Wicked Devil: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Boys of Sun Valley Book 1)

Wicked Devil: Chapter 14

I wake up to a loud banging at the front door. What the fuck?

Allie is asleep beside me. Her hair is a tangled mess of brown waves and her expression is relaxed. I watch her for a moment as her chest rises and falls, the sheet barely covering her pert breasts.

Just as I’m about to lean down and suck on her beautiful tits before rolling her over and sliding into her wet heat, the knocking that woke me up in the first place sounds again, though this time louder, closer.

Someone better be dying because Dom and Emilio know not to come knocking this early in the fucking morning.

I groan and throw my legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them. Finding my boxers, I slip them on and then open my bedroom door with a scowl on my face.


Dominique stands on the other side, an amused expression on his face as his eyes wander past me, spotting Allie in my bed. I step to the side, blocking his view of her as I cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow. “Cabrón, there better be a good fucking reason you’re waking me up right now.”

He tilts his head back toward the front of the cabin. “Henderson’s looking for her. Figured you’d want to deal with that.”

Any good mood I woke up with instantly sours at the sound of his name. “What the fuck does he want?”

Dom shrugs. “What you’ve got in that bed of yours would be my guess.”

I flip him off. “Keep your voice down. You’re going to wake her up.” He nods and I throw on a pair of sweats and a Sun Valley High hoodie.

Dressed, I head toward the front of the cabin and find Henderson pacing on the front porch. His brows are furrowed and he runs his hands through his shaggy blond hair. Asshole looks like a Bieber wannabe.

When he spots me, his eyes narrow into slits and his fists clench at his sides. He looks me up and down, hate evident in his glare. I wait. As if this fucker can scare me. He’ll need to do a hell of a lot better than that.

He takes in my outfit as though searching for evidence of what happened last night. I snort. Is he expecting to find me with the condom still wrapped around my dick?

“Where is she?” he bites out.

“Sleeping,” I tell him, enjoying the anger I see bubbling up inside of him. He wants to hit me. I can tell by the tick in his jaw and the way he keeps clenching then unclenching his fists, but Aaron Henderson isn’t a complete idiot. He knows he can’t take me. He may hit the gym and ride that stupid board of his but I dominate on the field and take hit after hit day in and day out. Doling out some of my own in return both on and off the field.

Henderson wouldn’t stand a chance against me and he knows it.

“What did you do to her?”

I roll my eyes, not even bothering to pretend I didn’t fuck her brains out. Better for this asshole to learn now that she’s mine. Mine to use. Mine to fuck. He lost the game before he even had a chance to play. “Nothing she didn’t want.” I let my words sink in.

He takes a menacing step forward. “I want to see her,” he snarls, inches away from my face.

I lean against the doorway giving him a bored expression. “Why? So you can apologize for fucking the girl who was a bitch to her? You think that will get you inside her tight little pussy?”

He draws back in surprise and flicks his eyes up toward me. “She saw that?”

I fold my arms over my chest. It’s not my job to explain shit to him. I don’t want him thinking Allie’s only here with me because he fucked up. I’m not her second choice. She came eager and willing. It had nothing to do with this asshole.

He looks away, nodding his head and muttering to himself, but I don’t bother listening. “What do you want, Henderson? It’s early and I haven’t had any coffee so get to the point of this little visit and then get off my fucking porch.”

He tugs at his blond hair, making it stick out in all directions. “I just wanted to check on her. Make sure she was okay. She didn’t come back to the cabin last—”

I cut him off. “If you were that concerned, you would have been looking for her last night. Not this morning after your piece of ass slinked out of your bed.”

Guilt flashes across his face confirming what I’d suspected. Henderson got his dick wet and didn’t once think about Allie until after he’d gotten what he wanted. “Good thing for you, I took real good care of her. Fucked her all night long.” I push off the porch and step toward him, using my height to tower over him. “And fuck, Henderson. You don’t know what you’re missing. She’s so tight and when she begs for it”—I grab my crotch in a suggestive manner—“music to my fucking ears.”

I have no fucking idea why I’m saying any of this. Why I want—no need—Henderson and every other asshole at our school to know that Allie Ramirez is off limits until I deem otherwise.

We agreed to fun. No strings. No commitments. I’m not the relationship type, so hearing that from her last night should have made me happy. Instead, it made my blood run hot. It filled my ears with a roar and I took my anger out on her hot little body. I was the one in charge. I decided whatever this was or wasn’t between us.

I should wake her up and send her on her way as soon as this fucker leaves. It’s what I would do with any other girl. But that idea has me gritting my teeth.

If I do that, Henderson will just make another play at her. I’ll keep her this weekend to stick it to the asshole. Remind him that I can take any girl I want when I want. Yeah, sounds like a great fucking idea.

I step back inside and slam the door in Henderson’s face, not giving him a chance to respond. I can’t stand guys like him. He’s such a fucking tool.

Back inside, Dom waves toward the fresh pot of coffee. I wave him off. “Later,” I say. Because right now there is a naked woman in my bed and I have plans to do wicked, wicked things to her body.

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