White Wolf Hybrid ~ The sequel

Chapter 4 ~ The outside

Kendrick’s POV ~

It’s been nearly a year since I have seen my mate. I have purposely avoided any interaction with the Sterling Pack..and Alpha Alexander. Brutus has been so hard to control..constantly wanting his mate. I have been too afraid that even I would want to grab her and mark her. Until she is of age.. I can’t allow it!

Jaxson says “You have that appointment with Troy Calhoun at three today. So you’ll need to be ready in a half hour.” I growl and respond “He’s a snake! I can’t stand him and I have never hidden that fact..so whatever he could possibly want with us, is beyond me!” Jaxson shrugs and Corey remarks “Maybe he just wants to enjoy your sunny disposition! Goddess knows how much fun we have had the last ten months!” Jaxson barks out a laugh and I snarl “Fuck off!” Causing Jake to laugh harder “There’s our Mr. Sunshine now!”

By the time, Troy arrived Brutus was adamantly fighting me to get out.. and I am struggling to hold my own anger.. none of this makes sense to me! I introduced myself and asked “What brings you here, Alpha Calhoun? We have never had truck with you before.. so I fail to see what may have put us on your radar. He smiles a slimy smile “My mate graduated university today.. She will be crossing your borders heading home. I would appreciate your permission to meet her there, and bring her home. She has been upset with me, and I am trying to make a grand gesture to gain her forgiveness.” I am watching his lips move..and know for a certainty he is lying.. “Why would she cross my territory!? The only pack that traverses across my borders is Sterling Moon.. what is your mate’s name?” He hesitantly answers “Bella Sterling” and Brutus sits bolt upright in my head that I startle.. “And you say Bella is your mate?” I link Jaxson to run a check on Bella Sterling and show me a picture! I don’t know enough about the Sterling children because I purposely avoided any information pertaining to my mate until she is of age. But, how can she be graduating from university? She has to be very smart!

Calhoun says “My chosen mate.. yes. Her parents agreed we would mate last year when her twin ascended. She wanted to finish school…which I allowed. But now, it is time to bring her back to my pack and make her Luna” Brutus growled “A forced mating? I don’t buy that Blake Sterling would agree to such a thing!” And, I immediately knew everything he just said was a lie! I grabbed my phone and dialed Sterling Moon.

When Alexander got on the line, I said “Alex…Kendrick here.. This may feel like a random question.. but… Did your father agree to a choice mate for your sister at your ascension last year?” I stayed looking directly at Troy… daring this fucker to even move… “Let me guess… Troy Calhoun is with you. Telling you some cock and bull story about Bella being his mate. He’s tried the same thing with several Alphas the past few months. There has been two absurd attempts against Bella in the last few weeks. She, of course, wouldn’t allow that to happen..but we do have a feeling Calhoun is behind it. As for my father.. he is a staunch believer in fated mates. He would never suggest anything of the sort to any of his five children!” I’m nodding as he talks.. “He wanted to stop her as she crossed my territory on her way home today “ and Alexander started laughing “Too late! We brought Bella home immediately after graduation this morning. We were wondering if he would try something…and now we know! I will call my grandfather and make him aware of this. We will go from there!” We hung up and I looked at the piece of shit in front of me.

“Well… Troy! Where do we go from here?” And he cleared his throat..he finally responded “Can you blame me? She’s the kid of the white wolf! She’s a witch! A Luna with that kind of power… the power her mate would receive! She’s almost 19! She hasn’t found her mate! Why not me??” I roared “She hasn’t found her mate? So that makes it okay to force a mark? That’s what you think?? And I know for a fact..although she has not found her mate… HE has definitely found her! And would see you dead! Before he ever allowed a forced mating! Now get out of my sight! Get off my territory! The next time we meet..I will kill you! Unless the King orders it first!” He stood to leave and Jaxson said “Wouldn’t leave your territory for awhile…not until you find out what the King wants to do. He practically ran out of there, as fast as his feet could move.

I looked at Jaxson.. I gotta get cleaned up and go see my mate! I can’t believe I was such an idiot! How didn’t I know she was a twin! Why didn’t you research her before now? I am such an idiot!!” He started laughing and says “Oh Fuck No! This ain’t on me!? I never research anyone until you give me the go ahead. But hurry your big ass up so you can beg!”

I rushed through the shower.. threw on blue jeans a Grateful Dead tee shirt and my boots. Calling Jaxson and Jake, letting them know we are leaving. Driving over to Sterling Moon Jaxson smirks “You’re welcome!” I look over.. cocking my eyebrow! “For having a reason for just popping up at Sterling Moon. We are there to discuss the Troy situation!” I nod “Yeah.. thank you!”

Pulling up to Sterling Moon, I am always amazed at the beauty of the place. Alexander is on the front steps, with a red haired man…and Bella. They’re pushed each other and wrestling until Alexander gets onto them. It was funny.. and I realize why I thought she was too young…she’s tiny. About 5’2….but built! Like a brick shithouse! How did I miss THAT! and Brutus says 🐺 Because You’re An Idiot! Okay! I can work with that!

Jaxson steps out on the passenger side…I’m brushing my hair into a topknot when Jake steps out behind me. I open my door..and I hear her sweet voice say

“Hey Jaxson! Which side of the chicken have the most feathers?” and he mumbled he didn’t know..probably the left and she laughed “Get the fuck out of here with that? The left? Fuck you know? No. The side of the chicken with the most feathers is the outside!” And all three of them lost it! Alexander tried to be stern and told her to save the stupid jokes so he could hear them, too. And she laughed again.

Then her head whipped in my direction

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