Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 29

AN/ Here you go loves!! Thanks for voting and commenting - you are the best!


I swirled around and found myself facing an unknown werewolf.

He was standing there, with a smug look on that intoxicated face. The stench of whatever he drank—or ate, as a hint of garlic on his breath made me grimace. I avoided breathing so as not to contaminate my poor lungs.

His brown hair was oily and stuck to his forehead, like after the rain - in this case a rain of sweat - and some hair products that some people used to use to increase their creepiness.

“Would you like to dance?” he asked my breasts, as her gaze was fixed to the south of my chin.

“No, thanks.”

I turned to go back to where I had left my friends, but Garlic Man missed the hint. “Oh, come on now. I can offer you a fruity pink drink! One of those that you chicks like!” The words were drawn and thick - he must have consumed a lot to be in that state, considering that wolf genes could handle large amounts of alcohol.

“I recommend a bit of mouthwash before you approach a girl...or a guy. Anyone, really.” I snapped, before smacking his hand away.

He seemed startled at my comment, as if he did not expect me to reject his ‘smelly charms’, and a frown slowly appeared on his intoxicated features.

“This kind of attitude won’t do you any good, kitty.”

Kitty? If the garlic had not already got my gastric juices out of my mouth, surely this nickname would.

Just then I noticed how sturdy and broad he was. A ‘wereball player’ type of build, and a player in real life too.

My deadly comeback was forming on my tongue... but the sudden change of demaur confused me and made me waste a well-prepared and ready-to-shoot insult.

Garlic Man paled and swallowed, staring at something behind me. Before I could process what had happened, or glance over my shoulder, or sniff the air, the world went dark.

I could not see anything anymore.

I should have known that the two callused pieces of hard flesh on my eyes were two hands. But I was too distracted. Or stunned. My brain, for the second time, became a useless gray mass of frenzied cells.

Sparks pulsed all over my face as a pair of big hands were covering my eyes. So big that one alone was the size of a pan. My breath hitched when a little voice, or perhaps my wolf, suggested who might be the owner of those two pans.

My lips parted and a tiny gasp left my mouth, before I grabbed what I assumed was one of his forearms. He gave off enough heat to keep me warm for an entire winter.

As I whirled around, my jaw dropped... too low not to be noticed. My heartbeat decided it was the right time to commit suicide and stopped beating when a pair of glowing, silver eyes collided with mine.

He was just...

Just, just.

There are probably thirty adjectives to describe beauty, without including metaphors. And I had always considered myself fairly intellectual; however, I could not pick the right adjective to describe him. None of them seemed appropriate.

From so up close, I realized how completely wrong I was about my mate. So indisputably wrong.

He was much taller than what I had first assumed. So much so that I definitely needed to buy a portable ladder online.

Secondly, his features were even more handsome and manly.

My eyes were hungry for details, for those special little features that could only be spotted at such proximity. That tiny scar that decorated his left eyebrow was jagged and thick, a few freckles were scattered here and there, a small mole decorated his chin ~ not like those of scary witches, but more like a beauty spot.

Curly blonde lashes were probably the only feminine trait he had - if you had to pick a girly feature, since the definition of masculinity was probably invented after him.

The silver-gray iris of his eyes had darkened for a moment as he raked the exposed skin of my legs, taking on the colour of angry clouds filled with rain and lightning as his gaze shifted behind me, probably toward Garlic Man.

In the end, they softened when they met mine - they cleared up, like the sky right after a storm.

A smile began to spread across his face.

And I knew that from that moment on, I would never be able to appreciate another smile again.

How could I?!

It was a slow-motion smile, which had transformed his entire face, showing a set of perfectly white teeth with canines slightly prominent. His breath smelled like mint, a relief after the previous guy.

And what did I do? I simply gawked.

Way to go, Yvaine, on our first close encounter!

What should you say to your mate when you come face to face for the very first time? There was no manual, no guide, nothing. It was supposed to flow...right?

Before my rusty vocal cords could utter a hello or a hey, my mate’s grin expanded, and my hand was grabbed.

A second later, my mate spun me in his arms.

Then he twirled me around, still holding one of my hands, before pulling me in front of him as I let out an exclamation between surprise and amusement.

As he danced like a pro, his body was close to mine, so close that the sparks had joined the party and the butterflies in my belly were drunk bitches, hungry for his touch.

I let the rhythm of music control my movements and let it swing me. The whole scene and people around had slowly dissolved. It was just us.

Uncontrollable feelings poured into me and my fingers tingled with delight at the contact with his.

With awe, I noticed how he watched my hair spin and bounce with every move and beat, or how his gaze moved to my flushed cheeks or back to my eyes.

He only had eyes for me.

Then, Logan drew me to his chest and, as if under a spell, I wrapped my arms around his neck. The sparks and heat told me that his arms had wrapped around my hips.

And just like that, we smiled at each other while dancing. Ours were small smiles. That shy type, hiding a lot more meaning than a full-blown smile.

A cascade of emotions flowed through my body as we swayed. My wolf howled with happiness in the arms of our mate.

I felt complete.

Surrounded by jumping bodies, the beat of music, cheers and shouts, his hand stroked my cheek and gently grasped my chin. His face began to draw closer until it reached its final destination.

Until he put his lips on mine.

The kiss was a mixture of sweetness, hesitation, and fireworks.

I felt those hands, that only a few minutes earlier had covered my eyes, run through my hair and then latch onto the ends and tug, to give him better access.

The kiss was pure bliss, erasing every other kiss I had ever experienced before. A hoarse groan escaped his lips as his hands glided down to cover my back. He pulled me even closer to his chest as I moaned, with my arms anchoring myself on him.

Our lips were moving in perfect sync with each other, as if we had practiced the art of kissing long enough to become our second nature.

When I sucked on his lower lip, he inhaled sharply. It prompted me to torment him again and again. Adrenaline and sparks sail through my veins.

I lost track of everything around me. The music, the people, my friends, the world.

I ended up smiling on his lips and felt him smile back as we continued to kiss softly and explore each other’s mouths. Our lips moulded perfectly, like a heart split in half and then reunited.

Too soon, he pulled his mouth away from mine, instantly making me miss the warmth and softness. I felt his breath on my forehead, but my eyes remained closed, and I remained lost in his scent, warmth, and our magic bubble.

Happiness exploded from the volcano that was my heart.

When I reopened them, Logan seemed to be thinking intently about something while those beautiful eyes looked troubled. But I was a drunk woman, intoxicated by her beautiful soul mate and possessed by my animal urges. All I could think about was the kiss and how I wanted to repeat it again. Now.

Before I could, a lock of hair fell over his forehead and distracted me from my kissing plan. I had to touch his hair, which was almost completely hidden by the black hood he was wearing.

I dragged my hands along those shoulders that would have made a professional swimmer pale and dug my fingers into his hard skin.

I pushed his shoulders down as I stood on tiptoe. Thank Goddess I listened to Makena and wore a pair of heels.

He looked at me puzzled for a second before lowering himself, his eyes following my hand as it rose while the other remained on his shoulder. When I ran my hand through his hair, I stared at it while he stared at me. Raptured.

His eyes softened and a smile pursed his lips as he let me caress his golden hair.

They were as soft and silky as they looked - I loved the texture on my skin. I tugged on it lightly and he moaned manly before capturing my lips again.

Knowing that I had that kind of effect on this beautiful specimen made me feel dizzy.

This time the kiss was frantic as his tongue pushed past my lips, but it did not last long.

My knees felt like cheap jelly as he rested his forehead against mine, breathing roughly.

His eyes wandered over every single feature of my face, as if they were committed to memory.

After that quick kiss that made me hungrier than ever, he cupped my cheeks and opened his mouth. He seemed about to say something, his brows slightly furrowed and his eyes uncertain. Even though I was dying to hear his voice, I had other priorities at the time, like kissing him for example ... so I did not let him speak, as I squeezed him and pressed my lips against his. Again.

With a low growl that didn’t sound human at all, he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me, before lifting me off the ground with ease, without interrupting our kiss - I bet people could not see me as I disappeared into his arms.

This time the kiss had turned into a primal need, as if he had had enough of waiting.

The slow, hesitant kiss from before had been replaced by this. A wave of heat flooded me and his touches became more pronounced, as if to show who I belonged to.

Our tongues tangled in the oldest duel ever known: the dance of love, as they crossed, touched, possessed. The kiss had become explosive.

He trailed the back of his fingers down my right cheek to my neck, lingering over my supposed mark spot.

His breathing laboured and nostrils flared when he gazed at me through hooded lids.

His lips brushed my chin and licked my throat, igniting my skin, little bombs exploding every time. His hot breath fanned my skin, and for a moment I thought he was going to mark me. I hoped he did.

Unconsciously, I tilted my head to the side to give him better access, to expose my neck even more, to show my consent, while my body shivered. I heard another growl, this time deeper, more wolfish, that sent tingling down my spine...



When nothing happened, my eyes fluttered open; my mind clouded with love, happiness and ecstasy.

The stupid smile on my face was still plastered there but it slowly faded as realization slapped me in the face.

Logan, The Terminator, my mate, was gone.

Disappeared just as he had appeared; the fallen angel must have returned to his dark lair.

In my dazed state, with my lips and skin still tingling, a thought lingered in my stabbed mind ...

After all, it was true that he abandoned girls.

This time it happened to be me.


Write a devil 😈if you think Logan was mean to leave like that, OR write a heart ❤️ if you enjoy the kiss!

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