When it Raynes: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 1)

When it Raynes: Chapter 29

Rayne’s tongue is relentless as he drags me higher and higher.

I have to admit, waking up from the most peaceful, dreamless night of sleep I can remember having with his head been my legs and his tongue fucking me hits my top five wake ups of all time, but the way he continues to play my body as I pull myself out of that dream state is truly masterful.

“You were wet for me before I even started touching you, sweet girl,” he tells me as his fingers probe at my entrance.

“I was?” I ask unconsciously. I can’t focus on what he’s saying when his tongue is driving me higher and higher by the moment.

Rayne nods. “I bet you were dreaming about me, dreaming about me touching you.”

I close my eyes for a moment, trying to gain some composure to continue speaking when my body is electric with need. “Maybe it wasn’t for you,” I whisper. I’m playing with fire and hoping to get burned. Because Rayne’s brand of heat is exactly what I want, what I need.

A primal growl fills my ears and when I meet Rayne’s eyes again all I see is pure, animalistic lust. “Don’t.”

“What?” I ask, batting my eyelashes innocently. “It’s just a bit presumptuous of you to assume you’re the only man on Earth that could make me wet.”

Rayne moves from his position between my legs, prowling up my body like a lion stalking its prey and I know I’ve gone too far, and yet if I have it my way I’m going to keep pushing. I want to see how far I have to push him before he snaps, before he takes me the way I know he wants to. “Do you want me to withhold your orgasms for a month, sweet girl? Do you need to be reminded who you belong to?” The words are low and sound like a threat, but a man like Rayne doesn’t make threats, only promises.

I shake my head, sliding my fingers into his hair and tugging his lips down on mine, relishing in the feel of his weight pressing me into the bed. It keeps me grounded as his tongue probes my mouth roughly, as if trying to prove to me I belong to him.

I break away from his kiss, my breaths coming in sharp pants. “I don’t need you to remind me, I know who I belong to.”

“Who, sweet girl?”

I lean up on my elbows to press my lips to his again, needing the contact, needing to feel him against me. “You,” I whisper. The word slips from my lips like a promise, and I mean it. A few days ago, I was fighting tooth and nail against Rayne. I couldn’t let a man like him touch me. A man so brutal people crossed the street when they saw him coming. But he isn’t that man to me.

He isn’t the enforcer of a mafia family.

He isn’t someone who hurt and murders people for a living.

He’s the man who makes me feel whole after so many years of being anything but.

I can learn to live with what he does for a living. As long as it never touches me, never touches the Center, I don’t care. I have to trust him if things are going to work between us, and the only way to do that is to distance myself from what he does day in, day out.

A moment later, Rayne charges forward, his cock sliding into me in one brutal thrust that takes the air right out of my lungs.

Rayne growls as he holds himself to the hilt, his cock hitting so deep I can’t tell where he ends and I begin. There’s an element of pain on the side of the pleasure he’s about to give me, and I shouldn’t want it. Pain is taboo in my world, something to avoid, something to stay away from at all costs, but I thrive on it when Rayne is concerned.

“Fuck,” he grunts. “This pussy is my favorite fucking place to be, sweet girl. You wrap around me so perfectly.” He doesn’t move though and I don’t know how much longer I can handle the intense fullness.

“Rayne.” The word comes out halfway between a moan and a plea, but he’ll give me what I need on his own terms. I’m not used to that, to waiting for other people, but it’s something I’m going to have to learn very quickly.

“I’ve got you, sweet girl,” he whispers as he starts slow, rhythmic thrusts that take my breath away. The hand that isn’t supporting his weight moves to cup my cheek, his dark eyes lock with mine as he fucks me slowly. There’s something so intimate about the way he’s holding me, the way his hands caress my body with such tender care. It doesn’t come naturally to him. It can’t in his line of work, but it seems almost instinctive when he touches me.

His fingers stroke down my cheek, his eyes flickering from mine to my face as if committing the moment to memory.

A moment later he pushes back onto his heels, dragging me with him until I’m straddling him, impaling myself on his cock.

“I want to watch you ride me, sweet girl,” he murmurs, his hands moving to my hips to help me balance in our new position.

He must sense my apprehension, my hesitation to be on top. Brad’s words ring through my head like he’s standing behind me, whispering in my ear.

Why do you think I stayed so long? You’re a lousy lay and don’t know the first thing about pleasing a man.

That night will forever by ingrained in my memory, the night I confronted him about ruining my life, about taking money I didn’t have and wasting it on God knows what. It was a night I don’t often think about, but as I sit motionless on top of Rayne, my movements paralyzed at the idea I could disappoint him, that if I don’t do this right he might leave me, it’s all I can think about. Those words and all the ones like it that came spewing out of his mouth.

Every time I’ve seen him since, every time he calls to ask for money and I say no, words like it are his defense.

Rayne’s face is soft as he gazes up at my naked body with awe. I’ve never had anyone look at me like this, like they can see all the parts of myself I hide, all the vulnerabilities I’ve never allowed myself to admit I have. It’s like he can see inside me, see the worry that has taken up residence inside since the moment he dragged me on top of him.

His hands tighten on my hips before he carefully guides me up, and then down, and then up. The motion is natural, it’s not the first time I’ve been on top in the bedroom, but the rapture in Rayne’s eyes as he stares at me is enough to make me think maybe I can do this. “You are so fucking beautiful, Emerson. And all mine.” His fingers tighten on my hips. “Every part of you is mine, sweet girl. This fucking pussy.” He reaches up with one hand to tweak a nipple between his fingers, making my hips jolt against him and a small smirk tug at his lips. “These magnificent tits.” His hands move again, tracing around my figure like it’s the most beautiful work of art he’s ever seen. “Your body.”

I close my eyes, the voice still hovers behind me, and while Rayne’s words are comforting, his eyes devouring me with each moment that passes, his cock throbbing inside me, all of it should prove Brad was wrong, but I can’t push the idea out of my mind, I can’t help but be terrified of disappointing him.

As if sensing the war waging inside, Rayne moves to cup my cheek again, gently bringing my lips down on his as he encourages my hips to move. “I want you to use my cock to make yourself come. Can you do that for me, sweet girl?” He’s coaxing me with all the patience of a man I know he isn’t, but maybe he is for me?

I nod hesitantly. There’s something about Rayne that makes saying no seem impossible. My whole body screams at me to please him, when with anyone else it would tell me to punch them in the face if they ordered me to do anything.

“Good girl,” he praises as he drags his hands from where he was holding my hips, gently guiding me.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I can do this. I’ve done it a hundred times before and never felt anything less than sexy and powerful, at least until Brad came along and squashed my confidence.

I roll my hips once, twice, three times, each time dragging Rayne’s cock over the sensitive spot inside me that only his cock seems to reach, eliciting a soft moan from my throat.

Rayne’s eyes are half lidded as he stares at me, watching every move I make with an intensity that burns my skin. I’m hesitant and a little clumsy to begin with, more unsure of myself than I can ever remember being before, but my movements become stronger after the first minute, the pleasure coursing through my veins spurring me on as I glide along his length.

From this position, I feel impossibly full, like there isn’t a single bit of space inside me that Rayne isn’t filling.

“You look so fucking beautiful riding me, Emerson. It’s taking all I have not to fill your sweet pussy with my cum.”

I moan at his dirty words, my hips moving faster, climbing higher and higher as I chase the bliss I know awaits me if I can just reach the peak. “Rayne,” I breathe as his huge palms grasp my tits, kneading them with just the tight amount of pressure.

“Do you like riding me, Emerson?” he asks on a groan.

I falter for a moment, because I do. I fucking love it. The moment I allowed my mind to let go of Brad’s words was the moment I started enjoying taking my own pleasure back into my hands. “Yes,” I whisper, dragging his cock over my G-spot in a long, languid movement.

“Fuck,” Rayne growls through clenched teeth. “This fucking pussy feels like home.”

Our eyes clash at his declaration and a moment later, I tip over the edge into an orgasm that I feel throughout my entire body. The pleasure is so deep, so powerful, that my body shakes as it ravages me.

Rayne’s hands grasp my hips in a punishing hold as he takes over, tearing every bit of orgasm from my body. His movements are precise despite looking as out of control as I feel. “That’s it, sweet girl. Come all over my cock,” he grunts. “You’re milking me so tight, Emerson. Your greedy pussy wants my cum so badly.”

His dirty words cause my entire body to heat. Fuck, no one has ever spoken to me like this. They’ve never said such dirty things in my ear as they fucked me, and I love it.

As my body begins to come down from its high, Rayne buries his face in my neck and groans long and loud right before I feel his hot cum fill my dripping pussy.

He doesn’t stop moving until the last of both our releases are wrung from our bodies, and when I move to climb off his lap, he holds me tighter. “Stay put,” he orders, pressing a kiss to my neck.

I allow my body to relax into his, to enjoy his warmth as we bask in our joint pleasure. Rayne’s cock is still buried inside me, and if last night is anything to go by, I doubt he’ll pull out anytime soon.

“That was some way to wake up.” I chuckle.

“Every morning for the rest of our lives,” he says quietly, and suddenly I don’t feel so relaxed. In fact, panic courses through my veins the second the words are spoken.

He can’t promise me forever after a week… can he?

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