We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 27

I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world, which was a rare feeling these days, considering I was basically trapped on a different continent. I got up and laughed at Dorian’s red arm. It was the comfiest pillow ever, I did not ask for it, yet he insisted, so I did not refuse his offer for comfort. We fell asleep on the sofa before the movie ended, and it felt natural. I felt bad for waking up. I wanted more sleep.

“Good morning, lovebirds! So, when is the wedding?” I heard Roy call from the kitchen, and Dorian open his eyes slowly. I stood up and stretched.

“I should have annoyed them yesterday when they were sleeping,” Dorian murmured, and I chuckled. That is Roy, the bubbly one.

“Good morning to you too, sleeping beauties. You looked cute together yesterday. For a second, I thought that you were newlywed.” As I said that, Isa slapped Roy’s shoulder.

“It backfired, idiot.” Her embarrassed expression was priceless, and Dorian and I high-fived.

“Good morning, guys,” Lance walked into the kitchen with a grinning face. Someone was greeted by a lovely lady, I supposed. I wanted to tease him as well. However, Roy interrupted my train of thoughts and spoke first.

“When are we visiting Valentina?” Roy asked as he poured milk into his bowl.

“At two in the afternoon, no?” I said, uncertain. When someone asks a question that I was sure of its answer, I get skeptical, and I have no idea why.

“Yes, she insisted on this hour since her husband’s break starts at two,” Isa confirmed, and we ate our breakfast. Hopefully, our visit does not cause trouble. I jinxed myself, didn’t I?


“Should we buy flowers before we go?” Belmira asked before we got into the cars.

“Sure, I will buy them. I just don’t know where to get them from. I assume Cidro knows since he’s from here, and he’s driving,” I replied, and Cidro nodded.

“Yes, let’s go. It’s quite near. ”

Dorian and I sat in the back of Cidro’s car, Keri next to him and Dylla next to me. Lance, Roy, Ismarelda, and Belmira were in Jino’s car. “Someone say something random, and the next person will continue the cycle.” Dylla’s clap startled me, and I sighed because there was no escaping this game until we arrive. “I will go first since this question has been on my mind since the day I was born; what came first, the egg or the chicken?”

We looked at her, and I seriously thought about her question. It was a tricky question, and I believed that there was no answer to it. “Who knows,” Cidro said. “We should go ask a chicken. Maybe it will be nice enough and just bite us in the butt; I should ask the flower lady, wait for just a second,” he added sarcastically and parked the car near the flower shop. He seemed fed up with his sister’s randomness.

I heard Dorian chuckle, but it was too subtle; you could probably miss it. Five minutes later, Cidro came back with a bouquet of flowers and let Keri hold it. “Okay, my turn to ask,” I said as soon as the car moved again. “What color is a mirror?” Silence dominated the car because no one had an answer. I didn’t. “Tough, right?”

“I never thought of that,” Keri remarked, and Cidro and Dylla nodded.

“Is transparency a color?” Dorian asked, and I shrugged. Now, his question was worth checking out as well.

“I have a question too, and it is related to the English terminology. Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? I really want to know. I have been to New York once, and taxi divers kept repeating that phrase.” Cidro asked.

I looked at Dorian and raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it because everyone is rushing home from work thus they create traffic?” I tried to answer, and Dorian nodded. “I thought that too, isn’t it?” he asked again.

“These questions are messing with my mind. Let’s stop; we are almost there. The house is just around the corner as it said on the map,” Keri exclaimed, and I looked to my left to see such a huge mansion. “Scratch the word house! Does Valentina live here?” Keri added in awe.

“Guess we are about to find out.” Cidro stopped the car right before the gate and pressed a call button. “Hola, is this Valentina and Oliver’s place?”

“This is it. Who are you, sir?” A woman asked, and I guessed that she was the maid. They ought to have maids, no?

“We came here because Valentina invited us over. My name is Divana.” I got my head out of the window and delivered my message.

“Oh yes! Welcome. I will open the gate in a second.” The woman said, and the line was cut off. Five seconds later, the gate started to open slowly.

“This feels luxurious!” I stated.

“Look who’s talking! Have you seen your home?” Dorian asked with crossed arms.

“Still, there is something about seeing others’ houses that makes you feel like you are in a dream.”

“Then I would love to visit you someday and compare the houses,” Dylla said excitedly, and I laughed.

“As you wish. Now, let’s get out of the car. I see Valentina waiting for us at the entrance,” I pointed out, and they stepped outside. “Good afternoon, Valentina. How are you feeling today?” I asked as soon as she hugged me.

“I was feeling good, but now that I see you here, I am great! It’s delightful to see the heroes again,” she stated and shook Dorian’s hand. “Are they your family?”

“They are my friends, but I consider them as my family as well.”

“Welcome everyone, you made me so happy with your arrival! Now, please come on in!” Valentina grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. The rest followed me, and I looked at Dorian to make sure that he was behind me. I did not want to be alone here. “My husband will be here any second. Would you like to drink something for now?”

“Water.” All of us replied, and Valentina smiled.

“Susan, can you bring water for everyone?” Valentina asked her maid or helper, I did not know what they called her here, and she sat beside me.

Before Valentina could chat, someone called from the entrance. “Querida, estou em casa.” A man’s voice echoed through the halls, and I felt chills run down my spine. It was probably the air conditioner.

“Oh, he’s here! Honey, my guests are here, come and say hi,” Valentina said, and a few seconds later, a man entered the living room.

My eyes widened at the sight before me. Dorian’s attention was drawn to me, and he arched his eyebrows. “No freaking way! I’m gonna pass out. Where is that water when you need it?”

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