Whiskey: Soldiers Of Hades MC, #5

Chapter Whiskey: Conclusion

When the door clicked shut, Sydney shot up out of bed. She had been awake, as he’d moved around the room. She knew of the plans to lay the charges. She also knew she loved this man. It was sudden, sure, but she remembered what her grandmother had told her once. ‘If you find the person that is your soulmate, you hang onto them. Don’t let go.’

She refused to let him go into this danger alone. Earlier tonight, when she had been with Scarlet in her room, she saw her guns and knives. Scarlet had a huge collection and Sidney had been in awe. Scarlet then asked her if she knew how to use a gun when she’d noted her interest.

In the town she’d lived before last, she had worked at a gun shop. Just as a clerk and only for about 6 months but the old man who ran it insisted that she go through the whole weapon’s usage class or she couldn’t have the job. She had agreed. She had been afraid of the guns at first. He had told her, ‘See? How can you sell them if you act like this? You need to be familiar with them. You control the weapon not the other way around.’

So she did it and then found she was quite proficient with them.

Scarlet let her have one of hers after she’d told her about the gun shop.

So yes, she would follow him. Someone had retrieved her car and she drove back to the warehouse to watch over him and Lightning, just in case something happened.

She parked about a block away and went up the street on foot.

As she got close, she pulled in a breath. Something wasn’t right, then she heard a noise.

Suddenly, the place lit up. At least, the lights at the back stairway. What the fuck? Her heart pounded in her chest as she moved closer.

Carmen had caught them.

There were two men there with him.

Lightning and Whiskey had blood on their faces and they were being backed up to the outside wall of the building by the two thugs who worked for Carmen.

Looking round, she wondered why her supposed dad and brothers weren’t here to back Whiskey and Lightning up. Then again, the less men the better she had heard Whiskey say yesterday. So, it was up to her now. She ducked down behind the garbage bin and checked her gun. She was a decent shot but not Laura fucking Croft. She would need to take at least two down. She also saw the two thugs were about to ziptie her man and Lightning. She didn’t know if she was ready but she couldn’t wait for them to tie the men.

She took a deep breath and moved silently along the outer shadows, till she knew she was within range. Her heart pounded in her chest so loud she could hear it herself.

She needed to calm down and aim.

She raised the gun up and took a calming breath just like she’d been taught. Then she took one sot, hitting one thug, then swung the gun and shot the other one.

Yelling and shouting came next as Whiskey and Lightening took their cue and rushed forward.

Taking aim, she pointed gun at Carmen as he backed away to his car. This fucker would not leave here. Not after what he’d done to…She squeezed the trigger.

Carmen screamed out and grabbed his leg.

Now, she moved closer, her gun arm shaking, as she had two bullets left.

The two thugs were down and Lightning was tying them up with the zipties. One of them looked badly wounded.

Carmen then tried to stand up.

“STOP!” she yelled. “Or get a bullet to your head.”

He slowly turned his head to stare at her. Then his eyes widened. “Tu? Pequena perra!”

She shrugged but kept the gun on him. She knew he just called her a bitch, but she refused to speak to this monster.

Whiskey came over and looked at her, the gun she held and over at Carmen. “Well, fuck.”

“You got a woman who rescues you, hombre?” Carmen laughed then he gasped in pain. “I am going enjoy cutting her, so no worries about your ego.”

Whiskey slowly focused in on him. “You are mine.”

Carmen laughed. “No soy gay. I do not like men senor, but maybe I will have your woman, after I am done with killing you.”

Whiskey paused and looked around.

Swallowing nervously and still holding the gun out, Sydney asked him, “What is it?”

“He talks like he’s got help or something.”

Suddenly, at least six men came out of the shadows, and the sounds of guns cocking echoed loudly.

Flinching, Sydney still held the gun aimed at Carmen’s head.

“Apparently, I do.” Carmen smirked.

Then another sound came. Men’s boots and more metallic sounds of cocking guns.

Sydney’s hand shook badly. She wondered what the hell was happening.

Carmen’s eyes rounded as 12 men surrounded his men.

His men all stood still.

“Unless you want to die for this pig,” Came Cobra’s voice. “Drop your weapons.”

Then Cotton called out the same in Spanish, “A menos que quieras morir por este cerdo…Tira tus armas.”

Carmen’s men dropped their guns and put their hands on their heads.

Carmen was livid as he swore at his men in Spanish.

“C-can I lower the gun?” Sydney asked, as sweat was beading down into her eyes.

Pythion stepped up out of nowhere and placed a gun at Carmen’s temple. “Yes, you can, Baby girl.”

Letting out a huge breath, she lowered the gun and braced her hands on her knees. She felt like she was going to pass out.

Whiskey looked over at her with concern, his face was bruised and blood dripped from his cut lip. “Are you okay, Sydney?”

She nodded but was still gasping and she felt weak as she then sat down on the ground.

The Soldiers of Hades brothers rounded up the men and tied them up.

Whiskey then stepped up to Carmen. He searched him for weapons.

Carmen glared at him. “You are a queer, no?”

Whiskey ignored him as he knelt to search the man’s boots. He’d found 6 knives so far.

“Damn, Luisa was dead on about him,” Cotton stated as he watched.

Carmen’s head shot up. “Que? What did you just say?”

Cotton shrugged. “Nada.”

“You fucking liar! I heard you say her name!”

“Never mind that shit.” Whiskey stood. “It’s going to be just you and me.” He flicked a knife out. Then he grabbed another and held both knives up. “These are the same type.”

“What? No?” Sidney stood on shaky legs.

Whiskey stared at Python. “He will just get let loose by the authorities. And you know it.”

Python sighed. “Why would you want to do this?”

Lightning spoke up, “He has a good reason.”

“Oh?” Carmen now looked back over at Whiskey. “You got hurt feelings when my men beat you up?”

Whiskey showed no emotion as he spoke quietly, “My name is Roman Giovanni”

Carmen cocked his head at him.

“Ring a bell?” Whiskey asked.

Carmen shrugged.

“Well, it should. My wife Chantal and my baby son, Moran were two of your victims.”

Finally, Carmen looked like he had some recollection. “Oh, si. That was my first and only child as it really wasn’t that satisfying slitting his throat, except when I used him to torture your woman. I made her watch you know? So, she would see it before I buried my knife into her—“

“SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!” Python shouted, as he looked enraged. “Soldiers…Spread out in a circle and guns on them.” He gave Whiskey a nod as he stepped back.

The few men left that did not go with the prisoners, and they gathered around as well as Cobra and Python.

Sydney gasped in concern.

Cotton pulled her to the side. “You have to let him do this.”

She bit at her lip as tears filled her eyes. “I-I know.”

Whiskey tossed the knife into the dirt. “Pick it up.”

Carmen stilled. “No, I will pass.”

“Oh so, you aren’t a real man?” Whiskey taunted. “You just kill helpless women and babies.”

Carmen narrowed his eyes at him. “I would rather go to your American jail.”

“Yes, that’s what I thought. You’ve got no dick or balls. You are just a pathetic freak, who can only get off by slitting women’s throats. You can’t face a real man and fight.” Whiskey then laughed. It sounded cold, not amused.

Carmen growled and knelt down to grab the knife. “You are going to die today, puto.”

The two men squared off.

Carmen was a bit slowed by his leg but not by much, it was just a superficial wound and had stopped bleeding already.

Whiskey was light and fast on his feet for such a big man.

Carmen would lunge at him and miss. Lunge and miss as he growled with frustration.

Whiskey didn’t even seem to break a sweat as he simply allowed Carmen to jab at him again and again.

Carmen looked enraged, as he couldn’t get at the big man.

“What’s the matter?” Whiskey taunted. “You haven’t fought anyone who has been armed have you? All you do is murder.”

Carmen shouted and ran at him.

Whiskey again stepped to the side, but he cut his arm as he went by.

Carmen screamed and grabbed his arm.

Whiskey moved in and swiped his shoulder.

Again, Carmen screamed in pain.

Then Whiskey lost all reason or he gained some focus on his target, as he swiped cuts on the man again and again, but none were lethal. Blood dripped from at least ten spots with some dripping to the dirt in the lot.

Carmen was barely holding his knife and he didn’t seem to move very fast as he attempted a feeble fight.

Whiskey just kept cutting him, he laid wounds on every part of the man that he could.

Cotton pulled Sydney away from the circle as tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew Whiskey was making the cuts his wife and son had endured.

Tears blinded her as she was moved back into the dark. She heard Carmen shouting and screaming then whimpering then… nothing.

Sydney heard the men moving around for a few minutes, then she heard doors slam on the building and other movements. It seemed to take forever to her.

“Clear out,” Python ordered.

Lightening, Python and Cobra came over to where Cotton and Sydney stood.

Sydney waited as then her father and brothers all moved into the darkness again.

Then she finally saw Whiskey and he headed straight for her. He grabbed her arm and tugged her down the block.

When they got to her car, he turned and looked at her.

She reached up and stroked his cheek.

He nodded at her, raised up his remote, and clicked it.

A huge booming sound rolled along the ground and then the sky lit up.

Turning, he pulled her up to him. “I love it when things go boom.” He kissed her as the whole area lit up like daylight.

Sydney kissed him back until her knees went weak again.

Pulling back, he grinned. “You sure you want to stay with me?”

Nodding, she gave him a smile. “I still do. And I think my family will allow us that happy ever after now.”

He nodded. “I agree. Now we have to run!” He laughed as he got her into the car, started it up, and took off.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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