When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 69: He Has a Son?!

He Has a Son?
The corridor of the hospital is cold and silent. The floor is cleaned like they were polishing a diamond, it even reflects the shine of
the light coming out from the blubs embedded in the ceiling. There are sofas and chairs along the way, the doors of the rooms
were closed tightly. Specks of lights are pouring out from the gaps of the door and the floor, and the glassed window. The
hospital looks deserted if not for the group of five people- which consists of for adults and a 5-year-old kid- walking and passing
the rooms.
"Uhm," Melanie tried her best to get their attention while whispering. The whole place is so quite that she felt bad about making
noise. What if she wakes up the other patients in the hospital? And since there are nothing but silence surrounding them, the
other three caught it. “I’m really sorry about this...”
Melanie’s eyes looked at Tyler who is carrying the little Kai in his arms. The boy is comfortably leaning on his shoulder with little
snores coming out from him. He was fast asleep. They already explained things to him earlier before they head out, leaving
Becca to look after Althea. Jack has classes tomorrow so he can’t accompany her, but he’ll come back in the hospital after his
classes. It would be fortunate for all of them if her friend will come early and if Althea will regain her consciousness.
Kai did not even ask any more question after confirming that he will only be at their care for a short while until his mother wakes
up. He is a smart kid, he understood very well. And it seems like it wasn’t the first time that he’s not under his mother’s care.
After their discussion, the forcedly woken up kid begun to get sleepy again, and that was when they decided to head out.
Melanie will stop by her room tomorrow before setting out. She has to bring their clothes. She was worried about Becca freezing
to death, but fortunately, they managed to request a pair of blanket and pillow. Now she only has to pray for that nothing else will
Tyler adjusted the little boy’s position on his arms. He was slipping for a bit. Kai stirred, so to avoid making him wake up, he
begun patting his back. He has no idea what he is doing. He never had taken care of any children ever. He just knows that
rocking and patting them lightly will help them fall asleep. He doesn’t know if it works to a five-year-old kid though. Luckily, Kai
went back to sleep, snuggling on the crook of his neck.

Feeling that the child’s body relax against his, like he was familiar to him and comfortable, Tyler can’t help but draw a smile on
his face. He was glad that he wasn’t rejecting him. He thought that he will be like his mother, a polite one but despise him. He
was even shocked when he accepted that he has to stay with him for a while. Tyler thought that he will reject the idea, but Kai
did not even throw a fit.
Although it’s unexpected and he did not even plan it, he was glad that they will entrust Althea’s son to him. He also dislikes the
idea of just entrusting him to anyone. It’s better to look after him himself.
“It’s okay,” Victoria was the one who answered Melanie’s worry. She gracefully flicked her hand on the air to let her know that
she’s not even bothered. “Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty sure...” She briefly glanced at her own son and smirk at him before
looking back at Melanie with a sweet and innocent expression. “My son will ‘thoroughly’ take care of him. You see, he really,
really, likes children.”
“...” Tyler had nothing to say about her exaggeration. He sighed deeply before reassuring her again. “Don’t worry, it’s not a big
Melanie tried to find a hint of discomfort or any sign of being forced but there was none. Heaving a sigh of relieve, she finally
smiled. “If you say so. I’ll thank you on behalf of Althea, you have done so much for her.”
Victoria chuckled, thinking of something not and at the same time, vicious. She waved her hand. “Don’t think deeply about it. We
are just laying the foundation.”
Tyler glared at his mother while Victoria throwed a wink to Melanie. Melanie on the other hand can’t understand what she meant
about that. To not offend the older one, she just gave a small polite smile. They went back to their silent walking. They were on
the third floor, so they have to take the elevator, and when they entered it, Jack, who was silent the whole time and was waiting
for an opportunity to speak, finally asked the thing he kept wondering about.
“Hey- uh, Tyler,” He called out, he was the one who entered last. The elevator’s door closed after Melanie pressed the ground
floor and the cart begun moving down. Three pairs of eyes looked at Jack.
“Yes?” He answered.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck. He was a little bit unsure if he has to ask this question. But under the gaze of three people, he
gave in. Sigh, he was not that kind of man who easily falter under gazes. Jack wonders what’s wrong. Maybe because he’s in
front of two big people?

“You have a company right- I mean, you run a company, right? Like your mother...?” He glanced at Victoria, Victoria returned his
glance with a smile and nod.
“Then, taking care of Kai will be hindrance to your work, right? You have to focus more on your work since it’s big. Are you sure
it’s alright?”
“Ah.” Tyler paused, realizing it just now. Even Victoria raised a brow.
Goodness! Melanie begun to worry again. She looked at the mother and son pair then to Kai who is peacefully sleeping on
Tyler’s shoulder. Tyler immediately know what kind of thoughts is circling inside her head. He sighed.
There’s nothing to really worry about. Tyler shook his head. “I have maids in the house, they can take care of him...”
Truthfully, he has an important meeting tomorrow. He is supposed to go home right away after the party, but things happened. It’s
nearing ten and he has yet to rest and put himself to a relaxed mood and ready for tomorrow, then he has another one to worry:
Althea’s son. But it’s not really a big burden, his staffs in his house are enough to take care of him. He’ll make sure to make the
kid feel like it’s his own home. He’ll order them to make his stay enjoyable.
Melanie sighed again. “It seems like I am worrying for nothing.”
Jack agreed, the elevator opened and after arriving in the parking lot, before parting ways, Tyler asked the two about what are
the things he needs to watch out for his foods.
“Aside from peanuts, his not allergic to anything.” That was Jack’s answer.
Both Victoria and Tyler watched the truck drive away from them. Tyler already put Kai in the backseat, luckily, he has spare
clothes in his car and made them his makeshift pillow. It’s cold outside. When the truck is out of sight, Tyler silently looked at the
hospital. Victoria was about to enter his car when she saw him look back. She raised her eyebrows.
“Don’t worry son, I’ll make sure they’ll give her the best treatment there, my friend owns this hospital.”
“... I know.” That’s why they are allowed to stay longer than the others even though it’s past visiting time. Tyler turned to enter his
car. Victoria humped when his son did not even bother opening the car’s door for her. Such unfilial son.

When they already fasten their seatbelts, Tyler begun his slow drive. Since he has a kid on the back, sleeping, he has to be extra
careful. Victoria scoffed. “Now you act like he’s your son, huh?”
“... Althea said he’s not.” Tyler whispered.
Victoria chocked on her saliva. “What makes you think he’s yours? Wait- why did you even asked her in the first place?! Are you
Tyler went silent. He has no idea how and what to explain. Will he tell her that she once claimed that she was pregnant with his
child? But he was scumbag and a stupid jerk who did not even tried confirming whether it’s true or not, then denied it? How can
he explain how he accused her of having sex with someone aside from him? He can’t.
Tyler gripped the wheels tighter.
He’s so ashamed of himself. How and where did he even get that courage to pursue her again?
Victoria was left gaping. She has many questions is her mind but she’s sure he wont answer it by the gloominess in his face. She
sighed and leaned her back on the seat. “Tyler, you have to do this right, got it?”
“Get that kid’s heart!” She pointed at Kai. “As far as I know, Althea’s not married yet. Win the kid’s heart first, act like a father’s
figure, then get him by your side. By that, you’ll increase your chances.”
“...” His stupid mother. Now he knows why she suddenly made him volunteer about it. She has this kind of plan all along.
Nonetheless, this made him laugh. “You have a point but there’s no way I will be using him for that.”
“oohhh...” Victoria wiggled her brows. “Confident, are we?”
“I just have no plan using innocent people. And if he knew about that plan, he’ll hate me.”
“Okay, whatever.” Her phone rang. Tyler glanced at his mother fishing out her phone from her clutch briefly. Victoria read the new
message and she smiled widely. “Hey, drop me off to your father’s house.”
It was Tyler’s turn to raise an eyebrow, but he didn’t say anything. He drops off his mother to his father’s house like what she
said, and he just looked at her getting out like she’s going to a date or something. Tyler sighed, looking at the rear mirror to

check at Kai, he hit the road and drove home. His guards opened the enormous gates of his house, and when he arrived in front
of the stairs leading to the footsteps of his house, he jumps off from the car and opened the back seat.
“Good evening sir.” His driver greeted him with two maids following behind his back.
“Good evening.” He replied. He made half of his body enter the backseat and carefully heave the sleeping boy to his arms. Like
a delicate glass, he held him close and puts one of his hands on top of his head.
The three was shocked when they saw a boy. The two maids especially, has their eyes bulging.
Who is that kid? Why is it that they never saw him before? Why is their boss holding him like that? Is he boss’s son? With
whom? Pretty sure it’s not Sheryl!
Another maid appeared, but her uniform is different from the other two. She’s the head maid. She was the one who took care of
Tyler when he was still a kid. She’s known for not expressing her emotions, she’s stern and strict.
When she saw what was happening, she herself can’t help but raise a brow. Among the four of them, she was the only one who
asked boldly, “Sir, may I ask who that is? Your kid?”
Tyler paused then looked down at him. Kai was still soundlessly sleeping on his shoulder.
Who is this child? Tyler smiled, which shook the four again. “He is not mine. Not yet.”
The stern maid almost choke, the driver and the other three can’t help but release a sound of shock. The head maid glared at
them after she fixed herself. She can understand their shock since she’s shocked too. But they can’t be rude in front of Tyler.
Tyler ignored their shock, instead, he gave them a series of orders. “Prepare a room for him. Make sure the room is comfortable
and warm. Check his sizes and order clothes for him.”
“Yes sir!”
“Good, at the meantime, he will be with me. Just knocked on my door when it’s ready.”

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