What Separates Me and You

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 His Injuries Are Too Severe

The first thing Conrad witnessed upon arriving at the City Hall was the sight of Lewis'

wretched state.

He didn't even have time to grab an umbrella. The moment he opened the car door, he rushed toward Lewis and quickly supported him. "Chairman Alvarez, are you alright?" Clearly, that was a stupid question. When Conrad was chasing behind Lewis' car, he witnessed it crashing into the divider, which almost gave him a heart attack.

Just as the assistant was about to call the emergency hotline, he noticed his boss staggering out of the ruined car before forcing him out of his car and driving it away.

By the time Conrad was able to catch up to Lewis again, that was the exact scene he witnessed.

"I'm fine." Lewis placed one hand on the hood of his car as he got ready to stand up. However, he wobbled dangerously before collapsing on the spot.

"Chairman Alvarez!"

Josephine walked for a significant distance, dragging Quintin along with her. Finally, she came to a halt and released him.

Then, she turned around to look at him.

At that moment, the young woman's wet hair was a total mess, not to mention she was still drenched. Water droplets continued to fall off the ends of her hair as she gestured, "Did you get hurt?" Quintin stared at Josephine blankly for a moment before shaking his head instinctively. When he finally registered what her sign language depicted, he quickly added, "Right. I'm fine."

Overall, he was doing fine, save for the punch that Lewis had thrown at him. Even though that punch might seem mighty, it didn't hurt much when it made contact with his face.

Josephine noticed the bruise starting to form on Quintin's chin, making her feel guilty. She had no idea that Lewis would chase them all the way to the City Hall and start picking a fight with them like a mad dog.

What confused her was that Lewis had seemed so uncaring and unbothered when Robert called him earlier.

Jack soon caught up to the couple via his car. He wound down his window while hollering at thern, "Get into the car, you two!"

Quintin nodded immediately before shooting Josephine a look. Then, he dragged her into the


Jack brought them back to the orphanage. He had to drive for more than an hour to reach the location, as it was quite far from the city. The area might be rural, but the scenery was quite


At first, Quintin wanted to use an umbrella, but he decided to get rid of that thought since he and Josephine were already completely drenched.

"Come out, Josephine!" The man opened the car door for his wife while calling out to her. The orphanage was his favorite place to hang out, other than the pet shelter he used to visit in the


After Josephine exited the car, Quintin quickly led her into the orphanage. The courtyard appeared empty, as it was a rainy day with no one lingering outside. Instead, everyone was busy with indoor activities, hence the vacant courtyard.

The man led her to one of the rooms. He rummaged through the closet, only to realize that there weren't any suitable clothes for his wife.

Quintin promptly borrowed a set of clothes from Ellie Price, the person in charge of the orphanage. Ellie was an elderly woman in her 50s, which meant that her clothes wouldn't be as fashionable as the ones Josephine wore.

"You can make do with this set for now, Josephine. I'll buy you some clothes later."

Josephine nodded in response while hugging the clothes to her chest.

Quintin quickly left the room and closed the door behind him, knowing he shouldn't be peeking at Josephine.

Jack asked him in a low tone, "Quintin, are you planning to let Josephine stay here from now


The man's expression became grave upon hearing his friend's question. He didn't expect Lewis to continue pestering Josephine despite having divorced her. That was clearly beyond his expectations. At first, Quintin planned to leave Elysium with Josephine, but Lewis' threat made him hesitate.

If that man ended up dealing with the Fowler family, Quintin would be the sinner who brought doom upon his family. There was no way he could handle the consequences.

Right now, Quintin had nothing under his name. He couldn't do anything to Lewis at all.

If Lewis wanted him dead, all he had to do was snap his fingers. Killing him was as easy as squishing an ant.

"Quintin?" Jack called out to the man again.

The latter snapped out of his thoughts. "What is it?"


"Are you still treating everyone to dinner tonight?"

Quintin let out a heavy sigh while walking to the banister so that he could cast his gaze at the courtyard below. “Let's postpone it for now."

Jack nodded in response without asking for the reason. The incident earlier was enough to tell him the reason, anyway.

He was still impressed by Quintin's audacity. After all, that man did snatch someone else's ex-wife, infuriating him to the point of coughing out blood.

Jack decided not to continue the topic once Josephine exited the room in her new clothes.

Quintin turned around to look at her. She was currently dressed in a black down coat. It was at long coat that reached her soles.

Either the coat was a few sizes bigger than her size, or she was too skinny. Josephine looked at little chubby in that coat, so her body size didn't match her head.

"Your hair is still damp." Quintin grabbed Josephine's hand and led her back into the room. Then, he sat her down on the bed before he started to search for a hair dryer so that he could blow dry her hair. Meanwhile, Josephine looked slightly awkward. She sat on the bed nervously, listening to the sound of the hair dryer and feeling slender fingers combing through her hair. The sensory distractions caused her to drift off into her own thoughts once again.

If she didn't turn to look at the man behind her, she would have thought that he was Lewis.

Lewis was right. He did raise her.

His favorite activity was to help her wash her hair whenever he gave her a bath. After that, he would blow dry her hair before styling her hair. A black hair tie had always encircled his wrist. since a long, long time ago.

Josephine was the same whenever she gave her doll a makeover.

Then again, didn't she eventually abandon her doll in the storeroom?

Quintin looked at Josephine from time to time as he dried her hair.

He could tell that she wasn't happy at all.

It was just that he had no idea if she was unhappy because of Lewis' appearance or the fact that she got married to him.

That made Quintin's guilt intensify. His marriage with Josephine was something that could never be revealed to the public.

At least, things would remain secretive for now. After all, the man didn't even dare to inform his

parents about the marriage.

After Lewis tracked them down in front of the City Hall, Quintin was starting to feel guilty and remorseful for acting so brashly in the first place. Not only was he being irresponsible about his own life and his family's future, but he was also being irresponsible when it came to Josephine. Meanwhile, Lewis slowly stirred back to consciousness in the hospital. Conrad happened to be conversing with a doctor at the foot of the bed.

The doctor explained, "Mr. Alvarez needs to be hospitalized. His injuries are too severe. He did. break two ribs, after all. It's a good thing those shards didn't puncture any of his internal organs, or his condition would have been more dire."

Conrad looked quite conflicted. He knew very well what Lewis was like. There was no way he'd gladly remain hospitalized at this time.

That man did travel all the way to the City Hall despite sustaining injuries of that severity. Now that Josephine and Quintin got married, things between them must have progressed to a certain step. Lewis would rather die than waste precious time recuperating in the hospital.

"Must he really get hospitalized? Can't he recuperate at home?"

The doctor frowned as he replied, "That works as well, but Mr. Alvarez needs to go through regular check-ups. Isn't it even more troublesome for him to travel to the hospital all the time?"


Before Conrad could finish his sentence, Lewis' voice rang from the bed. "Conrad."

The assistant paused while turning around hastily to look at his boss. Lewis had already pushed himself into a sitting position since who knew when. Right now, he was leaning against the headboard while staring at him.

His complexion was extremely pale. Even his lips were drained of color. Traces of fatigue could be seen in his expression.

Conrad quickly approached Lewis. "How are you feeling, Chairman Alvarez?"

The latter shot the doctor a glance, who immediately knew what he meant. Soon, the doctor turned around and left the ward.

Once the door was closed behind the doctor, Lewis asked, "Where's Layla Saunders right now?

Layla was Lily's birth mother, who was also Robert's ex-wife. She had caused chaos at Alvarez Manor when Lily's death was confirmed. However, she seemed to have disappeared after that


Conrad instantly remembered who Layla was. He replied, "She's still in Elysium. The court

didn't give a proper verdict regarding the case, so she's currently enlisting for help. Her greatest wish right now is getting the court to issue a death sentence to Miss Alvarez."

The assistant looked puzzled. "Then again, why are you asking about that woman, Chairman Alvarez?"

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