What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 10

What the hell was she doing here?

It was bad enough I was tortured at work. I didn’t need her showing up in my off time too.

“Whatever you’re thinking, do not do it!”

Brett and I were tucked into a private, rounded booth with a view of the entire club, including the sassy little minx sitting at the bar. She threw her head back and laughed. My dick swelled without my permission. Clearly, he hadn’t gotten the message that Gia Romano was off-limits. My cock was still stuck on the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around him. Of her soft hair brushing against my chest. Her full tits bouncing as she rode me.

None of that mattered now. I was her boss. The line between us was blurry at best. I should have pretended I didn’t notice her sitting at the bar with her assistant, but before I knew it, I was on my feet and heading her way.

Brett grabbed my arm and turned me around. “What’s your plan?”

Plan? I didn’t have a fucking plan. I was working on pure instinct. “I’m not sure yet.”

“You’re not sure? You always have a plan.”

I brushed his hand off my arm. “Relax. I’m not going to do anything impulsive.” The lie rolled off my lips with ease. Truth be told, if Brett hadn’t stopped me, one of two things would have happened. I’d have either chewed her ass out or devoured her mouth. It was a fifty-fifty toss-up.

“You were a dick to her today. Try starting with an apology,” Brett suggested.

I mulled it over. I wasn’t just a dick today. I dragged her over the coals all week. “Fine. I’ll apologize.” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m a big boy. I don’t need an escort.”

“Oh, but you do. Your self-control is nonexistent where she’s concerned.”

I rolled my eyes. “Pleeease. Give me more credit than that. I know how to conduct myself around gorgeous women.”

“Women you’re never going to see again? Absolutely. One who works with you and seems to push all your buttons? I’m not so sure.”

Of course, he was right, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. “It’ll be completely professional. Scout’s honor.” I held up two fingers.

Brett sighed. “I know damn well you were never a Boy Scout.” He turned me by the shoulders. “Come on. I’ll be your wingman.”

I chuckled. Just like the good ol’ days, except we weren’t trying to rope some unsuspecting woman into a threesome. I loosened my tie and cracked my neck as we approached the bar.

With all our dillydallying, we lost the element of surprise. Gia already spotted us and tapped her red nails on the bar. “Well, well, well… look what the cat dragged in. And I see you’ve brought your sidekick.” She was already on fire, and I hadn’t even said hello yet.

“Ms. Romano,” I said curtly.

She rolled her eyes so hard they were liable to fall out of her head. “Cut the shit, Trent. We’re not in the office so you don’t have to pretend you respect me. Gia will be fine.” Her assistant covered a giggle behind her hand.

Although I wasn’t keen on being the butt of her antics, I supposed I deserved it. You reap what you sow, and I’d been planting the seeds of her distrust all week. “Then Gia it is.” I turned my attention to the brunette. “Hello, Penny.”

Her eyes went wide, and I was sure if she could scurry under the bar she would have. “Mr. Dorsey.”

I turned on the charm. “As Gia already pointed out, we’re not in the office. You can call me Trent.”

Brett nudged me to the side and took Gia’s hand. “We haven’t officially met. I’m Brett and despite what you may think, our meeting this morning wasn’t planned. I’m sorry if you felt ambushed.”

Her lips twisted to the side as she contemplated the awkward situation. “Apology accepted. For some reason, I believe you.” She jerked her head in my direction. “Him, not so much. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“Well,” Brett said. “Trent wanted to buy you ladies a drink for acting liking a total douchebag this week.”

My head snapped to him. “I never said that.”

“But it’s what you meant.” He nudged me.

“Is that so?” Gia asked suspiciously.

“Absolutely,” Brett answered. “Trent, why don’t you pay their tab while I escort the ladies to our table?”

What the fuck? I didn’t know exactly what I had in mind but bringing these two women back to our table definitely wasn’t it. I handed my Amex Platinum card to the pretty bartender with dreadlocks and waited impatiently for her to settle the tab. I didn’t want to leave Brett alone with Gia for too long. He was yanking my chain about going after her for himself, but what if she got sucked in by his charisma? It wasn’t a chance I was willing to take.

The bartender handed back my card with a wink. “Have fun tonight.”

How was I supposed to have fun sitting at a table with a woman who turned me the fuck on but was completely off-limits? Why couldn’t I have a normal relationship with a woman? Because you tried that once and she robbed you blind. One-night stands became my default. They were simple… no strings or expectations beyond multiple orgasms.

Gianna Romano had complicated written all over her. Why couldn’t she have gone back to Waukegan? Why couldn’t my father have hired a man? Men were significantly less complicated and easier to work with.

Back at our table, I found the women in the center of the booth with Brett sidled up next to Gia. I ground my teeth and slid in next to Penny.

Brett leaned his head on his hand. “So, tell me about your fundraiser proposal.”

I was going to kill him!

Gia hiked her thumb over her shoulder at me. “What did he tell you?”

“Nothing. He hasn’t read it yet.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Of course, he hasn’t.”

“It’s on my planner. I’m going to read it,” I defended myself.

Penny took a sip of her martini, licking the sugar off the rim. “Sure you are,” she murmured.

I never noticed before, but with her hair down and glasses gone, Penny was quite cute. Not a classic beauty, but in a quirky kind of way. She’d been working for the company for a long time, and I’d never so much as said hello to her. She faded into the background like a piece of furniture, but it seemed as if Gia was helping her come out of her shell.

“Give me the CliffsNotes version,” Brett prodded.

Gia straightened her back, pushing her tits out. The loose shirt she wore slipped off one shoulder, baring her smooth skin and a hint of the ink I knew was hidden underneath. “It’s a New Orleans-themed masquerade ball to benefit domestic abuse. A thousand dollars a plate, a Dixieland jazz band, and a silent auction.”

“Don’t forget the surf and turf,” Penny added. “We haven’t got the entire menu figured out yet, but steak and seafood definitely. Oh, and a dessert bar to die for.”

“You need crawfish and shrimp. My mouth is watering just thinking about it,” Brett said.

Penny clapped her hands together. “You know what else we need? A tarot card reader and a fortune-teller. Totally New Orleans.”

“Yes, and yes! It all goes together.” Gia leaned across Penny and glared at me. “Mystique. Mystery. Masquerade. Masks. It’ll be fun and profitable.”

“It’s a costume party,” I refuted. “We don’t do costume parties.”

Gia waved her hand at me. “That again? You’re hopeless. You wouldn’t know fun if it bit you in the ass.”

“I know what fun is.” All three of them were ganging up on me.

“Sign me up.” Brett slapped the table. “But you’re underselling it. You can easily charge five grand a plate.”

“Five grand?” Gia fanned a hand in front of her face. “No one’s going to pay that.”

“This is Vegas.” He spread his arms wide. “People have money and it’s for a worthy cause. I can hook you up with names of the A-listers.”

“Can you send them to me?” Penny asked. “I’ve already got a spreadsheet started. With your help, it’ll be the Who’s Who event of the year.” Penny slapped hands with Brett and Gia as they celebrated.

I cleared my throat and undid the top button of my shirt. I wasn’t thrilled at how friendly the three of them were acting. Brett was encroaching on my territory. How was I supposed to keep a professional relationship with Gia with all his sign me up and I can hook you up? He was a terrible wingman. “You’re forgetting one thing. I haven’t approved the event yet. Maybe you should wait for the green light before you get all crazy.”

Gia glared at me. “Riiight. Nothing happens without your approval. I heard you, loud and clear.”

“I’ll read the proposal this weekend and let you know on Monday.” I’d have to stop by the office tomorrow and pick it up. I was planning on making her sweat it out a bit longer, but now that it was three against one, I’d be a total jerk if I made her wait. She raised an eyebrow at me. “I promise.”

“All I want you to promise is to keep an open mind. And read it, don’t skim it. Penny and I worked our asses off to get that proposal finished by the end of the week as you requested.”

The brunette finished off her martini in one gulp. “And on that note, I need to use the ladies’ room. Can someone let me out?”

I slid out of the booth, so Penny could leave, then slipped back in closer to Gia. As the waitress came by, I ordered the table another round and rested my arm on the back of the booth behind Gia.

She looked between the both of us, sipping the last of her drink. “Now that Penny’s gone, let me be frank. What happened between the three of us was a first for me. It was fun, but it’s not happening again.”

Brett chuckled. “Believe it or not, this is a first for us too. Not the ménage à trois, but this.” He motioned between the three of us. “We’ve never met up with one of our… how shall I say it?”

“Conquests?” she provided.

I cringed. “That sounds so tawdry.”

“Let’s not pussyfoot around it. We had an anonymous… now, not so anonymous… threesome. I don’t regret it, but it does complicate things. I’m not a cheap whore to be played with. I came to Vegas to start a career. I don’t want to be the butt of some joke between you two. I want to be taken seriously.”

“You were never a joke to us,” Brett said. “You’re a beautiful, sophisticated woman. I won’t treat you as less.”

Seeming satisfied with his answer, she turned to me. “And what about you? Are you going to quit treating me like a pariah that crawled out of the gutter to ruin your life?”

“Pfft! I haven’t done that.”

She pursed her lips. “Well, you sure as hell haven’t rolled out the welcome wagon. You treat me like I’m stupid and not worth your time. How about you give me a chance?”

“So, you want to be friends?”

“You’ve already made it clear we’re not friends, but I don’t want to be enemies either. I want a chance to prove myself without being tripped up every day.”

What she was asking for was fair. Should have been expected even. If she’d been anyone else, I would have never been so hard on her. “We can try being friends, but I’m not giving you any preferential treatment.”

Gia crossed her arms. “I don’t want preferential treatment, just an even playing field.” The waitress returned with our drinks. Gia reached for her martini and held it up. “To new friends and starting over.”

“To new friends,” Brett chimed in.

I clinked my glass with theirs, sealing the deal. Wait! What just happened? I’d friend-zoned myself? I sighed, knowing it was for the best.

Penny returned when we were midtoast. “What’d I miss?”

Brett tapped the seat next to him. “We’re celebrating new friends. And to Trent and Gia not killing each other.”

She picked up her fresh drink and clinked it with ours. “I’ll drink to that. They’ve been at each other’s throats all week.”

“Nice,” I mumbled. The hostility between Gia and me was a living, breathing entity that hadn’t gone unnoticed. Bringing it down a few notches was in both our best interests. The problem was when I let go of the anger, lust took the reins. I fantasized about bending her over my desk and reminding her how good the sex was between us. But now I’d friend-zoned myself. Seemed no matter what I did, I was fucked.

The lights dimmed and the DJ came over the loudspeaker. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to direct your attention to the main stage for the lovely Laney!” We had an excellent view of the raised platform in the middle of the room.

Gia leaned back into the crook of my arm and whispered, “Is this a strip show?”

I winked at her and smirked. “Nothing so scandalous as that. It’s much classier. Relax and enjoy the performance.”

She bit her lip, and the club went black. Spotlights twirled around the room and converged in the center of the stage. A woman dressed in a suit stood with her back to us and “You Can Leave Your Hat On” started to play. Her arms gracefully floated out to the sides before resting on top of the black fedora that concealed her hair. She gave a little wiggle of her ass, teasing the audience with her hips. When she turned around, her face was half-hidden by the hat as she strutted to the front of the stage. Grabbing the lapels of her jacket, Laney eased it down her shoulders, then pulled it back tight to her chest. After a few sexy denials, she slid the coat down her arms and flung it to the side. It was an erotic move that elicited wolf whistles around the room.

Next, she played with the suspenders, tugging them with her thumbs and stretching the elastic. In one swift move, she pushed the suspenders and wide-legged trousers down her hips, where they fell into a heap at her feet. With a single step and flick of her leg, she effortlessly kicked the pants away.

Laney pranced around the stage in heels and stockings, letting the shirt sway around her thighs as she removed the red tie, seductively swinging it around her body and dragging it across her breasts. Half dressed, she managed to be more alluring than most strippers I’d seen who knew how to work a pole but not an audience. Laney was a trained dancer, taking her clothes off was secondary.

I glanced down at Gia. Her tongue ran along her bottom lip, and I had the urge to lick it. I let my arm dangle down until my fingers brushed the soft skin of her shoulder. She looked up at me with her big, blue eyes and blinked as her breath hitched. From this vantage point, I had a good view of her abundant cleavage, and I didn’t hide the fact that I was sneaking a peek. Her nipples hardened, pushing the thin material of her shirt into perfect points. She wiggled on the seat next to me. I knew the signs… she was turned on. From me or the naughty show, I wasn’t sure. I was guessing both. “Watch the stage, Gia.”

As if she hadn’t realized her eyes were locked on mine, she quickly adverted her gaze to Laney. The dancer slowly undid the buttons of her shirt, deliberately keeping what was underneath hidden. She teased the material off one shoulder, then the other, careful not to reveal too much. When the music hit a crescendo, she ripped open the shirt and shimmied her shoulders before letting it slide down her arms and drop to the floor.

The dancer had the entire crowd, both men and women, mesmerized. She pulled the strap of her bra, easing it down and back up. Then she wagged a finger at the audience in a nuh-uh gesture.

The guys at the next table groaned. I felt their pain. My dick was incredibly hard, but it had nothing to do with the woman on the stage and everything to do with the redheaded temptress sitting next to me. It was pure torture.

I focused back on Laney. The hat finally came off and long, dark locks spilled down her back. She whipped her hair around and ran one hand through it as she flung the fedora into the crowd. It landed in a guy’s lap and his friends cheered wildly. Laney blew him a kiss and strutted off the stage as the music ended.

“Give it up for the very lovely Laney!” The lights came up and the room filled with thunderous applause. “That’s how we do it here at The Rabbit Hole! Don’t you go anywhere. The night has just begun.” The DJ pumped dance music through the speakers, bringing back the club atmosphere.

Gia scooted away from me and leaned toward Penny. “That was amazing!” she yelled over the music.

Penny clapped her hands excitedly. “I knew you would like it. I’m so glad we came.”

“Unfortunately, I need to call it a night or I’m going to turn into a pumpkin.” Gia finished her drink and set the glass in the middle of the table.

I looked at my watch. “It’s barely nine o’clock.”

Her lips twitched to the side. “Some of us have to work tomorrow.” I looked at her blankly, and she shook her head. “The big floral convention? The event coordinator,” she tapped her chest, “needs to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

I forgot all about the convention Suzette set up before she left. Damn, where was my mind? “Of course.”

“I should get home too,” Penny said. “Fred will be wondering where the hell I’ve been all night. He gets hangry when his dinner is late.” She slid out of the booth and grabbed her purse.

“Sounds like you need a better boyfriend,” Brett said, echoing my thoughts.

The brunette blushed. “Oh, I don’t have a boyfriend. Fred is my cat.”

Brett smirked. “Good to know.” I could swear he was flirting with her, though she wasn’t his usual type.

“Do you ladies need a ride home?” I asked as I let a tipsy Gia out of the booth. I was bummed our night was ending early, even if it was irrational. I couldn’t remember the last time I had fun with a woman outside of the bedroom.

“That would be—” Penny started.

Gia grabbed her arm. “We’ll take an Uber home. Thank you for the drinks. It was nice to officially meet you, Brett.” She barely acknowledged me as she dragged her assistant away.

Penny stumbled and gave us a wave over her shoulder. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome!” Brett yelled.

I scowled at him.


“You’re not fucking her, that’s what. Penny isn’t even your type.”

He leaned back in the booth and swirled the ice in his almost empty glass. “Says who?”

“Every woman you’ve ever dated before.”

My best friend shrugged. “Maybe I’m ready for something different. She’s smart and witty. I like a woman with a brain.”

I laughed. “Since when?”

“Don’t bust my balls. Besides, you have your own love life to worry about. I’m wondering how you’re going to work with Gia and keep it platonic. You could practically feel the sexual tension rolling off the two of you.”

“I have no fucking idea.”

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