When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 32

Lydia Hydra

We paced outside the hospital wing. Anthony smelled of medicine and sickness. He hadn’t gotten much sleep since he insisted on helping out day and night.

“Are you ever going to take a rest?”

“Maybe,” he said.

“You should take your own advice and get some sleep.”

“Is that an order, Your Majesty?” he teased.

“I’m going to have to order you if you don’t take a break yourself,” I joked.

“I will once things settle down.”

“Will you be at the council?” I wondered.


After a pause he spoke, “I’m sorry about your father. And you mother.”

“Thank you.” I tried to smile, blinking back the tears.

“I’m confused about the crown,” I said. “I’ve always wanted to be queen but now there is Annabelle.”

“What would you do if you were queen?” he asked.

“I’d try to bring back the Sun.”

He didn’t expect me to reply instantly.

“How is that possible?”

“I’m surprised that an intelligent man like you doesn’t know.”

He lowered his gaze.

“Legend says that the Stars’ Celestial Energy-if one can gather enough of it-together mixed up it can bring back the Sun,” I told.

“You’ve done your research,” he noted.

“I have been for years,” I told. “I’m going to suggest it tomorrow at the council.”

“I hope that things work out for you,” he said.

“How’s your brother?” he added.

“He’s. . .alright.” I was at a loss for words. “He’s moving out in a week. He;s going to live with his. . .mother.”

“Don’t feel bad,” he comforted. “You’ll still see him and he is your half-brother.”

“Yes, but it is hard to process that he isn’t going to be a royal and I never thought I would have to deal with a kingdom on my own,” I confessed. “Princesses hardly ever get that much attention. I was never raised to be a ruler.”

“That’s even better,” he said.

“How so?”

“You’re the first queen of Stellaregno.” He smiled. “First female to rule the kingdom. You should be honored.”

“I haven’t finalized my decision,” I told. “I have to talk to Annabelle and see if she’s up for it. If she agrees then I will have to step down and I will gladly do so. My family has had enough time on the throne. It’s time for a change.”

We talked for hours. I invited him to tea, threatening to have his head off if he refused. I noticed he had a tattoo on the side of his neck.

“I got it to support the cause,” he told. It was an Ophiuchus Sign.

“Is it really legal to take another person’s Sign without them giving it to you?” I knew the answer was no but I just wanted to tease him.

“No, but I was born on a rebel base ever since I was a child,” he explained. “My entire existence is illegal then.”

I laughed. “Should I be worried that you’ll send me to the dungeons for confessing that?”

“No,” I promised. “I’ll keep your secret.”

I checked on Keegan. These days I asked his nurse to keep him in his room and distract him. I would explain everything to him when he was older. He would understand better when he was older. I had hired two maids for Mother. She mumbled nonsense and stared off each day. She was in shock. Perhaps she was really close to McKenna and despite everything Father was still close to Mother.

“Knock, knock.” I stepped into Alec’s room. He was packing, by himself. No maid or butler to do it. His arm was in a cast and he worked with one hand.

“How are you feeling now?”

“Better than before.” He grunted. He wore a white buttoned shirt with black trousers and socks. His face was pale and hair a mess.

“Where’s Hellen?” I looked around.

“In her room.”

“I really wish you didn’t have to leave,” I said.

“Why? I never cared for you like you did for me?” His eyes were bloodshot. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for the kind of person I was and I’m sorry that you were neglected by everybody for some many years.”

I rested my head on my brother’s chest and let the tears flow. Alec and I had never really been that close. Whenever I had tried to plan with Keegan or Alec Mother would tell me to act like a lady and not distract my brothers. She especially wanted to keep me and Keegan away from Alec, because he wasn’t really her son. Now I knew the reason. She was always irritated by me and Keegan. Always busy writing letters and taking care of herself. She had been busy formulating a plan with McKenna, she had loved her more than her other children. I let those feelings hurt me. It felt good to cry and let out all the pain.

“You need help packing?” I asked after a while.

“Are you really going to give the throne to Annabelle?” he asked, ignoring my question.

“I will make her that offer and if she agrees then I will happily crown her queen,” I said. “She is the last descendant of Ophiuchus and she had proven that Hydra is stronger than Ophiuchus and it is also the Thirteenth Zodiac.”

He blinked, I updated him on everything after he regained consciousness in the infirmary.

“Don’t be so surprised,” I told. “Our ancestors kept it a secret from everyone and didn’t accept it. It’s time for a change.”

He nodded. “You’re right.”

I stood. “I expect you to apologize to Annabelle.”

“I don’t even think I can face her.” His voice was hoarse. “I took part in ruining her life. She has no family anymore.”

“Her grandmother is still alive and her stepmother but they’re not accepted as family,” I told.

“Give her Virgus, it’s hers.”

“I will, she asked for it.”

“Leave her,” I added after a pause. Alec blinked. “She’s still half-Hydra.”

He turned over his hand and traced the Ophiuchus Sign he had from Annabelle. They were still married.

“Leave her, she’s been through a lot.

“I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

I went to the library to prepare for tomorrow. I wrote down points, forming it into a speech. I did research on bringing back the Sun.

I looked around the library for a maid. I

“Go to the hospital wing and tell Anthony Cancer that the princess requests his presence,” I demanded.

She returned minutes later with Anthony following her.

“You called, Your Grace.” He bowed.

“Enough of that,” I joked. “I need your help with something.”

“How can an imbecile like me help a highly educated lady like you?” he teased.

“I need confirmation on my calculations,” I told.

I handed him the paper and a pencil. “I never really liked Math,” he said after going over the numbers.

I gasped. “I love Math!”

“We can’t be friends then,” he teased.

“I love Math and science and astrology!”

“Why?” he questioned, disgusted by my obsessions.

“Because they’re fun.” I shrugged. I pointed to the sheet of paper. “For now let’s focus on Math.”

He grunted. “I’m happy to help the princess.”

“Thank you.”

We worked all night until we got the correct calculations of how much Celestial Energy we would need to regenerate the Sun.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he started, sitting across from me. A huge wooden table stacked with books and paper sat between us. “Why do you want to bring back the Sun?”

“One time I read that the Sun is our most important Star and I felt bad that it had been reduced to nothing and the other Stars took over,” I explained. “I also think that if we’re going to bring change then we need to start by the Sun. If Annabelle does take the crown then I want her to put this plan into motion.”

“Don’t you think it will be odd that one yellow ball would just shine on us all day and we wouldn’t be able to manipulate it?”

“Yes, but we will always be able to manipulate the Stars.” I passed him more of my notes.

“The Sun during the day and the Stars at night,” he read outloud.

“But the process is very time consuming. It could take forever. . .we may not be alive to see it,” I told.

“Thanks for the warning.” He grinned.

His eyes widened suddenly, as though he had just realized something. “If our race is still alive by then.”

“Excuse me?”

“The Sun could take forever to regenerate but we need enough Celestial Energy to even start the procedure in the first place,” he reminded.

“People would have to help us, volunteer and risk their Constellations. . .their lives.” I shuddered.

“I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

Promise me you won’t follow in your father’s footsteps, Annabelle’s words echoed in my head. I didn’t intend on stealing anymore Constellations but in order to bring back one huge Star we would have to sacrifice millions.

I only got four hours of sleep. Anthony and I were working late on my speech and discussing the Sun. If Annabelle took the throne she would never agree to this, not if it meant destroying our race. . .what was left of our race.

I got dressed myself. A golden and white gown with lace. A laurel crown on my forehead and my white hair braided through it, the rest flowing down in cascades, coming to my hips. A light pendant dangled from my neck and the heels gave me height. I painted golden dust over my eyes and on my cheekbones, my lips and cheeks red, eyelashes long and thick.

I locked Keegan in his room and gave Mother’s maids strict orders to not let anyone in or out of the rooms. I collected the file me and Anthony had made from the library and headed downstairs for breakfast. Only the girls and Alec had arrived, they had been dressed like princesses and I smiled at each one. Raelynn and Phoenix’s hair had been freshly dyed crimson. Amara was wearing a yellow dress and a beige coat and bronze jewelry.

I sat next to Alec. He wore a suit but his arm was still in a cast. He ate with his left hand.

“Good morning,” I greeted.

“Good morning.” I followed his gaze to Annabelle. She looked radiant. Red hair which had been flamed mostly was tied in a bun, wearing a black dress which exposed only her hands and face. A thin necklace flashed on her collar. Even in black she managed to look attractive, like Phoenix who had decided that the theme would be black and silver. Her electric blue eyes with a greenish hue were lined black and dusted silver, lips shinning pink like her cheeks. Nails black and diamond earrings in her many piercings. She adorned weapons as if they were accessories.

“Have you spoken to her?” I snapped him out of his trance. His eyes met mine. “Stop staring.”

“I haven’t spoken to her,” he answered.

I sipped my coffee. Everyone else gathered in. Anthony was groggy but I smiled at him and wanted to apologize for making him lose sleep.

“I’ll see at the council,” I whispered to Alec.

I caught Anthony outside the Dining Hall.

“I wanted to thank you for helping me,” I said, out of breath.

“It was my pleasure,” he said. Before going to the hospital wing, he added, “I hope we get to work together in the future.”

“See you at the council in an hour.”

I went to the Conference Room. I had asked to put the Sign of each person in front of their desk. I included Gemini and Capricorn, I knew they were here in spirit. Though I didn’t know them personally, I knew Annabelle would appreciate it.

They rehearsed my speech and went over it with Alec. I sat at the front of the round table, where Father used to sit. It felt wrong, as if something was amiss. I opened the curtains and let whatever Starlight we had bathed the room. I rubbed my Sign, a nervous habit of mine. Alec sat next to me. Soon the room was crowded. Everyone took their seats, staring at the two empty ones where Tristan Capricorn and Lyra Gemini were in spirit. I knew Lyla had been Lyra’s twin but according to Annabelle she had been the cause of her death so it was best to not recall grief.

“Thank you for joining us today,” I spoke. Annabelle breathed shakily next to me, Phoenix at her side and Rasal slithering in her lap. “Firstly, I would like to apologize for my father’s actions. I will try my best to make up for the casualties. I am sorry for any loss on your side. Secondly, to the remaining heirs of the Twelve Major: I am honored to fulfill any wish or demand you may have, if it is within my power.”

I turned to Annabelle. “I believe you have your requests lined up.” She nodded and handed me a laminated piece of paper. Names and requests of each of them, including Hellen Hydrus, I found out that she murdered Tristan Capricorn but I guess Belle had seen enough corpses and didn’t want revenge. The Majority of them wanted to stay in Hydrus or go back to Crimsyns State.

“I think the plan to rebuild Crimsyn State into an army base and have new generals and soldiers there is a great one,” I said, glancing at Alec. “As for the ones who want to go back to their home provinces. It will take time and a lot of convincing but I will see into it.”

I got a glimpse of Anthony as I went over my notes. The Sun. I cleared my throat.

“I want your opinion on something,” I started. “How do you feel about regenerating the Sun?”

Everyone exchanged looks, even Alec looked baffled. Anthony stared right at me and blinked as if to say It’ll be okay.

“How would we do that?” Phoenix wondered.

“Is that even possible?” Lewis thought.

“Yes, it is,” I answered. “It is a risky process and it may take forever but I want to try.”

“Your Highness, please explain to us how you intend to bring back such an important part of the cosmos?” Raelynn spoke.

I inhaled. “If we gather enough Celestial Energy, we can regenerate the Sun.”

“In other words: we wouldn’t be able to manipulate Stars,” Annabelle shot back.

“The Sun during the day and the Stars at night,” I quoted.

“Why would you want to bring back a big, firey ball of heat?” Nathan seemed disgusted. “What good is the Sun? We have Stars day and night, we’re happy that way.”

“I just want your thoughts.”

“The Sun has many benefits,” Anthony spoke for the first time. Everyone’s eyes were on him. “It provides vitamin D and it’s good for the plants and for us.”

“But we don’t need any of that. We live off Stars, Stardust and Starlight,” Phoenix said.

“And wouldn’t it be risky to put your Constellation up for something that is useless and could take aeons?” Nathan wondered.

Annabelle glared at me. “You promised not to take any more Constellations,” she spoke through her teeth.

“I won’t do anything without the people’s consent,” I promised. I felt Hydra light up as I swore on my Stars. Everyone stared out the window and up at the Constellations.

“I don’t know, Lydia. We’ve already lost so many Constellations,” Alec said.

“We won’t lose anymore,” I said. “I just need the dissolved Celestial Energy to do it. Slowly, we can collect enough, trap it inside one Star and eventually that Star would become the Sun.”

“I’m in favour.” Anthony raised his hand.

“If it won’t destroy anymore Constellations, I’m in favour,” Lewis spoke.

Annabelle, Phoenix, Raelynn and Amara had a conversation through facial expressions. After a while Raelynn raised her hand. Then Nathan. Then Amara and Phoenix.

“I’m already outnumbered.” Annabelle grunted.

“Maybe that snake will knock some sense into you,” Anthony joked. Rasal faced him and hissed. I suppressed a smile.

“I printed out a contract, it’s just a formality.” I pulled out a paper and passed it to Alec. After it was read by everyone I repeated my deal once more, excitement burning inside me. “I will only take the leftover Celestial Energy, collect it in one of my Constellation’s Stars-”

“No,” Annabelle protested.

“Belle, come on. What’s the harm? I think we can trust her,” Phoenix said.

“How can we trust you?” Nathan said suddenly.

“Nathan!” Anthony scolded.

“You can trust me, I’m not like my father,” I said, almost shouting.

“I will offer one of my Constellation’s Stars that will hold the Celestial Energy and regenerate the Sun,” Annabelle said.

“Alright,” I agreed. I signed the papers and passed it over to Annabelle.

“Which Star do you want to give up?” I asked, allowing myself to smile.

She thought for a moment. “Omicron Ophiuchi,” she said with confidence. “A double Star.”

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