What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 20

I hadn’t had a corn dog since college, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why. Being with Gia took me back to a time when life was simpler. That first year of college was the best. No one knew who I was or had any expectations of me. I was a guy living life to the fullest. A pretty girl wrapped in my arms, a beer in my hand, and the world at my fingertips.

Somewhere along the way, I forgot how to live. I’d been so focused on success and proving myself, I’d been existing instead of living. I rarely laughed, nights out were limited, and sex was functional. Don’t get me wrong, I loved sex, but I was emotionally unattached. I’d been one and done for years. After Morgan wiped me out, my faith in women went down the tubes. I swore I’d never put myself in that position again.

Which was why my visceral response to Gia threw me off-kilter. She evoked emotions I’d buried so long ago I barely recognized them anymore. She made me laugh and want more than the meager life I’d been living. For the first time in forever, I wanted more than one night.

I handed her the corn dog from the street vendor and the expression on her face over such a simple thing had me shaking my head.

“What?” she asked through a mouthful of hot dog and fried batter.

“You. That’s all.”

“Well,” she said, holding a hand over her mouth as she chewed, “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

“It’s a good thing. A very good thing. Come on.” I tugged on her hand as we walked and finished our greasy, late-night snack. “I want to show you something.”

“There’s more?” Gia tossed her empty stick and napkin into a garbage can. “I feel like I could spend weeks here and not see everything.”

I loved watching her face light up and the astonishment shining in her blue eyes. This city was home to me, but to her it was a mystical adventure. “Good thing you’ve got an expert tour guide.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my chest, pecking a kiss to her temple. The light floral scent of her perfume invaded my senses and made my head swim. I was in deep with this woman, and I’d barely scratched the surface of who she was or what we could be. That I was even thinking of a future still took my breath away. Caught me by surprise and sent me sideways.

Reaching our destination, I paid the attendant for two tickets and led Gia to the silver doors that slid open. We stepped into the elevator and Gia tentatively placed her hand on the glass wall that separated us from the city lights. I stepped behind her and pressed my hand atop hers, then kissed along the length of her neck. “Trent,” she whispered. “Someone will see…” her words were cut off by the jerk of the elevator lifting. She trembled. “I feel like we’re flying, floating in midair. It’s spectacular and terrifying.” We rose above the hustle and bustle, leaving the chaos below.

It was as if I was seeing the city for the first time, through her eyes, and it was indeed spectacular. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Gia turned her head and smiled up at me from where I towered over her. “Big promises,” she said, repeating the words she’d said our first night together.

My fingers twined with hers on the glass. “I kept my promise then and I intend to keep it now.”

Her cheeks flushed, no doubt remembering the things we did that night, same as I was doing. Something about this woman had me coming apart. Wanting things I had no business wanting. Before I had a chance to ponder it further, the car slid to a stop and the doors opened behind us. I led her out to the open-air viewing deck.

She gripped the railing and threw her head back. The wind caught the ends of her hair and tossed it around her beautiful face as she breathed in the crisp night air. “It’s gorgeous,” she gasped.

I stepped back and looked at her. Red hair blowing in the breeze. A shimmery tank draped low in the back, exposing milky-white perfection inked with pink cherry blossoms that danced across her skin. Hips Shakira would be jealous of, and long legs clad in denim. “Definitely gorgeous.”

Gia playfully slapped my shoulder. “I’m talking about the view, you goofball.”

“So am I.”

“Are you objectifying me, Mr. Dorsey?”

“Absolutely. In the very best way.” I caged her against the rail with my arms. “You ready to go home? I want some alone time with you.”

“We’ve been alone all night.” She smiled as she teased me.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Alone alone time. I don’t want to share you with ten thousand people.”

“We’re not having sex,” she reiterated the conditions from two days ago.

“I’m aware.” Although I knew her terms, my dick hadn’t gotten the memo. He was on board for a night of dirty depravity. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” It was the gentlemanly thing to say, even if I didn’t feel very gentlemanly. Sex was definitely at the forefront of my mind.

Gia turned and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Let’s go.”

We leisurely walked back to Mystique, our hands twined together as if it were the most natural thing in the world. When we approached the entrance, she stopped and swung our arms between us. “Thank you for tonight. I had a wonderful time. And yes, you are an impressive tour guide.”

She was crazy if she thought our night was ending this way. “I’ll walk you in.”

She glanced at the glass doors and back at me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I pressed a finger to her lips. “With my dad in Hawaii and Hunter in Albuquerque, we don’t have to hide.” I intended to use these few weeks to my advantage.

She bit her lip. “No sex.”

I crossed myself even though I hadn’t been to church since my communion. “Not even on my mind.” We headed to the elevator, and I pushed the button for the top floor.

Gia looked at the panel and then focused on me. “Do you live in the hotel too?”

It was then I knew I fucked up. “No.”

She pressed the six and gave me a death glare. “What’s on the top floor, Trent?”

I stood silent, not willing to give her an answer to the question that was about to end this night in a less than spectacular way.

“Does Brett live here?”


“What’s on the top floor, Trent?” she asks accusingly.

Again, I had no answer. Not one that would satisfy her. “Nothing. I pushed the wrong button is all.”

I could tell when the pieces came together. “That’s where you took me that first night. It’s your fuck pad, isn’t it?” She shook her head. “And here I thought you were actually starting to like me. But I’m just another one of your conquests.”

I cringed. “It’s not like that. I do like you. I wasn’t thinking.”

She held up a hand to stop my lame explanation. “I don’t need to hear anymore.” The elevator dinged, opening on her floor. She stepped out and held the door with one hand. “Thank you for tonight. I had a great time. I’ll see you Monday.”

“Gia…” I went to follow her, but she released the door, and it closed in my face. Fuuuuck! The elevator descended as I leaned back against the wall berating myself. After what Brett and I did, combined with Hunter’s outright propositioning, I couldn’t blame her for being upset. I stepped out into the crowded lobby as an entire bachelor party stumbled in, laughing and joking from their night out on the town. Their easy, carefree behavior made me more pissed at myself. I agreed to no sex and then disrespected her by pushing that damn button.

How could I have been so stupid?

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