When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 22

Phoenix Taurus

I gave up on sleep a while ago, retreating to the training area. Most of the time Raelynn followed me and tried to coax me to come back. Though she was having trouble closing her eyes since the new Gemini was snoring defiantly, even louder than me. Raelynn asked Anthony for a medication for me but I refused since it never worked. The Taurus symbol tingled my skin, I kept rubbing it and glancing at my Constellation. I could hear Virgo and Capricorn giggling and whispering from the other side of camp.

Their conversation died down after a while and I was grateful for it since I was craving peace and quiet which is a rarity on a rebel camp. Now I was helping Hellen send groups of soldiers into the city to fight back, there were gunshots and firing all night long. Almost none came back; the ones who did were injured badly and could no longer even stand on their own. We were bringing in more people from Crimsyn State but we were running out.

I scouted the sky, making mental notes on which Constellation we had left. Checking the main twelve first. Ever since the ban on Stargazing I had become cautious about losing my Constellation, even more since Belle had hers’ taken. If she didn’t have Ophiuchus she would be gone by now. If Taurus is taken from me I don’t have a back up. I may go by the name Phoenix but despite that I didn’t actually inherit the Constellation. Amara and Raelynn were both restless for the past few nights and their Signs were glowing, irritating their flesh so I had found it hard to rest with the fear that one of us might not be alive by morning.

I had spoken with Anthony after he got back from the funeral and according to him Nathan, Lewis and Tristan were having the same problems.

“What about you?” I had asked.

He hesitated, scratching the back of his head. “I’m...” He cleared his throat, wiping away beads of sweat. “I’m the same.”

Dad had insisted that I stay back when we were setting up camp but Alfred had said that being an heir of one of the Twelve Major meant my presence was crucial. Mom had cried when I told her I was leaving, I felt bad about it but it’s not like I would throw away everything I’d worked for and miss this. The worst part was training idiots like Nathan and trying to get them to pass an obstacle course without breaking their necks. He was working my last nerve, if he didn’t pass tomorrow I would request Hellen that she send him back because he’s useless. I had caught Lewis talking to him, their discussion seemed interesting. I was shocked that someone would want to even look at Nathan for more than ten seconds, much less have a deep conversation with him.

Everyone thought I was too harsh and rough, sometimes sadistic and rude. But I can’t help it. They have their traits, I have mine. I didn’t like being reminded of my temper.

They hid under the tables and ducked their heads as I approached. Though I kept a blank face, I was burning with rage on the inside.

They whispered insults and rumours about me amongst each other, they echoed in my brain at night which made me go almost mad.

I sat in the corner, sometimes with Raelynn but today I was alone. Raelynn and Anthony were reading and I wasn’t in the mood for a history lesson at lunch.

“There she is,” one of them said to the other.

“Why is she always so nasty?”

“Why is she irritated by everyone?”

I dug my nails into my palms, clenching my teeth.

“What’s with her hair?” one bratty girl wondered, not lowering her voice.

“It’s black,” another told. They snickered before adding, “Like her soul.”

Ignore them, I told myself. Control your anger. Don’t let them get to you.

I breathed slowly but my temper made me shake and want to punch every single person here.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the memory but it only brought more. This time-my early teens-when they gave me that awful nickname.

I was practicing archery, Raelynn and Anthony sat cross-legged outside the girls’ room, Stargazing. Nathan was trying to hold his dagger properly, but I guess the small blade was too heavy for his feeble hands.

A group of people approached me and stared at me from head to toe, as if they were trying to find a flaw to make fun about.

“I don’t see her Sign anywhere.” They whispered and laughed. I held back an eye roll and focused on the target in front of me.

Don’t you see the weapon in my hand? I wanted to shout. I could kill you in a minute!

The group was divided, standing behind me and on either side. Excellent! I could’ve attacked in any direction.

“She thinks that covering it up with jewellry will change her personality,” they teased. I lowered the bow, shaking with anger. Curses forming in my head which I usually don’t hold back but I had a regimen of bottling up my rage until I had control over it.

Mom says I was too impulsive, acting without thinking. But why would one think before swatting a pest that was pestering you constantly, without any limits?

“Don’t you bullies have anything better to do?” My voice boomed but I kept my face blank since sometimes it’s not my tongue that you need to hold back but my expressions, and reflexes.

“Who are you calling bullies?” they spat.

“You obviously.” I rolled my eyes.

“The Bull is calling us the bullies?” They clicked their tongue. I flinched at the name, a courtesy of my Constellation. I had nothing against bulls but they didn’t really mean it as a compliment.

“What did you call me?” I turned, dropping the bow. My hands at my belt where my dagger was. It’s blade crafted from the Star Stones of Taurus, which meant I got use it without touching it. I concentrated on the stone blade, taking it out of it’s sheath and making it hover behind my back.

“A bull! They chanted. “You’re a bull!”

“Shut up!” I bellowed. I was afraid to blink, I didn’t want them to see me cry. My breathing fastened and I shook with anger.

“We’re going to call you The Bull from now on,” one of the boys told.

I cursed in Greek, making some of the younger kids gasp.

“Just leave me alone,” I warned.

“Aww, are you going to cry?” They laughed. I didn’t hold back. I manipulated the stone blade of the dagger and made it fly on the boys’ neck. He squealed, stepping back but the blade was pressed into his flesh. I made it stab a little, drawing blood.

“Stop!” he begged.

“Maybe you should have thought about that before enraging me.”

“Please, make it stop!” he begged. “I won’t do it again.”

“Too late,” I told.

“Phoenix, stop!” Raelynn’s multi-coloured irises flashed in front of mine. Anthony was at my side.

“Get out of my way,” I demanded.

“This won’t change anything,” Anthony added.

“It’ll bring me peace,” I said.

“Phoenix, stop!” Raelynn ordered.

“Hmm....” I pretended to think. “No.”

“Yeah, your friend is right. This won’t change anything.” Raelynn moved. I was surprised that my prey had the audacity to talk back while I was so close to slitting his throat.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“No matter how much you torture us, you’ll alwayd be a short-tempered bully.” He shook his head, as if disappointed. His friends starting chanting, “Bull!” Their voices echoed in my head. “Bull! You’re The Bull!”

“Phoenix, let him go,” Raelynn begged. Tears trickled down my blue eyes. I brought back the dagger, blood dripping from it. I wiped it with the hem of my black dress. I was tempted to bring out one of the knives on my thigh sheath over my net leggings, hidden by my knee-length dress. I wore a leather jacket over it, silver and diamond jewelry and eyeliner smudged around my wet eyes.

“Put it back,” Anthony told. I did so, putting it at my belt. The voices of dozens of kids yelling insults haunting me.

Most of those people forgot about the incident, the nickname lived on but was forgotten since the people who came up with it died in attacks so I had a chance to hide my Constellation. I went by Phoenix, not telling anyone my last name.

Raelynn, Anthony and Nathan already called me that but didn’t taunt me for it. I covered my Sign with makeup and bracelets. Pretending I was an heir of Phoenix and that’s what I was named after. Mom and Dad still called me Marianna, or Mary but they promised not to so much in public.

I fidgeted with the chain on my neck, from it dangled a phoenix and a bull. Representing both Constellations. It was a bit heavy but I liked wearing it. Reminding me of what I really was and what I was pretending to be because of society.

“Is this how you spend your nights?”

I yelped, turning on my heel.

“Belle, what are you doing here?” I sighed.

“I noticed you weren’t in the tent,” she told. “Nice trick, by the way.” It took me a while to understand what she meant. I had hid my bag under the blanket to make it look like I was asleep.

“Yeah, about that...” I tried to think something up. Belle raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat. “Couldn’t sleep either?”

Her smile faltered, she shook her head.

“How could I?” She shrugged.

There was a payse, we stared at the Stars. Belle glancing at her fallen Constellation.

“Do you have a battle strategy for us?” I asked with a smirk.

Belle knitted her eyebrows. “A what?”

My face fell. “Oh my Stars! We’re going to die.”

Belle nudged me with her elbow. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

“I’m serious,” I said. She hesitated. “Come on, Virgo. I know you have something in mind.”

“I do but...”

“Spit it out, Virgo.” I crossed my arms. I could tell the name made her uncomfortable now.

“I can control Hydra with Ophiuchus-”

I cut her off, ” Duh. Serpent-bearer.”

“-so I was thinking about restoring the Celestial Energy by manipulating Hydra.”

I put an arm around her and lowered my voice. “Well, it’s about time you realized your true potential.”

“Did you just compliment me?” she wondered, shocked. Her hands at her neck, she toyed with a gold chain flashing in my eyes.

“I know, it was unusual on my end too,” I told. “But cherish it because that was the only time I will say something nice about you.”

I cleared my throat. “Speaking of serpents, I don’t see your eternal servant slithering around. Are you sure he’s not devouring one of our soldiers?”

“No! He doesn’t attack unless I want him too,” she said.

“Where is he, what is he doing?”

She closed her eyes and put a hand on her temple. “In the tent, half asleep,” she said then yawned.

“Why doesn’t he just sleep, then?”

“He doesn’t sleep until I sleep,” she told.

“Huh.” is all I could say. “So, when are you going to give back the Celestial Energy?”

“I was thinking about tomorrow since I don’t want to delay it much more.”

I nodded. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I just hope it works.”

“It will.”

She snorted. “This coming from you?” she said. “I never knew you were even a little optimistic.”

“I’m not,” I said. “I just meant if it doesn’t work, I’ll make it work.”

“Okay,” she stretched the word. “You’re becoming creepy and I’m leaving.”

“Wait for me.” I followed her into the tent only to find Lyra sobbing in the corner while Lyla’s snores echoed in the camp.

We got Lyra to stop the tears and go back to her side of the adjoined tent. Lyla’s snores seemed to get heavier by the hour. At breakfast Belle announced her plan and Tristan acted like he lost his head.

“You’re too weak right now,” he told.

“And you’re too protective,” I answered for her.

“Not everyone can be danger driven like you,” he shot back.

“I know.” I pulled my hair over my shoulder dramatically. “I’m one of a kind.”

“I don’t think that was a compliment,” Raelynn said.

“Whatever,” I said.

“I’m doing it,” Belle insisted. “It’s the only way. Rasal thinks so too.” The snake curled in her lap, his stones green.

“Yes, listen to the snake.” Tristan huffed. Belle’s eyes had a green glow, matching Rasal’s.

“Stop that,” Nathan whined.

“Stop what?” Belle asked.

“That thing you’re doing with your eyes,” I told.

“What thing?” Tristan and Belle chorused.

“Hey! Stop copying Raelynn,” Lewis said.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Belle got to her feet. Rasal tied on her waist. She went to the training area and Tristan followed. Raelynn announced she was going to train and Lewis skipped after her like a puppy with heart eyes.

“Did you see that?” I asked Amara and Anthony.

“Yeah,” Amara said and Anthony nodded.

“Her eyes looked like snakes’,” Anthony said. Amara shivered.

“She looked...haunted.” Nathan shuddered with fear.

“Everything looks haunting to you!” I teased but I was afraid he was right.

After training and scolding Nathan for being afraid of a little height, we gathered around Belle as she focused on Hydra as it consumed more Stars and grew larger.

“Back up,” I told everyone. We stepped aside, Rasal curled beside Belle as her eyes turned from amber to emerald, long lashes framing them and her Sign glowed on her wrist. As if white light was escaping from underneath the black lined symbol.

Cautiously, I kept my hand on the stone dagger at my belt. It’s crystal-like blade glistening with Celestial Energy.

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