What Separates Me and You

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 I've Seen It All

Meanwhile, Seth had also opened his eyes and was grinning broadly at her.

Josephine was lying on the ground, her appearance disheveled. She pursed her lips and silently retreated before sitting down obediently by Seth's side. Seth continued staring at her for a while, smiled, and closed his


Josephine sat silently beside him, her gaze fixed upon the rope encircling her ankles. The rope was noticeably thin, scarcely thicker than a shoelace.

Try as she might, she couldn't undo the knot that held the rope together.

Despite her relentless efforts, Josephine couldn't make any headway after struggling for hours. Drained and weary, she leaned weakly against the tree trunk.

She soon gave up trying and eventually fell asleep.

Upon waking up, she realized she was already inside the car. Lifting her head, she caught sight of Seth by her side. He was still clad in his tuxedo, with tousled hair obscuring half of his face. Josephine couldn' discern his expression from where she sat.

She sat up and looked out the window.

It was raining heavily again. The outside world became a hazy blur as the rain relentlessly pounded against the car window. Josephine anxiously bit her lip-she no longer knew where they were.

Without making a sound, she looked away.

Meanwhile, Lewis went to visit Daphne.

"Lewis!" Daphne cried out to him with great excitement upon catching sight of him. She was eager to run to him, but he stopped her.

Lewis gestured for her to sit. Having calmed herself down slightly, Daphne proceeded to sit across from him.

Daphne's face was visibly haggard, her eyes dull and vacant, but there was still a glimmer of hope within them as she spoke. "Lewis, Seth-"

"He's gone," Lewis replied calmly.

Daphne's shoulders slumped in a moment's weakness. "He's...gone?"


Her already pallid face paled even further. "What... What about Bambam?"

"He's still at the Alvarez residence."

Daphne's tears trickled down her cheeks, but she hurriedly wiped them away. Even though

she'd mentally braced herself for this upon reading the documents, her heart still shattered when she heard the news from Lewis firsthand.

"Does he... Does he really not want Bambam anymore?"

Lewis gazed at her with unwavering eyes, his response already evident on his face.

Daphne's gaze fixated on the tabletop, seemingly lost in deep thought. Then, she lifted her head and looked at Lewis, as if a realization had just dawned upon her. "Lewis, can I...can I still get out of this?"


The mere utterance of that single word was enough to soothe her anxious heart.

"So, when the trial starts, what...what should I say?"

"Don't worry. There will be a lawyer."


Daphne's mouth opened, as if she intended to say something more, but Lewis abruptly stood up. "I have to go. Take care of yourself."

She could only close her mouth and watch him leave, her gaze burning.

Lewis took a few steps, then paused. He glanced over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Daphne's back as she turned away from him.

A flicker of something passed through his eyes before it vanished, and his expression reverted to its normal state. He then left without another glance.

Conrad had driven over to pick him up. He held an umbrella over Lewis' head as he greeted, President Alvarez."

"Did you find them?" Lewis asked, his voice flat and almost inaudible against the sound of the heavy rain.

"No, not yet, but they shouldn't have left Elysium yet," Conrad stuttered.

Lewis remained silent as he walked toward the Bentley. Conrad rushed forward to close the car door.

In the car, Lewis sat and looked out at the pouring rain. Rainfall blanketed the entire city, but

eyes were captivated by the rivulets of water running down the window.


Meanwhile, Seth was accompanied by Josephine in the car, their vehicle meandering and undulating for an indefinite length of time.


As the rain let up a little, Seth brought the car to a stop by the roadside and released his

seatbelt. "Get out."

Josephine bit her lip. She didn't want to get out of the car.

Seth did not give her a choice. He walked over to her side, opened the car door, and dragged

her out.

The rain was still falling, and neither of them had an umbrella. Not long after, they were completely soaked.

Seth dragged Josephine forward, and she stumbled along behind him. Hurriedly, she raised her head and glanced at her surroundings. They seemed to be at a homestead.

As soon as they entered through the gate, they found themselves in a large yard where a variety of vegetables grew wildly. Subsequently, the buildings were all two-storeyed and made from wood.

There was no sign of anyone in a homestead of that size. In fact, it was so quiet that it was unsettling.

Seth dragged her along until they arrived in a bedroom.

He pushed Josephine onto the ground before immediately opening the closet and retrieving a

set of clothes.

Josephine watched him from the ground, and her eyes widened. He was actually changing right in front of her!

She swiftly looked away, her gaze fixed on the firmly closed door-the idea of escaping again

crossed her mind.

As she attempted to recollect the path they had traversed to arrive there, she was met with one mountainous terrain after another. Even if she managed to flee from the homestead, there was no way she could escape the treacherous terrain alone.

So, she abandoned that thought and sat on the ground, quietly waiting for him to finish


After a while, Seth finished changing and crouched in front of her.

Josephine raised her eyes to look at him and was surprised to find that he had shed his tuxedo in favor of a white suit. Coupled with his striking appearance, he resembled nothing short of a Prince Charming straight out of a fairy tale.

Seth's wet locks hung on either side of his face, framing his features. His smile wrought a subtle change upon his visage, lending him a delicate and ethereal beauty.

Josephine averted her gaze wordlessly, her fingers digging into her palms and her heart thudding violently.


The memory of the last time he had tormented her flashed through her mind, leaving her with an unsettling question-what would he do to her this time?

The more she thought about it, the harder she clenched her fingers, her nails almost drawing blood from her palms.

Seth reached out, gripping her chin firmly and directing her gaze toward him. "Make a guess. Do you think Lewis will be able to find you this time?" Josephine bit her lips. She dared not look at him.

Seth laughed. He stood and grabbed a set of clothes from the bed. "Change," he ordered, throwing the clothes at her. Josephine gathered her clothes in her arms and surveyed her surroundings. There was nowhere she could change in privacy. Seeming to read her mind, Seth remarked, "Is there any part of you that I haven't seen yet?"

His words instantly made her face turn red. Her cheeks flooded with an intense crimson hue that slowly crept toward her ears. "Put this on. Don't make me repeat myself."

Josephine held onto her clothes but made no move to change.

Seth narrowed his eyes. He leaned forward suddenly and grabbed her jaw, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"Do you think I have nothing else to threaten you with just because I only kidnapped you this time?"

Josephine jerked in surprise, her startled gaze pinned on him.

Seth smiled. "That-what's her name? Mrs. Jinkins? She's still in the hospital, am I right?"

Josephine's pupils shrank, and her hands trembled.

He remarked leisurely, "Simply killing her would be too merciful. Instead, I could subject her to the anguish of pleading for the sweet release of death." Josephine's shoulders quivered-she just didn't know if it was out of anger or fear.

With a sense of superiority, Seth refused to reiterate his words and instead stood tall, gazing down at her as she was left to decide for herself.

Josephine lowered her head and stared at the clothes in her arms.

The persistent drizzle outside brought with it a chilling coldness as the room lacked heaters. With the open windows, the frigid air made her limbs feel frozen.

After a while, Josephine let out a deep breath and stood up from the ground.

She took her clothes and moved away from him, her back now facing Seth, as she finally removed her sweater.

Seth watched her intently, a meaningful smile lingering at the corners of his mouth.

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