What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 30

Dinner was uneventful, as my parents entertained us with highlights of their trip. When the dishes were cleared away, it was time for Gia to make her speech. I squeezed her knee under the table and whispered, “You’ll be great.”

She strode to the podium in her three-inch heels and took a deep breath. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Gia Romano and I’m the director of entertainment and events here at Mystique. I want to thank you all for spending your evening with us. Each year we choose a worthy cause to support, and this year is no exception. There’s a secret hiding in our community that no one wants to talk about. One out of every three women has been a victim of domestic abuse. These women are not strangers… they’re sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins, friends, and neighbors.”

She went on to tell the stories of brave women who shared their experiences with her. As I watched Gia, I was in awe. You’d never know she was as nervous as a mouse in a cage full of lions. Her confidence shined through with every word she spoke. I felt the sincerity in her voice as she advocated for the women of Las Vegas.

“So, join me in unmasking domestic abuse. We can no longer let the victims hide in the shadows under a coat of shame. It’s time to bring light to the issue.” Gia reached behind her head and untied the satin laces, removing her mask and pausing while the guests did the same. “These women aren’t looking for a handout, they’re looking for a way out. So, open your hearts… and your wallets… and let’s make a difference.”

The room erupted in a standing ovation of thunderous applause. Gia waited for it to die down, then held up her hand. “There’s one more thing… this is a party, so I want to see everyone on the dance floor. Drink, be merry, and don’t forget to check out the silent auction if you haven’t done so. Enjoy your evening.”

I placed my mask on the table and watched her walk off the stage. She looked phenomenal in the emerald-green sequined dress that accentuated all my favorite parts. One long leg peeked out of the slit, enough skin showing to drive me crazy. She was damn lucky I didn’t rip the thing completely off her in my office. My self-control was good, but it was being tested by the minute.

My mother intercepted Gia and enveloped her. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but the smile on Gia’s face said enough. Seeing the two of them together, chatting and laughing, pulled at my heartstrings. It’d been a long time since I introduced my mother to someone I dated. The glory of this was she already liked Gia and had no idea we were together.

“She’s a keeper,” my dad said as he nudged me with his shoulder.

“That she is,” I answered. “Did I tell you she closed the Ariel Fox deal? It’s a trial residency, but if everything goes well, it could mean big revenue for Mystique.”

“Damn. Your mother is rarely wrong, but she was spot on with hiring Gia. She’s a shark.”

“Which one? Mom or Gia?”

“I’d venture to say both.” My dad chuckled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to spin my wife around the dance floor.” I hadn’t seen my mom and dad dance together in years. Apparently, their little trip brought back that lovin’ feeling.

Gia strode over with a hand on her chest. “I’m so glad that’s over. I was nervous as hell up there.”

“No one would ever know. You looked cool as a cucumber.” I held out my arm. “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, Miss Romano?”

Gia hooked her arm with mine. “Mr. Dorsey, I’d love to dance with you.”

The music slowed to a sultry rhythm as I led her into the mass of people. With one hand twined with hers and the other around her waist, I held Gia far enough away to be respectable. “The next time I dance with you, everyone will know you’re mine. I’m telling my father on Monday we’re together. No more hiding in the shadows. It’s time to unmask our relationship.”

She gulped. “So, we’re a couple? You and me? What if he doesn’t approve? What if we both lose our jobs?” Every worry she had came out in a steady stream.

“My father has all but already said he approves. He’s very impressed with everything you’ve done in the past couple months. No one will question your ability.”

“Promise?” The vulnerability in her voice nearly killed me.

“You have nothing to worry about.”

I woke the next morning with my body wrapped around Gia. We’d stayed until the end of the fundraiser, making sure to thank our guests for their generous donations that far exceeded our goal. Then, I brought her back to my apartment, where I more than made up for the hasty fuck in my office.

Gia stretched, rubbing her ass against my cock. “Good morning,” she mumbled.

“Good morning, sunshine.” I pressed my body against her soft curves. “How do you feel?”

She rolled so we were face to face. “Tired. Sore. Happy.”

I brushed a strand of red hair behind her ear. “How happy?”


Every fear I had before floated away when I was with her. “I forgot to tell you something last night.”

“Yeah? What’s that?” She rubbed her fingers along my beard.

“I like you being here.”

She giggled. “Well, I like being here.”

“That’s good because I’d like to make it permanent. I’m in love with you, Gia. Move in with me.”

Her eyes went wide then softened. “Say it again.”

“Move in with me.”

She slapped me on the arm. “Not that part.”

I held her face in the palm of my hand. “I love you, Gia. I want to spend all my days and nights with you.”

“I love you too, Trent. I have for a while, but I was too afraid to tell you. I wasn’t sure it was real.”

I rolled her over and pinned her wrists to the mattress, looking right into her gorgeous blue eyes. “I’m totally in love with you. It’s real. You’re the most real thing that’s ever come into my life. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. This going back and forth between our places is killing me. No more sneaking around. Be with me.”

“I love you too, but you’re going to get sick of me if we’re working and living together.”

“Not a chance. There’s plenty of space and you can keep the hotel room if you need to get away from me. I don’t want to go another day waking up without you by my side.”

“I’m not a good cook.”

“I don’t give a fuck about that.

“I snore.”

I laughed. “I’m aware.”

“I have a lot of clothes.”

“I have big closets.

“This isn’t my real hair color,” she blurted.

I nuzzled my nose into her neck. “I figured, but it’s not your hair I’m in love with. I don’t care if it’s red, brown, blond, or black. Quit making excuses and say yes.”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Yes.”

“Finally.” I pressed my lips to hers and tangled our tongues together. She made me the happiest man in the world with one simple word. There was nothing that was going to keep me away from this woman.

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