Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzy izzy

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
Alora’s POV
Today seemed to be a day for reliving horrible things, that have happened to me in the past. Unfortunately to figure out what has
happened and why, I have to relive the bad, painful, bloody memories. Not a fun adventure. It just further illuminated how fucked
up and abusive my family has been to me. ‘Will I ever be able to heal from the wounds they had all gleefully given me?’ I
wondered. 2
“How do we heal from all that has been done to us?” I ask Xena.
“I don‘t know...but maybe...? she hesitates.
“Maybe?” I prompt her.
“Maybe we could talk to Luna Ember?’ she’s still hesitant.
I could understand why she was always urging me to talk to someone, to tell them what was happening. And while I would talk
about some of it to Darien... I’ve never told him about the full extent of the horrors visited on me. I still haven’t told him about
what dad did, that one time he was drunk, shaking my head to avoid that atrocious memory. I focus on what Xena had said.
“I think....you might be right...and maybe we should talk to the Luna I finally say to her. I feel her surprise at my words, already
understanding it. “I want to heal, we‘re an Alpha now, we need to be healthy mentally.” I pause a moment. “Well as mentally
healthy as we could possibly be, considering all that‘s happened.” I say the last in a dry tone.
Xena snorts at this last comment. She says in a soft tone ‘I‘m glad you‘re
finally going to get us help.‘
I think about that for a moment, by denying myself help I had denied her help. I suddenly felt guilty, I wasn’t the only one
experiencing the abuse I suffered. She had too, that suddenly made me realize my silence hadn’t only hurt me, “I‘m so sorry
Xena, I should have spoken up when you first urged me to.” I tell her.
‘You needed to be able to accept the help too. Besides, we‘re stronger now than any other wolf here, except for Alpha Andrew.’
she says. I chuckle at the last bit. I love my wolf, she’s so special. “I promise, we‘ll talk to Luna Ember soon.” I tell her. I would
seek help, not just for me, but for Xena too. It wasn’t just me who needed to heal.

It took Darien sitting next to me, and practically pushing me to the floor from my seat, to snap my attention
back to what was going on. “Shit, we didn‘t pay attention to his fight.” I tell Xena. I struggled to keep from looking guilty as I met
his annoyed gaze, and failed miserably. “I’m sorry.” I finally say after a minute of his silent glaring
“You didn’t pay attention to any of my fight did you?!” Was his questioned accusation. Cringing, a guilty half smile on my face.
“Noooooo.....” I draw out the answer then said in a rush “But I may know who put the chains on me and Xena!” I finished brightly,
Hoping I’m forgiven for finding out something we had both wanted to know.
He suddenly jumps forward and grabs me by my upper arms. With a firm but gentle shake, he gazes intently into my eyes and
says. “Tell me everything and all will be forgiven.” I laugh. “Ok, but you have to let me go first.” I tell him. He lets go of my arms
and sits
back, then wiggles like an excited puppy before whining “Tell meeee. making me laugh more.
There were two fights before his and my second fights, so I had time to tell him everything Xena and I discussed. Telling him
what Xena told me, what the Moon Goddess had said. He’s silent for awhile looking contemplative. “I have a couple of theories
about this.” he finally tells me. “OK.” I say. “What are your theories?” I ask.
“So your mother rejected her destined mate because he was not blond haired and blue eyed, yeah?” I nod. “And because of this
she doesn’t receive the Goddess’s acknowledgment like she was going to, and was not allowed to ascend?” I nod again. “So her
first daughter, the one she rejected her destined mate for, the one that comes out as desired, is the one that will never be
GMAMO acknowledged by the Goddess?” he goes on. I nod.
“But the second daughter she is to have will have the blessing right?” he asks, another nod from me. “So at that point she’s
probably thinking, that’s fine, because she still expecting that you’ll come out blond hair and blue eyed too?” another nod. “But
the message from the Goddess was, the one most like the first Alpha.” by this point I’m feeling like a bobble head toy with all my
“When the Goddess told her this she probably was not thinking about what the First Alpha looked like, just what the first Alpha’s
accomplishments were, this meant you were going to be what brought the family to a high status permanently.” Nod. “But when
you came out with dark skin, hair and purple eyes, she was faced with the very reason she rejected her mate for, to avoid
producing a child with dark

As he continues I think I know where he’s going with this. “So she’s furious, the child with the wrong coloring is the one to be
blessed by the Goddess, she can’t accept that so she has the Witch bind your powers and your wolf, in an attempt to deny you
your destiny.” he finishes. ‘Yup he’s drawing the same conclusions.
Now I’m full of questions. But one that nagged me enough to ask out loud. “Why didn’t they have anymore children after me?”
Looking at the fight happening without really seeing it. Then Darien next to me straightens saying . “Oh! I know the answer to this
one.” He said. I look back at him, he turns to face me. “Well” I finally say impatient, this only makes him smirk at me.
“Patience is a virtue young one.” He says in a faked wise mans voice,
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teasing me further. “Spill it you.” I snap. He laughs at my expense for a moment, then sobers up. “Your mom got pregnant not
even a month after having you. She was five months along when she was in an accident taking you to a routine well pup check.”
I’m shocked, I hadn’t known this.
“They had to deliver the pup early. It was a boy, a dark skinned black hair boy. He didn’t survive, the accident had caused the
umbilical cord to detach, he suffocated in the womb.” he pauses. “Your mom’s womb never healed right from the injury, she kept
experiencing excruciating pain and heavy bleeding for months after.” he pauses again. 2
“Come to find out due to the accident, her ovaries and uterus were damaged beyond werewolf healing, and had to be removed.”
I take a moment to process this, her abuse and hatred of
me starting to make more sense now. None of what she’s done had been right though. She never should have rejected her
mate. She never should have abused me. But she did, she had hurt me again and again, over something not my fault.
I started to question how she could have been so discriminating of someone’s coloring to reject her mate. It never made sense to
me, and it still doesn’t. What made the Northmountains and a faction of the Frosts do this? They were rejecting their mates for
this, for some asinine reason! What had they wanted so badly that they have done this for ten generations now?
I didn’t have time to think about this now. I was up against Lexus now, so I get up and head to the floor. I push my questions to
the back of my head. I climb up to the platform, strip down, and once more transformed
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into our half form. The mummers start again, but not in shock now, they’re just appreciative remarks. (2)
I’m even more proud to be who I am now. Knowing my family tried to make sure I would never realize, or grow into my destiny.
Despite all they did, we still broke free, with a little help from the Goddess. Darien, the Alpha and Luna playing big parts in
helping me achieve this as well. I will be forever grateful to them, for all they’ve done for us.
At nine foot two Lexus, a reddish mostly brown wolf, was only slightly shorter then me. But that didn’t matter, he blocked the first
kick. The one that would have sent him flying out of the ring and into the stadium wall. Spinning around I lower my self in a kick
that takes his legs out from under him. He landed on his back. I follow that up with a powerful fist to the side of his head. He’s
out, another
the side of his head. He’s out, another match over far too quickly.
I transform back, dress and head to my seat, passing Darien on my way up, this round is his second fight, “Knock them out.” I
say on the way by. He laughs before commenting. “That’s what you’ve been doing.” I laugh, he’s right, I have been knocking
them out, literally.

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