What Happens in Vegas by C. Qualls

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Julia’s POV

OMG! I’m pregnant! As soon as I saw my period app, I knew I was pregnant. I’ve always had a regular cycle. I’ve only been late by a day a few times. I don’t actually know what to think right now. I’ve only, knowingly, been S**ually active for 5 days. I never thought about birth control. I guess it wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. Now that I think about it, Fredrick has not been concerned about birth control either. I voice my thoughts. “Fredrick, we’ve never used protection. Were you wanting me to get pregnant?”

He shakes his head. “No. But I had no objection either way. I thought it best to let nature take its course. I must admit; you being my wife and the mother of my child does entice me.” Our conversation is interrupted by Fredrick’s phone buzzing. He looks at the caller ID. “Sorry Julia, I have to take this.” He leaves the washroom and I realize I’m still only wearing a bathrobe. I find a thin dress to wear, it’s too hot for anything else, and braid my hair. “Julia, I can cancel my meetings so we can go to the doctor.” Fredrick’s arms wrap around me from behind.

I shake my head. “Don’t cancel your meetings. You don’t come here often and I would rather find a doctor back home. It can wait.”

He k*sses my cheek. “Are you sure? I want to make sure everything is okay.”

I lean my head against his chest. “I’m sure. Women have been having babies since forever. My b*dy knows what to do. I’m sure I’ll still be pregnant when we go back.”

He k*sses my head. “You’re amazing. We need to get going. Let me know if you want or need anything.”

I smile. “Even Taco Bell?”

He grunts and rolls his eyes. “What is it about Taco Bell?” I shrug my shoulders. “I have no idea. It just sounds really good.”

Fredrick’s hand goes to the back of his n*eck, so I give him my pleading eyes. He instantly gives in. “Fine, you can go for lunch. I’ll have Corey take you. Junk food, ugh.”

I snicker. “Food snob.”

He takes my hand and leads me out of the suite. “You’re going to torture me. Now that you’re pregnant, I won’t be able to deny you anything.”

Fredrick already had plans to meet Jarret for lunch after his morning meetings, so I k*ss him and leave him to eat. Corey isn’t a food snob. He orders two giant burritos and a Baja blast while I get my three tacos. “Congratulations, Miss Julia.” I look up to him in question. He already knows the question I don’t ask. “Mr. Draven made that comment in the hall just as Jesse and I showed up.”

I swallow my bite. “Thank you, Corey.”

His hazel eyes look at me for a minute before he speaks. “Miss Julia. I think it would be best to limit the people you share your news with. Your father and Miss Shannon will of course need to know, but otherwise it’s not a good idea to tell others. For your safety, just for now at least.”

I smile at the gentle tough guy before me. “I will follow your advice. Thank you for your concern, Corey.” The big teddy bear.

I devour my tacos before Corey can finish his food. Ironically Taco Bell is usually something I only eat occasionally. I guess the baby likes the tacos here. Is it normal to crave this early in a pregnancy? I’ll have to look it up. While Corey is still eating, I install several different pregnancy apps to my phone. I look through them and find the easiest to use, then get rid of all but two. I still can’t believe this is real. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in a matter of weeks. OMG, I’m married and going to have a baby.

Corey takes me to the hotel Fredrick is scheduled to have his next meeting. We wait in the hotel lobby when Corey receives a text. I’m not trying to be nosy, but I see the number out of the corner of my eye. “Corey! You’re talking to Shannon?”

Corey looks a little bashful. “Erm. Yes, Miss. She and I hit it off at the diner a while back. I asked her for her number.”

I smile. “Are you two dating?”

He clears his throat. “She wanted to surprise you, like you surprised her with Mr. Draven.”

I whip my phone out and call her right away. “You have a surprise for me?”

Shannon’s laughing on the other end of the phone. “Yup. Bi tch, you’re not the only one who can get a hot guy.”

I laugh. “Well, I’ve got a bigger surprise for you.”

She scoffs. “The only thing that would be bigger would be that you’re knocked up.” I don’t say a thing. I just wait for her to realize her joke has come to fruition. After a short pause she scream. “No, you’re not! F uck, really? Jules, no way. You got knocked up your first time, OMG!”

I can’t help but laugh at her reaction. “Listen, I’m going to tell daddy, but otherwise keep it under wraps. Corey thinks it would be dangerous if word got out.” I look around me just to make sure Corey and I are still alone.

Shannon regains her composure. “If Corey says so, I’m not saying anything. I trust his judgment.” Wow, okay. I trust Corey too. With my life, and my baby’s. I had no idea Shannon had gotten to know him so well. I wonder just how serious they are. Shannon has never trusted a man, at least not since I’ve known her.

I hang up just as Fredrick and Jesse arrive. Without stopping, Fredrick leads our group to the elevator. When we’re finally inside and heading up Fredrick steals a k*ss, but lets go as soon as the elevator comes to a stop. He whispers something in Corey’s direction, but I can’t hear what he says. Corey has no reaction except that of a very subtle nod. We enter the meeting room and take our seats, all of us. Normally the guards are waiting out side during business meetings, what is going on? The meeting room has every seat accounted for with the exception of one at the head of the table, next to Fredrick. I’m seated next to him with Corey by my side and Jesse standing guard in the corner. Fredrick soothes my leg under the table as an extravagant woman enters.

The woman is a busty bombshell. She walks chest first as if they were not already on full display. Her top is distastefully cut, barely hiding her n*pples, and clinging to her b*dy. I suppose men find this attractive, not me. To me she looks like trash, from Dolly Parton wig to fishnet stocking, high heeled foot. I notice the men in the room sit up straighter, except Fredrick and Corey. “Fredrick, Darling. It’s so good to see you again. It’s been quite a while. I heard the news about dear Carl, I was absolutely shocked.”

Fredrick stands to grasp her extended hand. “Yes. Father’s murder was quite sudden.”

The woman looks to Corey. “You’re still playing guard dog? Tsk tsk. You could still become the champ in the ring. I could pull some strings for you.”

Corey smirks. “Thanks miss Preston, but I’m good where I’m at.”

She walks up to Jesse. She runs her hand up and down his arm. She stops at his bicep as she squeezes. “What about you? You’re a tasty morsel. Wouldn’t you rather work for me? I offer excellent benefits.”

Jesse’s face colors slightly. Fredrick clears his throat, “Deirdre. Although being in your bed may be a dream for some men, my guards are off limits. I don’t need them c unt-aminated by your f uck hole. Can we focus please. We have business to attend to.”

I almost choke when I hear Fredrick say such filth. Corey quickly places a mini water bottle in front of me and I gladly drink. Miss Preston doesn’t even blink before replying. “At one time you enjoyed my f uck hole.”

Fredrick scoffs. “No. I never enjoyed it, not once. But my father did, and his friends.” OMG! That’s her? I swallow the water in my mouth to keep from spitting it out. Corey gently pats my back to keep me from losing it.

Fredrick sits back down and takes my leg under the table. “That’s right, I heard you got married. How is the little wife? Is she as good as me?”

Fredrick smirks. “There is no comparison. She actually likes me.”

Miss Preston takes her seat. “I doubt it. She’s probably banging your little guard dogs while you’re out here with me.”

Fredrick chuckles. “Even if that were true, at least it’s not my father. Can we move on please? You’re the one that wanted this meeting. I have better things I could be doing.” Miss Preston sits at the head of the table and begins the meeting.

I keep focused on the meeting, well, I try to. Fredrick’s hand has sl*pped under my dress and is inching closer and closer to my panties. I clench my thighs together, trapping his hand. He doesn’t move it, just continues talking with Miss Preston and her subordinates. I can tell he’s not happy to be here. I use the laptop to send Fredrick a message

-Why are you meeting with her? Is there a benefit I’m not understanding?

-You’re clearly not paying attention.

Fredrick checks his phone so I let down my guard. His hand instantly sl*ps higher, his fingertips brush the lace of my panties. I cross my legs and push his hand away. A message notification pops up on my screen, I click on it.

Fredrick-I’m multitasking.

-Although the deal doesn’t sound like much, it is beneficial. We’re only here because she said she would make it worth my while.

-I’m thinking she has another deal in mind.

-Don’t worry, I’m not going to deal with her.

-Are you ready to get out if here?

I write on his leg with my finger Y-E-S. I see him give the slightest nod out of the corner of my eye.

Fredrick clears his throat. “Deirdre. This sounds like a plausible deal, but I’m not taking it. Working with you isn’t something I plan to do, ever.” Fredrick stands up without another word. I close my laptop and we all walk out.

In the elevator Corey speaks up. “Boss. That woman will never change.”

Fredrick smirks then pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. “I didn’t think she would, I was just giving her the benefit of the doubt.” I see Jesse’s face from where I’m leaning on Fredrick’s chest. Something isn’t right, Jesse is giving me weird vibes. He notices my eyes and immediately straightens up.

Fredrick and I meet up with Jarrett at a sn a zzy bar in the hotel. There are pool tables along the back wall. Jarret has a girl in front of him and he’s showing her how to shoot. She giggles after her ball sinks. Corey and Jesse take their places as sentinels. “Fredrick, will the guards be working the whole time?”

He guides me to a seat beside the table with his hand at the small of my back. “Of course. That’s what they’re paid for. They know their duties.”

I shake my head. “I feel bad. I would be so disappointed if I were in front of a pool table and couldn’t play.”

He k*sses my forehead. “That’s because you care about everyone. They can play a few games, but they’re not drinking.” He looks to both of them, they each nod. Jesse noticeably relaxes, however, Corey doesn’t move.

Jarret finishes teaching the girl how to play. He walks over to our table. “Draven. Are we playing or do you need to teach the little woman first?”

I roll my eyes. “I think I might need to help her a little.” Fredrick says as he gives me a look, so I play along. He hands me a cue.

“It’s so heavy, what am I supposed to do?”

Fredrick smirks. He shows me the basics as we lean over the table. I take a shot, missing on purpose. Fredrick k*sses my head. “Don’t worry, Julia. You’ll get the hang of it.” Jesse gets a table nearby so he and Corey play alongside us.

Jarret partners up with the girl he was teaching as Fredrick and I are teamed up. Fredrick racks the balls, ready for a game. He whispers to me. “We play high stakes. Let him think he’s winning before you shove the cue down his throat. Try to make it look like you’re lucky when you’re playing.”

I make a face, then whisper back. “You want me to hustle your friend?”

He k*sses me until I can’t breathe. “He did drug us.”

I giggle. “I have no problem taking him down.” I wink.

Jarret breaks first. He sinks a stripe then moves to his next ball, which he sinks. He aims for his next shot but misses. Fredrick gets behind me. “Ladies first.” He bends me over the table and pretends to help me line up my shot.

I look around the table for my next shot and make sure the cue stops where I want it. “I did it! Fredrick, I made it. What ball should I go for next?” He points out my obvious shot, then gives me a pointer about not making the white ball go in. I sink it easily. I look around the table, taking notice of Jarrett’s balls. Fredrick lines me up for my next shot, but I miss on purpose. I leave Jarrett’s girl, Brittney, no chance of making anything in. Jarrett tries to get her to make a bank shot. Nope. Fredrick picks up where I left off. He sinks three shots before missing his fourth. Jarrett sinks two before missing the third. I sink my ball and line up the 8 ball for Fredrick, with his “guidance,” of course. I miss my next shot, again leaving no where for Brittney to go. Fredrick sinks the 5 ball and calls his pocket. The 8 ball goes straight in.

The next games go the same way. I sink a ball or two then leave nothing for the next player. I make sure to set up the 8 ball for Fredrick. He sinks it every time. After the fourth game I’m dead on my feet, I’m no longer missing on purpose. Fredrick asks me. “Are you alright?”

I yawn as I nod. “I’m sorry, I’m just tired.”

He pulls me to his chest. He k*sses my head and rubs my arms. He’s so good to me. “We can go now.”

I shake my head. “Let’s finish this game. We only have three balls left anyway.” Jarrett’s team has two balls left, but Brittney misses. Fredrick sinks two of the three balls. He’s left with no clear shot, so he lines up the 8 ball in front of Jarrett’s next shot. Jarret tries to jump his ball, but ends up sinking the 8 ball. We win.

Fredrick’s POV

Julia is exhausted. My tired, pregnant wife. I pick her up and carry her to our suite. She falls asleep before we’re even out of the elevator. I lay her down and get her tucked in. I still have business with Jarrett, so I leave Corey to watch our room until I get back. Jesse and I head back down to the pool table.

Jarret is getting frisky with his girl, I’ve already forgotten her name. “Jarrett.” I get his attention as I arrive at the table across from him. Jarrett stands up and leads me and his girl into a back room. A co cktail waitress is awaiting our drink orders. I ask for my usual, scotch. Jarret sits at his desk and pulls the girl into his lap. I’m used to it, he’s always been like this. We begin discussing business. The girl eventually ducks under the desk. As I’m drinking my scotch my head is starting to get a little fuzzy. I had two drinks during our games, but there is no way I’m getting drunk already. “Did you drug me again?”

Jarret shakes his head. “Not this time. You don’t need it. Why? You feeling alright?”

I shake my head. Jarrett hisses through his teeth. “Let’s meet up later. This girl has my balls in her mouth anyway.”

I drop my drink on his desk and stumble out of the room as Jesse leads me to the elevator. My head is getting lighter and my vision is blurry. “Jesse, find out who drugged me.” Jesse gets out on the next floor. My head is spinning, but I can still walk. The elevator door opens and I walk to my suite. My key card isn’t working, but Julia opens the door. She leads me to the bed and sits me down. She takes off my shoes and jacket. She k*sses me, but something isn’t right. She doesn’t taste the same. I pull her to me, but she feels different, smells different. I recognize her scent, but it’s not Julia’s. I push her away. I know it’s not my Julia. She shoves me back against the bed and caress my cr otch, stiffening me. I close my eyes, they’re too heavy to stay open. The drug is working quickly. I almost don’t care who it is that’s unbuttoning my pants. I want to find a release.

The door to the suite bursts open. The woman on my lap is pushed aside and I’m pulled to my feet. “Sir, you’re on the wrong floor.” Li’s voice rings in my ears. I open my eyes as I’m escorted to the elevator.

“What happened?” Corey asks as we reach the correct suite.

“He was drugged. We got there just in time. Miss Preston was trying to take advantage of him.” That sounds like Anthony.

“Lets get him inside.” Corey opens the door. He always has a spare key no matter where we go. He’s the only one I trust enough. “Sir, do you need help to bed?”

I’m at the bedroom door now. “No.” I walk into my room, strip out of my clothes, and fall onto the bed.

My head is pounding when I wake up. “Fredrick. Take this.”

I open my eyes to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s standing above me in a swimsuit, holding a glass of water and medicine. I take the medicine and hand the glass back. “Thank you. Are you going somewhere?”

She places the glass down. “It’s hot outside, so I thought I would take a swim. When I went to leave, Corey told me you were drugged last night. I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. It’s after noon. Are you feeling alright?”

I shake my head and pull her on top of me. I’m in desperate need to have her. “Nope. Side effects from the drugs.” She shakes her head and giggles. She k*sses me before I pull off her very seductive swimsuit.

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