Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 6

What should I say?

I crawled uncomfortably onto the bed, staring at the phone vibrating on my hand.

‘Good evening?’

‘What can I do for you?’

‘Yvaine speaking?’

At that moment I hated Ludmilla for putting me in this position. I had to remember to warn Makena about her strange friend. For a moment, I thought of turning down the call, wondering why I was so undecided about a perfect stranger.

For some mysterious reasons, probably the lack of attention from the male population.

Being the daughter of the Alpha and the twin of the future Alpha and captain of the wereball, with 4 overprotective Scottish uncles bigger than most werewolves of my age, most of the opposite sex were just too scared, intimidated or thought it wasn’t worth asking me out if they had to face the men in my family. Considering the huge amount of fish, shellfish and shrimp in the sea, according to them, they will simply move to the next girl available.

I pressed the green button to accept the call.

"Yeah?″ I blurted out.

Well done, Yvaine. Way to go. I thought sarcastically as I rubbed my hand against my tight in an attempt to get rid of my unnecessary nerves.

“So, after all, you didn’t block my number.”

The huskiest voice in the world replied. There was something about it ... I couldn’t put a finger on it.

It hypnotised me like a snake with a mouse and pulled the string in my heart. I remained completely still.

“Hello? Are you there, baby?”

The “baby” infuriated me and made me emerge from that strange bubble of fog I had fallen into. Then he chuckled, deeply and hoarsely, and I felt another wave of weirdness pass through my body.

What was that!? Had anyone put something in my drink, back at the bar?

“I guess your stupid acting ended the moment you heard me. Am I right?” The stranger mused.

His arrogance and conceit had slapped my ego and I quickly recovered from the shock as I narrowed my eyes.

“I should have known.” He sighted “But baby, I told you I don’t want to see you anymore, at least for the next couple of weeks...maybe after that, I’d give you a call, ok?”

Again, with the baby. This boy probably had a list of ‘baby’ on his phone book.

Baby 1, baby 2, baby 3 and so on. All girls, of course. Naïve and hopeless.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” I snapped indignantly as I scrunched my face in disgust. This person was the definition of rudeness with an ego larger than my packhouse.

“Yes, I heard all the impudence and no, I was about to block your number, but the bad luck wanted you to call right at that moment. So, what do you want?” Considering ending the call as it was already 3am and I had 5 hours of sleep left, I pursed my lips waiting for his answer....

A reply that never came.

Was he still there?

I smirked. Maybe he didn’t know how to answer and he felt mortified by his vulgar messages ... I checked the phone to see if he had dropped the call.

“Hello? Are you still there? So, why did you call me? I don’t want to talk to you. And I don’t know what Ludmilla saw in you. How can you talk to a girl like that? I should really talk to your mother about your manners.”

Waiting for his sarcastic (and wonderful) voice to come, my heart beat faster than I would ever admit.

But still, absolute silence from the other line.

Was he teasing me again? I checked the screen to see if the line was interrupted. But it wasn’t and I could hear his laboured breathing.

“Keep talking.” He murmured, his voice had dropped an octave. My eyes went wide as I stared at my phone. Surprise flashed in my face, quickly replaced by suspicion.

“Why do you want me to talk? I can really recommend a very good doctor. Mental health is considered a serious and recognized illness.” I bite out.

His chuckle caused an army of shivers down my spine. What was wrong with me today?!

“Stop getting your panties in a twist, little baby” The husky voice whispered, and my breath hitched for a moment. Can a normal person possess this type of voice? It should be illegal.

Then I grimaced once I sensed the teasing.

“You are so inappropriate. And don’t call me little baby!” I growled letting out my wolf a little. Somehow she was a little crazy, pacing inside my head.

I did not even know if the owner of the sexiest voice on the planet was a werewolf therefore I couldn’t make any animal sounds.

“You know you are funny. So what should I call you, bunny?” he asked with that rich baritone.

I hesitated to give my real name to a stranger. The only thing I knew about this person was that he was an arrogant chauvinist. With the huskiest voice ever. But still.

“So now I’m a rabbit?” I asked sarcastically even though I lay down on my bed more comfortably. Somehow this voice had weird calming effects on me, though it annoyed all my organs out of me.

“Not a rabbit! A bunny. Because, I imagine you cute and fluffy” He clarified, full of amusement.

“Fluffy? Please. How old are you!” I reiterated like a child, rolling my eyes.

I would never admit the way his words stir something in the deepest recess of my soul. A place I didn’t know existed.

The laugh in his voice was infectious as I felt a treacherous smile climbed on my lips.

All previous irritations erased. Or momentary forgotten.

“Ah, my bunny wants to know me better. Already asking the age.” The sexy voice hooted in mischievousness.

Before I could answer, he anticipated me.

“Don’t worry though, as I tend to have that effect on the ladies.”

A sudden grimace rose to my face as a hint of sadness spread across my chest.

What was that?!

First thing tomorrow morning: let someone check my mental functions.

“Okay, then talk to them. Bye-” I said drily, tired of this mysterious, sexy, arrogant man... or, better, voice.

I did not even dare to imagine how the owner of that voice looked like in reality....

“Wait!” He protested with a slight urgency laced in his voice. “What’s your name? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours” He offered, his tone grew deeper as he chuckled. I glanced at the screen as if a magical power could make me see his face through the phone.

“Why do you want to know it?” I retorted suspiciously as I rubbed my forehead.

“Well, otherwise how can I save you on my phone list?” The voice reasoned as a matter of fact.

Baby - Number 6?

“You won’t need to, because after this call I won’t talk to you anymore,” I muttered, exasperation crossing my face before I frowned...Because I thought I heard him... moan!?

“Damn, your voice is incredible,” he groaned bluntly, making me blush. His voice was probably the deepest and most manly I’ve ever heard, but I would never have told him.

“Yvaine” I finally gave in as I plunged deeper under my soft blankets.

The sharp inhale that came from the other line made me blush. Again.

‘Yvaine’ He repeated, his voice deepened. It had a dangerous ring, almost solemn. My stomach clenched when I heard my name being rolled out like that.

‘I love your name.’ he admitted in a way that seemed entirely honest and I flushed at his compliment. How could I blush because of a stranger I just met... not even met.

“What’s yours?” I questioned, genuinely curious and somehow I really wanted to place a name to this sexy voice as I was playing with the hem of my pijama.

“I’m not going to tell you. After all, you are a stranger” He informed me, almost distracting me as I focused on the tone of his voice. Then I realised what he had just said.

“Ok. I don’t wanna know anyway’ My comment followed by a chuckle as if he well knew I was lying .

“So how will you save me on your phone, bunny?” he ventured as I cringed.

“I wont, since I will never text you again” I declared with a small smirk, proud of my comeback. “But if I had to save it, it will probably be under Pervert or The Rudest.” I added, somehow unable to hold my tongue back.

His laugh made me throbbed weirdly.

What was happening? Maybe I was the one in need to check my mental health.

And, was he always laughing at everything, like that?

"Ivy, honestly” He chided. “It’s not so innovative and you seemed smarter than that.”

There was a challenging ring to his sexy voice that did not go unnoticed.

“Ok.” I paused .

What I wanted to ask was if he was a werewolf, force him to tell me his real name. The curiosity in me coming afloat and I had no idea why.

I wracked my brain, trying to come out with the perfect nickname, appropriate for this odd stranger.


Lame, I thought as soon as I said it.

Since when did I become like this? And why did I even care?

A genuine deep laugh came from the speaker of the phone and vibrated through all my body.

“Rudolph sounds nice, Ivy”

Regretting giving my real name to this person that was now using my nickname, I huffed loudly.

“It comes from Rudest. Because, if you haven’t noticed yet, you are super rude and inconsiderate.”

There you go, Yvaine. Your nickname was that pathetic he is laughing at you so hard. I facepalmed myself.

How can I be so weird when I deal with the opposite sex?

“I’m glad I can make you laugh, Rudolph.” I deadpanned, letting out a groan.

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