What Memory Remains

Chapter 12

Two guards rushed down the corridors of the facility, weapons at the ready for whatever awaited them. They weren’t exactly sure what was going on, all they knew was that they were told cell 124B was empty and left open, and that the guards around there hadn’t checked in. As they approached the area, they could feel a heaviness in the air. The strange silence of the night only added to the eeriness. Other inhabitants stood at their doors to peer out at the guards as they passed, to which they were waved away by the guards.

One of the first things they saw was that the cell was that the door was standing wide open. Wedge, the more experienced officer, cautiously peered in to confirm it was still empty with his weapon drawn. No one was inside, so he radioed in his findings as he investigated further.

“Wedge to base, copy?”

“This is base.”

“Inmate of Cell 124B is confirmed empty. There’s…blood all over the walls…we may need some backup. Be on standby.”

“Base to Wedge, we copy.”

Then…further down the hall, the younger officer noticed a barely visible silhouette , illuminated by the lights behind him.

“Stay behind while I check this out.”

“Al…alright,” the younger officer stated with a nervous glint in his eyes.

“Get ahold of yourself. You’re a soldier, “ he snapped.

“But it’s…it’s got to be Him!” The subordinate answered, to which the superior shook his head and advanced on the shadow.

“Identity yourself!” Wedge called with his gun aimed. No response.

The officer repeated his command two more times, but to no avail.

As he got closer, he was able to block out the glare of the light enough to see it was one of the officers that patrolled this area. His throat had been cut and he was propped by a set of two swords lodged into his back.

“What the….”

He stepped back, now scanning all around him in paranoia. There was still an eerie silence in the hall, enough that the drip of a faucet sent him in a panic. After seeing that his immediate area was secure, he checked in the information with base and quickly ran back to meet his younger partner.

“Who was it?” The younger officer questioned, still fixated on the wall’s blood spatters

“Renolds…..he’s dead.”

“Oh….I guess that explains this,” the younger mentioned shakily.


“I couldn’t tell at first, but it’s not just spatters of blood…it’s writing.” He pointed to various sections where the phrase began and ended, and after a second Wedge could see it. Over and over again the words “your end is nigh.” Just as they inspected this fact further, a faint sound of footsteps ran by, followed by a girls’ giggle.

“Show yourself!” Wedge called, now on the verge of completely freaking out. The sound repeated, this time a little further away.

“I’m not sure which way it went.”

“Please don’t tell me that means we have to…”

“Yes, just do it. Keep it together,” The younger scowled at the last remark, seeing the fear in his eyes as well. After a moment of searching, the younger officer decided to check in with his partner since he didn’t have his own radio to inform him. Just as he was about to move, he heard the footsteps of his partner coming towards him from behind.

“There’s nothing over here, Wedge.”


“Wedge?” He turned to see that no one was there.

A pair of glowing red eyes appeared behind the officer’s head and a voice whispered, “Behind you.” Before the guard could even react, a glint of light reflected off the katana as it sliced his head clean off his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Wedge had searched his area as thoroughly as possible and had nothing to show for it. He made his way back to the empty cell hoping to meet his partner. With no partner in sight, he called out and was met with nothing. Moving further in, he got chills as he approached again the propped up body of his former guard Renolds. Yet, this time the silhouette looked different.

He soon discovered why when he got closer, and saw that Renold’s was now holding the head of his once-alive partner. Before he could scream, a hand covered his mouth and a blade was placed at his jugular.

“Hello friend! You really should keep your eyes peeled. I heard there’s a killer on the loose!” Zenapharr whispered in pretend concern. The officer’s pupils dilated in pure fear. “I have some questions for you, Mr. Wedge. Please don’t make me have to ask any of them twice. Nod if you agree, but not too hard…I just sharpened this thing.” Wedge nodded carefully.

“Good! Now where did you take the girl?”


“Yes, the g-g-g-g-girl! The one that was in that cell I opened and did a Jackson Pollock with your friend’s blood. I need to know.”

“I don’t know where they took her, I swear! We’re just checking up on the guard that was missing.”

“Wanna know something, Wedge? He didn’t know where she went either.”

Just at the moment, the radio chirped on with a message from base.

“Base to Wedge, check in over.”

“Answer…tell them everything’s fine…and no funny business because I got a really bad itch right now so don’t give me any reason to scratch.” Wedge nodded his head in compliance.

“Wedge to base, everything’s clear in this area. We’re still looking, over.”

“Ask where they took the girl,” the assassin commanded through gritted teeth.

“Oh, and uhh I was curious where they took the patient…from cell 124B.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, I noticed that there was a patient in that open cell earlier. Maybe that has something to do with why they went in. Can you tell me where they sent her?”

“Yeah…give me a sec.” The guard was relieved to see his captor nodding his head in approval. “Looks like they took her to Lab 612J.”

“And uh…what kind of lab is that?”

“It’s the newer labs. The Purge Room.”

“Okay, base. That’s all we need.”

We copy. Over and out.”

“What is the Purge Room?”

“I-I-I don’t know.”

“Why didn’t you ask them, then?” He pushed the blade a little more onto the guard’s throat.

“I knew if I did they’d think something was up. We usually don’t ask anything like over the radio. It was enough asking what Lab 612J was. They don’t tell us that kind of thing.”

“Hmmm…I believe you,” The half-elf dropped the guard to the ground. “Good boy, Wedge. For being so cooperative, I will allow you to live. But to keep it that way, I need a favor of you.”

“I suppose….”

“I need you to contact Sade. Do not tell anyone about it. If you do…”

“I understand.”

“Tell him to meet me at Argyle Hospital tomorrow night in the back parking lot. And to come alone.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s all you have to do. No tricks. No gimmicks.”

“I…I don’t understand.”

“I’m not what you think I am, not anymore at least. NOSRAD has been lying…to me, to you, to everyone. And they know that I’m on to them. They’re on higher alert now, and that means they won’t take any chances. Which is why you’re going to tell them that the unexplained hours from which you went searching for me, that I had knocked you out and left you outside in the bushes.”

“Well you may be out of luck…I’m not a good liar.”

“Who said you had to lie?”

The assassin then squeezed a nerve in the guard’s shoulder, causing him to immediately pass out. This trick he had learned in military school, as it would incapacitate someone for a short period of time, just long enough to tie them up or take them to a vehicle. Ten minutes later, after dragging Wedge into the proposed spot in the bushes, he quickly returned to the lab area where they were supposedly keeping Alice. Once she was safe, he was going to make sure NOSRAD didn’t hurt anyone anymore.

“The girl and machinery are ready to begin the procedure,” the hooded figure confirmed the Director’s question.

“Good. All is in order now, “ Director Krane grinned with pleasure.

“Shall we begin, then?”

“Not quite yet. There is still one more matter to attend to. I need you to prepare the Pegasus for me.”

“The Pegasus? Why would we need to leave?”

“If everything is going as I’ve planned, and I’m sure it has, then there is no time to explain. Just get it ready at a moment’s notice, hmm?”

“Yes, my liege.” The hooded figure stepped away, silent as a ghost as usual.

Krane looked back over to his control panel, carefully watching the monitors as Zenapharr made his way into the entrance of the lab area. Once he got past the K labs, he pushed down the button for emergency guard assistance, and sat back to watch the show.

Without giving much thought to what they were running into, guard after guard came rushing to take down the assassin. Each met with a quick and grisly demise. The scene was breathtaking. Zenapharr had always been his favorite to watch in combat. His movements were so fluid and precise, as graceful as the swan. That is, if swans were able to murderously wield a katana.

It was equally delightful to watch each guard fall to his uncanny power and speed. Seeing his greatest creation doing what he was trained to do best was the highlight of his life.

So many years, he had thrown away life after life with the Injection process. He was questioned by so many that was he was doing bared no fruit and was chasing a dream. Yet, it was worth it all to see his most prized creation killing as a well-oiled machine.

It didn’t take very long before the pathway through the labs looked like a river of blood, only contrasted more by the spotless white flooring. In a queer sort of way it was beautiful to Krane. How the drops of blood splashed at each step, the way the blade sliced through flesh and sent the red liquid across the walls. Zenapharr was right…killing was nothing more than painting the room red.

Then, the moment that Krane had been awaiting the most was Zenapharr actually finding Alice. Right before he entered, he instructed one of the scientists to give Alice a shot , to which the scientist didn’t understand since it was unrelated to the Purge Procedure. He felt a giddy excitement wash over him. Phase One was about to start, and Zenapharr arrived just as the doctors flipped the switch to start the Purge.

Everything from that one point was expected. The half-elf knocked both scientists unconscious and went straight for Alice. Even as strong as he was, he could not remove the device from her head until he flipped the switch off. After shutting off the machine, he removed Alice from her constraints and checked her pulse. The rest was history.

“It’s ready.” The hooded figure informed Krane, causing him to jump.

“Agh! I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that!”


“Just shut up and watch.”

The thumping was slow and irregular, and he scrambled through his mind for a healing spell that would assist poor Alice.

“C’mon, baby, c’mon…” Zenapharr whispered sweetly to her as he cradled her limp body in his arms. The Director watched the scene overhead in much delight. After another minute or two, he no longer heard a heartbeat at all.

“No no no,” the half-elf muttered to himself, and could feel a heat starting to emanate from his body. Any healing spell he could think of he tried, but none of them seemed to work.

“What’s wrong with her?´ Zenapharr thought to himself. It seemed nothing physical was hurting her, it was perhaps something biological or even magically-related. After trying chest compressions, he saw no positive response once again and collapsed over her. The Director watched on as Zenapharr wept sorrowful tears over the only other person that seemed to accept him completely.

“How are you feeling?” The voice of Director Krane suddenly burst in over the microphone. Taken aback, the half-elf whipped his head towards the glass window overlooking the room. A heat in the room intensified more as Zenapharr stood up and glared back with pure hatred at the Director.

“I see, no more sorrow then? Only anger, hatred? It’s the two things that look best on you, you know. It’s what you were always meant to be.”

“I….am going to…..” The words shuttered from his mouth, the rage boiling over inside the half-elf. “How….could you? A…..a child?” The expression showed he wanted to say more but had to concentrate on something so hard he could no longer speak.

“She was just an ends to a mean. You’ve caused me enough trouble. It’s about time for you to suffer before we end your miserable life.”

Suddenly, the heat in the room got so intense that the Director and the hooded figure had to back away. Flames sprouted all over Zenapharr now, somehow not burning him or his clothes, but essentially melting anything that got close enough to him. The red in the assassin’s eyes became a glorious , hot red more intense than ever before.

Zenapharr looked to the Director, a human inferno now and spoke.

“There will be no end to the suffering I will wreak upon you for what you have done. You killed my brother and my mother, then you lied to me about it. Then, you made it out to be Dr. Pennington’s idea. And after that, you use me as some guinea pig to fulfill some strange fantasy of yours. And after all that, I find someone who makes me feel normal again…and you kill her. I will snuff out your very soul in a way no one has ever imagined. And so help me, by the Gods, I will bring you back to life only to kill you over and over again. Your time is at an end.”

“See? I have fulfilled your destiny, Zenapharr! Do you get it now? Why they call the Seraphim the Burning One? I have brought upon your inevitable destiny!”

“Your destiny will be to fall at my hand.”

That’s charming and all, Zenny but we absolutely HAVE to be going. We just wanted to stick around long enough to see that look on your face. Take care now!”

The Seraphim levitated up to the glass observation area and slashed as hard as he could with his katana, but to his much surprise had no effect. After that he put his hand up to the glass in hopes to melt it under the heat, but there was no reaction whatsoever.

“What did you do, Director?” Zenapharr growled.

“Fifty shielding spells seems to have done the trick. Even with YOUR magical abilities , it will take a while so have fun! See you later!” With that, the Director and hooded figure turned and walked away as casual as they could be. After trying some enchantments, the half-elf found he could not easily penetrate this level of magic that had been used.

In total defeat, the assassin let himself back down and wanted to pick up Alice but didn’t want to chance burning her, especially when he wasn’t sure how to control this fire that surrounded him.

The anger and disappointment welled up , and he felt the flames extended out further and further from him.

“I’m-I’m going to explode if I don’t control this,” he said looking over the hot, magical flames that covered his skin. It was hard to keep it from going out further, and was like he was going to burst at any moment. The only way to relieve this pressure was to let the flames be fully alive on their own and overtake the facility.

Just as he was about to let the flames go, he heard the sound of coughing at the table near him and heard a little voice speak…

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