When She Unravels: A Dark Mafia Romance (The Fallen Book 1)

When She Unravels: Chapter 14

I wake up with a dick harder than a steel bar.

Despite the unpleasant heaviness in my balls, a grin unfurls over my lips at memories of last night. I was the first man to taste Ale. The first one to dip my tongue into her hot, needy flesh. Her inexperience is a surprise I hadn’t expected, but it awakens something fiercely possessive inside of me. I’m going to really fucking enjoy teaching her all the ways we can get each other off.

Starting now. I extend my hand, searching for a full breast or a firm ass cheek, but all I find is a cold silk sheet.

What the fuck?

I crack my eyes open, and I can’t fucking believe it.

She’s gone.

With a growl, I shoot out of the bed and check my desk. No message? Not even a text?

Frustration rages inside of me as I text my driver to go check she made it home. I barge into the shower and angrily jerk off.

This is what I get for being soft with her last night, but what the hell was I supposed to do? Have sex with her while she was upset? No. I like my partners willing and enthusiastic.

I scrub the sponge over my back hard enough for it to sting. That dumbass Adrian. It drove me crazy to see him flirting with her. I should have tossed him overboard like I wanted to, but I knew it would cause a scene and put an end to my plans for the night.

Ale came to the party for me. Her weak denials didn’t fool me. Even with my warning, she came, and now that we’ve crossed a threshold, there’s no going back.

She’s already mine.

My phone is ringing as I step out of the shower. I pick it up. “Speak.”

“She made it back to the hostel,” my driver says. “The receptionist said she arrived around five am.”

“Made it back to what?”

“Her hostel.”

Cazzo. Where?”

“Sant Antoni.”

The cheaper side of Ibiza where a lot of the seasonal workers live. It’s been getting more and more dangerous over the last few years, mostly petty crime and robberies, but a few violent assaults too. I don’t like the idea of her staying there.

“What does it look like?” I ask.

“The hostel?” The driver blows out a breath. “I mean, it’s not great, but it could be worse.”

“Take photos and send them to me.”

“Yes, boss.”

I hang up and watch as the images come through. Hostel Clandestino. It’s an unkempt property on a street I know isn’t well lit at night.

She’s not going to be staying there much longer.

Ale has a shift on Saturday, and I make sure she’s assigned to clean my office. I can’t remember the last time I was here during the day on the weekend, but I don’t have the patience to wait until Monday to have the conversation I want to have with her. As I enter Revolvr, I greet the weekend staff and pour myself a hierbas from the premium bar before I make my way to the back. I’ve just gotten settled in behind my desk when the knock comes.

“Come in.”

The door cracks open, and there she is, in that plain blue uniform and a cart of cleaning supplies.

How the fuck does she still manage to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?

She meets my gaze and sucks in a breath. Does she know I’m imagining her as naked as she was on my boat right now? Good. One look at her, and I’m already worked up. There’s no reason why she should be spared.

She shuts the door behind her and parks the cart by the wall. “We need to talk.”

What does my principessa want to say? It better be an apology for sneaking off in the middle of the night. She doesn’t get to walk away after giving me nothing but a little taste. I told her I’d get addicted. I made it clear that once my restraint snaps, she needs to be ready for everything I’ve been holding back.

Didn’t she believe me? I’ll remind her of the kind of man I am.

I lean back in my seat. “I have this fantasy where I bend you over my desk, fill you with my cum, and make you spend the rest of the day with me dripping down your thighs.”

I can’t help but grin when she lets out a helpless groan. She fucking walked out on me. Did she really think she could do that with no repercussions?

It takes her a moment to regain her composure. “You sure you don’t want a therapist? He’d have a field day with you. Fantasies like that usually have hidden meanings.”

“I know what this one means.”


I lean forward and place my elbows on the desk. “It means I want to make you mine.”

Her eyes widen. There’s something really fucking satisfying about making her blush.

“Did you think that after Friday, all you’d need to do is to crook your finger at me, and I’ll come running?”

“I’m more interested in crooking my finger inside of you,” I say. “Maybe you don’t know this, but there’s a special spot there that makes a woman come.”

My allusion to her inexperience makes her turn beet red. “I need to get started on my work,” she says in a tight voice.

“We’re not done talking.”

“Yes, we are,” she says, reaching for the mop. “What happened on that boat isn’t going to happen again.”

Frustration unfurls inside my chest. She’s putting up resistance. Why? It’s clear as day that she wants to fuck me. What’s holding her back?

“Why not?” I demand.

She dips the mop into a bucket of soapy water and flicks her gaze to me.

“I’m not looking to get involved with anyone right now.”

“Why?” I repeat.

She brushes a strand of hair off her face, looking nervous. I know whatever comes out of her mouth won’t be the whole truth.

“Look, I practically just got here, and I’m not settled in yet. I have a million things on my mind.”

A million things I could resolve in a day if she’d let me.

I’ll start with one.

“My driver told me where you live,” I say.

Confusion mars her features. “Okay. And?”

“You need to move out.”

“What for?”

My jaw muscles tense. “That hostel may as well be a halfway house. I don’t want you there.”

Anger flares inside her eyes. “You don’t want me there? Where I live is none of your business.”

It became my business the moment my lips touched hers. I open a desk drawer, pull out a wad of cash, and slide it toward her. “Use this for a deposit on a nice place.”

She’s shocked at first, but it doesn’t take long for that shock to morph into fury.

“Are you trying to buy me?”

I was about to tell her she can quit her job and I’d pay for all her things, but her outrage makes me backtrack on that idea.

“No. I’m trying to help you,” I say. “And I’m also trying to get you into my bed again, but those are separate things. Take it.”

She peers at the rubber-banded stack and shakes her head. “I don’t want a handout. I know it’s not the best place, but I can wait to move until I save up enough.”

Clearly, she hasn’t spent any time looking at the price of places in Ibiza. “It’ll take months for you to earn enough for a deposit at your current pay.”

“Then promote me,” she says, tipping her chin up. “Make me a server.”

“Take the cash, and you can consider it done.”

She squeezes her lips together and nods. “I’ll pay it all back,” she says. “You can take it off my paycheck until I’ve reimbursed you.”

I flick my fingers dismissively. “My payroll team has better things to do than calculating that.”

“Then I’ll pay you back in cash.”

“Sure,” I say only to appease her pride. Not a chance I’ll take a single euro off her hands. My lips curve into a smirk. “Now, let’s get back to that fantasy of mine.”

“I don’t get it,” she says, putting the mop down and crossing her arms over her chest. “Why would you want me after how I reacted last time?”

Is she embarrassed about her crying? Cazzo, this woman really has no idea what she does to me. “You cried because you were overwhelmed at how well I made you come with my tongue. You really think that’s a turnoff, Ale?”

Her cheeks turn pink again. “So you’re turned on by my inexperience.”

“And by all the things I can teach you. If you let me.”

I rise from my seat and move to stand behind her. She’s very still as I brush her hair from her neck and inhale her delicious scent. “I can be gentle, Ale.” My lips trail against her skin. “And patient. I can do things to you that will make Thursday night pale in comparison.”

Her breath quickens. She tilts her head to give me better access and releases a pent-up sigh. “You said you didn’t need a distraction.”

“I changed my mind.”

A throat clears behind us.

I look over and swallow down a curse word. It’s Ras. Can he have any worse timing?

Ale quickly moves away from me, and Ras purses his lips. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

I shoot him a glare. “Knock next time.”

“I need to talk to you about something.”

“I’ll leave you two to it,” Ale says as she hurries out. When she passes Ras, he gives her a wary look.

I know he’s not going to be shy about sharing his opinions with me.

Just as Ale is about to disappear, I see the money still lying on my desk.

“Wait,” I call out.

She halts halfway out the door and turns around.

I lift the cash in my hand. “You forgot this.”

Her posture stiffens, and Ras’s expression darkens some more. I half expect her to argue, but instead, she plucks the money out of my hand and walks out the door.

It feels like a victory. At this pace, it won’t take long for me to wear down her resistance, and then, I can explore that body for all it has to offer.

Ras crosses his arms over his chest.


“I looked into her.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that.”

“As far as I can tell, Ale Romero doesn’t exist.”

I glance away. The news isn’t a complete surprise, but I still dislike hearing it. Now that her and I are involved, I can’t afford to turn a blind eye to her omissions. It’s time to dig up the truth.

“What did you find out?” I ask.

Ras sits down across from me. “There are twenty-four women alive with that name. I checked into all of them, and none of them are her.”

“So you know who she’s not, but you don’t know who she is.”

“Not yet. I wanted to talk to you before I spend more time on it.” He props his ankle on his knee. “Is this serious?”

“You know I don’t do serious.”

“What is it then?”

“I want to keep her around for a little while,” I say. “She intrigues me.”

“Ever since she started here, you’ve spent more than double your usual time at Revolvr.”

I frown. That can’t possibly be right. “If I have, it’s because I have work to do here.”

Ras’s gaze is piercing. “Hmm.”

I rise. “Look into her, but not at the expense of the other research you’re doing.”

“Then it’ll have to wait a few days.”


Like I said, I can be patient, but soon, I’ll know her real name.

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