When the Night Falls

Chapter 19


I was sleeping with a prince. In fact, I was sort of dating a prince.

Hell, I’d just said I love you to a prince.

I couldn’t get over how strange that felt. Even the next day, while I was sitting out by the pool, I couldn’t make myself come to grips with the situation.

I didn’t know how I felt about it. On one hand, this was something literally out of a fairytale. What girl wouldn’t want to be wooed by an actual prince?

But on the other hand, this all felt so foreign to me. I was a sweatpants and Netflix kind of girl. I didn’t know how to behave in front of royalty.

What if I was invited to Versailles? What if I had to meet the king? I shivered at the thought, even in the hot summer sun. ⠀

It was a beautiful day out, which was a rarity in England. For once, the grey clouds and near-constant drizzle had let up, and Theodore had given me the day off to enjoy it.

I was lounging by the wading pool behind the mansion. There were actually three different pools. on the property, but this one felt the most like a resort, which I liked.

I leaned back, closing my eyes against the glare, and allowed the sun to bathe my skin. I let out a deep sigh.

It was strange to think how much my life had changed in the last few weeks.

A month ago, I was nob*dy. Just a line cook at a restaurant working for a sleazebag.

And now I was Theodore’s… what exactly? I wasn’t sure. He still hadn’t told me he loved me back. But maybe that wasn’t such a big deal.

Or maybe it actually meant something.

He was still my boss, and he still wouldn’t reveal to the staff or Thea that we were together. But it certainly no longer felt like I was just a staff member in the house, like Sherry.

“What’s wrong, Flower?”

I blinked my eyes open and squinted against the sun to see Thea standing in front of me on the nool dark wearing a hathina quit decorated with little dancing Olafe. She was frouming at me







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