When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 28

Phoenix Taurus

I groaned in pain but still kept firing. This was my third gun and my blade dripped someone’s blood.

“How many more?” Lyra complained. She was coated in sweat, blood crusted in her hair and weapons, hers’ and others’.

“Belle’s on the roof,” Lewis told. “Should we go help her out.”

“We should stay here,” I ordered. Lewis went back to his arrows. We were winning but most of our soldiers were injured badly. Sitting on the sidelines or retreating.

“Phoenix, watch out!” Lyra warned but it was too late. The knife cracked into my shoulder blade, I fell to my knees screaming. Lyra snatched the gun from me and shot the guard who stabbed me.

My breathing fasted, stomach churning. My shirt was soaked in seconds.

No, this isn’t happening.

I’m not going to die.

I can’t die.

Not now.

I will not die.

No, no, no. I’m not going to die.

No, no, I refuse to die right now.

This can’t happen.

This isn’t going to happen.

“Oh no” is all she said, repeatedly. She looked around. “Where’s Anthony?”

“Forget him! Just pull it out!” I demanded.

Lyra looked at me nervously, confused. “Do what?”

“Aghhh!” I used my other hand to reach my shoulder blade and pulled it out of me. I winced and cried through the pain. Lyra stared at me like I was insane, which I might have been.

“What?” I shrugged. “Was that supposed to hurt?”

“You’re a psychopath,” she decided.

“Thank the Stars, it wasn’t made out of Star Stone.” I sighed.

“You can’t fight,” Lyra said.

I snorted, though everything I did seemed painful. “Yeah, right. Stop me,” I challenged. I charged into the crowd, stabbing and firing bullets. Anthony stared at me from the other side of the palace courtyard and mouthed something that I couldn’t make out.

Someone tapped on my shoulder, the undamaged one. I turned, bringing out my dagger, a gun in the other hand. My mouth fell open.

“Lyla,” I said. “How did you get here?”

“I followed you,” she spoke quietly. Her eyes narrowed and smile long and creepy, head ducked slightly.

“Where’s my sister?” She stretched the sentence. I shuddered.

“She’s busy.”

“I felt her pain so I knew she would be in pain.”

“Oh.” I smiled nervously. She sent shivers down my spine when she spoke. “That’s...interesting.”

“Where is Lyra?” she pressed.

“Honestly-” I stopped as my gaze met Lyra’s across the field. She was frozen in horror. She shook her head repeatedly and mouthed prayers.

“What are you looking at?” Lyla wondered. She followed my gaze and her eyes lit up. “There she is!” Lyla cheered and ran towards Lyra.

“It’s not safe to run like that,” I warned, running after her. Somehow she dodged all the bullets and arrows, even the Star Stones. “This isn’t a playground, it’s a battlefield!”

Lyra tried to hide behind soldiers but Lyla jumped on top of her, bringing them both to the ground. I suppressed inappropriate laughter. Lyra cried out in pain, Lyla was sitting on her back and was pulling her hair.

“Get off me!” Lyra begged. Lyla threatened and cursed, I pulled one off the other.

“You two have to leave, it’s not safe,” I told.

“She can leave,” Lyra said.

“My back is aching,” Lyla complained.

“That’s because you felt my pain!” Lyra scolded.

“Don’t yell at me.” Lyla actually hissed, spitting.

Anthony approached us, horrified, a medical bag in hand. He smelled of blood and sweat. “You both have got to leave.”

“Why are both of us?” Lyra pouted.

“Because it’s not safe,” he explained. “If one of you gets hurt then the other-”

Lyla waved her hand in the air. “Yeah, yeah. We know. That’s why I came, to get you.”

Lyra shuddered in fear. “No, please don’t let me go with her.” She hid behind me, as though I was a shield.

“You’re coming with me,” Lyla yelled.

“Both of you stop,” I said, getting out of the way.

“Why are you always following me?” Lyra shouted, enraging the other twin. “Go away, I don’t like you and I don’t want you here. Please leave me alone. I never asked for this, for you.”

Lyla pulled out a knife and ran it through the side of Lyra’s throat. She was too quick to be stopped.

“Stop her!” Anthony said. He turned to Lyra and took her to the side to examine the injury.

“Why did you do that?” I confronted.

She shrugged. “She was annoying me.” Her throat was turning red, a line appeared where Lyra had been cut.

“You can feel it, can’t you?”

“Of course.” She rubbed the flesh, wincing. Lyra returned instantly, a gun strapped to her belt and a clean dagger in hand.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked. She nodded, then went into the field, fighting whoever was left.

“Stay away from her until this battle is over,” I told. Lyla stood there like a statue, frozen in place.

My own shoulder was bleeding too much and yellow spots danced in front of my eyes.

The soldier I was fighting snickered suddenly. “Can’t believe they let a girl into their army, no wonder they’ve been losing to us for aeons.” He guffawed, throwing back his head. I growled. He laughed so hard that she dropped his sword, his hands on his knees.

I acted quickly, kicking him in the gut. He toppled over, I pushed my foot into his chest.

“Pfftt.” He snorted. “You call this fighting?” He laughed uncontrollably. He spat, though the drool only dripped from his chin, venom in his eyes. “You fight like a girl.”

I raised my eyebrows, lips twitching into a smirk. I pulled out my gun and pressed it against his forehead. Before pulling the trigger I added, “Thanks.”

I searched for Lyra but she was nowhere to be found. I saw Lewis and Raelynn swinging blades and shooting arrows, I gave them a small smile. A cry for help caught everyone’s attention. We all stopped fighting.

Lyra and Lyla stood in the centre of the battlefield. Lyra’s head was bleeding, staining her brown hair. Lyla rubbed her head as well, though she wasn’t injured.

I ran to them. “What happened?”

“She stabbed me in the head!” Lyra fell to the ground. The swords crashed and both the armies cheered again.

“Anthony!” I called. He was against the wall, healing the wounded. He rushed over and took Lyra away. I glared at her twin.

“My head hurts too.” She ran her fingers through her hair, eyes glistening. I rolled my eyes and rushed to Amara’s side. She had blood dripping from her forehead and her shirt was soaked, even her blade was stained red.

“Take a break,” I said, as though we were playing some video game. Amara looked at me like I was crazy. The Starlight dimmed, all heads turned towards the crimson colored sky. All the Constellations were blacked out, as if the Stars were ordinary dots in the sky. Only one Constellation-Hydra-bled Celestial Energy, glowing green and radiating red into the atmosphere. I rubbed my eyes and blinked multiple times. The Constellation flickered, it’s Stars traced a pattern, as though an actual hydra was floating in the air.

I looked at Amara as if to say Can you see this too? She put a hand over her mouth. There was a terrible cry-animal like-from the palace. I slowly walked towards the marble stairs. Another cry, this time it hissed, snake-like. It came from above so we all thought the hydra traced in the Constellation was real. People screamed and shouted for help, they ran around like their heads had been cut off. I huffed.

“Is that thing real?” Raelynn shivered.

“Maybe.” Lewis gulped.

“No,” I started. “That’s impossible.” Though I didn’t sound convincing.

Amara squeaked. Her eyes squinted and she was staring at top of the palace, maybe even the roof, though it was hard to see so far up. “Something’s happening in there. We have to go inside.”

“We can’t retreat,” I said instantly. “Besides we’re down on soldiers anyway.”

“Someone has to go,” Lewis said.

“I’ll do it.” Raelynn raised her hand.

Lewis looked around. “Somebody else please.”

“I can do it,” she protested. “Besides it’s more dangerous out here than it is in there.”

“No. I’ll do it,” he said.

“You both can go, you know?” I said, irritable by their protectiveness.

They exchanged looks. “No,” they said in unison.

“Why not?” Amara stomped her foot.

“Because it’s too risky,” they said simultaneously.

“Being on the battlefield is risky!” I pointed out.

“Yes, but Jaxon is in there along with his Hydra family. Belle can handle herself,” Lewis decided.

If Tristan were here he wouldn’t let her out of his sight, I thought.

“Why don’t we go, Phoenix?” Amara asked.

“I would but, what would this army do without me?”

“This is not a time to boast, Phoenix!” Raelynn scolded.

“I’m just stating facts.” I held up my hands in defense. I turned to Raelynn and Lewis. “By the way, this is not the time to worry about your soulmate either.”

They both flushed. Raelynn nudged me in the chest.

Behind Lewis a guard was sneaking up on him but before I could give a warning, he got knocked down by one of our soldiers. They fell to the floor with a thud. We turned their way.

“Who is that?” Amara whispered to me. I shrugged. The two soldiers rolled on the ground.

“A little help here?” one of them asked.

My eyes widened. “Nathan?” Raelynn shrieked.

He got to his feet, dagger dripping the guard’s blood. He tried to smile but Lewis pushed him to the ground.

“Now you show up?” Lewis yelled. “First you decide to quit on him and now you think it’s okay to just show up in the middle of battle?”

Nathan gulped. “I’m really sorry-”

I muttered, “You should be.”

“-I realized that I could have helped, even if it wasn’t much. I was just scared. Scared of dying,” he confessed. “First I wanted to go with everyone else but I still hadn’t made up my mind. I came to my senses a lot later. I ran all the way to camp and then here.”

“You ran here?” I was amazed.

He nodded.

“I guess that’s enough punishment,” I said.

“Alright, now that you’re here you can help-” Lewis got cut off.

“I knew you needed me.” Nathan smiled. Raelynn punched him out of his fantasy.

“Focus, Pisces!” I scolded.

He squared his shoulders.

“You and Amara have to go inside the palace and see what’s happening on the roof,” Lewis explained.

Nathan gulped nervously.

“Belle is already there with Hellen and we think they’re in trouble,” Raelynn added.

“Why would they be in trouble, it’s a war, why would there be trouble?” Nathan snorted, his voice dripping sarcasm.

Hydra gleamed above and Nathan froze. The Constellation flickered the image of it’s representer.

“Why can’t you two go?” Nathan wondered, pointing at Raelynn and Lewis. They both hesitated.

“Because they think it’s more dangerous up there than it is down here. They’re just scared,” Amara said, glaring.

“That’s not fair.” Nathan pouted.

“Actually, I think you two should take this.” I crossed my arms.

“Excuse me?” Amara stared at him.

“Yes, it’ll get Nathan a chance to prove himself and Amara a chance to-” I trailed off, trying to think of a good excuse.

“A chance to?” Amara prompted.

“A chance to prove that she’s a good bodyguard,” I decided, smiling nervously.

“We’re wasting time,” Raelynn said.

“Good luck,” Lewis said. He ran into the battlefield, arrows flying everywhere.

“I’m not a bodyguard!” Amara argued.

I leaned in. “Just go with it,” I said in a low voice.

“I can hear you,” Nathan pointed out.

“I’ll get you to the doors of the palace.”

“We can do that much ourselves,” Amara spat.

I looked over her shoulder towards the marble stairs, now flooded with guards in green uniforms with the mark of Hydra stitched onto it.

“No, I think you’ll need help getting inside.”

“We can just take the back doors,” Amara offered. “That’s going to take a longer time though.”

“You sound like you’ve been here before,” Nathan mumbled.

“Oh, I have actually,” Amara confirmed.

“So, you know the ways inside the palace?” I asked.

“Kind of,” she hesitated. “But I obviously don’t know any secret pathways.”

“Follow me,” I announced. I swung my dagger and readied my gun as we climbed up the steps.

“Good luck,” I said. “Don’t die,” I added before they both disappeared behind the doors. Nathan seemed terrified but just like any other Pisces, he would protect when he had to. It was him I was more worried about than Amara, even though she was new with this she had been a fast learner. Typical Aries. Nathan had been learning his whole life and was still frozen scared.

“They’re in,” I said to Raelynn as I passed her sword fighting. She sighed and silently prayed under her breath. I found Lyra holding off three soldiers and helped her. Her head was bandaged but still bleeding, Anthony was working as well as he could and Lyra was eager to fight, taking everyone by surprise.

“Where’s the crazy other-half?” I teased, a smile twitching on my lips.

“Busy looking for me,” she answered. There was wordiness in her voice, the kind that told me she was scared of what might happen next.

One guard slashed his sword against Lyra’s face. She screamed in pain as blood dripped from the scar starting at her temple and cutting down to her jawline. I fired the gun and shot all three of the guards and spat on their faces.

I nudged their bodies with my foot and clicked my tongue. “Well, they’re dead.”

“Thanks,” Lyra said. A girl screamed from the crowd. “Not her again.” Lyra and I recognized the voice. Lyla marched over to us. Her face was red, she had a hand over one side of it.

“You’re hurting me too!” she screamed at Lyra.

“I’m not doing it on purpose!” Lyra shot back. “Though it’s a good thing that you’re getting hurt since I don’t really like you.”

Lyla growled.

“Both of you stop it!” I demanded. “Otherwise I’ll knock both of you out.”

“Please don’t.” Lyra held up her hands in defense. That moment was that one time I saw the twins and could tell them apart. Lyla was once the determined fighter but now she was just an obsessive psychopath. Lyra had scars and bruises all over her, blood crusted in her hair and sweat glistened on her forehead. It’s like she had adapted her twin’s personality and had left Lyla mentally unstable.

“I’m going to go now,” Lyra announced but she couldn’t find anyone who needed help fighting.

“Whatever!” Lyla pouted. Lyla marched right into a guard, he snickered and stabbed her abdomen. Lyra screamed out in pain as well. They both fell to the ground. I rushed to Lyra’s side. Blood trickled out of Lyla’s mouth and tears stung in her eyes. Lyra choked on nothing.

“Anthony!” I called, looking around. His head snapped in my direction.

“This is why I told them to get out of here,” he scolded.

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” I wondered.

“No! Let me guess, one of them got stabbed and now they’re both dying.” He shook his head. “This is why we keep twins born from Gemini Disorder out of danger. If one of them goes down, they both go down.”

I wasn’t really used to getting yelled at but when someone did, tears pooled in my eyes.

I hate crying in front of people, it makes me feel weak.

“I’m sorry, Phoenix. There’s nothing I can do,” Anthony consoled. I fell to my knees, sword clattered to the ground. Anthony put a hand on my shoulder, his eyes glistened with tears. He had always gotten overemotional-typical Cancers-when he saw deaths or people in pain. I clenched my fists, wanting to shred Lyla to pieces for being such a fool. I remembered that Lyra would feel equal pain if I ever would’ve done that, I cried out even more at that thought.

“Why was she rubbing around unarmed?” I said to no one in particular. “Couldn’t she have just stayed out of this? Now Lyra’s dying because of her.”

Anthony’s grip tightened on me, as though he was telling me that it was meant to be. I swatted him away. I prayed and wished that they had been born like normal Gemini twins, then only one of them would be dying.

The twins lay on the ground. Only a few feet away from each other. Their Signs-which had been split from two to one on the other’s wrist-were glowing against their flesh. Lyla lay in a puddle of blood, her abdomen bleeding and blood stood out between her teeth as well. Lyra choked on nothing and groaned, her hand over her abdomen. Though she wasn’t wounded-like Lyla, because of Lyla-she tasted the pain and darkness of death.

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