When it Raynes: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 1)

When it Raynes: Chapter 14

Emerson tests me at every turn, even when she doesn’t realize she’s doing it.

Watching her eat had me hard as a fucking rock, the sounds she made as she ate were the most erotic sounds I’ve ever heard in my life, and I’m honestly wondering if I can feed her nothing but that pasta for the rest of her life to keep hearing them.

Realistically I could, it is from one of Frost Industries restaurants, but something tells me Emerson isn’t going to let me control the food she eats every day. The idea has merit though.

When I turn away from the sink, she’s staring at me, her eyes explore my bare chest hungrily. I need her to stop looking at me like that because I need to let her rest, but god-fucking-damn is she making it hard.

“Thank you for lunch.” Emerson smiles sweetly.

“You’re welcome, sweet girl. Why don’t you hop into bed and have a nap for a few hours,” I suggest. I’m hoping she’s not going to argue because while I pose it as a suggestion, it’s really not one.

She draws her lip between her teeth as her eyes dart to where her textbook is discarded on a nearby table. “I can’t really sleep during the day, and I really need to get some studying done.”

“Are you tired?” I ask, prowling toward the couch.

Emerson nods once.

“Then you need to get some sleep.” I scoop her up without waiting for permission and start toward the room she disappeared into to change. She feels so fucking tiny in my arms, but she also feels right, like her body was made to fit mine, made for me to carry, made for me. The thought should terrify the eternal bachelor in me, but it doesn’t. The deep need I have to claim her, to protect her is overwhelming.

“Rayne, I really can’t. If I sleep now, I won’t be able to sleep tonight, and then the whole cycle will start again,” she protests. She’s wound so tight I’m pretty sure she’s ready to snap like an overstretched rubber band.

I sigh as I place her down on the edge of the bed and crouch down in front of her. The motion feels strange because I’ve never been a man to kneel for a woman, always preferring to see them at my feet, but Emerson is different. If she needs me on my knees, that’s where I’ll be, no matter how unnatural it feels to me. “When was the last time you slept for more than a few hours at a time?”

Her bottom lip disappears between her teeth again as she thinks about her answer. I reach up and tug the soft pillow, only barely containing the groan that rises to the surface at the sight. “I don’t know,” Emerson admits.

I take a deep breath to calm myself, knowing that if I allow myself to think about it too much, I’ll probably go back to that asshat of an ex of hers and beat the life out of him for doing this to her. “How many hours do you normally sleep at a time?”

“It depends. Some nights only an hour or two, just enough to get through the day, other nights not at all, and if I’m lucky and we finish up at the club early, or if I only have a shift at the diner, and I don’t have any assignments, maybe four or five hours?” It’s the fact that she poses it as a question that has me growling.

The words are falling from my lips before I can think better of it. “Why do you work at the diner and the club when your passion is obviously the Center and you’re studying as well?” I know the answer, and I’m not sure how I’m going to broach the subject if she lies to me, but it’s a bridge I’ll cross if we come to it.

Emerson stares down at where our hands are tangled together in her lap for long moments, so long I’m not sure if she’s going to reply or not, but when she opens her mouth, I know she’s about to respond. “I owe a lot of money. My ex, that guy from yesterday, he…” She takes a deep breath and I almost expect her to stop the story there, but instead she looks up at me, the brokenness within the emerald pools almost too much for me to handle. “He opened a bunch of lines of credit in my name, and I didn’t find out until he’d spent every cent of it. When I found out, I went crazy, like I’m surprised I didn’t fucking kill him, but then after I had my meltdown, I knew I’d worked too hard to let him take it all away. So I moved out of my nice apartment, sold my car, and then I started working at the diner and the club. At first it wasn’t so bad because I was on holidays for school, but as soon as my coursework started to pile up, I started to lose a lot of sleep. All I’ve ever wanted is to be a counselor for the Center. I want to help those kids because no one else will. I want to give them every chance to have a safe, happy life. And I can’t do that if I give up.” Her honest words shake as they fall from her mouth. “If I can’t go back to Russo’s club, I’ll have to find a similar job. The tips are too good to pass up.”

“Don’t worry about that right now, sweet girl.” I leave out saying she doesn’t need to worry because she won’t have the debt for long.

While I love how feisty Emerson can be, I don’t feel like drawing out my kitten’s claws right now, not when she’s being so placated with me. She’s relaxed for the first time since I met her and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that, even if having no debt hanging above her head would mean she could have her life back.

“I’m sorry your ex did that to you.”

Emerson smiles sadly. “It’s okay. I’ve made peace with it. I was stupid with him. I allowed myself to think he would change when I should have known he wouldn’t.”

“When was the last time you allowed yourself to just rest? To not think about the debt, or the Center, or your schoolwork. When was the last time you gave yourself a break?”

A small laugh escapes her throat and I immediately get the feeling I won’t like her answer. “Not since the day that first overdue notice arrived.”

“Let me help you relax for a little while.” It’s not a question. Regardless of what the next words out of her mouth are, she will be relaxing, she will be having a nap, and I will be helping her with it.

Emerson considers me for long moments, as if she’s not sure it’s a good idea, but her body is leaning into mine before she’s even made her mind up. “How?” she asks.

I smirk. “That’s for me to know, and for you to find out.”

She drags in a deep breath, psyching herself up to saying yes, and then she nods once. “Okay.”

“Good girl. Now I’m going to take good care of you, sweet girl, but I’m going to need you to trust me. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes.” Her answer sounds unsure, but her body is practically vibrating with need.

Before she can blink, I’m on her, my body hovering over hers the moment her back hits the mattress. “If at any point you want me to stop, you need to tell me, okay?”

She nods.

“Words, sweet girl. Forget one more time, and I’m going to have to make sure you remember.”

She gasps at the threat, but in reality, it’s a promise. My palm itches to spank her perfect peach ass, and I’m almost at the point of taking any opportunity she gives me to do so. “Yes, I understand.”

My lips hover just above hers, and the idea of finally taking them is too tempting to pass up. My cock presses against the zipper of my jeans painfully, begging to get a piece of the woman that has had me hard as a rock since the first time I saw her. Emerson is the ultimate temptation, and I can’t wait to feast on her sweet body.

Her tongue darts out over her bottom lip, anticipating the moment my lips crash down on hers, but I make us both wait. I hover there for so long that Emerson squirms underneath me, her body unable to hold still because she wants to taste me just as badly as I want to taste her. I want to fucking devour her, consume her, ruin her for every other man in the world. The idea of anyone else touching Emerson makes me fucking homicidal.

When neither of us can handle the wait any longer, I bring my lips down on hers, but I don’t follow my initial instinct to kiss her savagely. No, against my own nature, I kiss her sweetly, taking the time to savor the taste of her. A sweet mix of strawberries and cotton candy that I’m addicted to from the first brush of our tongues.

Emerson groans into my mouth, her arms wrapping around my neck and pulling me into her. She’s fucking intoxicating.

When I finally pull back, needing a moment to breathe and get my head straight. I’ve never lost myself in a woman before, but I can see that with Emerson, it’s a very real possibility. I’ve always been the one with the control in the bedroom. Women fall at my feet and do anything I tell them to, just happy to fuck me. But it’s not like that with my sweet girl. Of course I crave that same control, I need her submission, but she has just as much power as I do, and that thought is a sobering reality for a controlling motherfucker like me.

Without a word, I start stripping her clothes from her body, needing to see her bare for me. First comes the shirt I put on her. Seeing her wearing my clothes was a wet dream come true, but it’s time I see all of my girl. I lean back on my haunches as I strip the shorts and panties in one movement, discarding them both across the room.

When I allow my eyes to sweep over Emerson’s bare skin, plains of creamy skin that call to me to mark even though I know I shouldn’t. Her perfect tits have the rosiest peaks I’ve ever seen, my mouth waters at the thought of taking them into my mouth, of her back arching off the bed as I lick, suck, and nip at her beautiful nipples until she’s so wet for me she can’t handle it anymore.

My eyes travel farther down and I suck in a breath when I catch sight of her bare pussy. Fuck, she looks like a fucking treat all laid out in front of me, and it would be rude if I didn’t feast.

“Rayne,” Emerson whines, breaking me out of my trance.

“I’m going to take care of you, baby. Do you trust me?”

She hesitates for a moment, her cheeks flushing pink at my scrutiny. I shouldn’t ask for it right now, not after everything she’s told me today, and everything I’ve read in her file. But I’m a selfish fuck, and I want all of her. I want her to crave me like I crave her. When she nods, victory bursts in my chest and I’m on her again in a split second, this time devouring her mouth, nipping at her lips, our tongues clashing like we’re both starved. She doesn’t know what she’s doing by putting her trust in me, and I’m not about to tell her, not before I can show her how fucking good it can be between us.

As I kiss her with everything I have, I’m bundling her wrists together above her head and securing them together with the shirt I’d stripped from her body. For a moment she looks unsure, like she doesn’t know if she should let me restrain her, but I distract her by tugging her bottom lip into my mouth, biting down until a guttural moan escapes her throat. Yeah, my sweet girl loves a bite of pain mixed with her pleasure. Little does she know that’s my specialty.

“Your hands are to remain above your head, do you understand?” I pant.

“Yes,” Emerson answers immediately.

“Good girl. I want you to stay nice and still for me, okay?”

She nods. “Yes.”

I smirk and then bring my lips down on hers again, her lips eagerly taking mine, matching my hunger at every turn. Fuck. She tastes so fucking good. I won’t ever get tired of tasting her, of kissing her. I’m fucking obsessed with this woman, and while that should terrify me, it doesn’t. The feeling is almost as addictive as her taste.

I drag my lips away from hers and kiss my way down her neck, nipping and sucking along the way, needing to see my marks on her creamy skin.

Emerson squirms beneath me, not heeding my warning to remain still. Without hesitation, I slap my palm down on her thigh four times in quick succession. “What did I say about keeping still, sweet girl?”

Her gasps are fucking beautiful and I consider going back for more just to hear them again, but I can’t punish her when she hasn’t done anything wrong. That wouldn’t be fair, and it would take away from punishments when she does.

“I’m sorry,” she pants.

Her eyes are glazed over, her chest is rising and falling so quickly I’m almost worried she’ll stop breathing, but I’m far from done with her.

Emerson is struggling to stay still, but she needs to learn to obey, especially in the bedroom. I won’t accept anything else, and the quicker she learns that, the better it will be for her.

I kiss my way down to her collarbone, nipping at the sensitive skin until she shivers uncontrollably. My lips quirk on her skin, having an effect like this on her is fucking addictive in itself.

The trail continues down her chest and I sink my teeth into the soft flesh before lapping at the mark to soothe it.

Emerson’s moans fill the room. She’s loving everything I give her. I should have discussed limits with her before I started, but something told me she wouldn’t know what she did or didn’t want. I want to show her what she needs, show her what her body craves.

I bite into her flesh over and over, occasionally pulling back to appreciate the angry-looking marks. My cock aches, pushing against my zipper painfully, begging to be let loose on Emerson’s sweet body. Marks surround her rosy peaks, framing them until I can’t take it anymore, and finally take one between my teeth.

Emerson hisses a sharp breath, but from the moan that follows closely behind, I know she’s enjoying it as much as I am.

I peer up at her and almost blow my fucking load at the sight. Her auburn hair is spread across the pillow in a halo, almost making her look like an angel. Her head pushes back into the pillow, her mouth open with each moan that slips from her throat.

Emerson’s eyes flutter open and her lust-filled gaze meets mine as I flick my tongue over her nipple teasingly.

“Are you wet for me, sweet girl?” I know she is, I can fucking smell her arousal and I can’t wait to feel the effect I’ve had on her.

“Yes,” she breathes, barely loud enough for me to hear.

I nip each nipple one last time before trailing down toward the apex of her thighs slowly. I want to drag this out as long as I can, to make her wait for the pleasure I’m going to assault her with, but I’m growing impatient. The need I have to taste her is burning me from the inside out and I can’t handle it any longer.

Emerson’s breath hitches as I press a long kiss to her mound, close enough to her pussy that she’s all I can smell. Fuck. Her scent is so fucking sweet I just know she’s about to become my favorite treat.

Despite the unbelievable urge to taste her, I move down her legs, taking the time to bite and suck at the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. The need to mark her, to see her covered in the evidence that she’s mine is too great to ignore. Each time I bite into the sensitive flesh, she almost comes clear off the bed before her head reminds her she shouldn’t be moving.

The sick part of me wants her to move so I can show her how much she loves being punished, because I know she will. I knew from the moment I saw her that my sweet girl would love the pain I give her, she just didn’t know it yet.

Our eyes lock as I position myself between her spread thighs, so close to her core that I can almost taste her. Emerson looks like she’s about to come out of her skin, her chest rising and falling quickly, gasps and moans filling the room.

“Tell me what you want, sweet girl.”

Her eyes widen for a moment, she wasn’t expecting me to say that, and uncertainty clouds her eyes. She tugs her bottom lip between her teeth as she considers what I’ve asked of her.

I grip her hips, quickly flipping her onto her front and landing four quick slaps to her ass. They aren’t hard enough to hurt her, not really, but just enough to get her out of her head. That’s the thing about Emerson, she’s always stuck in her head. All day, every day, her mind is filled with all the things she should be doing, all the things she should have done, but I don’t want that. I want her mindless with pleasure. I’m a selfish motherfucker and I want her complete, undivided attention on me and what I’m giving her.

I flip her back and pry her legs apart, resting my hands on the crease of her leg and pussy, so close and yet so far from where we both want me to be. “When I ask you a question, I want you to answer me immediately, sweet girl. No thinking, just answering and obeying.” I bite into her, a small patch of unmarked skin so close to her pussy I get the slightest taste of her sweet honey. “Now, I’ll ask again, and this time, I expect an immediate response. Tell me what you want.” There’s no room for argument or confusion. She knows as well as I do that if she avoids the question again, she won’t like the consequences.

Emerson looks a little shellshocked, but with my mouth so close to her center, her eyes glaze over and her mouth opens to answer me. “I need you,” she whispers.

I chuckle. Perhaps I needed to be more direct with my question. “I know baby, and I’ll give you exactly what you need, but I want to hear the words.”

“I-I…” Emerson stammers, uncertainty flickering in her gaze for the briefest of moments. I’m ready to throw in the towel on making her tell me what she wants, needing her to be as sure in the moment as I am, but then something else appears in her eyes. Confidence. “I need you to taste me.” The words come out even and sure, and I can’t fight the groan that claws its way out of my throat.

“Good girl,” I growl before closing my mouth over her soaking, sensitive folds.

The taste of her explodes on my tongue in an assault that I know I’ll be dreaming of for the rest of my fucking life. Emerson’s pussy is the perfect combination of sweet and tart, and I know that if I spent the rest of my life between her legs, making her come over and over again, drinking in her essence, that I would die the happiest fucking man on Earth.

A guttural moan escapes from Emerson’s throat, her hips bucking as my tongue slides from her entrance all the way to the sensitive bundle of nerves that feels so tight I know she’s close and I’ve barely touched her pussy.

“You are not to come until I say, understand?”

Her eyes widen at what I’m asking her, likely because she’s so fucking sensitive, but this is a hard limit for me. I need to control her pleasure. I need her orgasms to belong to me without exception. She nods quickly. “I understand.”

Smirking, I take her clit between my teeth, gently rolling it between them as my tongue sweeps across the ball of nerves. The mix of pleasure and pain has Emerson’s eyes rolling into the back of her head.

“Eyes on me, sweet girl,” I demand.

They snap toward me, but she doesn’t say anything, just holding mine as I go back to my assault on her clit. I reposition one arm across her lower belly, locking her in place as the other trails down toward her entrance.

Emerson gasps as two fingers breach her tight cunt, immediately seeking out the sweet spot I know will send her flying when it’s time. I work her with my fingers at the same time as I lap at her sensitive nub, relishing in the feel of her pussy fluttering around my fingers. Fuck, she’s going to feel like heaven when I slide into her for the first time. Emerson is ruining me for every other woman on Earth, and I don’t give a fuck. I want to be ruined. I want her to fucking destroy me.

“Rayne,” she gasps.

“You’re doing so well, sweet girl,” I praise.

An involuntary shudder vibrates through her body, and I know my words are affecting her. Fuck, she’s so damn receptive to me. I pick up my pace, wanting to bring her close to her release, even if I’m not going to let her fall just yet.

My fingers curl just enough that they rub across her G-spot with each pass, each time Emerson’s moans grow louder. She is so fucking close, her pussy is strangling my fingers as she barely holds on to the control I demanded her to have.

“Rayne, I can’t. I’m too close.”

I bite down on her clit and she screams. “You can and you will, sweet girl. You will not like the consequence of coming without permission,” I growl.

Emerson’s eyes flare with a mixture of defiance and lust. My little minx wants to find out. She wants to know what her punishment would be. Fuck me, she’s so fucking perfect I almost can’t handle it.

Her entire body quivers as I bring her to the edge, and a moment before she falls into the depths of pleasure, I pull back altogether.

She glares at me as I do it over and over again, repeating the same few steps that bring her to the very edge, and then I tear it away at the very last second.

The frustration is starting to get the better of her. “Rayne, please,” Emerson pants. “I can’t do this anymore. I need to come, please let me come.” Her voice is breathy and desperate, and exactly what I crave.

I smirk around her clit. “Soon, sweet girl. I want you to hold this one for me, okay?”

She huffs out a sigh. “Okay.”

I build her pleasure slowly this time, the slightest pressure on her G-spot as I lap at her clit and sensitive folds lazily, savoring her taste, imprinting it to my memory bank for later. If I have any say in the matter, which I do, I will be spending a lot of time with my mouth on her hot pussy.

She’s so close she can taste the orgasm, her body fighting hard to hold back the unimaginable pleasure that waits for her on the other side of the peak. She’s panting hard, her body so tense I’m sure it’s going to snap at any moment, but I’m not ready to let her fall.

“Hold it, sweet girl,” I tell her.

“I can’t,” Emerson cries, tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks.

I groan at the sight of the salty tracks that run down her face. Fuck, I love it when she cries for me. If I have it my way, I’ll have her sobbing every time I make her come.

“You can.” I add to the pressure and harden my tongue on her clit.

She’s fighting it so fucking hard, and pride bursts in my chest. Emerson may be the most independent woman I’ve ever met, but she submits to me so naturally.

“Rayne, please.” She sobs loudly.

“Come. Now, sweet girl. Come right now,” I demand.

Emerson comes on a scream, her entire body tightening and then her juices gush around my fingers as she shakes through her orgasm. Her pussy constricts around my fingers tightly, almost to the point of pain, and I know she’s going to strangle my cock when I fuck her.

Fuck, my sweet girl is so fucking perfect.

When she starts to come down, her body shivering with the aftershocks of her pleasure, I untie her hands and toss the shirt across the room before positioning myself beside her and pulling her so she’s laying on my chest.

I’ve never felt anything so right as I do in this moment, holding my girl in my arms, her body trembling with the pleasure I gave her as she relaxes into my touch.

“Sleep, sweet girl. I’ve got you,” I promise, and a few moments later, her body grows heavy above mine, and her breathing evens out.

For the first time since I was twelve, I dose off easily, the nightmares of the day that changed my whole life at bay.

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