We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 21

“She’s one of the bravest girls I have ever met, and she doesn’t know how to fight,” I heard voices near me, and I felt like I was trapped inside a beehive. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the men were still walking down a dirt road. Everything was still blurry, and I did not have the brainpower to speak.

“She is, indeed. Also, she’s smart. Without her, we would still be searching for a way out.” Keyton, who was carrying me, added. I smiled. The thinking was my way out of the unprecedented.

I decided it was the right moment to reply. “Thank you, but you ended up saving me. Look, I can’t even move my legs yet.”

" Não, it’s all you. Be proud of yourself because we are proud of you!” Delmo said, and I nodded in defeat. “We are almost at Jino’s house. Hang on, we will let someone check your head injury.”

I arched my eyebrows and winced. “Head injury? Like, can you see blood?” I asked in horror. I do not like the sight of my blood, so imagine what I feel every month!

“Only from the back, we wrapped a sleeve around your head. Can’t you feel it?” Faron asked as I looked at his ripped sleeve.

“Oddly… no. I should be worried, right? It’s numb, and I am afraid to touch the back.”

“We should hurry.” I heard one of the men say, and Keyton started running while carrying me. He was still careful not to shake me. As I tried to touch my head, a strike of pain ran through my forehead, and I winced. How badly did the kidnapper hit me?

“I see Jino’s backyard; I will beat you there so they can call for help.” As Delmo said so, I blinked, and he was far away. He was super-fast, and I was losing consciousness again.

“Guys, let Keri treat me. Don’t take me to the hospital…” I managed to say before passing out.



I hated this fucking life. Everyone I met ended up either dead or in trouble, and my heart has taken enough of this bullshit. Just when I was starting to get closer to Divana, she got kidnapped. I was losing my mind, bits by bits, and I was beginning to think that living alone in a faraway place was the best option for not feeling any pain or sorrow. I needed to find her. Still, I did not know the area or anyone besides Jino, Keri, and Ismarelda. Even Isa was not from here.

“Here’s a cup of water. You look tense!” Belmira’s soft voice brought me back to their living room, which was full of members of the mafia. I took the cup from her hand and sighed.

“I am, there’s nothing that I can do to help find her, and I feel useless!”

Dylla shook her head with a sad smile. “The fact that you are here, on the verge of tears, is worth everything. Your emotional support will help us find her. Trust me.”

“I agree with Dylla. Dorian, stay positive. We will find my best friend; I just feel it!” Ismarelda patted my shoulder, and I nodded.

“Thank you, I wil-” as I was about to vent out my feelings, the door was swung open. We stood up, alarmed, and saw one of Jino’s friends, whom I believe was Delmo.

“We got Divana. She needs medical attention right now. Is Keri here? She asked for her,” he asked, out of breath, and I ran to his side. Keri rolled up the sleeves and tied her hair.

“Where?” I asked.

“Behind the house, at the beginning of the dirt road. I need to sit…” I did not wait for him to finish his sentence since her face was the only thing on my mind. I dashed out of the door with my heart bumping like it was about to burst. Keri and the rest following suit behind me.

“Divana!” I called as I saw a group of men, and she was in the arms of Keyton, in the center. “Let me hold her, please!” My tears were cascading down my cheeks out of relief.

“Just be careful; the back of her head is bleeding again.” One of them said, and I nodded.

I wiped my eyes and held her gently. The blood covered her shirt; therefore, I hurried back inside as Keri kept the pressure on the back of her head. Belmira and Dylla prepared a hard mattress on the floor with the first aid kit, and I placed Divana on her side so that her head was not pressed against the bed.

“Okay, you need to hand me whatever I tell you.” Keri sanitized the tools and started checking her wound.

“Isa, you take over. I need to talk with the men.” She nodded and replaced me. It was hard for me to leave Diva, but I needed to get the information that would get us closer to save her forever. “Delmo, can you follow me outside and tell me what happened?”

“Of course,” he replied. Roy, Lance, Jino, and Cidro followed us as well. “First of all, them kidnapping her was planned because they told us, oh and we were kidnapped too by the way, that they will bring a girl to, I don’t know how to say it bluntly, but…to ruin her innocence in front of us, you know how…”

My ears turned ice cold, and I held my breath. “What?!”

“Those bastards!” Jino cursed, and the guys were furious.

“Did they…?” I was afraid to finish my question because the answer was ten times more terrifying.

“God, no! She was brave enough to fight the guy who intended to do the inexcusable while we were in cells, watching without the ability to assist. He was the one who left her with the head injury and the bruises. However, she managed to slide the keys towards us, and we got him off her. We wanted to kill him, but she was our priority. We needed to get her to safety, and she was the one who got us out of the old factory. She remembered the way while blindfolded. She’s clever, brave, and kind-hearted. I know that she will be fine. She is strong-willed.”

“Thank God!” Lance stated.

“Do you know who they were?” Roy asked, and I kept on listening while forming a plan. They were not getting away with it.

“No La Vida gang, as per usual. However, they seemed to know Divana, which was odd. We should ask her when she wakes up.” Delmo said.

My rage was growing with each passing second, and I needed to scream. Why her? She never hurt a fly, and from what I gathered, she was always broken. How is that fair?

“She’s awake.”

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