Wicked Games: An Erotica Novella

Wicked Games: Chapter 4

“Do you hear me Jason. I can’t keep doing this to Julissa?” Tempest said, bringing me mentally back into the conversation I had zoned out of.

I knew her question had to be rhetorical. Of course, I could hear her. I had no choice but to. The neighbors could probably hear her loud ass too. Her voice was edging on hysterical. Was I hearing her though?  As in absorbing what she said? No.

I was trying to figure out how our day went wrong. We had spent all morning looking at apartments for her. She’d been smiling and content. Hell, she’d even let me finger fuck her in the car. Then we got back to her sister’s apartment and the day took a turn for the worse. She said she was going to shower and get comfortable and then she was going to cook dinner for me. I was looking forward to the shrimp and grits she promised. But then she came out of the bathroom with different clothes and a different attitude.

Then she started droning on, trying to tell me we couldn’t continue fucking around because of her sister and blah, blah, blah. We had already had this conversation twice this week, and at least ten times in the month since we’d started fucking. And despite those twelve conversations about the same topic and her swearing to God every day that we weren’t going to continue fucking— we were still fucking. We were also spending all our free time together. I was sleeping in her bed at night. We were going out on dates. I had clothes hidden in her closet and dresser. Hell, I was ready to introduce her to my family. I had never introduced a woman to my family. Not one. We were basically a couple. So her nonsense was going in one ear and right out of the other.

I’d been putting up with her Julissa for more than six months, waiting for Tempest to act right. Now that I had clawed my way — tooth and nail past a few of her defenses — not even Tempest herself was talking me out of what I knew I wanted, her. And she wanted me too. Her actions spoke louder than her words. Nobody could fake the passion we had. I know she felt the connection between us. I had felt it the moment our eyes had locked across the courtyard that first day I met her. She had such pretty, sad eyes. The urge to know what caused her sadness and to heal it sent me chasing after her

She turned me down flat so many times — that if she had been anybody else I would have said fuck her. I had never had to woo a woman and I didn’t exactly have the time nor the want to.

Eventually I did say fuck her, I let her be. I had a whole roster of women who were begging for my attention. My pride wouldn’t let me keep chasing her. Then we had our first real conversation. After, I was practically stalking the girl. I had been missing important meetings and basketball practice just to have those few hours with her.

I interrupted her rant.

“I don’t give a fuck about your sister, Tempest. Me saying that may make you feel some type of way, but I don’t care.”

I really didn’t. Sure, I had fucked her sister. She’d pursued me for months and practically begged me to. At the time I didn’t see the harm. She had a fat ass, nice ass titties. I had heard she was a freak, swallowed cum, took it in the ass, all that. And she was. This girl had done nasty, filthy things to me without me having to buy her so much as a happy meal. I Probably would have fucked her again if I hadn’t found out Tempest was her sister. I stuck around only so I could be in Tempest space. I craved her attention. I didn’t go about getting it the right way, but it was the only way I had at the time.

I knew it was irrational to be annoyed by the insecurities that fucking her sister had caused, but I was.

But quiet as it’s kept, I had my own uncertainties. She was older. More mature. She had been married before, and she wouldn’t talk about her husband so it made me wonder if she was still in love with him or something. I don’t now why she would be, but since she was working overtime to not be with me it had me wondering. Or maybe it was the other guy kept seeing her everywhere with. She claimed he was just a co- worker. Bullshit, she knew he wanted her. He stared at her like I had before I got a taste of her. I kept thinking what if he talked her into giving him a chance. They had more in common.

I wasn’t used to feeling jealousy and it was gnawing at. I couldn’t even really confront her about it without letting her know I was following her. Not on like some stalker shit. Well, that isn’t exactly true. I kind of stalked her at first. But I wasn’t at the moment. I had shown up at her job a couple of times to talk to her and she always happened to be leaving with him. Seeing them together made me feel violent, so we’d have to have that talk sooner than later before I did something I’d regret.

“Jason?” Her voice had gone up an entire octave, to the point she screeched my name. Before she could repeat herself, I asked. “Why are you worried about Julissa ass anyways? She damn sure not worried about you or your feelings. You think if this situation was the other way around she’d be trying to push me away for your benefit?” That answer was no. I knew she wouldn’t answer me though.

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head at me like I was simple and testing her patience. I chuckled to myself, making sure to keep the smile off my face. She was trying so hard to look intimidating. And I wanted to help her accomplish anything she put her mind to, but if she wanted me to take her seriously, she should work on being less enticing. Her curly hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, highlighting her pretty round face. She had her glasses, riding her cute button nose and she might as well have been naked since she was only wearing a skintight bra and a biker shorts— that were nearly the same color as her skin. Just looking at her was making my dick hard. And her scent, something sweet, like chocolate and coconuts, lingered in the air between us making me want to taste her. It was distracting. She’s distracting and such a fucking pleasure to look at.

“That’s not the point.” She spoke.

I threw my hands up. “What is the point, Tempest?”

I waited, hoping she’d hurry up and get to it. Staring at her big pretty titties while she bounced around all aggravated had me wanting to lay between her legs and suck them for a few hours. Which made me think about her thighs. She had the thickest thighs I’d ever had the pleasure of being between. Then there were her hips, I liked gripping them when I pounded into her or I’d use them to keep her steady when I’d make her sit on my face. I’d tongue fuck her until her pussy is too sensitive to touch. Shit. I wanted to cum in her. Loved it more than I loved breathing and basketball. I was being reckless every time I did, but feeling her walls pulsate around me, milking me had become addictive. My dick was leaking precum just thinking about it, but I didn’t want to set her off so I kept my thoughts and hands to myself.. She wanted me to listen to her grievance, so I was trying to. What she wanted was important to me, but my patience was wearing thin.

“The point is this isn’t right. Right is right and cheating is wrong.”

I sighed, gripping the bridge of my nose. I had already told her I wasn’t and had never been in a relationship with her sister, but she kept wanting to rehash it.

I was starting to think she only fussed at me in hope’s I’d get aggravated with hearing it, then hem her ass up and spank her pussy like I often did as punishment. She liked that rough shit. Her pussy would flow like water if I did it right. Or maybe that was wishful thinking.

“That’s not a point, that’s an opinion. I happen to share a different one than you. You can’t cheat on someone you were never with. Therefore, we’re not doing anything wrong.” I exhaled. But, if you still want to try again to make me see things your way, hurry up so you can suck your pussy and you can make a mess on my dick before your sister gets back.’ I coaxed her.

Her mouth fell open then snapped shut. I watched her eyelashes flutter.. Heard her breathing become faster.

I smirked. “I want my shrimp and grits too, after.”

“I um …” she fumbled her words.

My smirk grew wider, satisfaction spreading in my chest. I like how frazzled I could make her. It let me know she wanted me just as much as I wanted her, but she also wanted to not to feel guilty about wanting me. At the moment she could have either —or, not both and that was her fault because she refused to tell her sister about us.

She took a step away from me. I watched her collect herself. It was so disappointing.

Composed she said, “You are so nasty.”

“I am and you like that shit.”

She fell silent again.

“What you get all quiet for now?”

“It’s just I …” her voice trailed off.

“You just what?”

I wasn’t going to give her time to make up any more excuses. I stepped up into her space, lowered my hands to her hips, leaned down pressed my lips to hers, hoping my kisses erased her doubt. She allowed my hands to roam freely as she kissed me back. But even as she did, she was still running her mouth.

“I don’t think.” She sucked my tongue “we should be doing is. It’s becoming a problem.”

I pulled back swallowing the aggravation creeping up my throat. Staring down at her I told her the truth, “The only problem we have is the ones you’re creating, we aren’t cheating because I was never with your sister. The end.” I tucked my lips into my mouth, as I gripped her ass holding her against me.

“Regardless of what you say. My sister thinks she’s your girlfriend. That makes this messy, I can’t do messy.”, She backed away putting space between us. My hands fell to my sides.

I sighed and shook my head.  “Well then let’s tell her she isn’t?” I held her gaze.

I was ready to end the façade. The only reason I hadn’t was because Tempest was scared.

“Tell her what, that you like fucking both of us?”

My eyes fucking crossed. A chuckle slipped from my mouth, though there wasn’t a damn thing funny. She had jumped from one conversation to a whole fucking other conversation. I guess the subject of was I — or wasn’t I— still fucking her sister was the dead horse she wanted to beat now.

“When do I have the time. Tempest? I’m either playing or practicing basketball, eating your pussy, fucking you and cumming in. Or laying up on you in your bed.” I nearly yelled “Think, Tempest.”

She shook her head and mumbled something under her breath before speaking up. “I hear her talking about how big and good your dick is on the phone.”

I scoffed, “She’s not talking about me, because I’m not fucking her at all. You are the only woman I’m giving this big, good dick to. I only want to fuck you.”

Her eyes dropped to the floor and I could tell she was overthinking yet again. I opened my mouth to speak, but we heard Julissa keys in the door. I sighed. My head rolled back on my neck. I was so fucking tired mentally. Now I had to deal with her sister too. But I didn’t have anybody to blame but myself.

Tempest eyes bucked wildly before she rushed off towards her room so fast she nearly took my shoulder off when she passed me. I was tempted to snatch her little enticing ass back into the room and hold her there until she confessed to her sister. She was really making our life difficult for no reason.

My eyes keyed in on her ass as she bounded away though. I couldn’t even help myself. I was obsessed.

“ Not even a kiss goodbye?” I called behind her. I chuckled when she flicked me the bird over her shoulder before quietly closing her door.

I adjusted my dick. Trying to make it look less obvious, which was really fucking hard — since I didn’t have on any boxers under the grey sweatpants I was wearing. Julissa pushed open the front door just as I tucked him under my waistband. Light from outside filtered in behind her. She couldn’t see me roll my eyes.

She smiled but also looked surprised to see me as she walked in. Then I remembered it was her day off. Shit . I hardly ever showed up on her days off. At least not in the daytime when I knew there was a chance she’d be there.

“What are you doing here?” She gave me a suspicious look. Her eyes veered towards Tempest door for a split second, then back to me.

I wish she’d just accuse me of what I think she was thinking. I wouldn’t lie to her if she asked me flat out.

“I was stopping by to see you.”

A big ass grin split her face.

“Aww baby that’s sweet.” She cooed. Dropping the million shopping bags she was holding, she held out her arms for a hug, I leaned down and gave her one. She smelled like men’s cologne. The smell probably belonged to whomever took her shopping.

She rose on her tiptoes and tried to press her lips against mine. I turned my head. Fake coughing, I covered my mouth for extra protection.

She sucked her teeth. But rebounded from the rejection quickly. A fake smile erased her scowl.

“I need to talk to you.” She spoke.

I swear I hated talking to her, every time she parted her dick suckers nonsense flew out. Just being around her tested my patience because I knew she was about to say some stupid any second. Shit that would piss me off. As of late she had been talking about taking our relationship to the next level.

What relationship? I was basically an Uber driver who was trying to make her sister fall in love with me.

I needed Tempest to hurry up and get on the same page as me because I only had patience to deal with one of them. Which meant I was going to eventually say fuck it all and tell Julissa, there was no us and never had been .

“What is it that we need to talk about?”

I watched her saunter over to the red convertible couch and take a seat. She patted the empty spot next to her.

I scratched my head and forced myself not to look at Tempest door. Reluctantly I made my way over and  sat down. But as far away from her as possible. I didn’t need Tempest popping out of her room and getting the wrong impression.

Julissa turned and looked at me dead in the face, as if she really had something important to say. She folded her hands into her lap drawing attention to the itty bitty mini skirt she had on, which barely covered anything, I could see her lace panties from where I sat. I averted my eyes.

She started,“We’ve been together for seven months. I think I want your baby.”

I coughed, nearly choking on my own spit. “Wait what?” I jumped up off the sofa like it was on fire. “What the fuck you talking about a baby for? Why would we have a baby?”

Her eyes bucked like her sister’s had earlier.

“On the sports blog yesterday, you said you wanted a family and to settle down. I want to give that to you.”

I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn’t even imagine having a child with her.

“I wasn’t talking about it with you.”

She jumped up and dropped her hand to her hips.

“What do you mean, we’ve been together for almost a year!”  She added damn near six months to the time I’d known her.

“Unless you’re cheating on me?”

I ran my hand over my mouth. I’d gone about getting at Tempest the wrong way and now that shit was backfiring.

I clicked my tongue “Listen, Julissa. We ain’t even had sex since the first night. We’re more like friends,” I lied. We weren’t even friends.

She cut her eyes at me.

I shifted my weight from my right to my left leg. I was ready to go.

“But why wouldn’t you want me to have your child. They’d be beautiful. Light skinned with pretty eyes, curly good hair,” she said with no shame or reservation.

My mouth dropped open.

Bit…” I caught then corrected myself. “Girl, do you know how fucking ignorant you sound? If you knew anything about me, you would have known never to say something like that to me.

“What did I say wrong?” She had her lips all turned up. looking really clueless.

I held her gaze so she knew to take what I said to heart. “All that colorism shit you spewed. You think that’s ok?” You thought because I’m a white, I’d what? Tell you how excited I was at the thought of having some blue eyes, caramel babies? She had triggered the fuck out of me but I tried to reign in some of my anger. She didn’t know me, so she didn’t know I had struggled with looking so different than the rest of my family.

She stared at me blankly waiting for me to answer her.

I curled my lips. If I thought she would be able to process what I wanted to say, ‘d explain it to her, but I knew she was a lost fucking cause.. Her only goal was getting money and clothes and looking good. I’d be damn if I was the one she accomplished those goals with me. She wasn’t about to trap me with a baby so she could freeload for eighteen years.

That was my cue to leave. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t coming back, but I didn’t. For access to Tempest I’d put up with her for a while longer.

“I’m out.” I made my way to the door and out of it before she could say anything else.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.