What Happens in Vegas by C. Qualls

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Corey made a call to Anthony’s family to let them know what’s going on. His sister Brianna lives here, but the rest of their family is in Chicago. Brianna arrives followed by Darius, Peter, and Mitchell. I pull Peter aside and ask “Who’s on Shelby now?”

He automatically answers. “Miguel is on her, he’s got visual as we speak, sir.” We join everyone else as we wait for word on Anthony. They guys have all worked together over the years and are pretty close.

Julia whispers in my ear. “Where is Jesse? Shouldn’t he be here too?”

I lean in to her ear. “I don’t know, I didn’t make the calls.” It’s kind of true. I really didn’t make the calls. I hate that I’m lying to her, but I can’t bring myself to tell her what’s really happening. How did this become such a mess?

Julia’s POV

The doctor walks through the door with sweat drenched scrubs. Fredrick stands up alongside Brianna. “He’s stable. We’re keeping him in the ICU for now.”

Brianna is a tiny little brunette about my age. “Can I see my brother please?”

The doctor nods. “ICU is on the second floor. Only two visitors at a time.”

Fredrick gives Brianna his card. “If your parents wish to visit, please let me know. I will provide transportation and accommodations for them. In the meantime, please keep me informed of his condition.”

Brianna wipes a tear away from her face. “Thank you, Mr. Draven.”

He takes my hand and nods to Corey. Half the people in the room follow behind us. Fredrick gets a set of keys from Corey and leads me to the Alfa Romeo. It’s a silver Giulia with cream colored interior. Corey, James, and Kyle pile in to the Escalade. “Fredrick. Since the driver is dead, do we really need all the guards still?” I quietly ask as I click on my seat belt.

Fredrick takes the time to look at me. He caress my bottom l*p. His words are methodical as he replies. “Julia. It kills me to tell you this, but I want you to understand. You are being targeted. The H ummer was after you. I know the driver is dead, but that doesn’t mean you are no longer in danger. The guards are for your protection, not mine.”

I gasp in surprise. I mean the thought occurred to me, but I didn’t think it could really happen. “So someone is trying to kill me? What did I do to pis s someone off?”

Fredrick looks pained. “You married me. I’m sorry, love. Just being with me put you in danger.”

I bite my l*p. I only know of one person that would be so petty. “Shelby Cavanagh?”

He nods. “But she’s working with other people.”

Fredrick gives me a quick peck then pulls out of the hospital parking lot. I bow my head as I think about what Fredrick just told me. Killing my baby wasn’t enough, now she wants my life. This is insane. Someone died today. I don’t know who it was, but I can’t help but feel bad for the loss of life. And poor Anthony, Ivan, and Li. “The guys got hurt protecting me. Does she actually think killing me will put her in your arms?”

He shakes his head. “There’s more to it, but I’m not sure of all the facts. We’ve been piecing things together as they come.” He takes my hand. “Corey and all of the guards know the risk they take. They are aware of what’s going on. They will continue to keep you safe.”

My thumb runs over his knuckles. I k*ss the back of his hand. “I appreciate their care and concern for my safety, but what’s so special about me? Their lives are important too.”

Fredrick’s hand tightens around mine. “Julia. Please. You’re the most important person in the world to me. The guys want to protect you because they care about you just as much as you care about them. You would throw yourself in harm’s way to protect them, right?”

He knows me so well. I nod. “Of course I would. Point taken.” I concede. We’re quiet the rest of the ride home.

I shower and change into pajama pants and a tank top. It has been a long day. Fredrick is in his study. I call Shannon. “So, I found out someone is trying to kill me.”

Shannon chokes on a drink. I can hear her coughing to get her breath. “Corey told me there were crazy things happening. He never said anything about someone trying to kill you. What the hell, b itch?”

I shake my head. “I dunno. Anthony is in critical condition because Ivan drove between the Lexus and a H ummer.”

She gasps. “OMG! Is he going to be okay? He’s the se xy Italian one with gray eyes and scruffy beard, right?”

I giggle at her description, she’s not wrong, he is hot. “Yeah, that’s him. He’s in the ICU right now. His sister is supposed to contact Fredrick if anything changes.”

Shannon covers her mouthpiece for a second, then comes back on. “Corey just got here. I gotta run. Don’t get dead, okay. Love ya, doll.”

I make a k*ssing sound. “You too.”

I go to Fredrick’s study. I always wonder if I should knock first, but he never said anything about me walking in before. I open the door. He’s on his phone facing the window. “Thanks for the update. I’ll be in contact soon.” He hangs up and takes a deep breath. “Brianna said they’re keeping him sedated for the time being. Will you send my plane to pick up his family and arrange an apartment near the hospital for them, please.”

I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. “I will. How did you know I was here? You didn’t even turn around.”

His arms rest on top of mine. “I heard the door open.”

I rest my head against his back and just hold him. “Does it bother you? That I don’t knock?”

He chuckles. “You’ve been doing it for months. Why would it bother me now? Besides, seeing you always makes me feel better.”

My hands caress up to his chest. I k*ss his back. “I love you.”

He hums. “I love you.” Fredrick turns around and throws his arms around me. He rests his head on top of mine. I’m content in his arms and looking out the window. He has a pretty view of greenery and mountains in the distance. It’s dark now, so it’s difficult to see clearly. His hand runs through my still damp hair. “You smell so good.”

I giggle. “Herbal Essences.”

He chuckles. “Silly girl. Are you hungry?”

I grunt. “I wasn’t, but now that you mention food I am.” He chuckles again. He takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. Gerry has dinner prepared as we sit down. Neither Fredrick nor I have much to say so we quietly enjoy our meal. Fredrick brushes my hair for me before we turn in for the night.

I wake up to an empty bed. Fredrick is no where to be found. I dress for the day and head downstairs to the kitchen. I ask Gerry as she serves my breakfast on the island. “Where is Fredrick?”

She sits down beside me with a cup of coffee. “He left about an hour ago. He wanted me to tell you to wait for Corey. Sir went to check in on Anthony.”

I swallow my bite. “I wish he would’ve waited. I want to see how he is too. Did he say anything about Ivan and Li?”

She shakes her head. “Not to me. He was on the phone talking about how he wanted Jesse’s b*dy ID’d because Sir didn’t see the b*dy at the crash site.” My fork clatters off my plate and on to the floor. My mouth is gaped open and I can’t breathe. “Jules? Is something wrong?” Gerry pats my back.

I swallow hard. “It-it-it, it was, was Jesse?” I’m trying to catch my breath, but it’s not coming. Tears escape my eyes as I swallow a few more times.

Gerry bites her l*p. “I’m sorry miss Jules. I thought you knew. S hit, I’m so losing my job now.”

I shake my head. “Y-Y-You won’t” Corey walks in behind Mrs. Bailey. “Corey. D-d did did you know? J-J Jesse was the d-driver?”

Corey looks defeated but nods. “Yes, miss. I knew.”

I wipe my eyes. What the hell?! I stand up and rush to the washroom. I splash cold water on my face and n*eck. I try to calm down, but I can’t. Jesse. Jesse is dead. OMG, Jesse tried to kill me. I thought it was Shelby Cavanagh that wants me dead. What was it Fredrick said? She’s working with other people… Jesse. She was working with Jesse. Disgruntled Employee, huh? OMG. OMG. OMG. I splash more water on my face.

A knock sounds at the washroom. “Miss Jules. Mr. Draven would like to speak with you.” Corey speaks through the door.

I grab a hand towel and pat my face dry. “No. I’m not speaking to him right now.” I look at my reflection. My face is red and my eyes are puffy. He knew. Fredrick knew. He knew Jesse drove the H ummer. Why didn’t he tell me?

Corey knocks on the washroom door again. “Miss Jules, Mr. Draven asked me to tell you he will speak with you when you arrive at the office. He also asked me to remind you that you’re scheduled for work soon and arrangements need to be made for Anthony’s family.”

I give the door the stink eye. D amn Fredrick for guilt tripping me. Fine. I have a job to do. I cool my face and dry it one more time. I open the door. I look at Corey and hold my head high as I walk past him. I grab my bag and exit the front door.

Two black Escalades await my arrival. Of course he already replaced the other one. “Corey. I will ride in a different car.” I can see he wants to say something, but he closes his mouth and watches me as I walk away.

I head to the garage and look at the empty spaces. The Alfa Romeo is gone as are the Lexus, the Porsche, and the BMW. Where are the other cars? The Lexus obviously was destroyed, and the Porsche is still gone, but the BMW? I find the keys for the royal blue Maserati Ghibli. I get in and start her up. I speed off toward the office with the Escalades following behind me. I park next to the Alfa Romeo and head toward the elevator. James and Kyle flank me. Darius and Mitchell tail Corey behind me. He grabs my attention. “Miss Jules. Mr. Draven’s elevator is broken right now.” Oh, right elevator mishap. Another secret. I huff then turn toward the front of the office.

I put my bag away and turn on my computer. I take my regular notes and head to the break room to make Fredrick’s coffee. I knock on his door. “Enter.” He smiles sweetly at me.

I set his coffee down on his desk and take my place on the sofa. “Mr. Draven, your itinerary?”

His smile drops. “Julia?”

I clear my throat. “Mr. Draven?” I have my pen to my paper pad awaiting instruction. I look up at him expectantly. His hand goes to his n*eck. Good.

“Julia, please. Don’t be upset with me.”

I c ock my eyebrow. “My husband thought it would be a good idea to keep secrets from me. I think it’s a good idea to not speak to him. Itinerary, SIR?” He exhales and nods his head.

It’s lunchtime and I’m scheduled for my checkup. I haven’t spoken to Fredrick all morning. I text James to let him know I’m leaving. I take my keys, walk to the elevator, and head down. The guys are all waiting outside of the elevator. They take their positions and follow me to the garage.

My checkup goes quickly. Dr. Burns gives me a clean bill of health. “Are you interested in birth control? I advise against getting pregnant for at least four months.” I am not good with pills.

“Is there something that lasts that long?”

She shakes her head. “I have a shot that is good for a month and a patch that’s also good for a month.”

I don’t want to risk a patch falling off, but I hate needles. Although If I get the shot, I won’t have to think about it at all. “The shot sounds fine.”

She marks her notes. “I’ll have my nurse get that for you. Make sure you schedule a follow-up appointment to stay on top of them. It won’t be effective for the first week, so you’ll need to be careful during that time.” I nod and watch as she leaves the room. The nurse is quick to return. She gives me my shot and schedules my next appointment.

I grab a cheeseburger and fries from a drive through and head back to the office. I eat in the break room and get back to work. Mr. Frasier exits the elevator as soon as I sit back at my desk. “Mrs. Draven. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

I smile a greeting. “Mr. Frasier. Mr. Draven is expecting you. You can go right in.”

He waves. “Thanks.” He knocks at Fredrick’s door.

After Fredrick’s customary, “enter,” Mr. Frasier walks in.

Fredrick’s POV

Mike sits in the chair in front of my desk. He shakes his head. “You didn’t mention anything about someone trying to kill your wife. What the hell is going on?”

I shrug my shoulder. “As far as I know Shelby and Jesse, one of my guards, were sleeping together. They were working together to get my fathers shares of the company by claiming her baby belongs to me.”

He nods. “Yeah, caught all that from the footage you sent me. Although I didn’t know who the guy was. What else has happened? You have client privileges.”

I take him back to the start. “Jesse killed my father. He drugged me in Vegas, putting me in the arms of another woman. My other guards got to me in time. Jesse and Shelby worked together to drug Julia and caused her to have a miscarriage. He then tried to kill her again by cutting my breaks on my BMW. On another occasion, he tried to run her off the road, then he rigged the elevator to fall.”

He holds his hand up. “Wait. You have proof of all this?” I nod. “All except for the elevator, which the fire department is looking in to. Yesterday he put three of my men in the hospital when they drove between us and his H ummer. The same hu mmer that ran my father off the road.” I pull out all my files and hand them over. I look on my computer for the recording from the nurse and footage from the gala. “I’m sending you more files as well. The patsy that drugged Julia, Jeremiah, was the bartender at the gala. He also owns the Hu mmer.”

Mike is taking notes. “He’s the half brother they were speaking about on the video?”

I nod. “Yes. He was already arrested for drugging Julia.”

Mike continues to take notes. “And where is Jesse now?”

I clear my throat. “He was killed yesterday when he hit my men.”

Mike’s head snaps up. “He’s dead?”

I shrug my shoulder. “I did not see his face, but the officer claimed it was him. I’m having Darius look in to it.”

Mike has a mystified look on his face. “What was his problem with you?”

I shake my head. “I have no idea. I assume he just wanted money, but I pay my guys very well. So it could have something to do with Shelby.”

Mike nods as he pulls out his cell phone. He checks his email. “I got your files. As of right now, Callaway has been suspended pending investigation. Having your name on the complaint sped up the process. We’ll know more soon. I shake Mike’s hand as he stands up to leave. I escort him to the elevator. He waves to Julia before the doors close. Julia’s smile leaves her beautiful face as soon as I turn to look at her. I c ock my brow and go back into my office. I send her an email, hopefully she doesn’t delete it.

My wonderful wife,

I am truly sorry for keeping secrets from you. I felt that worrying you was not necessary, due to everything you had already been through. I know you are strong and intelligent. You are an amazing woman and you can handle more than you know. You would no doubt understand what was going on. Your health and safety were my priority, they still are.

I will explain everything in detail tonight over dinner, if you agree. I love you, truly.

I receive a reply.

Agreed. I’ll make the arrangements now.

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