When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two

Sienna’s POV.

I frown as I check my phone for probably the hundredth time; nothing. I texted Cade and called him two days ago, yet I still haven’t heard from him.

“Have you spoken to him at all?” I ask Jax and he shakes his head.

At least I know he’s not ignoring me personally, but it does worry me a little, he usually responds so quickly.

Recently, he’s been working at the South Forest pack. It’s only an hour away, but he’s not been at our pack house each time I’ve stopped by. I decide to try again, it is Saturday after all, and he shouldn’t be working.

I step out of Jax’s house and begin walking across the grass towards the pack house. I feel a comforting sense of relief as Cade emerges from the front door and comes down the steps.

“Cade!” I call loudly but he doesn’t even look up, he storms towards the trees and disappears.

I stop walking and think about what I’ve just seen.

That was weird.

Feeling a little hurt, I turn back to the house and come inside.

“Not there?” Jax asks and I toe my shoes off.

“He was, he ignored me and went into the trees,” I answer and Jax frowns.

“That’s weird, maybe he wasn’t concentrating and didn’t hear you,” he tries to reassure me and kisses my forehead.

“Maybe,” I mumble, not convinced.

I meet up with Kayla and distract myself from the weird Cade situation. She mentions the fact that Jax and I haven’t mated yet and I form an idea to remedy that.

I have wanted to complete our process for a while now, ever since the whole kidnapping thing. I know he’s the one, I want to be his Luna, why am I still fighting this?

I go out to the cabin Jax was chained up in on the last full moon and change the sheets on the bed. I light candles and clean the place. As evening approaches, I begin to cook Jax’s favourite meal.

My phone buzzes with a text as I put the chicken in the oven.

Where are you?

I smile and reply to Jax’s text, letting him know where I am, and that I’m waiting.

Five minutes later, the front door opens and Jax appears in the kitchen with a surprised look on his beautiful face.

“I thought we could spend the night here,” I say as I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Mm, that sounds like a good idea,” he replies and kisses down my jaw to my neck.

“I made your favourite meal, but I didn’t get dessert...” I trail off, hoping he understands what I’m implying. He pulls back and looks at me.

“Are you sure?” He asks carefully, but I can see the excitement in his eyes. Bless him, he’s had to wait so long.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I whisper, and he leans down to kiss me. His lips move skilfully against mine; he nips my bottom lip with his teeth and squeezes my waist.

“Maybe we should skip dinner and go straight to dessert?” He asks hopefully, his eyes dark with desire.

“Nice try, but I put a lot of effort into dinner, so we’re eating it,” I tease and slip out of his grip and over to the oven.

“Besides, it’s ready, grab yourself a drink.”

I seat us on opposite sides of the table, so even with his huge arms he can’t reach across to me. Jax manages to calm himself down enough to enjoy the meal, and I feel happy watching him wolf it down (excuse the pun).

I clear away our plates and the two of us clean the little amount there is to wash up.

I dry my hands on the tea towel and turn to face him, suddenly feeling nervous.

I swallow hard when he begins stalking towards me. His hands are casually at his sides, but I know how quickly he can grab me.

Feeling playful, I turn on my heel and run the opposite way around the island, putting it between us.

Jax smirks and leans forward on the balls of his feet, ready to pounce.

Neither of us say a word as we play cat and mouse around the island, I creep round, and he matches my every step. I keep moving until I’m positioned with the staircase behind me, I quickly turn and run towards the staircase.

My heart hammers wildly in my chest when I hear his heavy footsteps not far behind. I leap up the stairs, taking two at a time, grabbing hold of the banister to propel me forwards.

I sprint along the landing and practically throw myself into the bathroom. I slam the door shutting, getting one last glimpse of his determined face before locking the door. It shakes as his weight is thrown against it.

“Jax?” I call out, letting him hear the fatigue in my voice from the chase, “I need a moment, I’ll be out soon okay?”

“Okay,” I hear his quiet assent.

I take a moment to catch my breath back, then I clean my teeth. I cautiously open the door to find Jax sitting leisurely on the bed on his phone. He looks up and smiles, he wastes no time in dropping his phone and coming over.

He takes my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine. I taste the mint on his tongue and realise he cleaned his teeth also.

Our tongues move against one another, he buries his hands in my hair and I grip his biceps tightly, loving the feel of his mouth and hands on me.

We pull away, our breathing heavy and the scent of our desire for one another lingers in the air.

My hands shake as he slowly lifts my top up over my head. I help him by raising my arms and soon my top is discarded on the floor.

I’m not a virgin, but it’s been a long time and I know how important it is this time, it’s not just fucking, it’s mating.

Jax slides one of my bra straps down and kisses along the top of my breasts, with skilled hands, he reaches to my back and snaps open my bra with one targeted pinch. I let it slip down my arms and onto the floor.

I anxiously glance at the window and feel relieved when I see he has closed the curtains, it’s just the two of us in this room.

He leads me back, so the back of my knees hit the mattress and I lay down on the bed. I watch with hungry eyes as he slides his t-shirt off, revealing the vast expanses of tanned muscle and tattoos.

Even if the night stopped here, I’d be satisfied. The man is a dessert in himself.

He smirks at me and opens his mouth, but I beat him to it, “If you’re going to ask if I like what I see, I most definitely do,” I say cockily and he narrows his eyes at me, annoyed I’ve stolen his line.

His dark eyes remain on me as he undoes his jeans and takes them off, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black boxers that are tenting massively.

My thighs clench with desire in response. Jax makes quick work of my jeans, pulling them off and then wrapping his fingers around my thong. He glances up at me, a question in his eyes.

My heart bursts at the respect he is giving me, he is silently asking me if I want to continue, if he’s allowed to remove my thong.

I don’t think I could love this man anymore.

Is there anything more sexy than a guy that actually cares if you’re having a good time? Or even checks to see if you want it? All men should be like this, it’s so wrong that not all of them are.

I nod eagerly and he smiles, revealing his beautiful white teeth and a dimple that makes me weak. He slides off my thong and throws it on the floor with the rest of our clothes.

My breath catches in my throat as he presses a warm kiss to my thigh, near my knee. I clench my fists in anticipation when he begins peppering gentle kisses up my thighs, alternating sides as he nears the one place I wish he would kiss.

I hold my breath unknowingly when he gets close, only releasing it when he finally puts me out of my misery and presses an open-mouthed kiss right over my clit.

I gasp loudly and arch my back off the bed. He’s barely touched me, and I feel as though I’m coming apart.

I bite down hard on my bottom lip, sucking it into my mouth so I don’t bring the place down with my breathy moans as my mate pleasures me.

He trails his tongue up and down my slit, teasing me in a way that has my head thrashing against the duvet.

His large hands grip my thighs, holding my quivering hips in place as he begins circling my clit with tongue.

His tongue moves faster, and my bottom lips slips from my teeth, I gasp loudly and grip the duvet with my hands.

“Jaxon,” I moan and seconds later, my orgasm hits. It rolls in waves through my body and my hips have a life of their own, moving back and forward against his skilled tongue, prolonging my pleasure.

I finally come down from my high, my eyes tightly closed and my breathing shallow and uneven.

He gently blows on my clit and presses another kiss to it before moving up my body.

My eyes fly open when his hot mouth surrounds my nipple, he twirls his tongue around it before sucking it into his mouth. His hand reaches up to tweak the other one and I try to hold back my groans.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, and I wonder how he can be so sexy yet so loving at the same time.

I pull him up to kiss me, his tongue battling against mine.

Whilst he’s distracted, I reach down and slip my hand into his boxers. I grip his cock tightly and he groans into my mouth. I pull away and hook my two big toes in his boxers, pushing them down his legs. He laughs at my dextrous feet and adds his boxers to the pile of clothes.

I take him in my hand again and begin pumping it up and down, loving the pleasure on his face and knowing I’m the cause of it.

His eyes briefly close and I take the opportunity to manoeuvre myself down the bed. I eagerly wrap my mouth around his cock and suck, smiling internally when he hisses in surprise and pleasure.

He sits back as I get to work, moving my hand up and down the base whilst my mouth sucks on the tip. I concentrate hard, differing the suction and twirling my tongue around it. I reach down with my other hand and gently caress his scrotum, wanting to give him as much pleasure as possible.

I will never tire of hearing the quiet grunts and groans leave his mouth as I suck him. His hips begin moving with my pace, pushing his cock further down my throat so it bumps the back of my mouth.

“Stop,” he breathes pleadingly, pulling his cock out of my mouth with a pop.

“You’re going to make me come,” he admits sheepishly, and I grin, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

I lay back on the bed and spread my willing legs as an invitation, he laughs but I see the desire swirling in his eyes.

Jax leans over me, taking his member in his hand he rubs up and down my slit a few times before aligning it with my entrance.

I try to relax my muscles and take a deep breath as he pushes the tip inside. The first inch feels wonderful, it makes my eyes want to roll back in my head.

The many, many inches after that are unbearable.

I whimper as pain erupts between my legs, I feel as though I’m split in two when he apologises and pushes in to the hilt.

I breathe quickly and try to adjust to his size.

“Don’t move,” I hiss and close my eyes tightly.

“I’m so sorry, I love you,” he whispers.

I open one eye to peak at his face and feel bad when I see how guilty he looks.

“It’s okay.” I force a smile and lift my legs, so they are wrapped around his waist, allowing him to go deeper.

“You can move now,” I whisper and cautiously, he pulls out and slowly pushes back in. It’s sore, but not as bad, no burning.

I dig my nails into his back as he moves at a slow pace, in and out.

A few moments later and the pain dissipates. My tense muscles relax, and I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him down to kiss me.

Our lips mash against each other, it’s sloppy due to our moving pelvises, but I can’t bear not kissing him.

We pull back briefly to breathe, our breaths mingling together in each other’s faces. I moan and throw my head back as he bumps pleasurably against the top of my cervix. Jax kneels up and holds one of my thighs so he can increase his speed.

He pounds into me relentlessly, my breasts bounce lewdly with every thrust, Jax watches them enraptured.

I sense he is close because he slows his pace, trying to regain control of himself. I push gently on his chest, wordlessly letting him know I would like to be on top.

He sits with his back against the headboard, and I slide onto his lip, his cock slips inside me as if it is the most naturally thing in the world, I guess it is.

I support myself my placing my hands on his shoulders and lift myself up with my thighs and then back down again. He closes his eyes with pleasure as I ride him, his mouth slightly parted, it’s the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen.

I pick up the pace, pushing my thighs harder, riding him faster. His hands grip my waist, his thumbs almost touching on my stomach because his hands are that big. He helps me along, lifting me up and down on his cock.

I feel my orgasm starting to build, his too, his eyes cloud with desire.

“Mine,” he breathes and leans forward to kiss my neck.

“Mine,” I reply, moving my head to one side to allow him better access.

His grip tightens and I know he’s close, so I lift myself higher, stroking his cock more each time I raise up and slide down.

My climax hits with an intensity that takes my breath away, I clench around him, and he groans my name. I’m unable to keep riding him so he moves his hips for the both of us.

I feel his teeth sink into where my neck meets my shoulder, marking me. The pleasure intensifies impossibly, and stars burst in my vision, I manage to concentrate enough to lean down and sink my teeth into his neck, marking his as mine. He moans under my bite, and I feel so much pleasure and love.

We collapse onto each other, spent, and sated.

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