When bitter&sweet meet

Chapter °20•Handling her


“Mr. Lockwood, Miss Parker, a word, please,” I say to both of them before they leave the classroom.

Miss Parker doesn’t hesitate to listen to me. Mr. Lockwood, on the other hand, is rolling his eyes, and I can tell from his expression he’s not happy about it as he sighs at the same time they take their seats.

Ever since that day, Levi has put him in his place. He hasn’t given me any more trouble, for which I'm grateful for it.

I go in front of my desk and lean onto it.

“It’s come to my knowledge that Mr. Lockwood here has had some difficulty with his homework.” I see he doesn’t like my comment. I don’t blame him.

“And Miss Parker is passing without difficulty.” I see their faces change. They must be suspicious of what I have in store for them. Oh boy, this won’t be easy for either of them.

“So I gathered you two here to suggest that Miss Parker helps you with your studies. Before you say anything, Mr. Lockwood, I talk to the principal and Mr. Salazar, and they’ve given me the green light on this. Because if you don’t excel, you’ll be dropped from the football team until you do.”

“Wait a minute. You want me to spend time with her? She’s not even in my league. She’s a nobody.” He dares say as he points at her.

“Mr. Lockwood, this time, you’ve gone too far. I’ll be very surprised if Miss Parker agrees to help you after this. You could always turn to your friends, but I doubt you want them to know your real business, yours, that is.” I look at him with a severe expression. I know I’m not as impressive as Levi, but I can manage my own if I want to.

I see him thinking about my suggestion. He didn’t like my last comment.

“Fine, whatever. Where?” He finally decides.

“Oh, that’s for you two to decide, but I suggest you start with an apology because, without her help, you’ll be in big trouble, young man. Now go on, and good luck.” My last comment was meant for Miss Parker.

“Hey, Lily, do you know where your brother is? I have his lunch with me.”

“You mean you made his lunch? Sometimes I think you’re too good for my brother. Have you looked in his office? Maybe he’s over there to go through the last game checking for mistakes.” Lily answers while shrugging.

As I walk through the hallway to find Levi, I hear whispers coming from one of the classrooms. It sounds like students. What are they doing there? No one is supposed to be there, especially them.

“Do you think she noticed anything?” I hear a female student’s voice. It sounded like Miss Parker.

“Who cares?” Is that Mr. Lockwood?

“If your friends find out about us, they won’t look at you the same way. I’m not in the same league as you. You even said so to Miss Summer.” I definitely didn’t see that coming.

“Doll, you know I don’t care about that. I love you, and I want the world to know about us. It’s you that’s not ready to tell, and I told the professor what I knew you wanted me to say so she wouldn’t suspect anything.”

He then reaches out for her to bring her closer to him so he can kiss her on her lips.

Ok, I think that’s my cue to go. I’ll make an exception this time and let them be. I think as I walk away.

As I get closer to Levi’s office, I hear a commotion from inside. Maybe I’m disturbing him while he’s working. I should probably come back another time.

“Darla, for the fucking hundredth time, I asked you to stay the fuck away from me.” I can hear him shouting through the door.

Has she called him again? Didn’t she get the message last time?

“Levi, I came here so we can finally put the past behind us and start fresh. I made a mistake back then. You know I still love you.”

What!? She’s here. That, that bitch! Someone should put her in her place. That’s my man in there, and he needs me right now.

Let’s do this. I say to myself with confidence. I don’t want to wait a minute longer as I barge in without knocking. What’s up with me lately? Snapping like this so quickly it’s so not like me.

The noise of me opening the door must disturb them because they both turned to look in my direction.

My eyes are concentrating in one direction on him. I want to ensure I haven’t made a mistake by barging in here to meddle.

“Can’t you see we're busy here? Come back later,” Darla says as she looks me up and down as if analyzing me.

“No, thank you, I’m right where I need to be. Besides, I wanted to see what you want with my man Darla.” I replay right back to her.

I make a bold move as I step closer to Levi, and once I’m in front of him, I kiss him, with tongue no less. Right in front of her. When I turn to look at her, Darla’s expression is priceless.

On my part, I give her Levi’s signature smirk. I’m the jerk now and let me tell you, I’m enjoying it far more than I should.

“You slut! Don’t you know he’s married? Levi tells her.” She turns to him for his help.

Did she just call me a slut? Enough is enough. I don’t waste my time as I step rapidly in front of her and slap her right in the face. Is it wrong that it felt so good?

“Listen and listen well because I won't be repeating myself. Levi is mine and mine only. You go near him again or even look at him. I will hunt you down myself, and next time it won’t be just a slap I give you. Understand? Or do you want me to give you another slap so you get it into your head?” Guess I have a temper, too, when someone touches what’s mine.

She looks at me, shocked, as she rubs her cheek.

“Levi! Are you going to let her treat me like this?” she raises her voice.

What a persistent bitch. At least I have manners; I didn’t call her names. In her face, I mean.

“Be glad you only received a slap for calling my woman a slut.” Levi says menacingly.

“That’s it. I’ve had enough! We’re done, Levi. Me and you, it’s over. Don’t come crawling to me when you realize your mistake.” She says as she leaves Levi’s office.

“Wow, I mean, what a….” I don’t get the chance to finish my sentence as Levi takes me in his arms and kisses me with force and passion.

Guess he’s not mad at me as I didn’t mind my own business after all.

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