We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 23

All of my friends sat around the bed that I was lying on and waited for me to talk. “Jino, we have a confession to make about the real reason why we are here in Brazil….”

“I am listening.”

“You don’t seem surprised,” Roy remarked.

“Well, I always got the vibe that you guys were hiding something, but I never knew what, so I am listening.” Jino’s serious expression set the mood for me to talk.

“Okay, so to put it bluntly, I am a young girl who inherited a fortune from my dead parents, and words got out to the streets that I was… well, rich, and I am not proud of it, to be honest. It is a handful, and the guys know it. Anyway, Roy discovered a plot that was being planned against me and my money, so they came up with the plan to ‘kidnap’ me away from the real danger. I learned who they were immediately, and they told me everything. Dorian, Roy, and Lance brought me here, hoping that the bad guys won’t follow us, yet they somehow did, and they teamed up with the precious No La Vida gang. I still don’t understand how they figured out that we were here!”

“I think I know how….” Lance whispered, but we heard him quite well.

“How?” came a monotonous reply from all of us.

“You told me not to tell anyone about going to Brazil, Dorian, yet I was obliged to tell someone at the police station about my whereabouts in case something bad happens, and so I don’t get suspended. Therefore, I only told my partner where I was heading and stressed that he only tells our supervisor that I had to take a medical leave for about half a year since we didn’t really know how long it will take us to ensure your safety Divana.”

“And you suspect that your partner ratted you out?” Jino asked.

“I mean, yeah! Dorian and Roy didn’t tell anyone about our location, but my stupid ass had to ruin everything. If it turns out that my partner is a dirty cop, I apologize in advance, and he will pay for it when everything gets cleared out. I promise.” Lance’s determined expression made me feel proud that these were my friends who were willing to risk their own careers and lives for me, a nobody.

I struggled to get out of the bed, but I did anyway and walked toward Lance. “If you think that we blame you in any way, then don’t because we are not since you are a nice person, Lance, and honest nonetheless. I appreciate your honesty, and if it turned out that your partner is indeed involved with these kinds of people, I will personally go to your supervisor and explain everything… though I don’t know if the word of a nobody would mean anything to a policeman.”

I gave Lance a side hug, and he smiled. “Thank you, Divana. Also, you are not a nobody; you are THE Divana. You are our Divana! Never repeat those words again, even in your head.” His demand was full of affection, and I felt indeed lucky to have them by my side.

“We agree with Lance. You mean a lot to me- us, I mean,” Dorian said with a slight blush on his face, and we laughed at his face.

I decided not to question him about what he said and smiled. “Thank you all. Now, for the plan. I thought of something, but it might be a bit cliche….”

“Let me guess, you want to be the decoy to drag the No La Vida from their nest along with the bad guys who are after your money, then they take you to their headquarters without realizing that you injected a GPS in your system, so we follow the signal and save you?” Ismarelda sort of yelled her theory, and I was flabbergasted that it was spot on. She knew me too well.

“No…” I dragged out without having eye contact with her.

“For someone smart, I wonder how you manage to be so stupid sometimes!”

“It’s not my fault that I watch too many movies and read a lot of books; my life is kind of like a fiction tale, don’t you agree?” I remarked, and Ismarelda face-palmed.

“She ain’t wrong though,” Keri added, and I gave her a high five. She understood that what I was going through could be considered full of bullshit.

“Anyone else has an idea that does not involve Divana being the bait?” Cidro’s question was met with silence. That was going to be a long night…


Two days passed, and we did not have a plan on how to defeat the enemy. We would fail as an army but pass with flying colors as individual psychopaths. The ideas everyone suggested were weird and could not be performed unless we were completely mad, such as Roy’s brilliant idea to go to the police station and file a complaint about No La Vida without realizing that the law enforcement in this district was affected by the gang itself. They were afraid of them, so they left everything to the Limpadores mafia. However, amid all this chaos, Dylla, Jino’s daughter, suggested that the mafia should spread the word that they would reward in cash if someone could provide them with datum on the gang. This plan could actually work since most gang members were greedy and could not care less about stabbing each other for money.

Jino went to talk with the mafia leader, who I was yet to meet, and explained the situation to him. He agreed to help, and the plan was set into motion. Not an hour after the reward’s condition was sent out, someone from the No La Vida gang called Cidro. He was sitting with us when he answered the phone and put it on the loudspeaker.

“Am I speaking to Cidro Paz?” A young voice asked.

“This is he. Who are you?”

“I am the newest member of the No La Vida gang, and I need the money that you promised if I give you information about anything related to them. I know that this information has not been revealed before, so I will give you the leader’s name if you are genuine about your offer. I am in desperate need of the money to save my ill sister.” The boy’s trembling voice indicated that he was honest and stuck in a pinch.

I wrote a note for Cidro to read to the boy. His eyes grew, and I nodded. “We will offer you two hundred thousand dollars. Just give us the name.”

Belmira, Dylla, and Jino’s eyes widened at my offer, and they probably thought that I was insane. My friends were not surprised because they knew that money was not a big deal for me. “Why that much? He could be happy with a thousand dollars!” Belmira asked in a low tone.

“He sounded genuine about his ill sister so a thousand dollars could barely cover the medicine, and I believe that he is a young boy who was forced by his poor conditions to be a part of the gang. I want to set him out of his misery,” I replied. “Oh, and if he was lying, I don’t really care about the money; I just need to end all of this.”

“You are a kind but a weird one, Divana.” I heard Dylla whisper, and I chuckled.

“Okay, give me your bank information. I will make sure that the money is in your account before you say the name.” Cidro’s request brought me back to their conversation, and I focused on them. As I wrote everything down, I pressed the send button and gestured for Cidro to ask. “Do you see the money?”

“Yes, thank you. Now, the name of the gang leader is Wayne Hensler.”

I froze upon hearing the name. “That’s not possible!”

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