When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 1

Annabelle Virgo

I woke to the sound of whispering. Someone was calling my name. My eyes fluttered open, the person hovering over me was still blurry. I rubbed my eyes, smudging my makeup. I had gone to bed in my gown and jewelry.

I glanced at the window next to my bed, it was huge and gave a perfect view of Hydrus and the Lawn. I pushed past the figure, and went to the closet to change. I put on a robe and brushed my hair, awake all of a sudden.

Alec was sitting on one of the sofas when I came back. There was a small cake with pink frosting sitting on the table in front of him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised. He was still dressed, he had taken off his blazer, his shirt was unbuttoned at the top and his hair was a mess. Alec still managed to look attractive.

“Ready just in time, Virgo,” he said, checking his watch. “Almost midnight.”


“Don’t tell me you forgot your own birthday,” he sounded disappointed. I bit my lip, trying not to smile.

“With all the wedding festivities I forgot and I don’t want to celebrate,” I said.

“Too bad,” he said with a grin. I looked down. I counted the candles, eighteen. In the centre the cake was decorated with the symbol of Virgo and Ophiuchus. There were two forks sitting on a tray along with a plate of sandwiches.

Milady, you’re awake, Rasal said in my head. Is everything alright?

I looked over my shoulder, Rasal was sitting on his “snake bed” next to mine. He kept an eye on me each night to make sure I wasn’t screaming or crying.

Everything is fine, go back to sleep.

I’m awake, he said and curled in a ball. His stones turned green and his eyes watched us without blinking.

“Isn’t there any privacy in this place?” Alec asked, eyeing Rasal.

“I don’t understand why you’d want privacy anyway,” I straightened up.

I cleared my throat. Alec checked his watch again. “You didn’t have to do this,” I muttered.

“Why not?”

“Because...it was unnecessary.”

Alec snorted, turning it into a laugh. “I wanted to do something nice to show you that I’m not all bad.”

“Oh, you’re not?” I teased. As much as I hated him, there was something about him that always cheered me up.

“I understand that you don’t like me but...can’t we at least be friends?” he pleaded. I couldn’t say no to those big green eyes.

“We can try,” I smiled.

“Thank you,” he sighed.

“Do we even have anything in common?” I asked after a pause.

“Hmm....” he thought. “Let’s see...we’re both from powerful Constellations. We’re almost the same age?”

I stared at him, “The first one doesn’t really count,” I told. “And the second one is untrue.”

“Oh, come on,” he said. “You’re eighteen...in a few more minutes. I’m...” he hesitated. Was he actually trying to remember his age?

“Twenty-six?” I suggested.

“Twenty-four,” he corrected.

I shuddered. “It’s not so bad,” he comforted.

“No, no. It’s not that. It’s just...” I sighed. “Unbelievable.”

“Only six years,” he said.

“Oh, yeah.” I joked. “Six years, not a big gap at all.”

He made a sound in between a groan and a laugh. “It’s time,” he said, checking his watch again.

“Do I have to blow out the candles?” I hesitated, feeling childish.

“No, the snake has to,” Alec said, his voice dripping sarcasm.

I’d prefer if his Royal Belligerence would call me by my name, Rasal hissed.

Alright, Rasal.

I blew them out, making sure no saliva got onto the frosting. I took a bite and so did Alec. He picked up the plate of sandwiches and offered it to me.

“I’ll have one if you will,” he said. I took one. Alec separated the two bread, opening the sandwich and ate it one by one.

“Why eat it like that?” I wondered.

Alec shrugged, “I like it like this. Though it doesn’t taste different.”

“By the way, Rasal would appreciate it if you’d stop calling him snake and learned his name.”

Alec set down the plate. “Does he even like me?”

I hesitated. Rasal answered before I could confirm.

No, milady.

I nodded my head, “Sorry, he blames you for killing off the Ophiuchus.”

Alec looked upset and hurt, “That wasn’t me. that was my father.”

“I know, but still.”

“Do you blame me?”

I really wished he hadn’t asked me that. I gulped. Opening my mouth once or twice, but no words came out.

Excuse me? Rasal hissed.

“I’m just...confused. I guess,” I finished.

“About what?”

My feelings, I added in my head. I didn’t mean for Rasal to hear that but he did.


“About all this,” I exhaled.

“It’s a tough life, I know,” he agreed. “But, you’ll be fine.”

“I already have Granny watching my every move and telling me what to do,” said.

“Yeah...sorry about that,” he said, trying to smile. “Father said she offered to help out with you and let her move in.”

“For how long?”

Granny had been living here since before I escaped the dungeon. Now, she was my teacher and supervisor.

“Can you please send her back?” I begged. Alec shifted.

“She told Father that she would leave once you’re settled in,” he coughed.

“I’ve been here for three weeks,” I reminded. “I’m doing everything her way. The way everyone wants me to. What more does she want?”

Alec stared at me, “It’s complicated, Annabelle.”

“Thanks for the cake,” I said.

“No problem.”

“You should go to sleep,” Alec said, standing up. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

I dragged myself over to the bed. I dropped the curtains, turned off the lights and closed my eyes. Rasal’s stones were the only light and he was curled on top of me tonight.

At breakfast Granny discussed the economic stability of Virgus with Queen Sophie. Lydia rolled her eyes and smiled playfully at me, I tried not to grin. The fruit tarts looked good but Granny was strict about having too much sugar. She had made me health conscious. I’d already eaten too much cake and drank gallons of champagne the last few days during the wedding festivities. I’d get a little too drunk by the time all the guests would leave.

I resisted the urge to ask Granny when she would leave. In my defence, it’s not nice that my grandmother is staying with my in-laws.

Sophie asked Granny something, they smiled and the conversation went on. “I’m leaving in a few days,”

“I think Annabelle still needs you here,” Sophie replied as if she was noticing some of my leftover flaws. You’ve taken pretty much all of myself away, what more do you want?

Ignore them, milady. Rasal told.

It’s not so easy, I replied. Rasal was curled at my feet.

“I’m sure Annabelle will be fine without me.” Granny smiled.

I kept glancing between The Queen and my grandmother until Alec nudged me.

“Are you alright?” he whispered. He was talking to Jaxon about how many more Constellations were left to take control over. Now that he had me that would be much easier. I nodded.

“Excuse me,” I said and got to my feet, shaking now.

I stumbled into my room, Rasal was trying to talk to me but his words were muffled in my head. I fell onto the couch and Rasal slithered into my chest, my vision blurred out. Then, I felt him bite my Sign, it burned and I sat up.

That feels better? he asked.

Yes, thank you.

He bowed his head. Once in a while, I’d black out or get sick for absolutely no reason so Rasal would inject some of his blood, containing stardust from Ophiuchus which would give me strength.

There was a knock on the door. “Come in.”

Granny walked in. “You left early,” she said. “I hope you have a valid reason.”

I wanted to roll my eyes but she’d give me a lecture about how a princess must never do that. “I felt a bit wobbly.”

To my surprise, her eyes beamed but she still had her usual strict expression. She sat down next to me, the space between us taken up by both our gowns. “Do we have to go to the doctor?” she said almost giddily.

I got to my feet, “No, that is not necessary.”

“If you say so,” she stood.

“When are you leaving, Granny?” I asked.

She smiled, “In a few days.” she hinted.

“You have lesson in a while. Be at the library.”

She left and I was left with my maids coming in to clean the room. I felt my breakfast come up to my throat and ran to the bathroom. Nothing came out but it felt like I was about to throw up. I poured myself a glass of water from the tray of beverages.


I’m fine, I replied.

“Your Highness, the prince is here to see you.” one of the maids said.

“We can leave, Your Highness,” the other one said. They both curtsied and left the room. Alec walked in.

“You look ill,” he noticed. I glared at him which was a bad idea.

“I’m fine, just a little off-balance.” I told.

“Are you sure you can go to your classes today?”

“Yes,” I said through gritted teeth. “Why are you here?”

“To check on you,” he answered. “You are my responsibility.”

I snorted, turning it into a laugh. “I’m not your anything.”

“Do you still deny that we are...”

I cut him off, “Yes, I do. because whatever happened was done without my consent.”

“Same here but at least I’m trying to make this a good time.” he said.

“Stop trying,” I said.

“I can’t,” he lowered his head.

“Why not?”

“Because...” he hesitated.

I raised my eyebrows.

“It’s not easy, we’re stuck for life.” he finished.

“And you wonder why I hate you all,” I muttered. Alec actually looked hurt., he exited the room.

Take a hint, Rasal hissed at the door.

I smiled at him. If snakes could smile I’m pretty sure he did.

I walked to my bed, I kept the letter and the Star Stone from Virgo in the drawer of my side table. I still didn’t have the courage to read the letter. I had already been through so much, I’d lost all my friends and my family turned on me. I was forced into doing something that left me feeling disgusted with myself.

I hadn’t Stargazed ever since I got here, the Star Spirit hadn’t visited me. It was mandatory for me to dress up, cover my face the way all the other girls were and act like everything was alright.

“At least look satisfied,” Granny ordered the morning after the wedding. Sophie and Jaxon were throwing a party at breakfast for all the guests that day. “This is an advantageous marriage. You’ll realize the privileges of being a Hydra and living at the palace.”

Those words played in my head repeatedly. I had to admit, it was better than living at Crimsyn State, even the wardrobe didn’t seem that bad compared to the baggy trousers and sweaters I used to wear.

I was fond of Alec but I didn’t know how I was supposed to forget everything and move on. I knew they all wanted me to but somewhere outside the palace the rebels were waiting for me. For their leader. And where was she? In a palace, wearing silk gown, sleeping on warm beds, attending lush parties and sipping champagne with people who once despised her and only admired her because of her substantial Constellation would help them manipulate all the Stars.

I tried to focus on the words in front of me but no matter how many times I read the paragraph the ink floated off the page, leaving it blank like my brain. I knew what the professor was talking about. He had made me memorise the entire Hydra family tree and our history which I didn’t mind since I liked studying about Stellaregno.

But today, the professor’s words went over my head. I urged her to stop but she said we were on a schedule, she explained it ten times before I understood the difference between Hydra and Hydrus. I thought of Hellen as I learned about her Constellation. No one but the royal family knew about Hydrus, and maybe a few other people. It was confidential and no one was allowed to talk about it since it reminded Jaxon Hydra of his predicament. How his first queen left him with their son.

I hated Hellen for telling me that she was Alec’s biological mother and she’d asked me to keep it a secret. She wanted to tell him herself. She had left him when he was a new born child. Alec had grown up believing that Sophie Serpens was his mother. And I was compelled to bury that dark truth down in my heart.

I was given an assignment. To read a hundred pages of an Astrology book. I didn’t mind that. I was supposed to make Star charts and study Constellations tonight. I had a telescope on the terrace of my bedroom. Not that I needed it that much.

I was done with Star charts and was halfway through my reading assignment while taking notes when there was a knock on the door. I tried to neaten my desk, stacked with books and sheets when one of my maids opened the door.

“Princess, it’s your grandmother.” she told. I approached the couch where Granny sat.

“What is it?” I asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

“I don’t see Alec anywhere,” she looked around.

“He’s in his bedroom,” I emphasized. Right next to mine but even that’s enough distance.

Granny raised her eyebrows. “So, you haven’t been in the same...”

“No!” I almost yelled. I couldn’t believe she was talking to me about this.

“Calm down,” Granny demanded. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, forget it!” she said. “You’ve been wearing green a lot. Don’t you have anything else?”

“I only wear what you all tell me to,” I reminded.

“Yes, but you have to incorporate your own style into it.” she explained. “What will everyone think? That the new princess is tasteless?”

“I’m trying,” I sighed, which wasn’t a lie. I really was self-conscious now. I didn’t want her to give me social anxiety.

“Here’s a tip: try harder.” she said. “You know that girl...” Granny snapped her fingers as if trying to remember. “McKenna Scorpio?”

“What about her?” I clenched my fists.

“You really don’t know?” Granny looked shocked. She cleared her throat and leaned in, “While you were hiding with misfits in the outskirts of Stellaregno Alec Hydra was left stressful and humiliated about his fiance running away.”

“That’s when McKenna Scorpio stepped in and comforted Alec, she was here almost everyday. I know since I was living here, consoling the royal family. She could’ve been in your place. I can tell you this: Alec grew close to her but he couldn’t make her a Hydra since, thank the Stars that Ophiuchus is more valuable than Scorpio and that we found you in time.”

Yes, that’s the only reason I’m even alive: because my Constellation is useful and it’s not because you love me since I’m your granddaughter.

“You’re lying to me,” I accused through gritted teeth.

“Oh,” Granny smiled. “So, you envy her? Good, that means you’re willing to stay with Alec, not that you have a choice, but it’s good if you’re content with him and will defend him from all the other girls who wished they were you right now.”

Granny left before I could yell at her for sparking jealousy and anger inside me. I was breathing heavily now and shaking with rage.

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