When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Nine

Sienna’s POV.

“I really don’t know anything about you,” I tell Jax as he comes downstairs to find me, “Like, honestly, nothing. I don’t even know how old you are.” I frown and he smiles at me.

“Well, ask me anything you want to know then.” He shrugs and I look outside at the sun shining through the windows.

“Can we walk and talk? It’s such a nice day, I don’t want to be inside,” I ask him, and he frowns.

“We’ve got to stay away from the borders though, we have some rogue issues at the moment, it’s not safe,” he tells me, and I nod. Taking my hand, he leads me outside, we cross the square and head for the trees.

“So, how old are you?” I ask him, I know for sure that he’s older than me.

“Twenty-five, you?”

“Twenty-one. Hmm, okay, have you always wanted to be Alpha?” My question seems to surprise him, and he thinks about it for a minute.

“Yes, I have. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved bossing people about,” he jokes, and I laugh.

“Yeah, somehow I can imagine that” I tease, thinking of my next question.

“What’s your favourite food?” I ask.

It’s a silly question, but I don’t want to attack him with the big questions straight away.

“Steak, what about you?”

“Ooh I love steak. Um, probably pasta, I just love Italian food!” I tell him and he laughs at me.

“Okay, I’ll have to remember that. Right, I’ve got a question for you, have you got any siblings?”

“Nope, just me and my parents. You only have one brother, right?” I ask and he nods.

Okay, time for a big question.

“How many people have you slept with?” I ask him, my stomach twisting painfully as I see him tense.

“I knew you were going to ask that,” he mutters.

He stops walking and turns to face me, I let go of his hand and cross my arms over my chest.

“I’ll know if you’re lying,” I warn him and he nods, he looks nervous.

“About fortyish I think,” he tells me, and I involuntarily recoil, I take a step back and gasp.

Forty? Are you serious?

I don’t know what to think. I was feeling guilty for losing my virginity to someone other than my mate, I bet that thought didn’t even cross his mind.

“Look, I know it seems bad-” He starts to explain but I cut him off.

“Seems bad? No, it doesn’t seem bad, it is fucking bad!” I laugh at the end, trying not to let my inner psycho show through.

“I’ve been waiting to meet you for seven years, Sienna. It’s only been three for you, it has been seven for me. I genuinely thought I was never going to find you, alright?” He tries to defend himself.

I can’t speak so I just stand there and glare at him.

“How many were girlfriends? Were they just shags? Did they mean anything?” I ask.

I would much rather they were all one-night stands than anything serious. His face darkens and I can see my question has affected him.

“Most of them meant nothing to me, one of them however...she was my girlfriend,” he tells me, and I try not to let him see how much that hurts me. I have no right to be hurt, I’ve had boyfriends, but I can’t help it.

“Baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was going to meet you.” He pulls me into his arms, and I can’t help but wrap my arms around his waist, leaning my face against his pecks.

“It’s fine,” I mumble, knowing full well I’m going to be ranting about this to the girls.

“How many have you slept with?” He asks through gritted teeth.

“Three, like ten times less than you,” I joke, and I can see the obvious relief he feels.

“And how many were boyfriends?” He asks and I sigh heavily.

“Two boyfriends, one was a one night stand,” I reply, and he takes a deep breath to calm himself, his eyes turn dark black.

“Did you love them?” He asks me and I swallow nervously.

“I thought I did, but I know now, what I felt was nothing compared to the way I feel about you,” I tell him, placing my hand on his arm.

“What about you? Your girlfriend, did you love her?” I ask and his face immediately turns grim.

“As a friend, really, but I didn’t realise it till later on. But that was a long time ago and I’d rather not talk about it right now, if that’s okay,” he says and I frown, wanting to know more than ever now.

“Sure. Moving on, another serious question I’m afraid...I presume you’ve killed before? How many?” I ask and he sighs, running his hand down his face.

“I don’t know, Sienna, too many to count,” he tells me, and I take a sharp intake of breath.

Shit, was not expecting that.

“I know your pack isn’t violent and I respect that, but you’ve also got to respect the fact that mine is. I can’t help it, it’s how I was raised,” he explains.

I sigh and open my mouth to reply, but he suddenly grabs me and pushes me behind him. I want to ask him what’s wrong but there’s a loud growl, I look over his shoulder to see three wolves standing in front of us, baring their teeth.

“Run back to the pack house, now,” Jax tells me, and I shake my head, forgetting he can’t see me. My heart starts beating double time and I feel my breathing quicken, I’m terrified. These are rogues for sure.

“Go, Sienna!” Jax tells me again, dropping on all fours and shifting.

I wince at the sound of his clothes ripping. I kick off my shoes and drop to ground as well, I am not leaving him.

Two of the wolves jump at Jax, whilst the third stalks over to me, I close my eyes and focus on shifting.

My bones pop out of place and change shape painlessly, my favourite jeans rip and fall to the ground in pieces. I finish shifting just in time to have the rogue slam into my side, sending me about two metres in the air and winding me.

I land on my back, struggling to breathe again. The rogue leaps through the air towards me, I spin around and kick out my hind legs, hitting him hard enough in the chest to break some ribs.

He falls back onto the ground, and I quickly jump up, I bare my teeth and crouch down, ready to pounce on him, but Jax’s black wolf comes over and he presses his paws on the rogue’s neck. I watch, horrified, as Jax cuts off his air supply, the rogue scratches, and kicks at Jax but can’t shift him.

A few moments later, Jax turns around to face me, but I can’t take my eyes off the rogue, lying still with his eyes closed. Jax lifts his head and lets out a loud howl, presumably contacting his pack.

Jax shifts back and I avert my eyes quickly, not wanting to be caught eyeing his naked body.

“Baby, shift back,” he tells me, and I shake my head stubbornly.

“I’m going to see your body soon enough, why does it matter?” He asks and I glare at him.

I pick up the remainder of his t-shirt in my mouth and go behind a tree. I shift back and hold the large piece of material to my body. It covers the important areas, that’s all I need. I step back out from behind the tree and Jax rolls his eyes at me. I can’t stop myself as my eyes lower down and I look at all of him.

Goddess, my eyes.

“Come on, don’t be shy,” he jokes, laughing at me as I turn bright red and desperately hold the piece of cloth to my body.

He holds out his hand to me and I step into his arms. He pulls the piece of material off of me and I squeal, pressing my body against his chest so he can’t see anything.

“I could get used to this,” he whispers huskily in my ear, and I shiver, and not from the cold.

“Don’t worry, I called patrol. They will be here soon with clothes,” he tells me, and I nod, shivering as my hard nipples brush against his chest.

“Stop moving, baby. It’s very hard to control myself right now,” he grunts, and I can hear the strain in his voice.

I can feel just how much of a problem I’m causing as it presses, long and hard, against my stomach. It would be so easy to wrap my legs around his waist, he would be inside me in seconds. The thought is extremely tempting.

“You killed them,” I say quietly, unable to process it all right now.

“I had to, but it’s too late, baby. I’m so sorry.” He squeezes me tighter against him.

“Why are you apologising?” I ask confusedly. Jax sighs and looks down at me, I keep my boobs squashed against his chest.

“One of the rogues managed to tell whoever was listening that I’ve found my mate. They know about you now, which means you’re not safe anymore,” he tells me and a sick feeling of dread washes over me.

“I’m so sorry,” he says again.

Our moment is interrupted as the patrol arrive. Jax orders them all to look away as he takes the clothes off them and hands me a large t-shirt and joggers. I quickly pull them on, happy to have my dignity again.

I’m silent as Jax takes my hand and leads us back to his house, when we get there, he makes me a cup of tea and I sit down on his sofa.

“Please tell me you haven’t fucked anyone on this sofa,” I mutter, taking a sip of my tea and instantly feeling better.

“No, I have not.” Jax rolls his eyes and I make myself more comfortable.

“I’m so sorry for bringing you into this. I honestly didn’t think I was going to meet you, and I couldn’t not see you...I didn’t think rogues would risk an attack in the day. I’m so sorry,” Jax apologises again.

As much as I want to be mad at him, his crestfallen face is melting my anger.

I sigh and stand up, moving over to where he sits on the sofa. I move his arms out of the way and sit down on his lap, he instantly wraps his arms around me. I lay my head down on his shoulder, my nose brushing against his gorgeous square jaw.

Damn, why does he have to smell so good?

“What does this mean now?” I ask, clutching my cup of tea.

“It’s not safe for you to leave my territory, you have to stay here,” he tells me, and I sit up to look at him.

“For how long?” I ask worriedly and Jax sighs.

“Until this is all over, it might be a while, Sienna,” he says, and I stand up, running a hand through my hair.

“What am I supposed to tell my parents?” I ask, suddenly wishing I was back at uni, it would make life a lot easier.

“Tell them you’re staying your friends” house or something. If you go home, you’ll put them in danger as well,” Jax explains, and I focus on my breathing to stay calm.

“Look, there is a rogue pack that formed from the Golden Fields pack after we took their land. They have been trying to get that land back ever since. We tried to make a truce, but they weren’t having it. For the past month, they have been killing my patrol members and crossing onto our territory. Dad has been training everyone in preparation for a fight. There is no other option than to kill them or at least their leader,” Jax tells me.

I sit down again, trying to take this all in.

“Is this what Cade meant when he said this wasn’t fair on me?”

“Yes, that’s why he didn’t want me to bring you into all this. Honestly Sienna, I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t not see you,” he replies, he sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

What the hell have I got myself into?

“I won’t let anything happen to you, you know,” he tells me, and I nod, still feeling a bit numb.

“Do you want some lunch?” He asks, my stomach rumbles in response and I quickly sip my tea to hide my blush.

“I’ll take that as a yes then, pasta okay?” He teases, I roll my eyes and follow him into the kitchen to wash up my mug.

“That’s great thank you, I’m just going to get changed.”

I head upstairs to his room and slide off the clothes the patrol brought us, I put on a pair of leggings and a large jumper and head back down the stairs. I don’t want to think about the rogue situation, I can freak out about that later.

As I’m walking down the corridor to the kitchen, the doorbell rings, figuring that Jax is busy, I open the door. A woman who must be about late thirties, stands in front of me. Her black hair is pulled up into a tight bun, her make-up is subtle and flawless, and she’s wearing a smart grey dress that compliments her slim figure. Her face hardens the moment she sets eyes on me.

“Who are you?” She asks bluntly and my smile falters.

Goddess, she’s rude.

“I’m Sienna, I’m Jax’s mate,” I respond, smiling at her, she recoils in shock and then forces a smile at me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise Jaxon had found his mate. He never told me,” she replies, her voice is condescending, and I don’t like it.

“Oh, that’s weird...” I trail off, not knowing what to say, but I’ll certainly be asking Jax about it.

I shift uncomfortably as she looks me up and down, obviously assessing me. From the look in her eyes, I don’t make the cut.

“Would you like to come in, Mrs. Iverson?” I ask, grateful that I know her surname from Cade.

“Thank you.” She smiles tightly and walks with confidence into the house.

I follow silently behind as she waltzes into the kitchen, her whole demeanour changes when she sees Jaxon, she lights up like a fucking Christmas tree. She obviously has something against me.

“Jaxon, darling!” She greets him, pulling him close to kiss both his cheeks.

Jax looks completely surprised and quickly glances over her shoulder to give me an apologetic look.

“You didn’t tell me you met your mate, dear,” she says to him, and she doesn’t bother to hide the annoyed tone in her voice.

I sit down on the other side of the island, feeling somewhat like an intruder.

“I wanted you to meet her properly first, Mum,” Jax smoothly replies and gives his mum a tight smile, I notice how on edge he looks.

“Well, anyway, I was on my way out and thought I’d stop by. Your father wants to see you soon about those stupid rogues or something,” she says.

The whole time her eyes are on him as he stands by the oven, I feel invisible.

“Thank you, I’ll see him later,” Jax replies.

His mother says goodbye, I get a curt nod in my direction and suddenly she’s gone.

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t know she was coming,” Jax apologises and drains the pasta in the sink.

“It’s fine, I don’t think she likes me much,” I mutter, trying to pretend like I don’t care.

Of course I care, obviously I want his mum to like me. It’s pretty clear Jax is her favourite though so maybe that’s why she doesn’t like me because she sees me as a threat?

“She does don’t worry; she just takes a little while to get used to.”

He serves up the pasta and we don’t talk anymore about his mother, which I’m very grateful for. After lunch, Jax leaves me to watch a film whilst he goes and talks to his father.

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