When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

Kayla’s POV.

I wake up in Colton’s arms, sore but completely sated.

“Morning, princess,” he mumbles, his voice thick from sleeping.

“Morning,” I reply, rolling over so I can face him.

He kisses my forehead and runs his fingers through my hair.

If I died now, I’d die so fucking happy.

“How are you feeling?” He asks, worry in his voice.

I reach up and stroke his cheek, running my finger down his scar.

“Amazing, thank you.”

“No regrets?” He checks, his eyes searching my face for an answer.

“Nope, none.” I shake my head and he grins at me.

“I should probably go check on, Sienna,” I sit up and stretch.

The bedsheet falls to my waist, exposing my breasts. Colton reaches up and squeezes them, tweaking my nipples.

“I think you should stay here with me,” he whispers huskily.

I swat his hands away before he can change my mind.

“As tempting as you are, I need to know she’s okay,” I tell him, slipping on my bra and his t-shirt.

“Mind if I borrow this?” I gesture to his t-shirt, although it’s pretty pointless asking seeing as I’m already wearing it.

“Keep it, Angel, looks better on you anyways,” he replies as he gets up and pulls on his jeans. Knowing he’s going commando does all sorts of things to my body.

I kiss him on the cheek and hurry back over to the house, when I enter, the smell of bacon greets me. I follow the scent to the kitchen where I find Sienna, Jax and Cade having breakfast.

“Grab some.” Cade gestures to all the food laid out.

“Oh, my Goddess, you mated!” Sienna shouts, making us all jump.

A blush creeps up my neck to my cheeks as all eyes turn to me.

“Um, yeah,” I mumble, ducking my head so my hair falls over my face as I fill a plate with food.

“You little hoe! Congrats,” Sienna grins at me, I roll my eyes and sit down with them.

“And here comes the man himself,” Sienna calls.

I look up as Colton enters the room, having found a shirt to put on.


“I couldn’t help myself, she’s too delicious,” Colton jokes, kissing my neck before serving himself some breakfast.

“Colton and I are going on patrol this morning, we need to get on top of these rogues,” Jaxon announces and Colton sniggers.

“Kinky,” he comments and Jax glares at him. “Alright, sounds good to me.” He holds his hands up in surrender.

“Why don’t we all meet up for dinner tonight? There’s a wonderful new restaurant in town called Alejandro’s,” Sienna suggests, and we all agree to meet there at eight.

After the boys go on patrol, I help Sienna clear up and then go to Colton’s room. I change and put on some jeans, but keep Colton’s t-shirt on, wanting to smell like him.

I step out of the pack house and turn in the direction of Jax’s house, but a redheaded girl with bright blue eyes and a lot of ink steps in front of me.

“Are you Kayla?” She asks, her eyes roam up and down my body, making me want to fidget nervously.

“Yeah, and you are?” I reply and her mouth sets in a thin line.

“Vicky. Look, I think you should know that Colton and I slept together the day he met you,” she says, staring straight at me so I can see she’s not lying.

It’s like being punched in the stomach.

I feel all the colour drain from my face and my mouth goes dry, I don’t even know what to say.

“I just think you should know. If it were my mate, I’d want to know,” she continues, casually flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“I...” I start to speak but trail off, not knowing how to respond to that.

“He doesn’t do relationships, Kayla, I’d be careful around him,” Vicky tells me, she turns on her heel and walks away, leaving me standing there.

I feel tears begin to prick at the back of my eyes so I rush over to the trees, deciding that crying alone in the forest is better than in front of the pack house where everyone can see me. I curse loudly and run in deep enough that no one can pass by and see me.

I collapse at the base of the large tree, I put my head in my hands and sob.

That bitch.

But to be honest, I’m grateful she told me. I should have known, he was right when he said we aren’t good together, we’re too different. Just looking at that girl shows me what he wants, and I look nothing like her.

Don’t get sad, get mad.

That’s what my mum always tells me to do if a guy hurts me, and right now, I’m fucking raging.

What a prick.

Sienna’s POV.

I’m putting the plates away when the doorbell rings, I answer it and I feel nervous as I meet the cold, assessing eyes of Mrs Iverson.

“Hi, Mrs Iverson. Would you like to come in?” I ask, stepping to the side to let her in.

“Thank you, Sienna,” she responds, but she doesn’t sound the least bit grateful.

“Jax is on patrol at the moment, but he should be back shortly, would you like a drink?” I offer as I follow her through the kitchen, she makes herself at home and sits down.

Not knowing what to do, I lean against the counter opposite her.

“No, I’m quite alright, thank you. I’ll just wait for him,” she says, her eyes never leaving me. I shift uncomfortably under her gaze.

“Okay then...” I trail off, wondering what on earth we’re going to talk about.

“Jaxon seems very happy with you,” she comments, she doesn’t sound happy about that.

“I hope so, he makes me very happy,” I reply, smiling at her, her face doesn’t change.

“You’re very different to Sophia you know,” she says, looking at me curiously. I frown, wondering who Sophia is.

“Is Sophia his ex-girlfriend?” I ask and Mrs Iverson raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me.

“Did Jaxon not tell you? She was his fiancée,” she replies, and my mouth drops open unattractively.

What the fuck?

“I can tell from your expression that you didn’t know,” she replies, looking smug as she leans back in the chair.

“Fane and I built this house for them.” She gestures around the kitchen, and I start to feel sick.

“It was such a tragedy when she died, it broke Jaxon’s heart.” She sighs, shaking her head. I grip the counter and try to stop the room from spinning.

“I had no idea,” I manage to bite the words out, feeling even worse under Mrs Iverson’s scrutinising gaze.

“They were childhood sweethearts. She was set to be Luna, they got engaged on his twenty-first birthday,” she continues, and I frown.

Why is she telling me all this? I don’t want to fucking know!

Silence descends on the room, I can feel her eyes on me, whilst my eyes are on my white knuckles as I squeeze the granite countertop, trying to keep my emotions in check.

“Well, I can see I’ve given you a lot to think about, I’ll speak to Jaxon later,” she announces, standing up to leave.

I don’t say a word as she walks out of the house, leaving me alone in the kitchen.

Needing some air, I wait until Mrs Iverson is truly gone and then follow her outside. I head straight for the trees; I need to clear my head.

He was engaged! He told me she was just a girlfriend! And now we’re staying in the house that was meant for them.

I feel sick as I march through the trees, wiping angrily at the tears that stray down my cheeks.

When I get my hands on him....

My angry ramblings are cut short as I hear someone crying, I glance around and see Kayla curled up below a tree.

“Kayla?” I ask, my voice shaky with emotion. She looks up at me, her mascara in streaks down her face.

“He slept with someone the day he met me,” she wails and a whole new round of tears fall.

“What?!” I shout, running over to her and dropping to my knees in front of her.

“He slept with some girl called Vicky,” she hiccups, and I pull her in for a hug.

“Oh, Kay, what an asshole,” I mumble, holding her to me.

“Wait, why are you crying?” She asks, her face is a blurry mess to my teary eyes.

“Jaxon was engaged, his house was meant to be their house before she died,” I tell her, and her eyes widen in shock.

“What the hell?” She whispers and I nod in agreement.

I sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders as we cry pathetically.

“I’m sorry, I’m such a mess,” she mumbles after a while, and I shake my head.

“No, you have every right to be upset, your mate cheated on you,” I tell her, I sit up and stretch.

“But we can’t sit here all day feeling sorry for ourselves, come on, let’s go inside and get a drink,” I suggest, I stand up and offer my hand out to help her up.

There’s a whooshing sound and I feel a sudden jab of pain in my leg.

Both of us look down at the coloured dart sticking out of my thigh.

“What the?” I wonder out loud and then panic as realisation sets in, “Kayla! Run!” I shout.

Kayla jumps to her feet, I try to hop after to her, but my leg has gone to sleep, and I can feel the anaesthetic spreading. There are more whooshing sounds and I see a blue dart hit Kayla’s back, she yelps and falls to the floor.

“Help!” I yell as I fall to the ground, black shadows creep into my sight from my peripherals. I see a blur of the green trees before everything goes black.

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