Who is Magpie?

Chapter 29- Meeting the Counsel

The large meeting room contained a long, wide oak table that ran down the centre. At the far end there was also a broad desk with the computer that hooked up to the projector and large monitors. Windows lined the one wall, looking out towards the garden, and that was where Ezekiel’s attention was focused when Bronx walked in through the open doors.

“Is my father with Magpie?” He asked, more looking for something to start conversation than concerned that he wasn’t.

“Yes, I waited for them to arrive before coming.” Bronx reassured, almost divulging their plan to him to keep conversation but recognizing that Magpie was right.

There were seven council members at this time, and Eugene Anson was the first to arrive. Knowing better than to start talking without everyone present, they gathered in silence, each only greeting the Alpha and Beta as they sat down. Hariette Grigg arrived next, sitting across from Bronx, and each chair was filled in this manner. Raymond Horne, Chevalier Krii, Wallace Orman, Corleone Tran, and Avion Jonz closed the door behind him.

“Hello Alpha Ashford, Beta Ashford.” Avion greeted in turn, taking his seat on the end.

“Hello Avion. Glad you all could make it here so quickly. I know many of you had a long journey and would like to settle in, so I have had lunch prepared for us and they will bring it in when it is ready. Food will also be brought to your families in their rooms as we try to limit the spread of information before the official trial tomorrow.”

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, except for Wallace Orman. “Excuse me Alpha, but I really don’t see the point. What information could anyone be spreading that isn’t known already?” He looked around, hoping to see the others agree but he was the only one annoyed by the protocol. “She tried to kill you right? A knife to your chest from what I’ve heard, there really doesn’t seem to be any room for confusion there.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Yes Counsellor Orman, I can see how you can misunderstand when that is the last update you received.” He nodded towards Bronx. “It seems we did well in our job preventing the spread of rumours.”

There were some chuckles around the room and then the doors opened and trays of food were brought in. “You will all have lots of time to bicker after we eat.” Bronx joked. “I’m not sure about the lot of you, but I missed breakfast and I’m starving.”

Bronx had to admire his friend for lining up lunch before the meeting began, right after their arrival. With everyone sure to be cranky from their long journeys, a chance to change and then a hardy meal was what every wolf needed.

The women ate faster then the men and began preparing their books for notes and placing their phones on silent in the provided stands in front of them in case of an emergency. Ezekiel and Bronx made sure their plates were collected next, setting up their notes and phones as well.

When the last plate was collected Ezekiel began. “I will begin by sharing a chronological timeline of the facts.”

The Alpha and Beta went back and forth, from listing that Magpie had been dropped off and how she got in, getting as far as to what Bronx witnessed after being alerted about the intrusion. While one of them was describing or listing what was necessary, the other was giving the time and source of how they got the information.

“Just to confirm Alpha Ashford, a human girl got you pinned?” Counsellor Corleone asked questionably, raising her eyebrow in suspicion. “That doesn’t seem possible, regardless of you being tired.”

“While I’ll admit she is quite skilled, I won’t lie and say that I put all of my strength into combatting her.” Ezekiel admitted, continuing before someone tried to ask why. “She is my mate, and she was sent here under control of the Mensdillia flower…”

“That’s impossible, the control of that plant isn’t that strong!” Wallace Orman objected, making some bold notes in his book.

Ezekiel had to work to control his temper as he felt it welling up inside him. Wallace was always his biggest critic, and at every meeting they had ever had he was always the last person to get on his side. Before he had taken it, but this time his bickering affected more than his afternoon leisure time, and he didn’t have patience when it came to things that affected Magpie.

Ezekiel maintained his professional expression when he gave his reply. “I assure you, it is quite possible. I will explain…”

“Your mate?” Chevalier mused, speaking with her signature slow drawl, with a look that said she was begging for trouble. “Is that why I saw no guards at the prison doors? Where is she? Who is watching her?”

As everyone waited impatiently to confirm she was finished talking at her drawn out pace, Ezekiel only waited for the end of her sentence to cut in, his frustrations swelling with this feeling that he needed to defend his choices. “She is in the medical bay, with my father…” Ezekiel’s phone began to ring, and he saw the screen light up in front of him, answering it quickly. “What is it?”

“It’s Magpie, come here….”

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