When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Twenty

Sienna’s POV.

I wake before Jax the next morning, I roll over to see him lying on his side, facing me. He looks younger as he sleeps, more innocent. I begin running my fingers through his hair, slowly coaxing him awake.

He opens his eyes and smiles at me, closing them again as he enjoys me playing with his hair.

“Morning,” he greets me, his voice is thick and husky with sleep.

“Morning,” I reply and snuggle against him.

We cuddle for a while, cherishing being in each other’s arms again.

“Let’s do something fun today, I need to get out of the house,” I tell him.

I’ve just spent the past few days locked in a bedroom; I really need to get outside for a bit.

“What do you have in mind?” He asks, his eyes are still closed as he rolls onto his back and stretches. I’m momentarily distracted by the tensing muscles in his chest and arms.

I shake my head to clear it.

“What about the beach?” I suggest.

His eyes snap open and he grins at me. “Yes! Let’s do it.”

“Do you mind if I ask Kayla and Colton too? I think they need a break as much as we do,” I ask and Jax agrees.

I text Kayla and she says her, and Colton are going to come, but there’s not much enthusiasm in her texts. I wonder if she and Colton have talked about him cheating on her yet.

I consider talking to Jax about it, but it’s not my relationship, not my business. I’m here to support Kayla, not talk about her relationship behind her back.

I’m disappointed in Colton, I can only assume he made that stupid mistake right at the beginning of the relationship and regrets it now.

We have some breakfast and get ready; I stop by to see Cade before we leave. He had been visiting family out of the country and had rushed back when he heard what had happened to Kayla and I.

I drop in on him just to reassure him that we are indeed, completely okay.

“I just can’t believe I go away for a couple of days and suddenly you and Kayla are kidnapped.” He rolls his eyes.

“I mean honestly, you could have just asked me to stay instead of carrying out these dramatic cries for attention,” he jokes.

“I’m sorry, next time I’ll try not to get kidnapped,” I reply, and he smiles.

“Please do, it was all very stressful,” he comments but then leans in closer. “On a serious note, you scared the life out of me, don’t do it again,” he warns.

“Aw, Cade, are those tears I see?” I tease him as his eyes shine.

“Of course not,” he mutters and blinks rapidly.

I stay a little longer and offer for him to join us at the beach, but his exams are coming up and he opts to stay and revise.

So glad that’s not me right now. I’m off to the beach baby!

Colton is caught up with training so it’s just the three of us in the car when we drive to the coastline.

We unload the car and set up our pitch on the sand. I wait until Jax decides to brave the cold water to speak to Kayla.

“So, how is it with Colton? Have you spoken to him?” I ask her and she grimaces.

“We didn’t really have a chance to speak yesterday, what with everything that happened, when I woke up this morning he had left a note and gone to training with the patrol team. I text him and he said he’ll meet us here.”

She pauses to glance behind us. “He should be here soon actually, I don’t think he even knows I’m mad or that I know about that Vicky girl, guys are oblivious honestly,” she mutters and lays back down the towel.

“Well, I think you definitely need to speak to him,” I reply, just as we both jump at the sound of a motorbike engine pulling up and turning off.

Seconds later, Colton appears with his helmet tucked under his arm.

“Hello ladies,” he greets us.

I give him a forced, tight smile and turn to see that Kayla has stood up and is hurrying down to the water. Colton frowns and I feel briefly sorry for him.


“Guess she really wanted a dip,” I say jokingly but his attention is on her retreating form.

To avoid the awkwardness of the situation, I join Jax and a shivering Kayla in the water.

To make things worse, when Colton comes down to the water, Kayla gets out and returns to the towels.

“Seriously, what is going on?” Colton demands, looking accusingly at Jax and I. Bless him, Jax is just as confused as Colton.

“I think you need to go talk to her,” I tell him, he frowns and wades out of the water towards her.

“What’s going on there?” Jax asks and I sigh and explain the situation to him.

Kayla’s POV.

I freeze as I hear Colton call my name. I wrap the towel tightly around myself for some sort of protection and spin to face him.

He storms over, with both a hurt and pissed off look on his gorgeous face. Droplets of water run down his muscular, inked chest.

It’s distracting.

“What the hell is going on? What have I done?” He asks and I glare at him.

“It’s more who you’ve done,” I retort, and he has the gall to look confused.


“I bumped into your friend Vicky,” I tell him, and his eyes widen in surprise and then guilt.

“Look, it’s not what you think,” he replies, and I scoff. “It was before I met you!”

“Apparently not,” I snap and cross my arms over my chest.

“Wait, what do you mean?” He asks confusedly and his lack of understanding irritates me.

Is he playing dumb on purpose?

“Vicky told me that you two slept together the day you met me, was meeting your mate that traumatic you had to go and console yourself in the arms of your girlfriend?” I shout, unable to keep myself calm as jealousy courses through me.

A look of realisation dawns on Colton’s face, he sighs and runs his hand through his wet hair.

“Yes, I slept with her, but it was in the morning, way before I met you. I called things off with her the moment I met you!” He insists and I’m tempted to believe him but it’s hard.

“I promise you; I wouldn’t even look at another girl now,” he pleads, stepping towards me and closing the distance between us. “You are everything I want, there is nothing between me and her and I swear I haven’t gone near her since I met you.”

I let him wrap his arms around me and I lean my head on his chest.

“Promise?” I mumble against his chest, feeling it vibrate as he chuckles.

“I promise.”

In the background, I hear Jax and Sienna cheering.

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