When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 6

Lyra Gemini

My head was covered with a blanket. I considered wrapping it around my head like a turban to help the pain but Amara insisted that I take some medicine and try to sleep. Though no treatment would cure me, I obeyed.

I heard whispering again. Lyla was talking to me, threatening me. I couldn’t even scream since everyone was now asleep and I didn’t want to be a disturbance. I had a feeling I would become Lyla in a while. She had taken over my body a few days ago, I guess temporarily my time is up.

Even when I had this body to myself she’d talk to me in my head and somehow she managed to give me chronic pain and migraines. Anthony and Lewis were helping Amara do research on split personality in Geminis but I had tried to get rid of my second personality my entire life and she had gotten worse in the process.

The Geminis claimed that if one of their own wasn’t born a twin with opposite traits, it’s bad luck and that person would have multiple personalities. I hadn’t accepted that superstition until I started hearing a voice in my head, which sounded like a more rough and stern version of myself when I was ten years old.

She didn’t drive me crazy back then, though I thought I was losing my sanity. She only whispered her opinions on everything, which were opposite to my own. It wasn’t until junior high when I realized that she was my other personality and I didn’t tell anyone since I didn’t want to give into the Gemini Belief or Gemini Curse, as they liked to call it. It was my deepest secret that I buried at the bottom of my soul and deep in my head where Lyla lived.

When I left for Geminus after finishing high school, I couldn’t hold her in anymore. I noticed changes in myself. I had a dislike towards makeup and clothes, sometimes I liked dressing up and other times I would have a comfortable day in my pajamas. After my second week of business school my parents sent me and my siblings to out home in Hydrus along with two maids since it would be safer there. The capital city of Stellaregno was more protected than the provinces but I knew we had to flee from there.

Without listening to my maids or thinking I decided to pack up and leave. I got directions to Crimsyn State from a rebel that I accidently met at the mall. Perfect place for planning an escape, the mall. By the time I got there, Lyla had become a fly buzzing inside my head.

Sleep didn’t come easily, I woke up thinking that I had only slept for a few minutes.

You should wake up earlier, Lyla whispered.

You should shut up, I advised.

I sucked in a deep breath before entering the portable bathroom that had been installed at the back of camp, right next to the training area. There were two confined rectangular boxes which provided toilet paper with the quality of sand paper. Even the school had a better variety than this. I sprayed my perfume a bunch of times and exhaled. It didn’t make the smell go away completely, just for the time I was there.

There was no mirror so I didn’t really see what the point of the bathroom was. I quickly used it and was out before my given time, five minutes per person. The waiting line had gotten longer.

I ignored my empty stomach, I hadn’t eaten in days because the canned food was disgusting. Today I couldn’t hold back anymore. My insides were crawling and growling. I tried to hide my revulsion as Amara forced down every bite of whichever meat was stuffed into the can. I drained it down with water. Fortunately my body was satisfied with it since I didn’t vomit it, this time.

I wouldn’t complain so much about the meal, Lyla chimed in.

Which is proof that you don’t care about your body, I shot back.

“How are you feeling?” Amara asked in between bites of stale bread.

I swallowed in hesitation. “She’s bothering me,” I told before adding, “again.”

Amara sighed and held back a look of despair. “We’re working on it,” she promised with determination.

“I know, and I appreciate it.” I lowered my gaze, not wanting to meet her eyes. “But, I don’t think that there’s a cure for something like this. I knew this was going to happen. Deep deep deep down, I knew I would become two people in one body even though I never admitted it before, I’m doing it now.”

“We’re not going to give up though.” she comforted.

“Alright, you stubborn child.” I perked up. “If you guys are going to continue working on this then...” I paused for effect. “Please hurry up! She’s working my last nerve.”

Amara giggled, which she hardly ever does. “We’ll try,” she answered. There was a moment of silence, the fire had been put out but the bark was still steaming. It was only me and Amara sitting on the logs at the centre of camp.

“Truth be told,” she started. “Lyla complains about you whispering in her head when she’s...taken over.”

She talked carefully, hesitating before the last wo words.

A gasp escaped me, “I do not!”

“Yes, you do.” Amara insisted. “Your brain doesn’t remember since those are Lyla’s memories and obviously you don’t know what she’s been doing while you were...you weren’t here.”

She swallowed before adding, “And vice versa.”

“Oh.” is all I could say.

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out.” she wrapped an arm around me.

I was excused from training since Lyla was booming in my head and messing with memories and thoughts. My brain felt fuzzy and tingly in my skull. I had already broken a few nails while digging them into my scalp, it doesn’t help, it only makes me bleed. Lyla was cursing and shouting in my head and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Stop!” I yelled out loud. That didn’t work.

“Lyra,” I turned around. Amara was standing right there with her arms crossed.

“Sorry,” I breathed. “Just...she’s just...just really annoying.”

“I know,” Amara said. There was a notebook under her arm with black ink scribbled quickly down the page, leaving smudges here and there.

“I thought you were training.” I spoke, eyeing the book.

“I was but left early since Anthony and Lewis wanted me to check something out.” she said. “It’s nothing much and they told me not to tell you. I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

“Am I ever okay these days?” I snorted. “You guys should just give up. This isn’t going to work.”

“We’re still going to try,”

“You’re wasting your time,” I said.

Amara sighed and sauntered off. I missed Geminus, I had so many friends and fans waiting for me at home. Mom and Dad don’t know I’m here. They don’t know I’ve left my brothers and sisters on a rebel base but I think I made a good choice by bringing them to Crimsyn State. The only good choice I’ve ever made, really. It was all over the news that the rebels had a few od the descendants on their side so my parents are probably worried sick or fuming mad. Can’t worry about them right now.

I had brought a picture of Zelda and Zosia, Ganymede and Callisto, Mom and Dad and my grandparents with me but I hadn’t bothered to cry over it or even look at it once. A few days ago Lyla had misplaced the picture, claiming that someone had put it amongst “her” things which was actually a bag that we were sharing. I insisted on bringing my lyre with me. I had to have it at all times. It’s the first instrument any child of the Constellations Lyra learns how to play. Mom forced me to play the lyre until I loved doing it and was actually really good at it. Not to mention, I only speak to her in Latin or Greek since her English is a bit rough, everyone in my household does. I didn’t inherit Lyra from her and that’s why she named me after her Constellation. I’m full Gemini, got it from my dad. My grandparents were frightened when they found out I didn’t have a twin, they even made a stupid theory that I swallowed my twin inside the womb and someday I would vomit it out. Gross. Old people and their folk tales and beliefs.

I don’t believe that theory but I do accept the fact that I have split personality disorder. Thanks to Gemini. My family suffered through a lot of hate and humiliation when I was born. They even considered finding my look alike and lying that we were twins. That didn’t work out because that would have been a hassle. If we win this war, I’d go back to Geminus with multiple personalities. Just thinking about the amount of disgrace I’d be now was agonizing. After me came Ganymede and Callisto, Geminus celebrated for two entire days when they were born. I could hear the people singing and dancing from my bedroom window until dawn.

Grandma and Grandpa locked me in my room for the last few months and wouldn’t let me near Mom because they didn’t want me to radiate my “bad luck” into the twins. Three years after my twin brothers were born, I got two sisters. More celebration for the province, more being locked up for me. The worst thing is, no one even protested when my grandparents locked me up and kept me away from my mother for such a long time. Not even my parents. That hurt. I was alone for an extremely long time. No one favoured me or even looked towards me. I wasn’t allowed to talk to or touch Ganymede and Callisto until they were five years old, same goes for Zelda and Zosia. Everyone in my house treated me like I was a mistake. Like, the Stars sent me down as a punishment for something one of my ancestors did. Some people blamed mom for it. I was set to prove them all wrong but no one really paid attention to me or cared what I was doing. We moved to Hydrus for four years so I could complete high school from there. Just like everyone else.

I tried practicing with my Star Stone but it was more agonzing than listening to Lyla talk. I threw the stone in the corner of the tent. Raelynn walked in just in time for her to see my misery.

“I’m guessing things aren’t going well.” she said as she sat on her mattress facing away from me.

“No, everything is wonderful.” I snapped.

I felt her smile. “It’s not going to help sitting here and sulking, you know?”

“Trust me, it helps.” I said hoarsely.

I expected her to coax me but I guess everyone’s hope was dying and they were just as depressed as me. I looked at Raelynn, she had her Star Stone in her hand which she made change color with her eyes and hover in her palm. The light from the stone was enough for me to see her big round eyes. At first, I thought she wore contact lenses but Lewis insisted that they were “naturally beautiful and unique.”

I saw Raelynn perform her trick with Aquarius in Crimsyn State. And she brought out her Star Stone in the tent each night and made it glow different colors.

“Why are your eyes like that?” I blurted out, startling Raelynn and making her drop the stone. She was always daydreaming and aloof. Belle had told me that she had been friendly and bubbly during her first few days at Crimsyn State but I highly doubt that now.

“I-I....umm....” she stammered then scratched her head, messing her white and crimson hair. I wanted to dye mine too but thought it was better not to. Amara and Phoenix and Raelynn had colored their tips crimson, reminding all of us of Crimsyn State and Belle. Some of the other girls did it too but only we made it look good since we knew how to manage colored hair.

“I don’t know.” she lowered her gaze and went back to her stone.

I sighed and rested my head on the pillow. “Alfred is calling us.” Phoenix announced and ran off.

“What now?” I got up. Raelynn was quicker, leaving before I could ask her if I could skip. Ever since we got here Alfred and Hellen had made constant rules and strategies and battle plans which I slept through since it flew over my head anyways. Amara forced me to pay attention because they were “important” and “necessary for survival.”

I got to my feet with a sigh and dragged myself to the centre of the camp. Everyone was sitting around a bonfire and looking exerted. I sat on the log next to Amara and Nathan. She patted me on the back lightly.

“Why are we here?” I said softly.

Amara shrugged and I turned to Nathan with the same question in my eyes. He had the same response.

I held back an eye roll. I was going to blank out anyways, so I didn’t know why Alfred and Hellen even thought of inviting me to these boring meetings. I agreed to train and fight in battle, that’s it. Don’t push it.

“They called you here because you are a successor of the Twelve Major Constellations and you have to pay attention to this war.” Amara had scolded me the first time we did this.

“I’m going to forget every strategy anyway,” I had argued. Amara had glared at me just like she did in Latin class when I spaced out since I already knew everything and didn’t need to learn it again. “If you want to try and force feed me information about the enemy which I will not digest then please, be my guest and waste your time.”

I bit my lip so I wouldn’t smile at the memory.

“What’s so funny?” Amara asked, I could tell she was glad that I was finally smiling.

“I was thinking about the first time we came here.” I let myself grin.

Amara actually rolled her eyes, playfully. “Well, I was right.” she insisted with a smile.

“Yeah, right.” I shot back.

Someone cleared their throat really loudly. All eight of us stopped talking and for a moment the only sound we could hear was the fire crackling in the wood and it’s ashes flying in the air.

Hellen and Alfred took a seat in front of us. They were both sleep deprived but tried to look intimidating and confident. “I’m sure you all are wondering why we called you here at this hour.” Hellen spoke with a clear tone.

“Oh, really? What gave that away?” Phoenix muttered under her breath. “Was it the confused and curious looks on our faces?”

Hellen and Alfred ignored that, though Raelynn nudged her in the chest. “We need to go over some security measures, battle strategies, training schedules and...”

And you lost me. But I did stay awake through the first line, a new world record! I just stared at her blankly but perked up at the words: “Astral Travel.”

“What did she say?” I whispered, almost inaudible to Amara.

“I’ll tell you later,” she said in a low voice. Hellen continued, with Alfred chiming in to inform us about our troops defending the camp and updates on Belle. Her name hung in the air long enough for it to become awkward. Alfred cleared his throat, still in shock from what had happened to his granddaughter. Hellen looked sympathetic.

“We are going to focus on teaching you all Astral Travel so you can contact Belle and get some inside information from her.” Alfred finished.

Astral Travel, not bad. I’m interested. The most amusing thing that’s happened around here.

“But, how will Belle know that we’re trying to contact her?” Nathan questioned. Anthony was about to say something but Lewis was quicker.

“We can’t communicate with someone astrally unless they’re Astral Traveling as well.” Lewis added as he took off his glasses making his face look flat.

“Then we just pray that that snake knocks some sense into Belle and she decides to Astral Travel so she can divulge secrets.” Phoenix stated, as a matter of factly.

“His name is Rasal.” Belle would’ve said if she were here. Her voice rang in my head.

I smiled wistfully at the memory of her. “Hope for the best,” I breathed.

“Prepare for the worst,” Tristan added.

“Expect nothing,” Amara chimed in.

“Appreciate everything,” Lewis joined.

“And don’t overreact.” Belle would’ve added.

We giggled in unison while the others stared at us like we were insane. We laughed louder at their confused expressions. Amara, Lewis, Belle, Tristan and I would do that before trying something new or dangerous or giving an exam. Mostly the last one. Amara and Lewis would do that to calm the rest of us down.

“Relax, it’s just Math.” Amara would say.

“Math is easy.” Lewis would side with her.

“Yeah, easy for you to say.” Tristan, Belle and I would say simultaneously.

“You’d think rocket science is easy.” Belle would joke.

I felt an ache for her, we were all yearning for Belle. Now, Stars know what she was going through.

“You guys are weird,” Anthony decided.

“You’re realizing this now?” Lewis joked.

Amara perked up, “You think we’re lunatics now, then you should see us with-” Belle. She stopped mid sentence and I knew she regretted those words.

Tristan shot her a look, but it wasn’t anger or despair, it was eagerness. Amara lowered her gaze, Lewis put on his glasses and fidgeted with the zip on his jacket, I tried not to look at any of the others and Tristan’s eyes were glassy all of a sudden.

“Oh, for Stars’ sake!” Tristan got to his feet. “You all act like she’s dead.”

Alfred flinched at that, Hellen’s head snapped up. They didn’t chime in or stop the argument. They wanted to, no doubt but judging by their expressions they couldn’t find their voices.

I felt the contents in my stomach churn at his words. Imagining Belle not here was bad enough but picturing her dead...

“Stars forbid something happens!” Amara almost shouted but was careful since there were people asleep. “I didn’t mean it like that. It just slipped out.”

“Tristan, calm down.” Lewis stood slowly.

“I’m calm.” he insisted, but his clenched fists and bloodshot eyes betrayed those words. Tristan ran off and hid in his tent. Lewis, Nathan and Anthony followed him. Amara wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and trailed off.

“Now he’s done it.” Phoenix said, irritable. She grabbed me by the arm and followed Amara into the girls tent. Raelynn sighed in frustration but as always, remained calm.

Amara was in her sleeping bag which was small and congested which is why I chose a mattress instead. She was breathing heavily but her face was hidden in the sleeping bag so we couldn’t even talk to her properly. I tried to coax her but I myself couldn’t find the right words, even Phoenix opened her mouth multiple times but failed to talk. So we turned off the flashlights and decided to sleep. I usually played my lyre, a nice lullaby. It helped me calm my nerves so Amara didn’t mind at all, even Phoenix seemed to enjoy the tune. At least I have something from home, even if it’s an instrument that I shouldn’t even be good at playing since I didn’t inherit Lyra. But I am good at it. Most of the time I felt like I didn’t even deserve my name, because of the Constellation I was named after.

I tried not to think of that and put everyone to sleep with the song. My fingers flew over the strings gracefully, I didn’t have to think since I played from memory.

When I roused, I had the worst headache ever. It felt heavy and my body hurt as if someone had been stretching my skin and trying to rip out my organs. My chest was burning and I broke out in a cold sweat despite the rain pouring outside.

My turn now, Lyla cackled in my head.

I don’t remember what happened after that.

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