When the Night Falls

Chapter 7


“What a funny coincidence,” I said. “You were in my dream last night too.”

“Oh yeah? be smiled. “What was I doing?”

You came into my room and crawled into bed with me

My heart started racing the moment those words left my l*ps. It was like I had opened a door and now there were no rules.

“Now why would I do something like that?

His facial expression was glacial. His mind was impenetrable. I couldn’t even guess what he thought of what I was saying.

“I don’t know,” I replied.” “That’s a question better suited for you.”

He pretended to think for a moment.

“I can think of a couple of reasons,” he said, much to my surprise.

What was going on? I half expected to be jolted awake out of yet another dream. I pinched myself but nothing changed. This was really happening.

Just as we were about to k*ss, a persistent tapping interrupted us. It sounded just like a pair of heels. When I looked in the direction of the sound, I saw Iris, impatiently tapping her foot. She did not look pleased.

We had been caught.

We pulled apart right away.

“Mr. Jellerson.”

Iris howed her head, I could tell she was trying to restrain her anger in front of Theodore. “May I please pull Jasmine away to have a quick chat?”

“Certainly,” he said.

1 knew one thing for certain, I was in a whole lot of trouble.

Once Iris and I were alone, her face morphed into rage. She wasn’t hiding her anger anymore.

“What on Earth are you thinking?” she spat at me. “Don’t you know that your contract prohibits






romantic or S**ual relations in the house! Even with Mr. Jefferson. Especially with Mr.


I blinked. It must have been in the fine print.

“1-I promise it was nothing really,” I said.

It certainly didn’t look like nothing.” she snapped.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

“Listen, Jasmine.” Iris continued. “I understand that you find him charming and attractive. But he is ultimately your boss. You’re here to do a job. Besides, don’t you have your cooking to focus on? Something to keep you busy.”

Looking down to the ground. I knew she was right.

What was I thinking about getting involved with my boss?

It was a mistake, that was all. A mistake that I would rectify by getting right back on track.

“You’re right,” I sighed.

“Good.” Iris said. “Now get back to work.”

The next morning. I tried to distract myself. I spent the whole day in the kitchen testing out some new recipes.

As I popped some balsamic glazed carrots into the oven, I heard a ruckus from inside the house. Following the sound led me to the entryway. I stayed hidden behind one of the pillars, just out of sight.

Theodore was arguing with a woman. She was statuesque with icy blond hair. I couldn’t see her face from where I was standing.

“You cannot just waltz in here and pretend that nothing ever happened,” Theodore hissed.

“I can and I will,” the woman snarled. “You can never stop me.”

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed.

Sh it.

Quickly, I silenced it, crouching behind the pillar, my back pressed against it.

“What was that?” the woman said from behind. I was too afraid to even look back.

“Probably someone from my staff.” Theodore explained. “I think we’re done here. Get out of house.”

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Wed 24 Jan

I heard her footsteps leave, just before she shut the door behind her she said one last thing.

“I’ll be back Theodore,” she warned.

Her ominous tone sent a shiver down my spine

When the coast was clear, I cautiously snuck back to the kitchen.

As I took the carrots out of the oven and got started on the lemon meringue pic, a million questions raced through my mind at the speed of light.

Who was the mysterious woman? Perhaps an ex lover of Theodore’s? Was she dangerous? And what did she want from Theodore?


Later that evening. Then taste tested all my recipes, squealing with delight, especially at the desserts.

The kitchen was full of food by dinner time.

When Theodore came into the kitchen, I kept my head down, avoiding his gaze. I was still too susceptible to him. It would take time for me to learn to resist him.

He seemed to understand, because he didn’t push me.

I almost wished he would.

But this was for the best.

I had so many questions about the woman, but knew he wouldn’t answer them even if I did ask.

Surprisingly, I was a little hurt when he didn’t eat any of the food I had prepared, even when Thea urged him to.

“Dad,” she said, her mouth full of lemon meringue pie. “You have to try this.”

“I’m alright darling,” he said.

How stubborn.

“I think it might be time for hed, Thea,” I said.


you read me a story?” she begged,

“Of course I will.”

“Goodnight, Daddy,” she said as we walked upstairs.

By the time Thea fell asleep, it was 9 PM. Not quite my bedtime yet.

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12:56 Wed, 24 Jan G

By the time Thea fell asleep, it was 9 PM. Not quite my bedtime yet.

I decided to make use of the library tonight.

The library was huge. The walls lined with oak shelving all the way up to the ceiling.

There were more books here than I could read in an entire lifetime.

I walked through in awe at the sheer magnitude of the collection.

There was one section where the books were encased in glass paneling, each locked with a key.

They must have held Theodore’s personal files and readings and were off-limits.

At this hour, the house was empty enough, and I could read one of my BDSM books. Maybe that would help with my feelings for Theodore; it would be a good outlet.

I turned out to be very wrong.

As I read, I kept imagining the main love interest to be Theodore, and I was the protagonist.

When the main love interest tied the protagonist to his bed and covered her eyes with a blindfold, it felt like Theodore was doing it to me.

“What are you reading?” Theodore’s voice asked from the doorway, making me jump up.

“A book,” I answered.

“What kind of book?” He walked in and grabbed it before I could stop him.

“Stop it,” I chased after him. “Give it back.”

He dodged me as he read from the book out loud.

“Unable to see through the silk mask, all I was left with was his touch. The feeling of his tongue between my legs. I squirmed, my arms and legs bound to his four-poster bed,” he read. “Is this the sort of stuff you like?”

Beneath his usual stoicism, I could have sworn I spotted a faint smile on his face as he walked up to me. He pressed me onto the large oak desk.

“Maybe it is,” I said.

“Interesting.” he whispered into my ear.

His hand ran up and down the inside of my leg before his fingers slowly made their way past my


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