When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 20

Annabelle Virgo

I rubbed my ankle, it still wasn’t healed. Due to the bombing we were in the underground bunker for six hours before they did a security check and let us out. I wobbled in the halls to get to my room, the bomb had been in Hydrus but we had felt it’s after effects. Alec had been enraged and blamed it on me. His alliance with Aries had been broken and his humiliation was clouded with rage. He pushed me to the ground when I reached the bunker and spat in my face. He said it was because I used to be a rebel that it was partially my fault too.

Lydia didn’t help since Sophie held her back and we spent hours in silence. I hugged myself and cried in my room, Rasal knew I needed my space and left me alone but I could hear him speaking in my head. Granny, Dad and Hope were staying in our old house in Hydrus. I hated myself for worrying about them. Jaxon sent guards to their house to check on them. They were invited for dinner tonight which seemed inappropriate since a bomb had detonated in the capital city, it was rude to celebrate.

The pain in my Sign had intensified, first it burned and now it was freezing. Making it numb to the point where it hurt much later. The whole palace was silent, only maids and guards. I didn’t even see Lydia humming in the halls or Keegan jumping around. For some reason, it felt empty without them, eerie even. I felt like I was trespassing. I opened the curtains and gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. My meal came up to my throat and my mouth went dry, tears pricked my eyes as I shuddered in fear. There was so much Celestial Energy radiated in the sky that it had turned the color of blood, the scarlet turning to black in some places. That’s what happens when Stars fall. Around Hydra it turned green and half of the Constellations burned as it’s Stars fell and their energy was sucked into Hydra, making it larger. What are they trying to do?

I marched out of my room and ran through the entire palace until I came across Lydia.

“Tell your father to stop this,” I demanded. Her smile faltered.

“Excuse me?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Tell him to stop taking other Constellations. He’s had enough.”

“Annabelle, whatever he’s doing, he’s doing it for something he needs right now. He’ll return the Constellations after he’s done.” She said the last part as if it was so easy, as if it was like returning a toy or a book. It was the first time I saw her enraged. I guess not even my enemy can hear an insult about their family.

“We’ll be extinct!” I boomed. “We already are! What is he trying to do?”

“What’s going on here?” We turned to face Alec. Worry lines creased his forehead and in his eyes I saw venom. Lydia went silent, lowering her gaze but I stood tall, though I was terrified of him. He took a step forward and I flinched. He approached slowly but his reflexes were fast. I discreetly backed away.

“Where were you?” I questioned, my voice hoarse.

“Interesting question.” He raised his eyebrows. “I was actually on the rooftop with Mother and Father,” he told after a pause. “And Lydia,” he added. “We were taking more Constellations.” He smiled wickedly which always made me want to punch him. I cursed in Greek, his smile faltered and he sneered at me.

“You’ve wiped out more than half of the population!” I yelled. “What is it that you want to get back, that the Stars took from you?”

“I’m not answerable to you.” He grabbed my throat, pressing harder and harder. Lydia tensed.

“Alec, that’s enough,” she said through her teeth. “Calm down.” She pulled Alec away, he pushed Lydia aside and choked me again. Tears stained my face instantly, I started breathing faster. He pulled me towards the stairs by my throat, threatening to push me.

“What was done with my ancestors was an injustice,” he told, his grip tightening. “We’re only taking back what is ours.”

I tried to speak but only spat in his face. Though it was unintentional, it was a good move. He let go and I inhaled, coughing as I tried to find my voice.

“What is it, then? What did the Stars take from you?” I asked quickly.

He hesitated, then his head snapped in the direction of the bedchambers. Rasal slithered out of the door, his hissing was rough and shaky, he had felt me choking.

Milady, don’t fight him, Rasal warned. You are in no condition to fight.

I can take him, I promised. My fists clenched at my sides.

“There’s your answer,” Alec said to me, pointing at Rasal.

“You want my serpent?”

“I want a serpent,” he corrected. The implication hit me, my eyes widened. Hydra, they want their hydra back.

“Why was it taken from you?” I wondered. Nathan had refused to eat fish since he was a Pisces, Phoenix had mentioned something about having sacred bulls in Taurus and McKenna had scorpions all over her during the Celestial Ball. Holy animals, born from the Stars of the Constellations they represent. Anthony had crabs in his home province, no doubt and I already knew that Amara had rams in her province. There were rumours of Capricornus having a fish-goat hybrid as a gift from Capricorn but Tristan had never confirmed. I’m sure Leos had a lion in their home province.

“It was taken because my grandfather terrorized people with it, threatened them.” His voice was low. “He got people to do work for him by scaring them with a three headed beast. Hydra took it from him, one morning the hydra had dissolved to stardust and Alastiar-my Star Spirit-said that we would never get it back, even future generations have close to no chance.”

I felt not a pang of emotion for any of them.

“So, you decided to steal Celestial Energy from other Constellations until it was enough to impregnate one of the Stars and send down the hydra.”

“You had the most important role,” he told as if it was something to be proud of.

“Serpent bearer.” My voice echoed in the halls. “You need me to control the hydra when it comes down, to tame the Constellation so it wouldn’t get out of it’s limits.”

He grabbed both my arms, pulling me in closer. “That’s why we made you a Hydra,” he whispered. “You can help our cause. We need you. And the child . . .” He squeezed with every word, teeth clenched. “Our child . . .he will rule Stellaregno. The product of both our Constellations . . . is unstoppable.”

“Alec, you’re hurting me,” I told, trying to be free of his grip. He didn’t care, his eyes fixed on me as he pushed me towards the edge of the stairs. Then something irrelevant came to my mind.

“Your mother is from Serpens. Her Constellation represents The Serpent. She must have a snake too,” I blurted.

“She sacrificed her serpent, she dissolved him into stardust and gave the Celestial Energy to Hydra,” he told.

I snorted. “Of course.”

“She did it for him, so he would get what he wants.” He grabbed my face, pulling at my straight hair. “As will you.”

“I’d rather die,” I said, pushing him away. Alec growled at me. He slapped my face, obviously leaving a mark. My neck cracked and I held onto the railing for support. My heart beat got faster as I realized I could’ve tumbled down. Involuntarily, my hand went over my stomach.

“If you don’t care about me then at least think about-” I didn’t get to finish. A palace guard passed us and my mouth fell open.

“Bemus,” I said, shocked.

Traitor, Rasal hissed.

“Nice to see you again, Princess Annabelle.” He bowed, making the title sting.

“I’m sure you two have met,” Alec said, smirking.

“I’m your grandmother’s nephew. Her sister’s son. She passed away a long time ago, though,” he informed.

My mouth went dry.

Aren’t you used to this complicated-family situation by now? Rasal wondered. I should be but every time it’s still a shock.

“Former rebel and not to mention double agent.” He smiled with pride, the uniform indicating that he was a palace guard now.

“Are there any other family members in my life that I don’t know about?” I wondered.

“Oh, he really didn’t tell you?” Alec laughed. Bemus never mentioned he was half Pyxis, otherwise I would’ve known that he was related to Granny.

“Your Highness, the king requests your presence.” Bemus turned to Alec and they both left with Lydia trailing behind them.

I demand you get out of here this instant!

Aunt Virginia didn’t really agree so I’ll have to try on my own, I decided.

“She didn’t actually agree,” I reminded. I got to my feet, standing with difficulty.

“Initiate step one: escape,” I said, smiling.

Leave at night? he suggested.

This place is loaded with guards, I pointed out.

Aunt Virginia! My mind screamed and I stomped my foot.

I’ll contact her. Rasal’s eyes closed and I felt him trying to talk to another Star Spirit, it was a surprisingly relaxing experience but also dangerous since I was half in the Celestial Verse which wasn’t meant for me.

Not working, Rasal told.

Burning started at my Sign and engulfed my whole body, I fell to my knees. Rasal slithered over to me but our telepathy was blocked, my thoughts unclear. Virginia appeared in front of me, her bronze skin cauterized. I looked over her and saw Virgo turning yellow and red in the sky.

“Belle, we’re going now!” she yelled. “I’m taking over your body.”

“What about Rasal?” I asked, rubbing my Sign which was glowing white and gold. It felt like rubbing salt in a wound.

She hesitated. “He’s taking Virgo now,” she told. My eyes widened. “This is my last chance to take you away from here. Bring Rasal too.”

“It’s pointless,” I said, bringing tears. “If he’s taking Virgo then I’ll die anyways.”

And Virginia would dissolve to stardust forever.

“You won’t,” she said, offering her hand. “You have Ophiuchus in you. You’ll survive. Give me your consent.”

I wrapped Rasal around my arms and stood, shaking. I gave her consent to take over my body and I consumed her in my body. I remembered the first time we did this was when we went to get Amara. This time I didn’t black out. It was like running at the speed of light through a purple and gold tunnel, Celestial Energy surrounded us. Rasal floated in the air, wriggling himself.

I fell on the ground, fresh dirt. I exhaled. There was a buzzing in my ears, I had no idea where I was. I heard Virginia’s voice in my head.

Goodbye, she whispered and I felt her leave. Blue stardust coated every inch of me, the last stardust from Virgo.

I looked at the sky and Stars were falling from my Constellation. A scream escaped me as my Sign faded in color but still remained on my wrist. I vomited blood, relieving the Virgo stardust from myself and my vision blurred. I wiped my eyes, blue stardust in my tears. Virgo had left me. Rasal curled up in a ball in my lap. I looked around. I was in a camp, lots of tents around me and unfamiliar people gathered around. An old man came crying out of the tent, in the same condition as me. Vomiting blood and his eyes blue with stardust, he fell to his knees and exhaled his last breath.

I ran to his side, my legs shaking badly. “Gramps! Wake up! Don’t leave me!” I cried as I rested his head in my lap, wiping my chin. I sobbed on his chest. Hellen wailed when she saw him in this state. More people gathered, my friends among them but I couldn’t be glad about escaping with them. Rasal stayed close and hissed a prayer in three languages with his eyes closed.

Jaxon took one Constellation from the Twelve Major. He removed a Sign from the belt of the Heavens. That’s going to disbalance the cosmos even more.

“Gramps, don’t leave, please.” I couldn’t stop repeating the words as I clutched his lifeless body. The sky blazed as more Celestial Energy entered Hydra, I felt it go inside it’s Stars. Ophiuchus twinkled in the sky, my only remaining Constellation.

Tristan knelt down next to me, tears in his eyes as well. I cried into his shoulder, hugging him with Gramps’ head in my lap with a hand on his forehead. Hellen sobbed over Gramps’ body.

The sky looked empty without Virgo, turning crimson and obsidian where my Constellation used to be. That’s what happens when Stars fall.

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