What Separates Me and You

Chapter 206

Chapter 206 Lonely Beast

Josephine was slightly shocked to learn that Lewis had hired an intern to work under him. Besides herself and Sierra, Yelena was the only other female who interacted closely with Lewis. Could Yelena be the woman Sierra mentioned? Josephine had always thought that the other woman Sierra claimed Lewis to be involved with was Sophia.

Yelena stared at her changing expression and frowned. She asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yelena had an innocent look in her eyes. It was apparent that she was a recent graduate; the clarity and naivety in her eyes were unmistakable. Josephine shook her head and sighed, standing up and walking toward the elevator. Yelena felt a sense of unease as she watched her

leave. She wondered if Josephine didn't like her because the latter hadn't said anything to her.

Naturally, Josephine was unaware of her thoughts. She felt drowsy and longed to find a place to lie down and sleep. Despite her struggles, she reached the ground floor and hailed a taxi from the roadside, ready to return to the old neighborhood.

Once inside the car, she could no longer keep her heavy eyelids open. Gradually, her eyelids closed as she gazed at the passing scenery. She was too sleepy and tired. Before drifting off to sleep, she thought that forgetting certain things wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Perhaps her profound fatigue caused her to be in such a daze when the driver woke her up that she couldn't recognize her surroundings, leaving her feeling anxious and uneasy.

"Miss, we've arrived. Are you not going to get off?"

Josephine stared at the driver's face and quickly glanced at her surroundings. She hurriedly got out of the taxi and pulled out her phone to pay the driver. Inadvertently, as she transferred money to the driver, she noticed a notification about a salary of 9600 dollars.

Josephine's head throbbed as she struggled to recall details about the salary. She sat down on a bench by the road and scrolled through her phone, trying to piece together her fragmented


She had forgotten about getting into a taxi and why she had come here. It was as if that part of the memory had vanished into thin air. Something was clearly amiss, as even with her occasional forgetfulness, the significant gap in her memory and her unexplained presence in that location didn't make any sense.

Josephine searched her phone for clues. The first thing that came to her mind was to contact Lewis. She tapped on his chat, but a glaring error message informed her that they were no longer friends. She couldn't remember when Lewis had deleted her from his friends list. Furthermore, she had no recollection of sending any messages to him either.

Josephine stared at her phone for a while before eventually giving up. She lowered her head

and saw her purse. There was a momentary pause as she discovered a notebook inside. Curiosity piqued, she retrieved the notebook and began reading the notes within. It was then that she had a sudden realization she was sick.

Josephine flipped to the end of the notebook and saw her current address. There was also a note about her divorce from Lewis. She slowly stood up and decided to follow the address recorded in her notebook, carefully studying the doorplates as she walked.

Just as she was about to open the door at the designated address, her phone rang abruptly. It was Quintin Glancing at the caller ID and recalling the contents of her notebook, she answered the call.

"Josephine, where are you? Are you free tonight?"

After speaking, he gave himself a knock on the head and continued, "Oh, I almost forgot that you could not speak. Let's chat on Whatsapp


Quintin hung up the call and sent an image to Josephine. It showed two movie tickets. Quintin wrote, "Someone gave them to me, and I can't think of anyone to watch this with. Do you want to watch it with me?"

Josephine opened the door and found herself faced with an unfamiliar room. The space was shrouded in darkness and an eerie emptiness as if it held a lonely beast that would devour her the moment she stepped inside She hesitated for a while before deciding to close the front door instead. She replied Quintin, "Okay."

Quintin's face lit up with joy, resembling the mirth of a child when he read her reply. He wrapped his arm around Jack's neck and exclaimed, "Awesome! She agreed! Does that mean I have a chance?" Jack nodded heavily. "Congratulations, Quintin. You got yourself a girlfriend."

"Don't talk crap. She's still not my girlfriend. She only agreed to watch a movie with me."

Jack smiled teasingly and said, "Oh, it's just a movie this time. Next time it will be a meal together, and after that, holding hands, and...

Before he could finish his sentence, Quintin smacked him on the back of his head. "Fuck you! What are you saying? It's getting more and more ridiculous."

Jack rubbed his head. He thought of something and asked, "Quintin, you've only met her a few times. Why did you fall in love with her?"

Quintin was not someone who lacked worldly experience. He had encountered many beauties before. Jack thought that it was weird that he fell for Josephine, who was mute, only after meeting her a few times.

Quintin scratched his nose. He recalled the first time he met Josephine. The shattered look in her eyes made his heart race whenever he thought about it. He intuitively wished to make her eyes light up. He wanted to see what she would look like with a genuine smile. Quintin sighed.


He grabbed the keys and stood up, saying, "You wouldn't understand even if I told you. I'm leaving."

Jack complained softly, "How am I supposed to know if you won't tell me?"

Quintin ignored him. He climbed into the car and drove off.

Josephine sent him her address, and he went to pick her up. When he arrived, it was already

getting dark. Quintin stepped out of the car and surveyed the surroundings. He doubtfully asked, "Why are you here?"

Josephine stared at him and studied his features. As the confused look in her eyes slowly faded, she gestured, "I stay here.”

"What?" Quintin was shocked. He scanned the place again and asked, "Why are you staying here? Weren't you staying at Styx Mansion before?"

Josephine lowered her gaze. She did not know how she ended up here as well. She was not even sure of the reason for her divorce from Lewis.

Quintin saw her disappointed look and quickly changed the topic, saying, "It's okay. Let's go now. The movie theater is quite far. We'll be late if we don't hurry now."

Without waiting for Josephine's response, Quintin grabbed her arm and pulled her to the car. As Josephine sat in the passenger's seat, her mind was blank. The connection between her lost memories and the contents of her notebook eluded her. It felt as though the events that had unfolded were disjointed from what she had documented.

Quintin felt slightly anxious as he sat behind the wheel. This was his first time watching a movie with Josephine, and he felt rather excited. It was also his first time watching a movie with the opposite sex.


He turned his head and glanced at Josephine. He noticed her head resting against the window, gaze unfocused as she stared outside. There was a certain loneliness emanating from her, giving him an indescribable sense of melancholy. He couldn't help but wonder why she seemed sad. Whenever they were together, she never showed it. The sadness and loneliness seemed to radiate unconsciously from deep within her.

Josephine gazed at the colorful lights outside the window, lost in her thoughts. Unbeknownst to her, Quintin had already driven the car into the parking lot. He announced, "We're here,"

Josephine did not react when Quintin called out to her. He felt curious and lowered his head to see what caught her attention. As he followed her gaze, he was taken aback to see two familiar figures exiting the car parked opposite them-it was Sierra and Lewis!

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