We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 8

I woke everyone at 7 in the morning because I didn’t want to be only one awake after Isa leaves. I heard flying curse words here and there but I didn’t care. You kidnapped me, remember? So you suffer...

We went to Isa’s house. She told us we could stay with her aunt, eat breakfast until she gets back from college. She wanted to come with us and we agreed right away... We were starving. “Okay, you should all behave yourselves!” I said before I knocked on the door. They raised their eyes and crossed their arms. “What?” I asked but they didn’t say a thing, kept their positions and I gave up. “Fine, I will behave as well, here, happy?” I cleared in annoyance. They grinned like nincompoops and I finally knocked.

After a minute, the door opened and a beautiful lady stood there. I knew that she was Isa’s aunt not just because Isa told us she lived with her alone but her hair and eyes were exactly like Isa’s. “You must be Divana and her friends. Ismarelda sent me a text a while ago saying that you’d come over, come on in!” She said with a huge smile. If only she knew what was going on...

Now I know where Isa got parts of her personality from. Her aunt, Keri, was super fun to hang around. She made us pancakes and waffles and when we finished eating, she screamed and pulled out a water gun from under the counter. We got startled for a second but then she handed us water guns as well. “Whoever hit all of us at once wins this fight and gets these two VIP movies tickets for tonight. Let the battle begin,” and we played in the garden for hours. Isa came back to see us socked in water but with no winner so far. We were stubborn and didn’t want to back down. When Isa asked what was going on, we stopped playing and talked with her. Roy took Isa’s distraction as his chance to hit us all. He won... cheating.

“No fair!” We all yelled and attacked him. He couldn’t just win like that, we were all doing our best to win. He got the beating of his life, however, we let him take the tickets on one condition. I grabbed his ear and grinned. “If you don’t take Isa with you, I will kill you!” I whispered and he nodded without resisting because he knew that he had no other option. He loved her so much which was kind of tiring because he wouldn’t admit it. They were stubborn like two siblings fighting over the remote... make sense?

We walked to the front door to get ourselves clean before we bought the new mattresses and clothes. We looked like we just go out of the jungle, which was entertaining. “You never told me that Keri was that amazing! You are lucky to live your college days here with her, you’d never feel bored,” I countered as she handed me her clothes to wear. We were in her room while the guys were in the guest’s room wearing Isa’s dad’s old clothes.

“I know right, she is like a sister to me. But I do feel bored sometimes... when I think of our adventures back in the days, they were priceless!” She replied and I smiled, remembering the good old days. She gave me a hug and smiled back. “Now wear these while I search for sandals your size to wear. Be right back,” she said and got out of the room. I quickly wore them and sat near her window because it showed the other side of the city.

As I was looking around, I glimpsed a horrifying scene. My jaw was wide open and I didn’t dare to blink. I was frozen and I didn’t even feel Isa standing beside me, watching what I was seeing in silence. After a minute, she sighed. “That is normal around here...” She stated and I snapped my head towards her.

“How is slaughtering a man’s life is normal?” I yelled in fear. It was the first time that I felt that way because I just witnessed a man being killed by another man and she didn’t seem to be affected. “The guy with the knife is part of a mafia called Limpadores which means the cleaners. And the guy that was killed is part of a small dirty gang. The Limpadores clean Rio’s streets from these gangs, the ones that kill and rape innocent people. We actually feel safe with the Limpadores around here so we pretend we didn’t see them, in case the police asked us about them.” She explained and I relaxed for a bit. They were good guys who were willing to be bad in order to protect innocent lives.

“What the hell? A man can’t kill in broad daylight like that!” We heard Roy yell from the other room and Isa gave me the look. “I will go and explain before they lose their minds, especially Lance since he’s a cop but I can’t blame you guys, I was just like that when I first got here and my aunt explained everything,” she said and I nodded. She got out of the room and I laid on her bed, thinking about how the world was a mysterious place. I really need to get out more.

“Did you see that Diva?” Roy asked me as soon as I stepped into the living room, where everyone was sitting. I nodded and then sighed. “It was horrible but I understand now, we just need to adapt if we are staying here for God knows how long,” I stated and they agreed. After an hour of resting, we decided that it was a good time to go and shop.

Keri handed Isa her car keys with a smile. “Drive slowly and have fun!” She demanded playfully and we smiled back at her. “Bye Keri,” we said and walked to her car. Dorian, Lance and I decided to sit in the back while Roy next to Isa. We wanted them to bond more and Isa was the only one who could drive here in Rio.

“Isa... you will drive slow, right?” I asked because I knew my best friend like the palm of my hand. She was crazy and the guys didn’t know that... yet. She looked back and smirked. “Buckle up!” She spoke and I facepalmed myself. “Oh boy... guys, grab into something because shit’s about to go down!” I said and their eyes widened. We’ll end up in hell for sure.

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