Whiskey: Soldiers Of Hades MC, #5

Whiskey: Chapter 5

Python was sitting there in the main room alone. He lifted his glass of whiskey and took a sip as he glared at the two of them. “What the fuck is this shit? You gotta drag a woman home Whiskey? That doesn’t do much for your image, boy.”

Whiskey glared back at him. “No I don’t have to drag a woman home, Python. When we checked the warehouse over this afternoon, I saw her on the roof. When I went back, I found her still there. It looked like she’s been staying there. Then when I told her the building was owned by the cartel, she freaked the hell out. I wanted to know why. Then when we were going to walk out of the liquor store she pulled us back just in time to avoid being caught by Carmen Brago. Now she’s suddenly wanting to leave town before he finds her and I want to know why that is.” He turned to look at her in the light of the room.

She had long dark hair that hung to the middle of her back. Her green eyes were spitting fire at him but Whiskey didn’t care. Her skin was pale but flawless. She was small and short, well shorter than he was but at six foot five, that wasn’t such a big deal. She must have stood around five foot five inches tall. She wasn’t skinny but she wasn’t fat either. Under any other circumstances, she might be his ideal woman in looks but this wasn’t the usual circumstances.

Python slowly turned his head to stare at her, with a certain look in his eyes. “Yeah, we need to know if it involves the Bragos,” he grumbled. “It’s kind of curious that she would even know the man isn’t it?”

The woman glared at him now. “I don’t know him, know him. I just know his face and I hate that I even know that much. I just want to leave town and this bozo…” She motioned at Whiskey. “…Won’t let me. I just need to get out of here before he sees me again.”

“Have a seat sweetheart. You ain’t going anywhere till we get some answers.” Python stared back at her.

She shook her head and looked desperate now. “No you don’t understand. I can’t be here when he comes back. I have to be long gone.” She turned to walk back out.

Whiskey grabbed her around the waist and moved her over to the table. He pulled out a chair and sat down then hauled her onto his lap. He had to clamp down his arm across her waist to keep her there but she fought him all the way.

Struggling didn’t do her any good and Sydney realized this a few moments later. When she settled down, she glared at him. When he didn’t let up, she turned toward the older man and saw the whiskey bottle in front of him. She grabbed a hold of it and took a long swig.

Her eyes widened at the strong drink and she shook her head as she sat the bottle back on the table. Her eyes watered. “Holy shit,” she swore under her breath.

Python glanced at her and shook his head. “Are you even old enough to drink?”

“Yeah old man,” she wheezed. “I’m old enough. I just don’t usually drink but this situation calls for a bit of medicinal courage.”

He laughed. “Oh, I like that, medicinal courage. I’ll have to remember that one.” Then the smile slid off his face and he glared at her. “So what’s your name sweetheart and why were you living on the top of a cartel warehouse.”

“My name is Sydney and I didn’t know the cartel owned that business. Now, I do and I’m more than ready to get the fuck out of town.”

“You sure got awful worked up for not even knowing the man’s name, sweetcakes,” the tall one named Whiskey said. “Your heart was pounding so hard in that entryway, I could hear every time it beat in your chest.”

“Bully for you.” She snarled.

“Look, little Sydney,” Python called out sharply. “It might do you good to remember where you are. Show some respect for the MC in their own house.”

She turned her head and glared at him. “I don’t want to be in your whatever MC house. I told this big dummy I didn’t want to stay here and he ignored me, I told him I needed to be gone and he ignored that too. When you can treat me like I matter, then I’ll treat you the same way. But you can just stuff it in the meantime.”

The older biker Python looked like he was going to explode when a deep voice demanded, “What the fuck is going on out here?”

Sydney groaned loudly and leaned forward to bang her head on the table in front of her. She heard footsteps coming toward them but hadn’t had a chance to look up yet. It was probably another giant biker. How could this get any worse?

“Who the fucking hell is she?” the new guy growled as he got close to the table.

“She says her name is Sydney and Whiskey brought her here because she was staying on the roof of the warehouse,” Python explained in his growly voice. “Oh and she has prior knowledge of Carmen Brago.”

Sydney finally raised her head to take in the new stranger. Her eyes widened and this time it wasn’t from the drink. This man stood taller than any man here and he was as wide as the man who had brought her into this new nightmare.

“What kind of prior knowledge?” He frowned.

“That’s what we were asking her when you came in, Cobra,” Python explained. “She isn’t actually cooperating with us.”

Cobra, Python? Sydney blinked her eyes. Oh wow, she’d landed in a den of snakes…literally.

“So why is that, I wonder?” Cobra growled.

“Gentlemen,” she paused as she finally spoke up. “Or snakes…I’m sitting right here. Why don’t you ask me?”

Python stared at Cobra. “She has a problem with showing respect and I was just reminding her whose house she we in.”

“I see.” Cobra thinned his lips but he still didn’t turn her way.

Sydney felt his anger and it pissed her off. She growled and felt Whiskey’s lax hold on her. She got ready and shoved her elbow into his belly catching him off guard. When he gasped for breath, she pushed herself off his lap and marched over to the front door.

Cobra growled and yelled at her to come back but she ignored his command and continued to the door. She threw it open and tried to step outside when she was grabbed by the back of her shirt and hauled back inside.

He threw her back into the room and Sydney went flying. She ended up on the floor in a heap and she glanced up at Cobra with a growl in her throat. “You lousy snake! You have to let me go. I don’t have any fucking answers for you or anyone.”

Whiskey got to his feet and was going to rush toward him but Python reached out and grabbed his arm. He looked over at him and the old man shook his head. “Let him be, he’ll get the answers we need and he won’t hurt her much.”

Whiskey pulled his arm out of the older man’s reach and growled. “He won’t hurt her at all.” He got to his feet and took a step toward Cobra.

Cobra wasn’t watching out for him at all. He was dealing with Sydney. “I don’t have to do anything.” Cobra growled at her. “Sit the fuck down and tell me what this is all about. NOW.”

Sydney picked herself up off the floor and hobbled back over to the table. Her left hip and ankle hurt from being thrown to the floor the way she had been. She sat down in a chair far enough away from everyone else and she crossed her arms over her chest. She refused to say a word to anyone, nor would she look at them.

Python looked at her with a frown and studied her for a long moment.

“What’s the matter, Dad?” Cobra asked him.

“I’m not sure but she reminds me of someone. I just can’t remember who,” Python told him quietly as he looked distracted.

She raised her hot green eyes to him and glared.

Python gazed at her eyes and his frown deepened. Then his eyes widened and he grabbed the bottle off the table. Taking a good swing, he set the bottle back on the table and swore, “Son of a bitch.”

“What’s wrong now?” Cobra drawled.

“Look at me girl.” Python snarled.

Sidney glared at him. She was already tired of being manhandled or was it snakehandled? She just needed to keep her mouth shut and maybe they would get tired of her and toss her out. Ignoring Mr. Python, she looked away.

Python got to his feet and walked over to her. He gripped her by the jaw and turned her head away from him, then he brushed her dark hair off her neck and stared at the birthmark she had there. “Fucking hell,” he swore softly.

“What are you doing, Dad?” Cobra snarled.

Python looked like a statue now. He stood still and stared straight ahead. Then he raised the whiskey bottle he still had in his hand and took another swig. “Medicinal Courage,” he muttered. “And I am gonna fucking need it.”

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