Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under?: A sweet & steamy monster romance (Monsterville, USA Book 3)

Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under: Chapter 21

“Both,” he said.

Had my longing to stand in the crisp air with him, bundle up, and watch fireworks come through in my tone?

“Let’s go join the others,” he said. Rising from the tub, he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He stalked over to me and gently stroked the damp hair off my shoulders. “And then we’ll come back here and finish what we started. Fireworks all night long.”

“It’s a promise.” My voice came out breathy. Being with him was all that mattered, but the weekend would be over soon. Maybe I should ditch the fireworks and stay here after all.

“I live to please you,” he said.

“You’ve pleased me more than I could ever imagine.” My gaze was drawn to his cock still erect beneath his towel. “It looks like you’re missing out, however. Let’s just stay here and—’

Another knock rang out on the door.

“Hurry up in there,” Rylee called out. “You’re going to miss the fireworks!” Her laughter echoed in the hall. “If you don’t come out, we’ll rouse you.”

I was already roused, thank you very much.

“Okay,” I said.

The sound of her footsteps headed down the hall.

Darrow kissed me, a deep, heady kiss full of need and passion before he lifted his head. “Hold that thought, because I’m going to bring you back to it.”

I nodded, not able to form words.

We dressed quickly and went downstairs. Everyone was already outside, and we joined them, sitting on sofas the staff had brought outside.

“Here you go, Princess,” one of the staff said, laying a heated blanket over me and Darrow.

Another staff member came by with hot cider.

“I can’t wait,” Monica cried, her eyes gleaming as bright as the upcoming fireworks. She nestled in Trevor’s arms, staring toward the sky.

Powdery snow drifted through the air, landing on the stone walls and courtyard, creating a pristine winter blanket. The silence of the night was so profound that it magnified the beautiful stillness surrounding us. As if lovingly drawn by unseen hands, the area had been transformed into a magical winter fairytale.

I sucked in the cool, crisp air that was so chilly it made my lungs ache.

Darrow put his arm around my shoulders, and his other hand caressed my thigh, keeping heat simmering inside me. He nuzzled my throat. “You smell amazing, like lust and love and everything wonderful in this world.”

Truly, he broke my heart with his words, but with each kiss, he put me back together again.

The stars twinkled dimly overhead, and the shadowy moon cast a soft glow over the landscape. Around us, the trees were adorned with strings of tiny white lights, and the snow sparkled in the light of lanterns swaying in the light breeze.

A loud bang filled the air. I gasped as a fountain of sparks lit up the sky in front of us, followed by a beautiful array of colors. Rockets of red, blue, green, and yellow filled the night. They seemed to reach all the way to the stars.

 “Amazing,” Darrow said, equally stunned. His hand took mine, holding tight.

“Ah,” Monica cried during a pause. “It’s so pretty. Thank you, Trevor, my gorgeous, amazing husband. Thank you, Elisa and Raze for making this weekend so special. And thank you, my friends, for sharing this wonderful time with us.”

“It’s so lovely,” Rylee said, snuggling into Gunner’s side. His arm wrapped around her, and he held the blanket up to her chin, keeping her warm.

“So glad I could be here,” Elisa said, Raze’s deep voice echoing her words. They sat side by side but apart. Had they made any headway in finding common ground to stand on?

Multiple whooshes filled the night again, and we gasped as the rockets shot into the sky, exploding for our pleasure. The show mesmerized me, and my eyes widened as each new blast of color lit up the sky. If only I could catch each one in my hand, a colorful firefly that I could keep forever.

The show came to an end, but we remained in place, grinning at each other, sharing this perfect moment. The snow began to fall again in gentle, sparkling flakes that glistened on the ground and trees.

“It’s over,” Monica said with a sigh. “So pretty. I don’t believe my honeymoon weekend could be more complete.”

“Oh, no?” Trevor asked with a happy growl. He stood and swept her up into his arms, holding her tight with the blanket wrapped around her. He strode toward the entrance, and the staff swept open the front door. “I think I should show you how this weekend can get better.”

“So romantic,” Rylee said in a wistful voice.

Gunner, taking a cue from his cousin, swept her up and did the same, striding inside the castle.

Before I could joke to Darrow about testing out the strength of his arms, he lifted me and spun around. Stopping, he kissed me, his lips cool from the snow, his mouth warm from our growing heat.

He strode through the front door, and I peeked over my shoulder at Elisa and Raze.

He stared at his hands clasped on his lap, then subtly peeked at her. He wasn’t wearing his glasses. Contacts? Damn, he had incredibly long lashes and pretty green eyes.

Her face full of longing, Elisa didn’t seem to notice his attention.

They seemed like nice people, and maybe it was overly romantic of me, but I wanted everyone to feel the way I did nestled in Darrow’s arms.

As if life couldn’t get any better.

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