Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus Book 3)

Wicked Beauty: Chapter 16

I can’t decide if I’m more pissed off or turned on. When I heard Helen’s moan, I knew what I’d find the second I walked into the room. She and Patroclus fucking around, or just flat-out fucking. I walked through the door anyways. There’s something selfish in that. If I were a better man, I would have let Patroclus have his moment with Helen without me involved.

I’m not a better man. I’m a selfish asshole.

Watching him eat her pussy… The way he responded to my commands…

We’ve never done anything like this before. I’m naturally bossy in bed, and we’ve shared partners in the past, but not like this. Not with me taking the lead so intensely and him following along without a word. Not with a woman both of us are drawn to in different ways. Helen is nothing like anyone we’ve shared in the past, and this situation is a first for us in so many ways.

I’m not ready for it to stop.

Patroclus leverages himself up to look at me. The entire bottom half of his face is wet with Helen, and fuck if that doesn’t send a bolt of lust straight to my cock. I want to kiss him, to taste both of them mixed up on his tongue. Not now. If I cross that line, I’ll be fucking her again before I leave that bed.

He shakes his head a little as if waking from a dream. “What?”

I make an effort to keep all the tension from my body. “You know you’re not satisfied with one orgasm. You’re so hard, you’re about to come in your pants.” I lean forward and prop my elbows on my knees. “Fuck her, Patroclus. You think that pussy tastes good? Feels good clamped around your fingers? It feels even better around your cock.”

Helen makes a little writhing motion and turns her head to blink those big amber eyes at me. She’s got a shell-shocked look on her face, but that doesn’t stop her from running her mouth. “I’m right here.”

“Yeah, you are.” And what a fucking picture she makes. Hair all fucked up from sleep, her skin golden in the morning light, flushed from coming all over Patroclus’s face. Her tits are even more perfect than I remember, and with this minuscule distance, I can appreciate the deceptive strength of her body. Every single muscle stood out when she came. I want to see it happen again. I think they want it, too.

There are a dozen reasons to stop this now, but I ignore every single one of them. “Don’t pretend like you haven’t been panting after Patroclus’s cock since that first night. You think he eats pussy good? Let him focus all that attention on fucking you properly.”

She gives another of those long blinks, and I can practically see her brain jumping back online. “You are such a dick.”

“I’ve been called worse. By you.”

“Yeah, guess so.” Helen bites her bottom lip. “Patroclus?” A whole lot of subtext in that single word, and for once, I can read most of it. She wants this. She doesn’t want to, is pretty sure she’s going to regret it, but she wants it too much to be the one to stop us.

I can’t speak to regrets. I don’t fuck with them all that often. Once something’s done, it’s done, and there’s no point to wish on stars that you can go back in time and redo things differently. You live with the consequences and move on, maybe learn a thing or two in the process. Maybe this shit is a mistake, maybe it’s not, but if all three of us want it, why shouldn’t we go for it?

For once, Patroclus isn’t lost in thought. He’s staring up her body like he wants to taste every inch of her, like he’s finally found someone besides me who clicks off that impressive brain of his and leaves only instinct behind. He’s still Patroclus, though, so he shakes his head and attempts to focus. To reason. “I want you, Helen. I don’t want to stop. If you’re good with this—”


I snort at how quickly she responds, and he gives a little laugh. “You sure?”

“Yes. This is…” Helen drags in a breath that makes her tits jiggle. “This is messy, but I think it’s safe to say neither of you is going to use it against me?”

What the fuck is she talking about? Use what against her? I frown. “The only thing we’re going to use against you is Patroclus’s cock.”

He understands, though. He always seems to be able to make the jump even when I’m floundering behind him. Patroclus smooths a hand over her stomach. “You’re right. This is messy. But what happens in this bedroom is between us. It goes as far as you want, but it won’t affect what happens once we leave the bed.”

That sounds like a whole lot of bullshit. He’s already thinking of the future. She is, too. Fuck, even I am. “It’s already messy.” I can’t keep the impatience out of my voice. “It was messy the moment we fucked, the second you came all over his face. It’s not going to get messier.” But I get what her fear is now. Someone has used sex against her in the past and left her bruised because of it. I try to soften my voice, but it still comes out in a rumble. “Helen.” I wait for her to give me most of her attention. “Patroclus is right. What happens in this bedroom is just between us. It will stay just between us.”

“Okay.” Her smile is almost tentative…trusting. She clears her throat and looks away. “Look, guys, this is really hot, and I don’t care if I’ll regret it later. I don’t want to stop.”

That snags at me even as I tell myself it’s none of my godsdamned business if Helen regrets this. She doesn’t have to see things my way, to believe that the experience is worth the consequences. Not yet. I have plenty of time to convince them both. “You’re going to be coming too hard to regret anything.”

“Maybe.” She shoots me a sharp look. “But we’ll see how I feel when you two start fighting again.”

“Don’t worry about later.” I slice my hand through the air, wishing I could cut off that inevitable future as easily. She’s probably right, which is frustrating. This might be my selfish version of an apology, but ultimately it doesn’t fix shit with me and Patroclus. I’m still not really sure how to fix shit between us. A worry for later, just like Helen’s regrets. “This is now. You in?”

“Yes.” Again, no hesitation. I might not really understand Helen, but I do appreciate that once she decides on a course, it doesn’t seem like much deters her. We have that in common. I very carefully don’t think about what else we might have in common.


He hesitates, searching my expression. I don’t know what for. I’m practically wrapping up Helen like a gift for him, even if this might not be the perfect scenario he imagined when he thought about what it would be like to seduce her. Honestly, though, he’s probably considered this scenario, too. Patroclus knows I’m a human wrecking ball. Just like I know his mind is ten steps ahead of us right now and thinking too hard about potential outcomes and consequences.

I see the exact moment he discards all that and throws caution to the wind. He gives a short nod and turns back to drink in the sight of her laid out for him. “Yeah.”

Relief and anticipation twine through me, but I refuse to show any of it. With these two and their determination to overthink any given situation to death, there was a decent chance one of them would have slammed on the brakes and stopped this before I was ready to end it. It takes me a few seconds to let that concern go and refocus.

They both said yes. We’re in this. Time to have some fucking fun.

I inhale slowly, letting my plans spin out. I want them both to come hard, but I also want a damn good view. I snap my fingers. “Patroclus, on your back. Helen, on top.”

I prefer to be in the middle of any sexy shit happening, but I can’t deny how fucking hot this is. I might not be the one having sex, but they’re acting out my commands. Patroclus stretches out on the mattress on his back, and Helen wastes no time moving to straddle his hips. She’s a little shaky still, and he catches her thighs, holding her steady. They look at each other, and it’s like I can see the connection between them.

It pisses me off and turns me on. I guess that’s no surprise. Everything about this pisses me off and turns me on. Isn’t that connection the reason I lost control and fucked Helen on the floor like an animal a single day after badgering Patroclus into promising to stay away from her? I can’t erase what’s obviously growing between them, but I’m starting to realize I can ensure I won’t be left behind. “Rub on his cock, princess. Let him feel how wet he made you.”

She plants her hands on Patroclus’s chest and rolls her hips. My chair is angled just right to see everything. The way she drags her pussy over his cock, pressing its hard length down between them. It wouldn’t take much for him to be inside her now. In fact… “Helen and I didn’t use protection.”

They go still. Patroclus looks at me, a line appearing between his brows. I speak before either of them have a chance to. “There’s no reason for you two to use it, either. She’s on birth control. You aren’t with anyone else but me right now. All of us are tested regularly.”

Helen shoots me a sharp look, her pretty lips thinning with irritation. “Speak for me again, and I’ll gut you.”

“Promises, promises.” I shouldn’t enjoy her threats so much. But the last time she threatened me, she ended up coming around my cock. Hard to complain with that kind of reward in mind. Except, no, right now isn’t about only me. I drag in a breath. The room smells of sex with the promise of more.

The promise of more if I don’t fuck this up and piss one of them off. I can do this. I can pump the brakes just enough to make sure everyone is on the same page. “Do you want to use a condom, princess?” I smile slowly, enjoying the way her gaze narrows in response. “Or do you want to ride Patroclus’s cock bare and let him fill you up?”

She flushes a pretty pink and shifts her attention to the man between her thighs. “While I’m inclined to protest just to piss him off, I’m not one to cut off my nose to spite my face.” She shivers a little, her rosy nipples peaked on her perfect tits. “I like the idea of you fucking me bare, Patroclus. I like it a lot. I’m okay going without a condom if you are.”

“It’s not a good idea.”

I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard him say those exact same words in that exact same tone. It’s a protest for the sake of protest. Patroclus wants this just as much as we do. More, even. There’s a fine tremor in his hands where they grip her thighs. He’s fighting for control, to be the rational, reasonable one.

Fuck that.

“We don’t need a treatise on why it’s a bad idea. A yes or no is good enough.” I barely pause, barely give his impressive brain a chance to start chugging down the path that derails us. “She feels so good. Wet and tight. Tell me you don’t want it.”

He curses, and I know we have him. He confirms it a second later. “I want it.”

Yeah, but I don’t want extra room for claiming miscommunication or scooping up more regrets than necessary. “Use your words. Be explicit.”

Patroclus strokes his hands up her thighs and then down to hook the backs of her knees. He jerks her a few inches up his stomach. “I want to fuck you bare. I want to fill you up.”

Helen nods so fast, her hair falls in her face. “Yes. Yes, let’s do it.”

Satisfaction curls through me. They’re doing what I want, and little feels better than that, especially because I know how bad they both want it, too. Just like I know they wouldn’t have done this without my pushing for it. They’re both too damn sensible. I make myself lean back in the chair and relax as much as I can manage. “You know what to do, princess.”

Helen wraps a fist around Patroclus’s cock, and my cock twitches in response. She strokes him slowly, her long fall of light-brown hair shielding her face from me. I want to tell her to pull it back, to show me everything, but I can’t quite manage it. Maybe it’s better not to see the way she looks at him. Bad enough to witness his expression as he watches her rise to notch his cock at her entrance. Patroclus is as shell-shocked as he was the first time we had sex, as if he’s waiting for someone to pinch him and say it’s all a joke, a trick, a sham.

He still looks at me like that sometimes.

I push the thought away and focus on watching Helen fight her way down Patroclus’s cock. He’s girthier than I am, and even though she just came hard enough to soak the bed, she’s still got to work to take him. “He’s spreading you so wide, princess. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” she gasps. Another inch of his cock disappears into her. The jealousy curdling my stomach only gets stronger. It’s dual-sided, a room full of fun-house mirrors that reflect and amplify. I want to feel her clamp around me. I want to experience the almost pain of that first slow slide of his cock as he pushes into me. I want it all.

Patroclus shifts his grip to her hips. “Slow.”

“No, not slow.” I can’t keep the bite out of my words. “Take him all.”

“I’m trying, you asshole.” She rolls her hips again, working herself down the last bit of him. The moment they’re sealed together, all three of us exhale harshly. Helen’s nails dent the skin on his chest, but she doesn’t rake them over him the way she did with me. Instead, she’s being so damn gentle, I want to shatter something.

“Ride him,” I snap. “Make yourself come again.”

This time, she doesn’t snarl at me. She simply obeys, moving almost decadently slowly. It’s sexy as fuck to watch the way her body rolls over him, but it’s like an itch I can’t quite scratch. It’s too intimate, too sweet. The way they look at each other, I might as well not be in the room. The sensation only gets worse when Patroclus brushes her hair back and then arches up to kiss her, her face cradled gently in his hands.

Yeah, no, this isn’t what I signed up for.

“That’s about enough of that.” They both freeze, and the guilt written across his expression is more of a slap in the face than anything else that’s happened here. I swallow past the sudden ache in my chest. It’s just sex, and I don’t do regrets. I fucking refuse to. “Patroclus, sit on the edge of the bed. Princess, on his lap, facing me.”

This time, they move slower. That causes the ache to get worse. Not even Helen’s perfect tits are enough to combat the feeling of being immaterial. I’m a selfish prick. I like being the center of attention. And I’m…not right now.

Helen eases onto Patroclus’s lap with her legs on the outside of his. If I enjoyed the view of him entering her before, it’s a thousand times better now. His cock spreads her almost obscenely, and I palm myself roughly in response. This time, she doesn’t have to fight as hard to take him. She leans back against his chest and slides one arm up to hook behind his neck. “Is this better, Achilles? Can’t pretend you’re not here when you’re making us stare right at you.” Her lips curve. “Is someone feeling insecure?”

“Shut up.”

Patroclus cups her breasts, temporarily distracting both of us. She gasps at him pinching her nipples just shy of roughly. I enjoy the way her hips jolt in response, seeking pressure against her clit. He knows. Of course he knows. He always seems to divine what his partners need next. He wastes no time sliding one hand down between her thighs to stroke her clit. I can appreciate the fact that he keeps most of his hand up on her stomach, though, offering a clear view of them fucking.

What I can’t tell is if he’s trying to prove a point or not.

Both of them watch me as he winds her up stroke by stroke. She’s still doing that sexy slow roll, obviously not in a hurry to reach any destination. Helen’s breath hitches. “Poor Achilles. Is this better? Now you can watch how much I’m enjoying Patroclus’s cock.” She whimpers when he switches up his touch against her clit. “You can see how much he’s enjoying my pussy.”

“Shut up.” It’s an even more terrible comeback this time because I’m just repeating myself, but I can barely speak through the lust coating the room, so intense it’s like a stronger force of gravity against my skin. I dip my hand into my sweats and grip my cock. Somehow, that only makes it worse. Because I’m not really involved, even if I am right here.

Helen’s gaze flicks to where my fist moves in my pants, and she licks her lips. I tense, waiting to see if she’ll really toss the gauntlet at my feet. I should know better by now. If there’s one thing Helen can be trusted to do, it’s escalate the situation. She bites her bottom lip. “You want to shut me up? Get over here and do it properly.”

I’m on my feet before I can think of all the reasons this is a shitty idea. If I wanted to stop, though, I’d ask Patroclus to give me a bullet-pointed list. I don’t want to stop. “Sounds like you need a cock to choke on.”

She arches an eyebrow, never missing a beat of fucking Patroclus. “Bold of you to assume I’ll choke on you.”

“Only one way to find out.” I hardly sound like myself. I glance over her shoulder at Patroclus. He looks just as conflicted as I feel. We’ve shared partners in the past, yes, but we both know better than to lump Helen in with them. It was complicated enough with each of us fucking her on our own. Doing it together feels like a mark of intent that I’m not sure we can follow through on without crashing and burning.

Not just ruining what little tentative peace we have with Helen, either. If this blows up in our faces, it might very well fuck my and Patroclus’s relationship beyond all repair.

We’re barreling down a path of no return, and it’s too damn late to stop. I’ve never had much in the way of brakes, always relying on his steadier hand and cooler head to stop us before we do shit we can’t take back. With him balls deep in Helen’s pussy, there’s no appealing to the only god he worships. Logic has nothing on the lust bringing a sexy flush to his handsome face.

I step closer, letting Helen hook her fingers into the band of my sweats. She tugs them down just enough to free my cock and looks up at me. Fuck, she’s sexy, and the fact she’s riding Patroclus’s cock right now only makes her sexier. She licks her lips again. “This doesn’t mean I like you.”

The words might sting if she weren’t looking at me like she wants to consume me whole. I can’t quite laugh. Not right now. “I think you like me just fine, princess.”

Her smile goes downright mischievous. “Maybe I just really want to suck your cock.”

Behind her, Patroclus curses. “Then stop talking and do it.” He wraps a careful fist around her long hair and nudges her head forward. I half expect Helen to snarl at him, but she follows his guidance eagerly, letting him urge her forward until she can wrap her lips around the head of my cock.

For all my shit-talking, I only ease forward a little, giving her time and space to adjust to my length. Patroclus does something with his hand between her thighs that has her whimpering and taking me deeper. I hold perfectly still and watch her suck me down. It looks just as hot as it feels, her tongue working the underside of my cock even as her lips meet my base. “Someone taught the precious princess to deep throat,” I murmur, voice rough with need.

Helen pushes against Patroclus’s hold on her hair, and he lets her off my cock. She gives me an arch look. “Now that we’ve established I can take you, stop trying to pretend you have a noble streak and fuck my mouth like you mean it.”

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