility now, and jumped on the Phentice beside him, galloping into the trees.

"Muffin!" He called. "Please, I-I didn't really mean it, I was just a little angry that's all!" He looked around nervously, his face still wearing a look of uncomfortableness.

"Muffin please!" He shouted louder, dismounting and walking through the trees. "I am sorry! Please come back, I won't do it again!"

The cat girl sat under a little bush, covering her ears as tears of fear streamed down her face. She was terrified of this man, of her new master. She didn't want anything to do with him.

Rey turned on his charm voice. He had only used this when his wife was severely afraid of him, or so angry she was going to kill him. "Muffin darling, please, do not hide. I will not hurt you, I promise, it was an accident. There will be no others, I assure you of that darling, please come out, so we can go back to camp and get something to eat. Does that sound nice?"

There was a few minutes of silence, before the young woman poked her head out of the brush, staring at him with tear filled eyes. She was a woman, that was for sure, but the way she acted, and looked, was very much like a young girl.

"That's it. Don't be afraid. Come here, I will take you back before . . . oh, its snowing." He laughed a little, staring at the sky. He was sure Spring had rolled in on them early.

Guess not.

Muffin slowly walked to him, trying hard not to cry. She knew that if she did, she would look more and more like a child, but she wasn't. She just couldn't help it, she was always like this, and couldn't stop it. She wanted to be respected, to be loved, to be cherished, but always she rebounded back to the child-like manerisms that seemed to stick with her all through out her growing stages.

But that was just who she was.

"Master . . . you-you scared me." She sniffed, wiping her nose.

"I am so sorry, come here." He opened his arms, crouching down a little. She walked slowly, hesitantly to him as he wrapped her in a warm embrace. "Everything will be alright Muffin, ok? You will get through this, I know that sometimes you can loose yourself, but you will find it soon. Soon, I promise." He let go and jumped on the Phentice once again, helping her up in front of him.

"What are you hungry for?" He asked, the smell of her hair drifting up towards his nose. His head twitched and his eyes opened wide in confusion. Something was wrong, very wrong, and he couldn't put his thumb on it.

"Pumpkin soup." She answered.

"A-Alright than, we will get that." He kicked his heals into the sides of the beast and rode off towards camp.

Drusilla sat around the fire with a cloak about her shoulders, one lined with white feathers and red, heavy material. It reminded her a little of her wings, and she sighed at not having them. She missed her two beloved, second appendeges, and wished they were still a part of her, and it only fuled her rage against hunters even more than before. They had taken her brother, and taken her wings. What more would they take before she was at peace?

"Well, you look like your deep into the flames that's for sure." Arthur grinned, sitting down beside her and handing her a bowl of pumpkin soup.

"No, its just . . . I was thinking." She smiled a little strangely before taking a big swig from her bowl. She choked and stood up, spitting it onto the ground. "HOT!" She screamed.

"I was just about to tell you that, but you just drank it and-"

"Ah!" She grabbed a cup from someone and quickly drank it, calming her tongue down. "I will be back later. Don't follow me, I just want to be alone for a while, please." She threw the bowl to the ground, spilling the rest of its contents and traipsing into the woods. Arthur stared after her in concern. He wanted to follow, to help her, but if he did he would be invading her privacy.

I wonder how Muffin is doing? He thought, taking a spoon full of the soup and drinking it slowly. His eyes floating over to another camp fire and saw her and the Dark Warlock sitting together, both laughing and having a good time. Good, I hope she recovers. He stood up and walked away, going to his tent for an early bed time. He did dearly love sleep.

Drusilla walked into the woods with anger in her heart. Why was Arthur always around? Why was he always asking if she was alright, or comfortable, or hungry, or tired, or . . . well anything!? He was always there, always asking things, always demanding things of her! Every eye lock made her angry, every touch made her sick to her stomach. She loathed him! She despised him! She just wanted him to disappear!

She let out a frustrated, loud, animal like screech that echoed through out the forest. "Damn you Arthur why can't you leave me alone!?"

"Drusilla?" A voice asked. She whipped around, staring into the face of Jackson, who was holding a rather large bow and arrow. "What did Arthur do to you?"

"OH NOTHING!" She replied, her eyes wide and her face turning red.

"He won't leave you alone? Because I can fix that if-"

"No! Don't! Its alright, I am just . . . confused right now. There is nothing to worry about - name of the Abyss what are you doing out here at this time of night!?" She reeled on him with anger, her fists clenched.

"Whoa, settle down Drusilla." His face became serious. "I know what happens when you get angry. Remember? I taught you all that, I taught you how to control it. You haven't spoken a word to me lately, and I-"

"Miss you." She completed, her voice softening. "I miss you . . . too." In here eyes were tears, which set an alarm off in Jack's body. Something was not alright, and it was his job to fix it.

He walked forward and wrapped her in a warm embrace, letting her cry into the fox fur along his shoulders. "Its alright, get it out of your system." He said soothingly, stroking her soft, pink hair. "Now tell me whats wrong so I can fix it."

"Its Arthur! He deeply cares about me and I am afraid-" She sucked in her breath, swallowing as she tried to control herself. "I don't care for him that way anymore! What do I tell him Jackson? What in the name of the Abyss do I tell him!?"

Hallelujah! Praise the gods and the earth, and every living creature! Praise everything around me! Praise Arthur for being so loving! YEEEES!

"That's terrible!" He said falsely, jumping and leaping with joy on the inside. "If I were you, I would simply tell him the truth. I know I would want to hear it."

"Yes, but I don't want to hurt him! His sister died for gods sake! This news would tear him apart." She looked at the ground, as helpless as a puppy who had just had an accident on the carpet. "I don't know anything Jackson, I just . . . want to crawl into a hole and die."

"Well, doing that won't help anyone. Just tell him." Jackson sighed, placing both hands on her shoulders. "You can do that right?"

". . . Yeah, I guess." She replied, her eyes still not meeting his. She shrugged his hands off and walked back to camp, wiping her eyes a little bit.

"I hope this all blows over." He said to the wind, looking into the dark blue sky and seeing the stars twinkle down at him. The woods were a peaceful place, and he never realized how enchanted they were, with their babbling brooks, and with mysteries lurking around every corner.

Oh yes. He thought, scratching his head. The Werewolves. He turned around and started to walk back to camp as well, not wanting to be attacked by anything in the darkness.

Yes the woods were enchanting, but they were deadly as well. Somewhat like love, don't you think?

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