When it Raynes: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 1)

When it Raynes: Chapter 16

Emerson is a dream in the gown Snow chose for her. When the dresses were delivered to my penthouse this morning, I was immediately drawn to the emerald dress that matched her eyes so beautifully.

Her silky skin is on show and my body is drawn to touch it, to brush my fingers along her collarbone, down the swell of her breast, but she’s covered my marks.

When I woke yesterday morning, the sun just peeking over the horizon, the sight of the marks I made with my mouth and teeth on her neck, along her collarbone, on her chest, the inside of her thighs, it had me harder than I have ever been in my fucking life.

The primal need to see my marks almost has me dragging her to the closest bathroom and washing whatever shit she used to cover them from her skin.

Emerson looks proud of herself for her snappy remark as she brings the glass to her lips, defiance filling her gaze as she takes a healthy sip.

She makes me crazy. It’s like I’m losing my fucking mind every time I’m around her. Even when I’m not, she’s all I can think about, which made dealing with Russo’s men more of a headache than it should have been.

Another one of our shipments went missing last week and I got the call while enjoying Emerson’s perfect naked body laying across mine. It was the quietest my mind had been in years, her warmth and gentle snores the only thing I could focus on. When I saw my phone light up with a text from Storm, I cursed every god under the sun that I would be forced to leave her.

“This isn’t funny, Emerson,” I growl.

“Oh no Rayne, this is very funny.” A laugh escapes her throat as she drains her glass. “I woke up alone and I didn’t hear from you. How could I possibly have known you were actually going to pick me up? This might be a joke to you, but tonight, this event, it’s the difference between whether we can help these kids or not, and I will not jeopardize that because you’re throwing a tantrum. Some of us have to work for everything we have. We don’t have a rich family to hand it to us.”

Before I realize what I’m doing, I have my arm linked with hers and I’m steering her down a service hallway, out of sight of the other guests. I’m surprised she doesn’t fight me, that she goes willingly after her outburst, but she trails along, only briefly looking over her shoulder to make sure no one saw us leave.

I push her against the wall roughly. “You need to watch that pretty month of yours, sweet girl, before I put it to better use.” I nip at her bottom lip. “You think you’ve got me all worked out? You think because I have money now that I don’t know what it’s like to work hard?” My hand moves around her throat, not so hard I’m choking her, but just enough that she understands that I’m in charge.

Emerson’s eyes flash with a moment of worry, before being replaced with heat.

“Well sweet girl, let me tell you a story. Before Frost Industries existed, my family had nothing,” I snap. I’m being harsh and I’m not sure why. She isn’t the first person to assume I’ve had a silver spoon in my mouth since birth, but the words coming from her mouth sting so much more than ever before. “Storm, Wynter, and I lived with our parents in a car, while Mom was heavily pregnant with Snow. We went days without food, and I saw things I never should have seen at that age. Am I lucky Frost took off when it did? Absolutely. But I do know what it’s like to have nothing. And I know what the value of the Center is because I visited similar places when I was a kid as an escape from my life, just the same way those kids do. I was the kid enjoying any amount of free food I could get, because I never knew where my next meal was coming from.”

Emerson’s eyes widen, emotions flashing past. Fear, anger, pity. The last one pisses me off. I don’t need anyone, not even her, to pity me because of my childhood. We were happy. I was loved. Even without money, without a roof over our heads, we were happy because we were together. Visiting youth centers was an escape for Storm and me, and a free babysitting service for our parents as they tried to build a future for us. Hell, we met Everett at one not long before Frost hit the market with our first operating system and it wasn’t long before he practically lived with us from then on because our parents were a million times better than his fucked-up family.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean that a lot is riding on tonight, and I’ve worked so hard for it to go well. I couldn’t live with myself if we lost even more funding and these kids lose the only programs we have left.” Her eyes drop to the floor and I fucking hate how dejected she looks. It’s the same look she had when she told me about Russo, so full of pain and stress. My girl carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, but she doesn’t have to anymore.

“It’s okay, sweet girl.” I brush my fingers down her cheek, reveling in the feel of her soft skin under my fingertips. “You’ve well and truly earned yourself a punishment though.”

Emerson’s mouth drops open. “Punishment?”

It’s not the first time I’ve mentioned it, but it is the first time I’m going to follow through. She’s been warned about disobeying me, about putting her health and safety at risk, but she continues to do it, so it’s time she finds out what happens when she doesn’t listen. “Yes, punishment. You’re going to come home with me tonight.” It’s not an offer, or even a question for that matter, it’s happening regardless of her opinion on it.

She opens her mouth to reply but I continue before words can form on her tongue.

“I’ve been very clear about my intentions and my expectations of you. You are my woman, and I take care of what belongs to me. I don’t give a fuck if you think it’s insane, or if you’re unsure, because I’m sure enough for the both of us. Your health and safety are my number one priority at all times. Did I mark every inch of skin I could? Absolutely. But when that happened, you were safe. The bruises will fade in a few days. I asked how many drinks you’ve had because I know how important tonight is, and I didn’t want you having one too many glasses of champagne to cause any issues. So yes, you will be punished. For back chatting me, for continually putting yourself in danger after I’ve explicitly told you what I expect of you, and frankly, just because I know you’re going to fucking love every second.”

Emerson’s sinfully pink tongue darts out across her bottom lip and I almost lean in to nip at it, but it’s not the time, nor is it the place. I’ll have plenty of time for that when I get her back to my penthouse.

“Now, here’s how the rest of the night is going to go.” I dip my head, our lips so close I can taste her breath. “You are going to drink moderately. I want you within my line of sight at all times.” Emerson opens her mouth ready to argue, but I continue before she can. “You’ve caught Russo’s attention, and he has a lot of friends in high places, friends that could be here tonight. Until we know how much interest he has in you, I am not willing to risk you because you’re too stubborn and independent. At the end of the night, you’re going to come home with me, and you will follow every instruction I give you to the letter. Do I make myself clear?” My tone is more menacing than I intend, but I need her to know I’m not fucking around. The eyes I have on Russo told me he noticed she didn’t come to work when she was rostered on, and while I don’t have any proof, I would think Russo will be looking for her before long, because that’s what I would do.

Whether I was willing to admit it that day or not, Emerson became an obsession to me the moment I laid eyes on her. All confidence and sass on the outside, but sweet and scared under the surface, it called to me.

I don’t know if she’s thinking about what I’ve said, or if she can’t speak because she’s too caught up in the feeling of my body pressed against hers, but it’s almost a whole minute before she nods. “Okay.”

“Good girl. Now let’s go secure some donations.” I grin and link her fingers in mine before tugging her back out the way we came. I’m tempted to kiss her, to steal a taste of her before I’m forced to keep my hands to myself all night, but once I start, I won’t stop. One taste of Emerson and I’ll lose every ounce of control and throw her over my shoulder to find a dark corner to fuck her in.

The moment we step back into the ballroom, there are several flashes, catching both Emerson and I off guard. Another flash goes off just as I pull her into me protectively, my body ready to fight off any dangers before I can identify what the threat is.

“Cameras,” Emerson whispers, her body automatically trying to pull away from mine, but I don’t let her. I want the whole city, the whole world even, to know she’s mine, to know I’ve claimed her.

I plaster on a smile and wrap my other arm around her. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my family and John not far away, all staring at the spectacle, but I don’t care. All I care about is that tomorrow morning every paper in Chicago will have our photo, and every man that has ever shown interest in my girl will know she’s mine.

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