When bitter&sweet meet

Chapter °25•Visiting hours


I can’t stop smiling. If someone were to look at me right now, no one would have any idea what happened to me earlier, well, except for me lying in this bed.

I can’t fudging believe that Levi and I are going to live together. I know what happened to me will haunt me for a while, but right now, I don’t care.

As the door of the room opens, I see the doctors enter, followed by the nurse. Levi helps me sit up, even though I don’t need help. He’s so tender with me.

Anyway, Levi stands beside me and takes my hand in his. We wait to see what the doctor has to say about my injuries.

“Miss Summer, I only have good news. You don’t have a concussion, but we would like to keep you over the night as a precaution. And don’t worry about the baby. We did an ultrasound, and everything looks good.”

“I’m relieved to know... WHAT? A BABY? No, no, you must be mistaken. I'm not... I’m not pregnant. You must have the wrong file. Yeah, let’s go with that, me having a baby, yeah, right.” Great, I’m babbling again, and this time out loud.

Ugh, kill me now.

Then I turn my head to look at Levi, and he's smiling. A really big genuine smile. I compose myself to clear my mind when I realize what the doctor has said to me. I place my hand over my stomach. I’m pregnant!

“Is the baby ok?” I finally ask as reality catches up with me.

“Yes, Miss Summer, like I already said. We did an ultrasound. Tomorrow before you are discharged, you already have an appointment with our OBGYN.”

After doing his check-up on me, they both leave, leaving Levi and me alone. It didn’t last long, though. My parents step inside my room with worry written all over their faces.

For the first time since I was put in the hospital, Levi never left my side for one second, but now he has to so I can be alone with my parents. I only hope he doesn’t go chasing demons where he shouldn’t. I know it must be eating at him not being able to hunt down Davis and put him in his place. If I wasn’t scared to lose him, I would let him have Davis. Most importantly, now we’re expecting a child. That’s a game-changer.

“And where’s that fucking imbecile now!?” My dad is furious after I explain to him what happened with Davis.

“Somewhere in the hospital, the cops won’t tell us for his safety.”

“His safety! And what about you? This is not acceptable.” My father is getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

I have to say something to calm him down quickly before he decides to go hunting Davis himself.

I’m sorry, Levi. I’m sure you wanted to be here for this, but I have to do it before it’s too late.

Here’s go, nothing.

“Dad, I’m pregnant. You and mom will become grandparents.”

But where's that jerk? He should be back by now.

“What? I’m going to be a poppy?” There’s the reaction I want for him to calm down, and I think it’s working.

Oof, that was close!

“Oh honey, I’m so happy for both of you. I'm going to be a granny!” The last word my mother said was a little louder than necessary.

Both of my parents take each side of my bed and hug me at the same time while my dad kisses the top of my head.

Levi walks inside the room. “What did I miss?”

Now, he decides to give us the pleasure of his presence! He’s lucky that I love him. Fudging hormones! Oh, that’s why lately I have had a little temper. I was wondering where it was coming from.

I’m starting to like this side of me. I hope it will stay with me after I give birth. Now I smile mischievously like I want to do bad things. Excellent!


I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Levi talking to me. I then look at him as a mouth ‘sorry’ to him.

My mother doesn't waste her time as she hugs him tightly. Levi is too stunning to return her gesture.

“Congratulations, I am happy for both of you.” he looks at me, wondering what's going on and when he sees the guilt on my face, he knows exactly what I’ve done.

“Thank you.” That’s the only thing he said to her.

Fudge, now it was my father's turn. Can I hide under the sheet because I don’t want to see what will follow? Sorry lover!

“You got my only daughter pregnant?” He frowns, staring at Levi.

Oh, boy! Here we go.

“You protected her when she needed you the most. Son, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done. I only hope you’ll do right by her with what's coming next.”

Well, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

“Don’t worry, sir. I have no intention of letting her go. Hasn’t your daughter already told you? When she comes out of the hospital, she will come and live with me.”

“Did you forget to tell them about this, babe?” He gives me his signature smirk.

Jerk! Jerk! Jerk!

He just put me in the spotlight! Breathe, breathe, breathe.

“Considering she’s pregnant, I was hoping this would be your next move. When’s the wedding?” My father asks.

My eyes wriden, looking at my father. WHAT?

“Ok, that’s enough, John! Let them be. It’s time to let them rest, anyway. We will come back tomorrow.” My mother intervenes.

Thanks, mommy, much appreciation. I say to myself.

She comes over to kiss me on the cheek, takes my father’s hand and walks out of the room.

Well, that was close.

I clear my throat. “Sorry, my father is very protective of me.”

“Don’t worry. I can handle it. Now try to get some sleep.” Well, that’s one way to avoid the marriage part.

In a way, I’m not yet ready to have this conversation either.

“Can you lay down with me? I need to feel safe.” I scoop a little to give him space next to me.

“Of course, babe.”

I see him take off his shoes, lie down on the bed and hug me as he starts to hold me as much as he can.

“Thank you for everything you have done for me, love.” I manage to say as I yawn a little.

“I’ll do anything for you, babe. Try to sleep a little.” That I did, when I’m with him, I feel only safe.

Good night little mushroom. Happy to have you and look forward to seeing you.

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