When it Raynes: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 1)

When it Raynes: Chapter 27

“You.” The word slips from my lips between brutal sobs. “I belong to you.” It feels so good to let the words out, the ones we’ve both known but I refused to say out loud. It feels like I’ve been lying to myself, like I’ve been lying to us both.

Rayne looks at me with such adoration, like my words were exactly what he wanted to hear, and I know they are. I’ve been fighting it from the beginning, but I wasn’t fooling him, only myself. I’m his, and the only person that wasn’t sure of that was me. “I know you are, sweet girl.” He leans over me, his lips brushing across my lips so softly I barely feel them as his fingers continue their assault on my G-spot.

Tears stream down my cheeks and I don’t even know what I’m crying about anymore. To begin with, I thought it was frustration, the need for a release that kept being torn away from me at the last moment. But it’s more than that. It’s letting go of my complete independence, it’s the way I feel about the terrifying man who is so gentle with me, it’s the idea that I could have been with Russo right now instead of in the arms of the man I…

I can’t bring myself to think the word. It’s too heavy, too much, and too frightening to think. I don’t think Rayne is capable of that emotion, and I’ve often wondered if I am either. I’ve never loved anyone but my dad. Even when my mom was around I didn’t have the same connection with her I did him, and when I was young I often wondered if I was the reason she left. Because I wasn’t the perfect daughter she wanted me to be.

I’ve never loved a boyfriend, never even allowed friends to get close enough to use that word. But the way my heart beats faster every time Rayne walks into a room, the way I hang on his every word, and how I so willingly give up my independence to a man who should scare me, it makes me think it’s more than just like or lust with Rayne.

“Right answer,” he growls against my lips. Before I can blink, he’s off the bed, pushing his pants down until he’s standing before me naked.

My mouth drops open at the sight. I’ve never seen him naked before, but holy fuck, I think I might come just by looking at him. Every inch of Rayne looks like it’s been carved by God himself.

“I like it when you look at me like that, sweet girl.” He smirks as he crawls back onto the bed until he’s kneeling between my splayed legs. His eyes brush down my naked body like he’s about to devour me whole, and at this point I wouldn’t put it past him.

Rayne hovers over me, his fingers moving across my cheek gently until he’s cupping my face in his huge palm. “You’re mine, sweet girl. And I’m all yours.” And then his lips crash down on mine, and I can’t get enough of him.

Our tongues move together and it feels right. I feel like I’m where I’m meant to be, and I can’t bring myself to feel bad about that. Rayne’s right, I give and I give, but I never take anything for myself.

Rayne positions himself until his cock is notched at my entrance, breaking our kiss to rest his forehead on mine.

“Condom,” I pant. The fact I even remembered when I’m so on edge makes me want to high five myself, but I’m nothing if not responsible.

“No,” Rayne says simply, pressing forward slightly until his head slips inside me, stretching me to my limit.

My eyes widen. “What do you mean, no?” I push against his chest. Is he fucking insane? We’ve been together for a week, and that’s if you count from the day he first claimed me, not from the day we were both in agreeance about it.

“I mean, no. I’m not having anything between us.” He thrusts his hips forward farther and takes my argument right from my throat. The slight burn that mingles with the intense pleasure makes it hard to breathe, let alone argue about contraception. “I know that you’re clean and on the pill. I was tested the day we met because I would never risk your health.”

My mouth drops open again. “How do you know I’m on the pill?”

A menacing smile tugs at the corners of his lips. “Sweet girl, I know everything there is to know about you.”

That should scare me, or at the very least shock me, but it doesn’t. If anything, the fact that he has dug into every corner of my life to learn about me only makes my pussy clamp down on his cock tighter.

“Do you like that, baby?” Rayne asks against my ear as he slowly thrusts in and out of me. The pace is maddening and after being held on the edge for so long, I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. I’ve never needed a release so badly, never felt so frustrated I want to lash out. But he’s playing my body exactly how I knew he would, like he’s done it a thousand times before.

“No,” I lie.

Rayne thrusts deep, pushing his hips against mine until I swear I can feel him in my stomach, and then he stops. He holds himself inside me, question in his gaze as he silently calls me out on my mistruth. “I might have to add that to your rules if you keep lying to me,” he muses. He works his hips in short, sharp thrusts that border on painful. He’s proving a point and is taking my breath away at the same time.

“No more rules.” I bring my arms around his neck at the same time he grips one of my thighs and wraps it around himself. At this angle, he feels even deeper and tears prick at my eyes again. The feeling is overwhelming. I’m impossibly full and I don’t know whether to beg him to stop or beg for more.

Rayne chuckles in my ear. “You’re right. You can’t even follow the ones I’ve given you already.” He sinks his teeth into the sensitive spot where my neck and shoulder meet, causing me to thrust into him. “Do you need more, sweet girl? You should have just said so.”

Before I can take a breath, Rayne starts thrusting again, but it’s not soft and slow anymore. It’s hard and savage, his hips slamming into mine with each surge, the sound of the slapping of our skin makes me blush.

It’s hard and it’s dirty. But it feels like us.

“You’ve been such a good girl for me, Emerson. You’ve taken your punishment so beautifully,” Rayne praises and I almost come from the words. They do something to me, fill me with a warmth I’ve never felt, and I find myself desperate to please him so I can hear more of his praises. “But we’re not quite done yet.”

Tears of frustration prick at my eyes. Everything he does to me feels so fucking good. My entire body is overly sensitive after all he’s put it through tonight and I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I need to come, or I need him to stop. “Rayne,” I whimper.

He pulls back to look at me, his strokes slowing as his fingers trail down the side of my face. “You’ll come when I do and not a moment sooner,” he tells me.

Part of me wants to be relieved by his words. Surely he has to come soon. The way he’s looking at me with a mixture of hunger and unadulterated bliss tells me he’s on edge the same way I am. But I don’t take comfort in it. He’s held me on the edge for so long I can’t allow myself to get my hopes up.

“Do you want to know what I thought the first time I saw you, sweet girl?” His hand cups my cheek and I can’t help but lean into it.

I nod, needing a distraction from the pleasure.

“I thought you were the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen in my life. When I caught sight of you coming out that door with a baseball bat, I swear I almost came right there in front of your dad. You looked sad and wounded, but the fire behind your eyes had me by the balls the second we locked eyes.” He seems so calm as he thrusts into me, like he’s not going crazy with need the way I am. “You were mine from that moment and you didn’t even know it.”

I stare into his dark eyes and all I see is possession. He’s not as unaffected by me as I am him, in fact, I’d wager that he’s even more so.

“I’ve been obsessed with you since that day, sweet girl,” Rayne admits. “I’ve watched you when you didn’t know I was there. I’ve had security follow you when I couldn’t be around, and bit by bit, I’ve started to take over your life.”

If the words were coming out of anyone else’s mouth, I would be terrified by them. Rayne has just admitted to stalking me while he’s balls deep inside me, and the admission almost drags my release out of me. I’d like to think his words only turn me on because he’s teased me for what feels like an eternity, but I’d just lying to myself.

I want Rayne to possess me. I want him to claim me. I want to give him everything I am because I know he’ll always keep me safe.

“Does that scare you, sweet girl?”

I shake my head. “No.”

Rayne smirks. “Because you know I would never hurt you?”

I close my eyes for a moment, trying to stamp the emotions bubbling in my chest down. It’s too much. His cock moving inside me, his words, the truth I’ve denied myself from believing. “Yes,” I whisper, keeping my eyes shut as he carries on thrusting into me over and over.

Rayne trails his hand from my cheek down my body, never missing a beat as our bodies meet in brutal thrusts. He brushes across my peaked nipples, pinching each of them before continuing his path down to my body, setting a fire with each brush of his skin on mine.

“Rayne,” I moan, my pussy tightening around him the moment his fingers connect with my clit. “If you do that too much, I’m going to come, and I can’t be held responsible for that.”

He chuckles as his thrusts speed up at the same time his circling fingers increase in pressure, taking all the air from my lungs. “I’ve been dreaming about sinking into your pussy since the first time we met. It’s what I’ve thought about for every moment of every day since.” He slams his hips into mine harshly but the bite of pain only brings me closer to the cliff I’m trying to keep myself away from. My body can’t take much more of this and the tears of frustration leaking from the corners of my eyes are just proof of that. “I knew you’d take my cock so perfectly, sweet girl. I knew your pussy was made just for me and I was so fucking right,” he grunts. His words only serve to drive me higher, my impending orgasm speeding toward me at a frightening pace.

“Rayne,” I cry out as his cock slides against the sensitive spot inside of me at the same time his unrelenting fingers assault my clit. I’m overstimulated. His body, his scent, his cock. It’s overwhelming, overbearing even, and all the air is sucked from my lungs with each thrust of his hips.

“Your pussy is clamping around me so fucking hard, Emerson. Are you ready to come?”

I’m shaking my head, but not because I’m not ready. I’m so fucking ready I’m not sure if I can take another breath without the orgasm he’s been dangling in front of my face like a carrot on a string. I’m shaking my head because I don’t know if I can handle what’s about to happen to my body.

He chuckles darkly. The sound is both erotic and terrifying and only makes the tears at the corners of my eyes come faster. “You’re so pretty when you cry for me, sweet girl. If anyone else puts tears in your eyes I’ll fucking bury them, but when they’re for me…” He trails off as if losing himself to the pleasure I’ve been lost in for what feels like an eternity. “I want to hear you scream for me when you come, Emerson,” he growls at the shell of my ear, sending shivers through my entire body, my pussy clamping around him. “You’ve going to come so fucking hard on my cock, aren’t you, sweet girl?”

“Yes, fuck yes,” I sob, unable to hold the tears at bay anymore as they stream down my cheeks.

“Good girl. You belong to me. Your body. Your tears. Your orgasms. It’s all mine. You will not touch this sweet pussy unless I give you permission, do you understand me?”

“Yes.” I nod, not caring what I have to agree to if it means I’m going to get to come soon.

Rayne smiles down at me, there’s warmth behind his gaze as his eyes trail across my face, following a tear as it rolls down my cheek before we both look down at where our bodies are connected, where his cock is slamming into me without mercy and his fingers are circling my clit relentlessly. “Perfect,” he whispers. “So fucking perfect. You were made for me, Emerson. Crafted just for me to fuck, to protect, the possess, to…” He trails off before the last word slips from his lips, but I know what it was. It’s the emotion a man like Rayne shouldn’t feel. An emotion that makes him weak in the world he lives in.

I disentangle my fists from the sheets despite the fact they’re the only thing keeping me from losing it. The feel of the expensive Egyptian cotton, the bite of my own nails on the other side of them, it’s kept me from chasing my release, and as I drag my hands up Rayne’s body, feeling every hard muscle rippling under my palm as I bring them to his face, I’m closer to tumbling over the edge than I have been all night.

“You’ve been such a good girl, and do you know what good girls get?” he rasps, leaning into my palm on his cheek. The moment feels so intimate, almost too much so. I’ve never had a connection like the one I have with Rayne, never felt half of what I’m feeling as he thrusts in and out of me with brutal strokes.

I shake my head despite knowing the answer.

“They get to come all over my cock,” he growls, punctuating each word with a hard drive into my body that takes my breath away. “I want you to come for me, Emerson. Scream for me,” he demands.

And scream I do. I fly over the edge into an oblivion I didn’t know existed. The pleasure that rushes through every fiber of my being takes my breath away as I cling to Rayne so I don’t fall. I’m so overwhelmed by pleasure that I almost miss the roar of his release as he shoots hot streams of cum into me, his thrusts losing all rhythm as he chases his pleasure.

My orgasm seems to go on for an eternity, his fingers and cock keep working me until every last drop of it has been worked from my body.

When he finally stops moving, he doesn’t pull out like I expect him to. Instead, he rolls us until I’m splayed out on top of him, his cock still lodged inside of me.

“I need to clean up,” I murmur against his chest.

“No you don’t.” Rayne nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. “I like our scents mixed together.”

“Yes I do, Rayne. I can feel your cum dripping out of me.”


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