What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 22

I spent the day showing Gia the sights of Las Vegas off the Strip. We went to the Hoover Dam, then hiked through the Red Rock Canyon. It’d been years since I hiked and even though I worked out several times a week, my muscles were tired. “Let’s take a break,” I said as we approached a huge boulder that overlooked the canyon.

Gia sat on the edge with her legs dangling. “This is an amazing view.” She took out her phone and snapped a few pictures. “I’ve got to send these to my sister. She’s going to be jealous.”

I knew she had a sister from the research Tom did, but beyond the basics, I didn’t know shit about the woman sitting next to me. “Tell me about your sister,” I said as I handed her a water bottle from my backpack.

She held her phone up and took another picture. “Her name is Bianca and she’s two years older than me.” Gia took a long gulp of water and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “We used to be close when we were younger, but she got married young and has three kids. Everyone expected me to follow in her footsteps.”

“So you got married?”

She looked out over the canyon. “I did. John and I grew up across the street from each other and were best friends since the time we were six. It was assumed we would always be together, so when I graduated college, we got married.”

“Wow. You never dated anyone else?”

She wobbled her head back and forth. “I went on some dates in high school and college, but nothing ever stuck, you know? It always felt like cheating. Even though we weren’t an official couple, John and I were soul mates.”

“Why didn’t it work?”

Gia let out a big sigh. “Part of me will always love him, but we wanted different things. He wanted the small-town life with a barefoot wife and half a dozen kids. I wanted the city life and a career where I wore expensive shoes. Kids eventually, but not now. I wanted to live first. I couldn’t keep having the same conversation over and over again, so I filed for divorce and moved back home. Nobody understood, sometimes not even me.”

“Do you regret it? Getting divorced?” I wanted this to work with her, but not if she was wallowing in regret and in love with another man.

“I don’t regret getting divorced. What I regret is hurting my best friend. We should have never gotten married in the first place.”

“If he really cares about you, he’ll forgive you.”

She gave a self-deprecating laugh. “That’s the kicker. He already did.” She shrugged. “John’s a good guy. It’s my family that’s having a hard time accepting it.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my side. It wasn’t regret she felt, it was guilt. “There’s nothing wrong with chasing your dreams.”

“I want to prove them wrong. If I fail, it’ll validate every person who doubted me.”

I lifted her chin. “You’re not going to fail. I believe in you.”

Her lips turned up. “Thank you.”

I closed the gap between us and pressed a gentle kiss to her soft lips. “You’re welcome. What do you say we grab an early dinner? I know a good steak place.”

“That would be perfect. I’m starving again.” She looked down at her shorts and tank top. “I’m not exactly dressed for dinner.”

“It’s casual. I promise.” I stood and reached for Gia’s hand, pulling her to her feet. Lacing our fingers together, our arms swung between us on the walk back to my Audi.

We sat on the patio of a favorite local restaurant. Over steak and shrimp, I told her about growing up in Vegas and explained my complicated relationship with Hunter. She told me more about her family and growing up outside of Chicago. The conversation flowed naturally between us with easy laughter and familiarity. Eventually, it rolled back to our precarious situation.

Gia sipped her Diet Coke. “So, how long is Hunter gone?”

I stabbed another shrimp with my fork. “A month and I’m going to enjoy the reprieve. He’s been all up in my shit ever since my father gave me the ultimatum. My mom and dad won’t be back until just before the fundraiser.”

“You shouldn’t tell Brett we’ve been hanging out,” she said.

I cocked an eyebrow. “Hanging out?”

She shrugged a shoulder. “Let’s be honest. Neither one of us knows where this is going yet. And until we figure it out, I’d prefer no one knows.”

I understood her reasoning, but I’d shared a lot more than secrets with Brett over the years. “He won’t say anything.”

“You sure about that?”

“Positive. And he’s certainly not going to tell Hunter or my dad.”

“I’m more concerned about Penny.”

That didn’t make any sense. “I don’t understand.”

She bowed her head and giggled into her fist. “I guess he really is a vault.”

“Care to fill me in?” There was a joke there somewhere, but I was missing it.

She held up a hand and waved it as she continued to laugh. “I can’t…”

“So help me, Gianna, if you don’t tell me right now, I’ll…” I would what? There was no threat I could make I’d be willing to carry out. “Just tell me.”

“Penny and Brett went on a date last night. He took her to some fancy French place.”


Gia giggled again. “You really didn’t know?”

I shook my head. “That sneaky little bastard.”

She shrugged as she took another bite of her steak. “Anyway, if it went well, then he’d probably tell Penny about us. I trust her, but until we know what this is, we don’t need everyone knowing our business.”

“Agreed.” I felt a pang of betrayal by Brett, but then again, I hadn’t filled him in on my weekend plans either. I knew he had a thing for her, I just didn’t think he’d act on it. “Does Penny know about what happened between the three of us?”

“Hell no! I’d never tell her. She really likes him, and it would break her heart. She’s got enough confidence issues as it is. Even if it doesn’t work out with them, it’s a hard no.”

I smiled at her. “You’re a good friend. Something tells me you’re loyal to a fault.”

“I am. My circle is small, but once you’re in, I’d do about anything for you.”

“Am I in your circle?” I teased.

She waved her hand back and forth. “You’re on the fringe. It takes more than waffles and flowers to get inside the circle.”

I held up a finger. “And bacon. Bacon has got to count for something.”

“Bonus points, for sure.” She laughed. “But bacon will only take you so far.”

Although I wanted her to let me in, I understood her hesitancy. I was a dick from the first day she stepped into my office. Her walls were high, but not higher than mine. I wanted to fully trust her, but I wasn’t in any hurry to take her back to my own apartment. Trust needed to be earned and we were still getting to know each other. “What do you want to do tonight?”

Gia raised her eyebrows. “You’re not sick of me yet?”

“Not in the least. Are you sick of me?”

“Hmmm. Well, you did wake me up this morning…”

“But I brought bacon,” I pointed out.

“Very true. And you have given me the grand tour of Vegas without wearing on my nerves completely.” She stopped to take a sip and smiled at me. “I suppose I can handle a bit more time with you.”

I growled with lust. This girl had me unraveling from both ends. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d begged a woman to spend time with me. “The tour is not complete. I still have more I want to show you.” In particular, my throbbing cock inside her pussy.

“Easy, killer. I was thinking more of Netflix and chill after a hot shower.”

Now I was picturing her naked in the shower, tits pressed against the tile and ass in the air. My dick swelled even more at the idea of taking her from behind with bubbles sliding off her voluptuous curves. “I’m in for a shower.”

“Alone. I’m going to be showering alone, but you’re welcome to come by after.”

“Fine,” I huffed. “Netflix and chill it is.”

I paid for our meal and drove her back to Mystique. She hopped out without so much as a peck on the cheek. Leaning through the window, she wiggled her fingers at me. “Thank you for another great day. I’ll see you in a couple hours. Toodles.”

Her shorts-clad ass swayed and disappeared through the sliding doors, my view blocked by the eager valet moving toward my open window. “Staying, Mr. Dorsey?”

I peered around him, trying to get one more glimpse of Gia, but she was long gone. “I’ll be back.” Shifting into gear, I hightailed it to my own apartment.

She may have eluded me again, but I was a persistent motherfucker.

“What’s in the bags?” she asked while holding the door open for me.

I pushed past her and set my purchases on the small table. “Everything we need for a night in.” She tried peeking in the bags, but I pulled them away. “Patience, grasshopper.”

Gia looked adorable in casual cotton shorts and a plain black tank. Her ample breasts looked phenomenal and her legs… ugh… long and toned. Her makeup was subtle, and her hair braided down her back. I liked that she didn’t try too hard. She was as beautiful in her natural state as when she was fully done up.

“What?” she asked


“You’re staring at me.”

I shook my head. “Sorry. You should try not looking so tempting.”

Gia rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” She motioned to the table. “The bags, Casanova.”

“Right.” I pulled out a few packages of microwave popcorn, thankful this dinky room even had a microwave. “Option one.” I dumped the rest of the bag on the table, spilling out an assortment of candy. “Option two.” Moving to the other bag, I pulled out all the ingredients for sundaes—vanilla and chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, cherries, sprinkles, and whipped cream. “Option three. And to wash it all down…” I opened the last bag and set the contents on the table. “We have an assortment to select from… soda, iced tea, or wine.”

Gia picked up the bottle of wine and inspected it. “This looks fancy.”

It was four hundred dollars for the bottle and worth every penny. “It’s not fancy,” I lied.

“Hmmm.” She set the bottle back on the table. “Well, it’s not Boone’s Farm, so that’s fancy in my book.” Gia surveyed the table full of snacks. “Would you be upset if we waited a bit before digging into all this?”

“Not at all. I probably went a bit overboard.” I put the ice cream in the freezer and the wine in the fridge to chill. I was hoping a glass of wine would loosen her up, but the night was young and as much as I was ready to get her back in bed again, letting her take her time was more important. I already knew what I wanted, but it needed to be her choice.

“A bit overboard, but the sentiment is sweet.” She moved to the small couch that was barely big enough for the two of us and tapped the seat next to her. “Any requests?”

I plopped down next to her, close but not too close, tossing the throw pillow aside. “I mostly watch sports and news, so whatever you want is fine.”

Gia pulled her legs up on the couch and crossed them in front of her. The innocent action had my fingers twitching with the need to touch her creamy, smooth skin. She scrolled through the options on Netflix, but I didn’t pay a bit of attention to what was on the screen. I’d rather watch her. “There’s a new thriller trending. Want to try it?”

It’d been forever since I’d done anything as mundane as watching a movie with a woman, but for her, I’d watch paint dry if she asked me to. “A thriller sounds perfect.”

Gia held up a finger. “Hold on a minute.” She jumped up and disappeared into her bedroom, returning with a leopard-print blanket. “You wanna share it with me?”

I chuckled. There was no way this was the same woman who gave me hell in the office. The two sides of her were like completely different people and I found both of them just as appealing. “No thanks. I’m good.”

She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” Gia curled up on the couch and tossed the blanket over her legs.

I patted my chest and held out my arm. “Come here. Most comfortable seat in the house.”

She scooted the couple of inches and leaned into me, resting her head on my chest while I wrapped my arm around her. “Hmm. This is pretty cozy. Maybe we should get the snacks before starting the movie.”

“Pick your poison and I’ll get it.”

“Popcorn and wine.” She scrunched up her nose. “Is that strange?”

“Totally strange, but perfectly acceptable.” I unwrapped myself from around her and headed to the tiny kitchen. “Why don’t you go ahead and get our movie queued up?” I tossed the popcorn in the microwave for two minutes and opened the cupboard in search of something to dump it into. The kitchen was surprisingly well stocked for temporary living quarters, and I easily found a large glass bowl and two wineglasses while the corn popped. Armed with our snack and wine, I set everything on the small coffee table, pulled it closer to the couch, and reclaimed my seat. Gia curled into my side with remote in hand. “Are you ready now?”

Gia gazed up at me through long lashes. “Blanket, popcorn, wine, and you… what more could a girl ask for?” She reached for one of the glasses and took a small sip. “Wow! This is good. Really good,” she said, taking a more generous gulp.

“Nothing but the best for you.” I kissed her temple and enjoyed the warmth of having her in my arms.

“Thank you.” She pressed play and the screen came to life.

We watched in amicable silence, munching on popcorn and sipping four-hundred-dollar wine. The room dimmed as the sun set, casting Gia’s features in a warm glow from the television. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her long lashes, high cheekbones, and pouty lips.

“You’re staring at me again,” she said without looking away from the screen.

“I can’t help it. You’re too damn beautiful.”

Gia looked up at me with her ocean-blue eyes. “Yeah?” she whispered.

“Yeah. I’m gonna kiss you now.”

“Then kiss me.”

It was all the permission I needed to seize her lips with mine, trying my damnedest to be gentle when all I wanted to do was consume her. My tongue ran along the seam of her luscious lips, begging for entrance. Once she complied, it was game over. I unleashed everything I’d been holding back for the last few weeks. I wanted this woman more tonight than I did the first time we met, but instead of being a shared appetizer, I wanted her as my full five-course dinner. I’d never been so hungry in my life.

My hands skimmed her body, grazing the sides of her tits. She moaned as her fingers worked the buttons on my shirt and slipped inside. I lifted her to straddle my lap, pressing her center against the hard-on trapped inside my jeans. She felt too good.

Too soft.

Too warm.

Too tempting.

“Tell me to stop.” Instead, she lifted her arms in invitation. I slowly lifted her shirt up and off, baring her gorgeous breasts clad in a lacy black bra. “So beautiful.” With one arm around her waist and the other supporting her neck, I leaned her back and peppered kisses along her generous mounds of exposed flesh.

“Don’t stop.” Reaching behind her, she released the clasp of her bra and eased the straps down her shoulders, teasing me and testing my patience. I grabbed the lacy material with my teeth and ripped it away from her body with a growl. She giggled at my antics, thrusting her tits toward my face.

I spit the lace to the side. “Careful, sweetheart. You don’t know what you’re unleashing.”

“I have an idea and I’m not afraid.”

That was it. The approval I’d been seeking. Capturing one perfect nipple with my lips, I suckled the tip, laved it with my tongue, and pulled it deeper into my mouth. Giving her other tit the same attention, I worshipped them with all the care they deserved.

Gia ran her hands through my hair, scraping her nails along my scalp and sending tingles down my spine. She rocked her pussy against my erection, molding herself around it and making it even harder. This woman made me crazy with lust and desire. I grabbed her hips. “Stop wiggling or you’ll make me come like a fifteen-year-old.”

“Maybe that’s my intention.”

“You’re trouble.” I lightly bit her shoulder as a warning.

“Trent?” she gasped.


“Take me to bed.”

Fuck… finally!

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